It’s Friday, January 30th, 2015…but before we begin, a brief personal note followed by one quick question.

First, we’ll be heading down to sunny Puebla, Mexico on Saturday for a week-long mission trip assisting a local church with the construction of the 2nd floor of their sanctuary building.  And although we’ll have access to the internet, time and a likely level of fatigue will probably preclude our publishing.  We’ll return a week from Monday…

Now, for the question: did no one ever teach this incredible boor any manners?!?


Barack Obama, Yoshihiko Noda

Barry, you boob; chew all you want in your limo.  But if you’re bound and determined to continue embarrassing the country by gnawing on Nicorette during official ceremonies, at least cover your mouth with a tissue or some other taxpayer-funded implement when you finally decide decorum dictates discarding it.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of Bill Meisen and, here’s a real shocker!

Taliban Leader Obama Swapped For Alleged Deserter Bergdahl Suspected of Going Back to Fight



“According to an exclusive obtained by CNN, one of the five Taliban commanders President Obama swapped for alleged Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl last year has attempted to reengage in “militant activity”…”

But as with most clouds, this one too has a silver lining; The Dear Misleader’s misstep has Hillary on record suggesting all is well with the swap:

Which provides a ready-made campaign ad for any prospective Republican presidential candidate willing to actually go after their Dimocratic opponent…which leaves out Mitt Romney or John McCain.

And as the Washington Examiner‘s Noemie Emery details, certain elements of the MSM are, albeit belatedly, acting like rats finally realizing their dream boat has sprung a fatal leak:

Liberation theology



“It was May 2013 when President Obama first talked about his wish to “go Bulworth.” The reference is to a 1998 film in which a compromised senator, having arranged to have himself killed so that his daughter could collect his insurance, is free for the first time in his sad, shabby lifespan to speak his unfettered and luminous mind. The time came for Obama late in 2014, when having lost all he could — both houses of Congress and many state governments — he had no more to lose by losing his bearings and getting lost in a world all his own.

The first sign that he gave of being unmoored from reality was his insistence that the votes that counted in the midterm elections were those not in fact cast by the people who refrained from voting. He seemed to believe they were all in his corner and that their silence spoke volumes on his and his party’s behalf. He started to swagger on the theory that if he acted like a winner, people would think that he had won and treat him accordingly.

…“There’s a real world out there he didn’t really talk about,” said Christopher Matthews. “His projection of success … is not close to reality,” said Andrea Mitchell. When the choir rebels, you know you’re in trouble.

It sounds like the president was outlining a world that he wishes we were all living in, but which is very different than the world you described,” Richard Engel informed NBC’s Brian Williams. “So there was a general tone, maybe even suspended disbelief, I think, when he started talking about foreign policy. There’s not a lot of success stories to be talking about in foreign policy right now.”

But nevermind. If the facts don’t exist, Obama will make up some facts he likes better and even invent some supporters who’ll think that they’re real…”

FYI, Hitler still had the support of a substantial portion of the German people right up until the moment he blew his brains out.  Here’s to history repeating itself.

In a related item, the WSJ‘s Dan Henninger perfectly describes The Obamao: a boy who never grew up…and thus has never experienced life in the real world:

Obama’s Peter Pan Economics

Other than the president, perfect fairness is an obsession mainly among children.



“…parents, ever since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, have felt obliged to instruct their children on the reality. Life isn’t going to be “fair.” And the path into the future requires more than envy, tantrums and grabbing what belongs to others.

Cradle-to-grave fairness may be infantile, but the idea lives on, especially in politics and most of all in Mr. Obama’s mind.

He says middle-class economics means “two years of free community college, so we can keep earning higher wages down the road.” How can community college be “free” for everyone? This isn’t middle-class economics. It’s Peter Pan economics. In the story of the boy who never grows up, Peter tells the Darling children they can fly if they “think lovely thoughts.”…”

Since we’re on the subject of Peter Pan economics, we present a case in point, courtesy of Keith Koffler and White House Dossier:

White House Suggests Combating Deficit with More Spending



“…the deficit is set to start rising again in just a couple of years, to heights rivaling the levels of the last recession. And that’s all assuming we don’t have another recession.

The White House acknowledges this, and suggests a fix:

CBO’s longer-term budget and economic projections confirm the need for Congress to act to strengthen our economy for the middle class while putting our debt and deficits on a sustainable trajectory, including by making the investments that will accelerate economic growth and generate good new jobs for our workers to fill.

Investments. Get the joke? Investments are what liberals call spending. That will cure the deficitAnd so I’m headed out right now to Dairy Queen to work on my diet.

They’re total incomprehension born of utter lack of experience is exemplified in the following, courtesy again of the WSJ:

Obama’s 529 Surrender

But the middle-class should realize they’re where the money is.



“Well, that must have polled badly. The White House on Tuesday dropped its proposal to tax 529 education savings accounts, a week after President Obama floated the idea in the State of Union. This is a cut-their-losses move, but we wish the idea had rotted in the sun for a few more months. It would have been instructive to the same middle-class taxpayers Mr. Obama claims to serve. 

It’s a shame there won’t be a vote, because the 529 tax increase is a rare example of the President’s policy sincerity. Liberals sooner or later must raise taxes on the middle class because taxing the rich alone can’t possibly finance all of the Democratic Party’s entitlement schemes. The middle class is where the real money is. So while taxing 529s may die for now, it’s only a matter of time before liberals are back with a carbon tax or value-added tax or something. That’s the real meaning of “middle-class economics.””

To wit, Bill Whittle’s classic Eat the Rich:

As the largely misguided citizens of Maine might say, “Ya CAHN’T git thar frum heyah!” Particularly…

As of March 2014, close to ten percent of 529 accounts are owned by households with income below $50,000, over 70 percent are owned by households with income below $150,000, and almost 95 percent of 529 accounts are in households with income below$250,000.”

Speaking of abject surrender, as the WaPo reports…

Two weeks after Zuckerberg said ‘je suis Charlie,’ Facebook begins censoring images of prophet Muhammad



Only two weeks after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg released a strongly worded #JeSuisCharlie statement on the importance of free speech, Facebook has agreed to censor images of the prophet Muhammad in Turkeyincluding the very type of image that precipitated the Charlie Hebdo attack.

It’s an illustration, perhaps, of how extremely complicated and nuanced issues of online speech really are. It’s also conclusive proof of what many tech critics said of Zuckerberg’s free-speech declaration at the time: Sweeping promises are all well and good, but Facebook’s record doesn’t entirely back it up…”

No, the concept of online free speech…or free speech anywhere else on earth…isn’t nuanced; it’s actually quite simple…as is the concept of cowardice.

Mark, relax; all this means is, like Tom Steyer, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Diane Feinstein, Nancy the Red and the rest of the Dimocratic elite, you’re an uber-rich, hypocritical douchebag!

Next up, as James Taranto notes at Best of the Web, submitted for your approval…




From a CNN commentary by Theresa Brown:

Journalist Steven Brill has written a new book about our dysfunctional system of health care and it’s getting a lot of attention. In “America’s Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System,” he describes the various struggles to implement the Affordable Care Act and dissects the ongoing opposition to the bill.

As a nurse, I’ve always supported the ACA as a way for more Americans to get needed health care. But many people, including many nurses, view Obamacare as a government intrusion into individual lives. I can see their point of view, but I believe it’s mistaken. The ACA does not allow government to interfere in our lives; it compels government to keep us as safe and healthy as possible.

That last sentence is a masterpiece of doublespeak. How in the world is it possible for the government to “keep us . . . safe and healthy” without interfering in our lives?

Welcome to 1984!!!

On the Lighter Side…

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Finally, we’ll call it a month with one more installment of Thomas Sowell’s priceless…

Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene



Who says President Obama doesn’t promote bipartisanship? His complicity in Iran’s moving toward nuclear bombs has alarmed some top Senate Democrats enough to get them to join Republicans in opposition to the Obama administration’s potentially suicidal foreign policy.

Before the current measles outbreak, measles was once almost wiped out in the United States. But an article in a medical journal more than a decade ago had many parents afraid to have their children vaccinated, for fear that the vaccine causes autism. After scientific studies refuted that claim, the medical journal repudiated the article, and the doctor who wrote it had his license revoked(Yet Educated Idiots continue to consume the poison he prescribed.)

If not a single policeman killed a single black individual anywhere in the United States for this entire year, that would not reduce the number of black homicide victims by one percent. When the mobs of protesters declare “Black lives matter,” does that mean ALL black lives matter — or only the less than one percent of black lives lost in conflicts with police?

In politics, never assume that because something is insane, it will not be done. The Holocaust was as insane as it was a moral horror. But it was done. Even after the tide of war turned against Germany and it faced invasion and devastation, Hitler continued to pour scarce resources into the mass killing of people who were no threat.

When someone tries to lay a guilt trip on you for being successful, remember that your guilt is some politician’s license to take what you worked for and give it to someone else who is more likely to vote for the politician who plays Santa Claus with your money.

So long as public schools are treated as places that exist to provide guaranteed jobs to members of the teachers’ unions, do not be surprised to see American students continuing to score lower on international tests than students in countries that spend a lot less per pupil than we do.

Would you go to a funeral if you knew that your presence would be unwelcome and would just add to the pain of the mourners? Probably not. But New York’s mayor Bill de Blasio went to both funerals for the two New York City policemen recently murdered — and gave speeches. That epitomized what a truly despicable human being he is, even by the low standards of politicians.

Demographic “diversity” is a notion often defended with fervor but seldom with facts.

Few things are more irritating, or more phony, than statements from various organizations about their “privacy policy.” What that really means is their invasion of privacy policies — how much information about you that your bank, hospital or Internet service is going to pass on to other people without your permission.

Somewhere Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes says that the purpose of an education should be to produce a mind that cannot be humbugged. But today our educational system, from kindergarten to the universities, is engaged in the mass production of fashionable humbug — propaganda rather than education.

Some people see discrimination when schools punish black students more often than white students. But schools punish white students more often than Asian students. Lenders turn down black applicants for loans more often than white applicants — but they turn down whites more often than Asians. Most statistics on such things omit Asians, rather than spoil a politically correct story.

President Obama may have gained something politically or ideologically by recognizing Cuba, but just what did the United States gain? Like so much that has been done by this administration, the diplomatic recognition of Cuba demonstrates how safe it is to be our enemy, while our policies toward Ukraine and Israel demonstrate how risky it is to be our ally.

Despite radical feminist organizations’ frequent bursts of outrage, these same radical feminists’ response to the mass capture of school girls by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria, and turning those girls into sex slaves, has been strangely muted. Is this because there is no political mileage or lawsuit settlements to be achieved by expressing outrage at such unconscionable raw savagery in Nigeria?

We’re with Jake…

…provided you substitute “Liberal Democrats” for “Illinois Nazis”!

Hasta mañana, amigo!

