The Daily Gouge Archive, Monday, August 31st, 2015

On September 1, 2015, in Uncategorized, by magoo1310

It’s Monday, August 31st, 2015…and here’s The Gouge!

First up on the last edition of August, NRO‘s Charles W. Cooke has penned…

An Open Rant Aimed at Those Who Would Repeal the Second Amendment

Talk is cheap, but persuading Americans to surrender their rights will be expensive, difficult, and time-consuming.



…When the likes of Rob Delaney and Bill Maher and Keith Ellison say that we need to get rid of the Second Amendment, they are not speaking in a vacuum but reflecting the views of a small but vocal portion of the American population. And they mean it. That being so, here’s the million-dollar question: What the hell are they waiting for? Go on, chaps. Bloody well do it.

Seriously, try it. Start the process.

This will involve hard work, of course. You can’t just sit online and preen to those who already agree with you. No siree. Instead, you’ll have to go around the states — traveling and preaching until the soles of your shoes are thin as paper. You’ll have to lobby Congress, over and over and over again. You’ll have to make ads and shake hands and twist arms and cut deals and suffer all the slings and arrows that will be thrown in your direction. You’ll have to tell anybody who will listen to you that they need to support you; that if they disagree, they’re childish and beholden to the “gun lobby”; that they don’t care enough about children; that their reverence for the Founders is mistaken; that they have blood on their goddamn hands; that they want to own firearms only because their penises are small and they’re not “real men.” And remember, you can’t half-ass it this time. You’re not going out there to tell these people that you want “reform” or that “enough is enough.” You’re going there to solicit their support for removing one of the articles within the Bill of Rights. Make no mistake: It’ll be unpleasant strolling into Pittsburgh or Youngstown or Pueblo and telling blue-collar Democrat after blue-collar Democrat that he only has his guns because he’s not as well endowed as he’d like to be. It’ll be tough explaining to suburban families that their established conception of American liberty is wrong. You might even suffer at the polls because of it. But that’s what it’s going to take. So do it. Start now. Off you go…”


Which calls for a few of our favorite bits of 2nd Amendment humor:

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And lastly, our favorite:


Meanwhile, yet another White House-inspired random act of violence, the motive behind which the MSM still professes ignorance, at least as of the Sunday edition of NBC‘s Nightly News:

Man suspected of killing Texas county sheriff’s deputy reportedly arrested



“The man suspected of a killing a Texas county sheriff’s deputy has reportedly been arrested at the end of a successful SWAT scene…The suspect’s mother assisted law enforcement officers in the capture of her son, KRIV reports.

Goforth, 47, was pumping gas into his patrol car at a suburban Houston gas station when a man approached him from behind and fired multiple shots, Harris County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Ryan Sullivan told The Associated Press.

Police had described the suspect as a male with a dark complexion, about 5-foot-10 to 6-feet tall, wearing a white T-shirt and red shorts driving a red or maroon pickup truck with an extended bed. Police posted pictures of the suspect from a security camera on Twitter…”

Meet Shannon J. Miles, cop killer: 


As Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman noted…

“When rhetoric ramps up to the point where cold-blooded assassination has happened, this rhetoric has gotten out of control. We heard ‘black lives matter.’ All lives matter. Well, cops’ lives matter too, so why don’t we drop the qualifier and say ‘lives matter’ and take that to the bank.”

…and District Attorney Devon Anderson added:

“It’s time for the silent majority in this country to support law enforcement.” 

No, we’ve been there all along; rather it’s time for the vocal minority who…


despite the facts continue to support Black criminals like Shannon Miles, Ferguson’s Michael Brown and Baltimore’s Freddie Gray, the very thugs who prey upon their own “communities”, at the expense of our nation’s police to…


A cup just ain’t enough; these days, Progressives require a constant intravenous drip!

Speaking of leading Liberals we hope never to have to hear from again, courtesy of Front Page Mag and Balls Cotton, Dan Greenfield suggests we’re witnessing…

The Last Days of Hillary

Hillary Clinton’s worst punishment will be her failure.


Hillary Clinton has spent a third of her adult life trying to become president. All for nothing.

The first time around, she wasted $200 million just to lose to Obama. $11 million of that money came from the notoriously “flat broke” couple. This time around she was determined to take no chances.

Together with her husband she built up a massive war chest using money from foreign governments and speaking fees from non-profits, funneled into her own dirty non-profit and a complex network of unofficial organizations staffed by Clinton loyalists, secured an unofficial endorsement from Obama and carefully avoided answering questions or taking positions on anything. There was no way she could lose.

Now she’s losing all over again.

Straightjacket No Chaser copy

Hillary Clinton doesn’t have a message, she has ambition. Her obsession with becoming president has overshadowed any reason that anyone might have to vote for her. She offers no hope and less change. Her candidacy is historic… but only for her. There is no promise she can make that anyone will believe.

After having spent much of her life trying to become president, she will leave once again a failure.

Some are hoping that Hillary will go to jail. But the anger, frustration and bitterness that will gnaw on her after wasting decades and a small fortune on two failed efforts to win the White House in which she had every advantage only to lose before even leaving the starting gate will be worse than any prison.

Though we fervently hope and pray Greenfield’s assessment of Hillary’s future is accurate, we disagree failure would constitute the worst punishment she could suffer, let alone what she deserves.  A nice, long stint in stir…


…would not only serve to send a message to other political leaders and appointees…


…willing to violate America’s laws and Constitution for short-term personal gain, but restore the American people’s faith the United States remains a nation ruled by laws; laws which apply equally…to everyone.

In a related item featured in the Friday edition of the Morning Jolt, Jim Geraghty recommends Senate Republicans grow a set and…

Use Our Senatorial Nuclear Option to Stop Iran’s Radioactive Nuclear Option

suicidal-uncle-sam (1)

A simple proposal: To stop Iran’s nukes, use our own nuclear option. Scrap the filibuster, pass a resolution declaring the Iran deal a treaty that requires Senate authorization, introduce the text of the Iran deal, and vote it down.

Remember, Democrats got rid of the filibuster for nominations in 2013, arguing that GOP obstructionism was interfering with the president’s constitutional authority to make judicial appointments. The Constitution requires Senatorial consent to treaties. The administration claims the Iran deal isn’t a treaty because they think it has “become physically impossible“ to pass a treaty in the Senate.

Do you think Iran will honor its side of the agreement? Probably not, rightEven if they do, do you think Iran will attempt to build a nuke quickly when the deal expires? Certainly, rightDo you think that if Iran gets a nuke, they will use it? Pretty darn likely, right?

So, congressional Republicans . . . what are you willing to do to prevent a mushroom cloud either in the Middle East or closer to home?

Color us incredulous anyone, even a Dimocrat, could vote for this strategic sell-out.  Not only is this treaty…and yes, no matter what The Dear Misleader might claim to the contrary, it’s a treaty, NOT an “agreement“…on it’s face an act of abject appeasement, i.e., utterly unenforceable and entirely one-sided, it was will provide future Presidents of either party a precedent to bypass Senate oversight of similar…”agreements”.  Which, dear friends is, all “ifs”, “ands” or…


…aside, unconstitutional.

And though Senate Dimocrats’ slavish subservience to The Obamao’s every whim is at least understandable politically, to publicly express such sentiment…


…let alone honestly believe it, takes a truly special kind of stupid!

In a related item, courtesy of NRO, John Bolton writes it’s time we were…

Facing Reality on Iran

The Vienna deal sets up a choice of bad and worse.



“…Obama’s mistakes, concessions, and general detachment from Middle Eastern reality for six and a half years make it impossible to travel in time back to a theoretical world where sanctions might have derailed Iran’s nuclear-weapons program.

However Congress votes, Iran will still be marching inexorably toward deliverable nuclear weapons. Deals don’t constrain the mullahs, who see this capability as critical to the 1979 Islamic Revolution’s very survival. Not surprisingly, therefore, existing sanctions have slowed down neither Iran’s nuclear-weapons program nor its support for international terrorism. General James Clapper, Obama’s director of national intelligence, testified in 2013 that sanctions had not changed the ayatollahs’ nuclear efforts, and this assessment stands unmodified today. Tehran’s support for such terrorists as Hezbollah, Hamas, Yemen’s Houthis, and Syria’s Assad regime has, if anything, increased. As for the sanctions’ economic impact on Iran, Clapper testified that “the Supreme Leader’s standard is a level of privation that Iran suffered during the Iran–Iraq war,” a level that Iran was nowhere near in 2013 and is nowhere near today.

In short, to have stopped Tehran’s decades-long quest for nuclear weapons, global sanctions needed to match the paradigm for successful coercive economic measures. They had to be sweeping and comprehensive, swiftly applied and scrupulously adhered to by every major economic actor, and rigorously enforced by military power. The existing Security Council sanctions do not even approach these criteria…”

In other words, it’s all up to…


…Israel!  We wish them godspeed, and bombs dead-on target; even if, and we’re not joking, the mission requires nuclear weapons.

After all…

Or, in the case of innocent Iranians, the 100,000,000.  With no thanks whatsoever to our Dear Misleader, Israel and Bibi Netanyahu may well only get one chance at preventing Iran’s development of the ultimate weapon of mass destruction, so they have to make it count.  And though we hope John Bolton is right in his assessment Iran’s hardened, underground installations can be neutralized through conventional air attack, if the IAF mission planners deem success against Fordow depends upon the use of tactical nukes, as far as we’re concerned, so be it.

For those squeamish about the potential loss of civilian lives associated with such an attack, consider this: at the time of the Munich Agreement, Berlin had a population of approximately 4.3 million.  Assuming a prewar total of 69,623,000, had the Allies, rather than surrender at Munich, delivered an atomic bomb on Berlin which killed every single resident, it would have cost the lives of just over 6% of Germany’s entire population.  Compared with the 60 million people slaughtered in WWII (about 3% of the 1940 world’s 2.3 billion population), Berlin would have been a bargain.

Fortunately, the Mad Mullahs hadn’t the foresight to locate Fordow directly underneath downtown Tehran.

Which brings to the latest installment of the Environmental Moment, brought to us today by The Daily Caller and climate correspondent Jeff Foutch, in which Kerry Pickett provides this… 

Flashback: ABC News Envisioned Apocalyptic 2015 Triggered By Climate Change


Liberals: not only are they not right…they’re not EVER right!  But as is frequently true, familiarity, in this case with repeated failure, has bred contempt: for those of us who are always “Right“!!!  Then again, as consistent, principled opposition to Progressive policies and programs can only result in vindication, it’s not as if being regularly proven right is a major achievement. 

On the Lighter Side…

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