It’s Wednesday, March 4th, 2015…but before we begin, a picture truly worth a thousand words… and about $10 trillion in debt…to date:


Note the unknown author said “A Hillary Clinton war story“, NOT Hillary Clinton.

Which brings up another point: assume for the moment…


…you’re Bibi Netanyahu, and your country’s survival quite literally depends on whether the Iranians are able to successfully develop nuclear weapons; are you going to wait around for these

Flying Blind Sm

…amateurish appeasing iceholes to negotiate an effective solution?!?

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, the WSJ‘s Bret Stephens highlights the problems The Obamao’s created for both…

Israel and the Democrats

Chuck Schumer and other liberal fence-sitters will have their reputations stained forever if they let this Iran deal pass.



“…the GOP is now the engine, the Democrats at best a wheel, in U.S. support for Israel. The Obama administration is the kill switch. Over the weekend, a defensive White House put out a statement noting the various ways it has supported Israel. It highlighted the 1985 U.S.-Israel free-trade agreement and a military assistance package concluded in 2007. When Barack Obama must cite the accomplishments of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as evidence of his pro-Israel bona fides, you know there is a problem.

…In March 2012, Mr. Obama insisted “my policy is not containment, my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon.” He has said as much on some 20 other occasions. But the deal being contemplated now, with a sunset provision that will ultimately give Iran the right to enrich in whatever quantities and to whatever levels it wants, is neither prevention nor containment.

It’s facilitation.

All of this is dreadful policy for Washington. But it is a sellout of Jerusalem, one that can’t be rectified by some additional military funding or the usual token measures by which Democrats atavistically affirm their support for Israel. Chuck Schumer and other liberal fence-sitters will have their reputations and consciences stained forever if they let this one pass.

As for Israel, at least it will be able to say that it gave fair warning to the Democrats of the historic betrayal in which they are being asked by the president to participate. In the end, everyone is accountable to history. At moments like this, it’s better to be on the side of the brave.

Which is why all the Dimocrats are on the other side!

At least Liberals and their Dear Misleader can clearly claim one victory in their fight for the Middle Class; as CNSNews reports the…

Electricity Price Index Hit Record—Again–in January



In contrast to the steep decline in the gasoline price index over the past year (which led to a decline in the overall Consumer Price Index), the seasonally adjusted electricity price index hit an all-time high in January, according to data released last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In January, the seasonally adjusted price index for electricity was 212.290. That was up from 210.489 in December, which was the record up until then. Before that, the high had been the 209.341 recorded in March of last year.

The annual electricity price index set a record in 2014 of 208.020 up from 200.750 in 2013.


Yet another singular achievement you can add to the list of accomplishments for which The Obamao and his acolytes…


…deserve all the credit; Iran, Al Queda and ISIS may be kicking their ass, but they’re winning the War on Coal.

And here’s more good economic news:

Target to cut jobs as part of $2B cost-savings plan




Speaking of The Left’s ongoing efforts to “benefit” America’s working class, The Washington Times informs us the…

IRS defends paying refunds to illegals who never filed taxes



“The IRS is defending its decision to let illegal immigrants claim up to three years’ refunds on income even if they never paid income taxes, telling Congress in a new letter last week that agency lawyers have concluded getting a Social Security number triggers the ability to go back and ask for previous refunds.

President Obama’s new deportation amnesty could grant Social Security numbers to as many as 4 million illegal immigrants, making many of them eligible for tax refunds under the Earned Income Tax Credit even for years when they cheated on their taxes, working off the books and refusing to file tax returns.

“Section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code requires an SSN on the return, but a taxpayer claiming the EITC is not required to have an SSN before the close of the year for which the EITC is claimed,” IRS Commissioner John Koskinen wrote in his letter to Sen. Charles E. Grassley on Wednesday.”

Keep in mind, these are the same lawyers who determined they could rewrite…er,…reinterpret the state exchange provision of The Unaffordable Care Act.  Yeah…


And we’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn we’re willing to sell you.  What’s next; Lois Lerner’s emails weren’t found because a blind guy was looking for them?!?


The Blind Leading The Find: Lois Lerner’s Hard Drive Was Searched By Legally Blind IRS Employee



Hells Bells!  Much more of this and the only places Barry’s going to enjoy any support will be San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Manhattan, Hollywood, Havana, Moscow, Tehran and Pyongyang; along with Key West and Caracas!

Turning now from those who cannot see to those who will not, i.e., really don’t want to see, in today’s installment of Tales From the Darkside, David Goetsch explains the reality behind the…

Myth of Racist Cops: False Narrative of Fact-Averse Liberals



“…But before getting more deeply into the issue of the false narrative being promulgated by liberals with an agenda, a few caveats are in order. First, I acknowledge that there are racist cops, although it must be said that not all racist cops are white. Bad cops come in all races. However, I believe that racist cops—regardless of their race—represent a small minority of the nation’s overall police force. Second, I am an advocate of community policing. However, although this strategy can help relieve tension between police officers and black citizens, it will not solve the problem of black crime in America. In fact, the issue of black crime in America will never be effectively dealt with until we can have an honest dialogue about it. And therein is the rub. As things now stand, the myth of racist cops is being controlled by people who benefit from perpetuating the false narrative that currently prevailspeople such as Al Sharpton and his supporters in the mainstream media(Not to mention Barry Obama, Eric Holder and the rest of the Dimocratic power structure!)

I will give Jason Riley the last word on this subject: “Liberal elites would have us deny what black ghetto residents know to be the truth. These communities aren’t dangerous because of racist cops or judges or sentencing guidelines. They’re dangerous mainly due to black criminals preying on black victims. But pointing this out has become almost taboo. How can we even begin to address problems if we won’t discuss them honestly?

Not only “won’t”, but have no serious intention of EVER discussing them honestly!

In a related item, Thomas Sowell highlights a problem which persists to some degree at every level and party in politics, but which present-day Progressives have widened beyond measure:

The Honesty Gap


Hillary fired

“…The poetic justice in the recent “pay gap” revelations is that the fundamental fraud in the statistics that are thrown around comes back to bite those who are promoting that fraud for political purposes.

What makes such statistics fraudulent is that they are comparing apples and oranges. Innumerable studies, going back for decades, have shown that women do not average as many hours of work per year as men, do not have as many consecutive years of full-time employment as men, do not work in the same mix of occupations as men and do not specialize in the same mix of subjects in college as men.


So Hillary took HER women staffers back to 72 cents on the dollar; one has to admire the chutzpah!

Back in 1996, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that young male physicians earned 41 percent higher incomes than young female physicians. But the same study showed that young male physicians worked over 500 hours a year more than young female physicians.

When the study took into account differences in hours of work, in the fields in which male and female doctors specialized and other differences in their job characteristics, “no earnings difference was evident.” In other words, when you compare apples to apples, you don’t get the “gender gap” in pay that you get when you compare apples to oranges. This is not peculiar to the medical profession. Nor was this a new revelation, even back in 1996. Many studies done by many scholars over the years — including female scholars — show the same thing, again and again.

…The truth is not nearly as politically useful as scare statistics. The “gender gap” is not nearly as big as the honesty gap.

Since we’re on the subject of Hillary Clintons’s honesty, or utter lack thereof, the WSJ details:

The Clinton Rules

Foreign donors and private email show how Bill and Hillary work.



“…The real story here is that none of this is a surprise. This is how the Clintons roll. They’re a political version of the old Peanuts cartoon character who was always surrounded by a cloud of dirt. Ethical shortcuts and controversies are standard operating procedure. A brief 1990s roll call: The Riadys, Johnny Chung, Travelgate, the vanishing Rose billing records, a killing in cattle futures, the Marc Rich pardon.

The Clintons and Democrats want Americans to forget all of that. But as the email and foundation discoveries show, the Clintons haven’t changed. They still think they can do what they please and get away with it.

Oh, FYI, courtesy of

“…This isn’t the first time the Obama administration has been caught evading federal records laws by using personal email, which ultimately allows officials to escape scrutiny under the Freedom of Information Act and Congressional investigation. During Operation Fast and Furious, former Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer got caught forwarding and editing official information about the scandal to his personal email account. Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano claimed she didn’t have an email account. IRS officials caught up in the targeting of conservatives, including Lois Lerner, used a personal email account to conduct official government business. Former DOJ Civil Rights attorney and current Labor Secretary Tom Perez used his personal email account during his time at DOJ for official business. Just yesterday, a federal judge ruled the EPA lied about transparency in response to FOIA requests, and in the past, EPA officials have been caught violating federal records laws by using personal email to conduct government business…”

But despite the fact…


…the Washington Examiner‘s Noemie Emery suggests there’s a way to roll the Clintons; she terms it…

Carly’s way



“…A man might be able to critique Hillary in strictly factual terms of specific performance on singular instances — on Benghazi, or Libya — but only a woman could have charged, as Fiorina has done, that Clinton’s entire career has lacked any major accomplishment. Only a self-made woman who made her own breaks can point out that Clinton was given her breaks by her president husband, but then, as with healthcare, failed to put them to any good use for the country. Her greatest successes have come after she retired in 2012 from government service and persuaded a whole lot of people who ought to know better to pay her $300,000 for speeches.

Fiorina is not just a woman, but exactly the right kind of woman to talk to the upscale middle class and professional people who might be in Hillary’s base. “Saturday Night Live” could not do too much with her. She doesn’t skin anything, she is not from Wasilla, she has no pregnant children, and she has never castrated a hog in her life. A coastal elite with the very best schooling, at ease in the same social, financial, and intellectual worlds that Hillary lives in, she could undermine Hillary among her own people in a way other women could not…”

Here’s the juice: given the current field of likely candidates, we’re inclined to pull for a Walker-Fiorina ticket, particularly if Walker provides early identification of a solid, experienced Conservative group of cabinet-secretaries-to-be…including an Attorney General…say, Trey Gowdy…dedicated to going after the likes of Holder, Koskinen, Lerner and every other member of The Obamao’s on-going criminal enterprise.

No, not Barry; just his minions.

We’re still not sold on Carly’s Conservative credentials.  But occupying the #2 slot certainly gives her time to prove her bona fides; and assuming she holds true to our supposedly-shared principles, she’d provide the GOP the perfect First Female in the Oval Office come 2024.

We’d appreciate reading your thoughts in our comments section.

On the Lighter Side…

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Then there’s this depiction of every Progressive policy to ever come down the pike:


Finally, in the Sports Section:

Two more NFL players vow to donate brains to science



“Two more NFL football players have announced their intention to donate their brains to science after their deaths, so that more research on a degenerative brain disease found in athletes and others with a history of brain injuries can be done.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News’ Fox & Friends, former Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Sidney Rice and current New York Giants punter Steve Weatherford announced their intentions and support for chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) research…”

Three thoughts come to mind:

(1) We wouldn’t recognize either one of these guys dead in a ditch, let alone their brains in a jar; but we’re willing to bet the farm that’s the punter on the right.

(2) Sidney Rice and Steve…Weatherford…a punter!  Wow; talk about an exclusive interview!

(3) The Daily Gouge, in what is truly an exclusive, has learned Joe Biden volunteered his brain to science, accurately asserting…


But CTE researchers declined, noting they already had a brain identical to Biden’s; “Abby” somebody…

