It’s Tuesday, September 9th, 2014…but before begin, a quick question for anyone who believes advocates of illegal immigration are actually angered by The Dear Misleader postponing his next round of unconstitutional executive orders until after the November elections: what have you been smoking?!?

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, in the “The Answer Is As Obvious As The Ears On The Obamao’s Head” segment, Bill Meisen forwarded the following from Liberal Logic 101:

Mysterious Respiratory Virus Hits Midwest Following Massive Influx of Illegals…Government “Stumped” as to the Cause



Viruses don’t tend to respect borders,” ABC News Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser said. “It is only 10 states now, but it’s going to be across the country. So if your state doesn’t have it now, watch for it, it’s coming.”

The government’s stumped alright; about as stumped as the IRS is about how all these computer hard drives…

Surprise: IRS ‘Loses’ Emails of Five More Employees Connected to Targeting Investigation



…mysteriously continue to crash.

As for viruses tending to ignore borders, of course they do; particularly when said borders are, for all tense and purposes, wide open


…with, quite literally, no controls or checks whatsoever…not to mention unsupervised air transport from the port of illegal entry to any destination in the country.

As Harry Callahan so accurately observed in The Enforcer, “That’s some price to pay for bein’ stylish!”  But one thing’s for certain: when the balloon goes up, it won’t be The Obamao’s kids lying in a hospital fighting to breath.

So, is there anything…or anyone…this President and his fellow travelers won’t sacrifice in pursuit of perpetual power and their Progressive utopia?  The answer, of course, is an emphatic…



In a related item, Victor Davis Hanson details the destruction The Anointed One has wrought in the furtherance of what is quite obviously his goal:

The New World Disorder

To Obama, the retrenchment of the West was not only inevitable but to be welcomed.



“In just the last five or six years the world has been fundamentally transformed. Instead of the old accustomed Western-inspired postwar global order, crafted and ensured by the United States and its European and Japanese partners, there is now mostly chaos, from Ukraine to Syria to the South China Sea. Or, rather, there may be emerging new rules, given that we are still frozen in a Wild West moment, when everyone in the saloon has drawn his six-shooter, paused, and is wondering what happened to the sheriff — and wondering, too, who will be the first to dare start shooting.

The general cause of the unrest is that, fairly or not, the world senses that the United States is tired after its recent interventions, cutting back its defenses, and all but financially insolvent. We might scoff at Neanderthal notions like a loss of deterrence inviting aggression, but Neanderthals do not


Which begs  another question also posed by the great VDH:

Are the Orcs Winning?



“…Tolkien’s literary purpose with orcs was not to explore the many shades of evil or the struggle within oneself to avoid the dark side; he did that well enough in dozens of once good but weak characters who went bad such as the turncoat Saruman the wizard, his sidekick Wormtongue, a few of the hobbits who had ruined the Shire, and, best of all, the multifaceted Gollum. Orcs, on the other hand, are unredeemable. Orcs, goblins, and trolls exist as the tools of the even more sinister in proud towers to destroy civilization, and know nothing other than killing and destruction. Their reward is to feed on the crumbs of what they have ruined.

In the 21st century we are often lectured that such simplistic, one-dimensional evil is long gone. A ubiquitous civilization has so permeated the globe that even the worst sorts must absorb some mitigating popular culture from the Internet, Twitter, and Facebook, as if the sheer speed of transmitting thoughts ensures their moral improvement.

Even where democracy is absent, the “world community” and a “global consciousness” are such that billions supposedly won’t let Attila, Tamerlane, and Genghis Khan reappear in our postmodern lives. To deal with a Major Hasan, Americans cannot cite his environment as the cause, at least not poverty, racism, religious bigotry, nativism, xenophobia, or any of the more popular –isms and-ologies in our politically correct tool box that we customarily use to excuse and contextualize evil behavior. So exasperated, we shrug and call his murdering “workplace violence” — an apparent understandable psychological condition attributable to the boredom and monotony of the bleak, postmodern office…

Not “we“, “he“:

Barack Obama

Though if they ever do win, their victory will only have been possible with the help they received…

Mosque Attended By Boston Marathon Bombers Associated With ISIS


…from the Offal Office…

1 golfing-while-the-world-burns

…via either active aid, criminal negligence…or a combination thereof; we report, you decide.

Since we’re on the subject of the worst President in American history, the WSJ‘s Bret Stephens wonders…

What Does Vladimir Putin Want?

Not money, power, territory or revenge. The Russian strongman is after bigger game.



“…Suppose Mr. Putin is also living his life as a novel. How would he write the next chapter?

Here’s a guess: Not by quivering in fear that a fresh round of sanctions is going to spark the third Russian Revolution, or that NATO is going to stop him from another advance into Ukraine or some other tempting neighbor. There’s a reason men who are on a roll never take a break: udentes fortuna iuvat. Fortune favors the daring.

Right now, fortune for Mr. Putin comes, first, in the shape of Barack Obama. The Russian was bound to see the American president as the classic self-infatuated liberal, half as clever and twice as weak as he imagines himself to be. As a former KGB agent working in East Germany, Mr. Putin would have had training, and perhaps experience, in reducing these types to human rubble.

Nothing Mr. Obama has done since coming to office can have dissuaded Mr. Putin from that impression. The U.S. president isn’t an impediment to Mr. Putin’s ambitions. He’s an opportunity. When else will Mr. Putin have an American adversary who thinks that foreign policy is a global popularity contest, and that it’s OK for Russia to gain ground, territorially speaking, so long as the U.S. retains ground, morally speaking? Could anything be better?



yeah…at least from Putin’s perspective!!!

Finally, on the Lighter Side…

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We’re taking the rest of the week off for a little fun in the sun at the greatest golf club on the continent.  So until next week, keep the faith!

