It’s Wednesday, January 14th, 2015…and frankly, like Lili von Schtupp, we’re…

So now, without sacrificing quality for quantity, here’s a somewhat abbreviated version of The Gouge!

First up, a farce which has gone on far too long…six years too long:

Through Playing or Playing Through Sm

Hells bells!!!  Forget for the moment Eric Holder, who miraculously managed to make it to Ferguson, was already in Paris; as we noted on Monday, having just returned from a three-week vacation in Hawaii, Obama was in the White House watching football!!!

We share the view of both this anonymous protestor…


…and CNN‘s Jake Tapper…


…when we note we’re not only absolutely appalled, but utterly and abjectly ashamed; not of our country, but our President…and the idiots who elected him.

Oh,…and let’s not leave out Tom Coburn, The Dear Misleader’s newest, bestest buddy.  Yes, former-Senator Coburn, the election of Barack Hussein Obama DOES say “something about us nationally”; it says…

darth and barack

…a significant segment of American voters are idiots…as are you.

In a related item, Thomas Sowell details B. Hussein’s…

New Year’s Irresolution



“Especially those who never earned a dime from an honest day’s labor in their lives…like Michelle and ME!”

“…there is a remarkable consistency between Obama’s domestic policies and his foreign policies on both economic and military matters. It was a sign of this consistency that he was proposing to have the taxpayers pay for free community college education while everyone else was focused on the terror attacks in Paris.

Barack Obama’s vision of the world, both at home and abroad, is one in which some people and nations are undeservedly far better off than others in many ways. In the Obama view of the world, those who are undeservedly thriving (“You didn’t build that!”) are to be forced to pay for benefits to those who are not thriving, whether the latter are people on welfare, community college students or immigrants from poorer nations, who are to be let into the United States to take a share of Americans’ prosperity.

On the international stage, it is the same principle, where the problem is seen as Western nations being undeservedly better off than other nations, both economically and in terms of greater military power. Here too, Obama is for redistribution, even at the expense of his own country — if someone with such a “citizen of the world” viewpoint really thinks of America as his country, rather than a staging area for his world-changing, ideologically-driven crusades.

With all due respect to Thomas Sowell, which in our case is quite literally immeasurable, we strongly doubt America is The Obamao’s country…or ever has been.

Next up, courtesy of PJ Media, the great Victor Davis Hanson offers his observations on Progressives’ purposeful course towards…

Multicultural Suicide



“…It is a deductive ideology that starts with a premise of Western fault and then makes evidence fit the paradigm. It is ironic that only Western culture is self-critical and since antiquity far more interested than other civilizations in empirically investigating the culture of the other.  It is no accident that Europeans and Americans take on their own racism, sexism, and tribalism in a way that is not true of China, Nigeria or Mexico. Parody, satire, and caricature are not Chinese, African, or Arab words.

A multicultural approach to the conquest of Mexico usually does not investigate the tragedy of the collision between 16th-century imperial Spain and the Aztec Empire. More often it renders the conquest as melodrama between a mostly noble indigenous people slaughtered by a mostly toxic European Christian culture, acting true to its imperialistic and colonialist traditions and values.

In other words, there is little attention given to Aztec imperialism, colonialism, slavery, human sacrifice, and cannibalism, but rather a great deal of emphasis on Aztec sophisticated time-reckoning, monumental building skills, and social stratification. To explain the miraculous defeat of the huge Mexican empire by a few rag-tag, greedy conquistadors, discussion would not entail the innate savagery of the Aztecs that drove neighboring indigenous tribes to ally themselves with Cortés. Much less would multiculturalism dare ask why the Aztecs did not deploy an expeditionary force to Barcelona, or outfit their soldiers with metal breastplates, harquebuses, and steel swords, or at least equip their defenders with artillery, crossbows, and mines.

For the multiculturalist, the sins of the non-West are mostly ignored or attributed to Western influence, while those of the West are peculiar to Western civilization…”

In other words, the “science” of multiculturalism is about as factually accurate as the “religion” of anthropogenic global warming.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to the latest installment of the Environmental Moment, brought to us today by the Daily Mail, where we learn the Climate-scammers latest attempt to explain flat-lining global temperatures involves embracing the impact of a natural phenomenon they once dismissed as utterly inconsequential:

Volcanoes ARE cooling Earth: Aerosols from small eruptions have reduced global temperatures and tropical rainfall



“…Since 1998, the warmest year on record, the steep increase in global temperatures seen during the 1990s has levelled off, failing to match computer model predictions for climate change. This pause, or hiatus, has been blamed on weak solar activity and increased uptake of heat by the world’s oceans.

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year concluded that the deep oceans had been responsible for absorbing an increasing amount of heat, but warned that this could not continue indefinitely.

However, in a paper published in November last year, atmospheric scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that small volcanic eruptions in the early 21st century, which had been largely overlooked, were responsible for up to a third of the hiatus in warming…”

And when THAT explanation no longer supports their pre-conceived results, they’ll come up with another one! 

Which, as the WSJ reports, isn’t unlike the mind-set of those supporting…

Romney Recycled

Mitt would have to explain why he’d be a better candidate now.



If Mitt Romney is the answer, what is the question? We can think of a few worthy possibilities, though one that doesn’t come immediately to mind is who would be the best Republican presidential nominee in 2016…”

On the Lighter Side…


Finally, Jim Crilley presents incontrovertible evidence of yet another White police officer beating a Black man:

NYPD Officer beating a unarmed black person in broad daylight; here we go again

Until next time…

