It’s Friday, April 15th…Tax Day 2016.

Many Unhappy Returns 1

But before we begin, allow us to highlight the latest act of rank hypocrisy from the inevitable Dimocratic nominee for Leader of What’s Left of the Free World:

By the way, if Sander’s REALLY felt “The Bern”, he’d have this in a campaign commercial all over New York tonight…along with the fact Hillary made more in her Verizon speech than the good Socialist Senator makes in a year…absent the usual graft and corruption!

Oh, and hats off to Javier Gonzalez, the openly-gay mayor of Sante Fe, NM:

After Barring City Employees From Traveling to ‘Anti-LGBT’ States, Santa Fe Mayor to Travel to Anti-LGBT Qatar

Will the leftist hypocrisy never end?


Uhhh,…that would be “no“!  Atta boy, Javier; thanks for proving, yet again and as we’ve often opined, were it not for double standards, The Left would have no standards at all!

Now, here’s a belated Friday edition of The Gouge!

Leading off the last offering of the week, the first thing we’d do were we President for a Day is prove Ray Mabus wrong:

Navy secretary to Marines: Women in combat is irreversible



“Navy Secretary Ray Mabus had a simple message for 1,500 Marines and sailors: The decision to let women compete for all military combat positions is as irreversible as earlier edicts to integrate blacks and allow gays and lesbians to openly serve.

Mabus repeatedly emphasized that standards won’t be lowered(Which is, based on our personal experience, a complete and utter lie!)

Marine Corps leaders had sought to keep certain infantry and combat jobs closed to women, citing studies showing combined-gender units are not as effective as male-only units. Carter, backed by Mabus, overruled them.

…Gen. Robert Neller, the Marine Corps commandant, told senators in February that he worried about retention, injury rates and unit effectiveness. Neller told senators that Marine Corps testing revealed two significant differences between all-male units and those with men and women. He said all-male units were able to better march long distances carrying heavy loads and also were able to fire their weapons more accurately after marching over distance. Being big and strong and having a “certain body mass give you an advantage,” said Neller.

“We have a decision and we’re in the process of moving out,” Neller told senators. “We will see where the chips fall. And, again, our hope is that everyone will be successful. But hope is not a course of action on the battlefield.

The second thing we’d do is have both his boss and him charged, tried and shot for treason.

Since we’re on the subject of treasonous executive actions antithetical to the interests of America, as WND details…

Syrian Surge! ‘Refugees’ Flood into U.S. at Rate of 358 PER WEEK

‘Obama is doing everything within his power to advance an Islamic invasion



“…The Obama administration has decided to implement a “surge” in Syrian refugees, fast-tracking the arrival of those fleeing civil war in that country to make good on its commitment of bringing 10,000 by the end of fiscal 2016. The Obama administration’s scripted answer for anyone who questioned its ability to screen Syrian “refugees” was that they are the “most thoroughly vetted” of all immigrants, going through an arduous process that takes 18 to 24 months to complete.

But that process was taking longer than expected and making it impossible for Obama to make good on his promise to the United Nations to admit at least 10,000 Syrians in fiscal 2016. To fulfill its promise, the administration has now decided to expedite the process, cutting the screening period from 18-24 months down to three months.

Administration officials have set up special screening centers in Jordan, where they will be interviewing potential Syrian refugees at a rate of 600 per day. To realize the goal of 10,000 Syrian refugees coming to the U.S. by Sept. 30, the government will need to deliver 8,589 by that date, or an average of 358 per week.

As WND has previously reported, more than 98 percent of the Syrian “refugees” have been Sunni Muslims while only 1 percent have been Christians. Yet, it’s the Christians who are being systematically exterminated in what even the United Nations has termed a “genocide” by ISIS and other Sunni rebel groups operating in Syria and Iraq.

“Whenever unilateral political actions are taken to ‘speed up’ a complex program, which is already known to be fraught with uncertainty, it becomes virtually impossible for officials to conduct a reliable vetting process,” Philip Haney, a former Homeland Security investigator who retired last year, told WND. “And, the figure of (nearly) 9,000 is a ‘floor,’ not a final number.”…”

Hey, it’s not like The Obamao’s worried about the terrorists he’s loosing on the nation blowing up…


his wife and kids!

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: we’re not at all opposed to helping the innocent victims of Islamic fundamentalism.  It’s just the solution in no way requires relocating unacculturated foreigners…let alone unvetted unacculturated foreigners…into America when they could either be afforded accommodations in their own countries, or in neighboring nations whose traditions, societies and religion are more closely akin to their own.  Need we remind you of the Muslim nations which, to date, have refused such assistance…



Next up, the great Thomas Sowell provides his unerring insight on the subject of…

Campaign Lies



“Oh no,…facts! My arguments…getting weak!”

“If you took all the lies out of political rhetoric, how much would be left? Apparently even less than usual this year. The latest, and perhaps biggest, lie — thus far — is that Donald Trump was cheated out of delegates in Colorado because the voters did not select the delegates.

If the people who ran the Trump campaign were not aware of what the rules in Colorado were, and Ted Cruz’s people were, that is what happens when you hire people who are not up to the challenges of their job. The fact that one of those people has been fired and replaced has gotten much less media attention than Trump’s loudly repeated charges that he was robbed.

With so many primary election rules that vary from one state to another, some of these rules are bound to work out to one candidate’s advantage and another candidate’s disadvantage. When Trump, for example, wins less than a majority of a state’s votes and yet gets 100 percent of its delegates, you don’t hear other candidates yelling or whining that they have been robbed. But the cold fact is that Trump’s percentage of the delegates is still higher than his percentage of the people who actually voted for him.

Apparently it all depends on whose ox is gored — and who yells the loudest, with the most irresponsible charges. It also depends on how conscientious the media are and how gullible the voters are.

Other political campaign lies have been repeated so often, over so many years, that they have become part of a tradition that is almost never questioned. Demands for “equal pay” for women, for example, proceed without even a definition of what that means.

Some years ago, I was shocked when my research turned up the fact that young male physicians earned substantially more than young female physicians. But, when my research also turned up the fact that young male physicians work hundreds of hours more per year than young female physicians, it was not shocking any more.

A very similar game can be played with racial statistics. What if I said that basketball officials call fouls on black players out of all proportion to the share of blacks in the general population? You might well say, “Wait a minute! The proportion of black players is far higher in the NBA than in the population.”

Yet that simple difference between the proportion of blacks in the general population and blacks involved in whatever activity is being measured statistically (such as, for example, CRIME!!!) is repeatedly ignored, both by politicians and the media.

The success of campaign lies depends ultimately on how willing the public is to be stampeded without bothering to stop and think.

Unfortunately,as evidenced by the educated idiots dominating almost every American institution of “higher” learning, the problem today is so many of our countrymen don’t possess the power of objective, critical thought.

Turning from campaign lies to campaigning liars, NRO‘s Ian Tuttle brings us up to speed on…

Trump’s Virtual Lynch Mob



“Call it a high-tech lynching. In the wake of Donald Trump’s being shut out in Colorado — final delegate count: Ted Cruz, 34; Trump, 0 — his fans have formed virtual mobs, and on Sunday a particularly passionate Twitter user (@Thomas1774Paine as shown below) tweeted out the home address and phone number of Steve House, chairman of the Colorado GOP.


…There’s been a lot of talk of late about the need for a renewed populism to balance the power of our political “establishment.” But Trump isn’t the candidate of “the people”; he’s the candidate of the mob. He’s the candidate of kneejerk anger, of groupthink, of storming the Bastille with pitchforks. He’s the candidate of self-congratulatory cyber-thugs such as “@Thomas1774Paine,” whose great service to the republic is encouraging the intimidation of public officials.

Trump has encouraged democracy’s worst impulses, rather than restoring its best. Because of his lie — peddled to tremendous effect, there’s no denying — that “the system” is fundamentally corrupt, a faction of so-called conservatives has emerged that believes that the only way to restore “democracy” is to be ruthlessly anti-democratic.

This, it goes without saying, is not conservative. It’s also dangerous. Whether as correctives to corruption or as rulers themselves, mobs have a lousy track record. The constitutional framework conservatives endorse and strive to preserve is intended to prevent such power bases from forming, and to thwart their inevitable desires: “Revenge! About! Seek! Burn! Fire! Kill! Slay! Let not a traitor live!”

So says the mob in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Or maybe those were Trump fans in Colorado. It’s hard to tell the difference anymore.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to the Dumb and Dumber segment, courtesy of via

Who Has Sean Hannity Interviewed 41 Times Without Making News? Can You Guess?



“One thing this campaign season has showed us is who are actual conservatives and who are the cynical opportunists with no values beyond their own bottom line. One of the biggest offenders is Sean Hannity. I’ve never thought that Hannity was the sharpest tool in the shed (Now THAT’S an understatement!) BUT I had always admired his work ethic, his hustle, and I considered him to be “one of us.” Now there is evidence otherwise. I don’t like quoting ThinkProgress, but, in this case, the odious Judd Legum hits the nail on the head:

Trump has appeared on Hannity an astonishing 41 times since he announced his campaign last June, often for the entire hour. (On five occasions, Hannity replayed extensive excerpts from previous appearances by Trump.) In other words, you can watch Hannity interview Trump about once a week. Hannity’s role is less of an interviewer than a member of Trump’s campaign staff. During his appearances, Hannity seeks to tamp down controversies, talk up Trump’s poll numbers, and tout his policy proposals. Hannity’s Trump is a reliable conservative with specific ideas who isn’t afraid to take on “PC” culture. Trump’s critics in the media, according to Hannity, are “dumb” “idiots” who don’t understand what’s happening in America.

Hannity has managed to interview Trump for hours without ever coming even close to making news.

Effectively, Hannity has given Trump something that is unprecedented in American politics: A serialized infomercial spanning nearly an entire year, targeted at the most reliable Republican voters, but presented to the public as “news.”…”

For those of you who still don’t recognize the game Hannity’s playing, the following just appeared as a banner headline Wednesday evening on the FOX News website:


Meanwhile, the idiocy continues unabated:

On The Lighter Side

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And in the latest edition of News of the Directionally Challenged:

Woman lost 9 days in Arizona forest wrote ‘help’ in sticks



“A woman lost in an Arizona forest for nine days survived by drinking pond water, eating plants and spelling out “help” on the ground with sticks, authorities said Tuesday. The sign helped lead rescuers to Ann Rodgers, 72, in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona earlier this month, the state Department of Public Safety said. Rodgers declined to comment when reached by The Associated Press.

…Rodgers went missing March 31 as she headed to visit her grandkids in Phoenix. She got lost, and her hybrid vehicle ran out of gas and electric power, authorities said. Her car was discovered three days after a search began, but rescue crews struggled to find her. Authorities came across her dog April 9, and a department flight crew spotted a “help” signal made of sticks and rocks on the ground. Rodgers had left the area, but she was found nearby on the Fort Apache Reservation after starting a signal fire.

..Rodgers is from Tucson and was on a hike Tuesday afternoon, the Department of Public Safety said. It was not clear how she ended up in the eastern part of the state because the drive from Tucson to Phoenix is a straight shot [west] on Interstate 10, which does not run through the area where she was found.

In the words of the immortal Mel Blanc:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with a brief thought on the North Carolina “Bathroom Bill”.

Born To Run To The Ladies Room 1

Consider a couple of inescapable, undeniable facts of bathroom design which, in all the hyperbolic, highly inaccurate hoopla from the Professionally Sensitive, has been conveniently overlooked:  Transgendered men desirous of utilizing the Ladies Room must use a stall, as, the last time we looked, there ain’t any urinals haning on the wall.  And as transgendered women identifying as men don’t possess the plumbing required to use a urinal, they too are required to use…a stall.  So please, why on earth can’t these perverts just use the restrooms they were born to at birth?!?

Just askin’.

