It’s Monday, August 4th, 2014…and as today marks the 35th anniversary of the evening we married the Pride of Pensacola…


…please join us in wishing TLJ a very happy 35th wedding anniversary.  Which just goes to prove…


…fighter pilots do get the hottest chicks; though in this case, one was more than enough!

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, we join Hope ‘n Change in wishing our self-absorbed Narcissist-in-Chief his due: a very insincere…

Birthday BoyHave-Your-Cake

…Happy Birthday; with, so as to minimize his continued negative impact on the entire world, the fewest returns possible.

Next up, why with the present leadership of The Gang Who Still Can’t Straight it’s harder than ever to tell the good guys from bad guys in the cesspool that is Washington, DC:

Eric Cantor abandons his constituents in race to the high-dollar revolving door 



“Former Majority Leader Eric Cantor is leaving the swamp of Capitol Hill early to return home, to live and work among the people of Henrico and Culpeper Counties whom he’s represented for 14 years. I’m joking, of course.

When Cantor passes through the revolving door, it won’t be extraordinary, or necessarily blameworthy. But his announcement Aug. 1 — instead of serving out his term, he’ll vacate his seat, thus accelerating his entry into a lucrative private sector job — ought to be upsetting. It also bolsters one of the main arguments that led to his defeat on the June 10 primary: that Cantor wasn’t really working for the interests of Virginia’s 7th District.

“Cantor’s real constituency wasn’t the folks back home,” wrote Robert Tracinski, Federalist senior writer and resident of the 7th District. “His constituency was the Republican leadership and the Republican establishment. That’s who he really answered to.” “Guess what?” Tracinski wrote, “Folks in the seventh district figured that out.”

…Republican leaders quitting mid-term is typical. Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Trent Lott all did it. (Lott quit just before a new law took effect that would have forced him to wait two years, instead of one, before he started lobbying.) It’s a norm, but many GOP norms need to go

With faux-friends like Cantor, who the hell needs Dimocrats?!?

But since we’re on the subject of the party seemingly dedicated to the deliberate destruction of America, here’s a bombshell from David Catron writing at The American Spectator you won’t catch on either the network evening news or the front page of the WaPo, let alone the Old Grey Nag:

Did Ben Nelson Doom Obamacare?

The ‘Cornhusker kickback’ comes back to haunt PPACA.


U.S. Senator Ben Nelson Harry Reid Cartoon

“During the oral arguments that preceded the recent appeals court ruling against the Obama administration in Halbig v. Burwell, an under-reported yet crucial discussion took place between two of the judges and counsel for the plaintiffs. Judge Harry T. Edwards pronounced himself confused as to why Congress would have concerned itself with what entity ultimately set up Obamacare’s insurance exchanges. Judge A. Raymond Randolph and attorney Michael A. Carvin did their best to enlighten the befuddled jurist:

JUDGE EDWARDS: I’m trying to understand … who cares who sets up the exchange?


MR. CARVIN: The enactors of the law …

JUDGE RANDOLPH: Ben Nelson cared.



MR. CARVIN: They couldn’t get to 60… Ben Nelson said we are not going to have a Federally run exchange, we are going to implement basic principles of federalism and the states are going to run those exchanges or I don’t vote for it and it doesn’t get passed.


Is this the first time you’ve read about Nelson’s misgivings? Well, it would appear that you’re not alone. Many alleged reporters who claim to have thoroughly covered the Obamacare debate from the Pleistocene era until the present are also ignorant of the role he played in determining the destiny of the exchanges. Indeed, some these “journalists” have advised their readers that there couldn’t have been any serious discussion in Congress about differing rules for state and federal exchanges because no one told them about it…

Here’s the juice: there is nothing…NOTHING…these people will not do, no lie they will not tell, no truth they will deny, no depths to which they will not sink, in pursuit of their Progressive paradise.  They make Orwell’s Ministry of Truth look a George Washington after cutting down the cherry tree.

In a related item, as attorney Adam White observes on the editorial page of the WSJ, should the D.C. Circuit Court observe its own long-standing precedent, there may be…

No Need For a Halbig Rehearing

The D.C. Circuit’s own rules and one of its judges point the way forward for the recent ObamaCare ruling.



“…Why would the court grant an en banc rehearing? Emily Bazelon offered a blunt answer in a July 22 piece for the online magazine Slate: “The D.C. Circuit (finally!) has four Obama appointees on it,” and so Democrats now outnumber Republicans. “Presto,” she wrote, a loss today “can be a winner tomorrow.”

But if the D.C. Circuit rehears the case en banc, it would be a sharp break from history. The D.C. Circuit rehears virtually none of its cases. Each year the court’s three-judge panels make roughly 500 rulings, but the court averages roughly one en banc rehearing. This year has produced a bumper crop: two. The previous year: zero.

The low numbers are thanks to the court’s high standard, found in the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure: En banc rehearing “is not favored and ordinarily will not be ordered” unless the case satisfies one of two standards.

…Halbig checks none of these boxes…

Then again, Progressives have never been as desperate to solidify their extra-Constitutional gains as they are today…primarily because, thanks to the realities of ObamaScare, Team Tick-Tock’s innumerable scandals and their most recent overstep at the border, they sense them slipping away.

Next up, courtesy of, Star Parker describes how…

Texas Shows the Way on Abortion



“…There is a grotesque kind of irony when Planned Parenthood, who bills abortion as a women’s health issue, fights sane and responsible efforts to truly protect the lives and health of women who undergo abortion procedures.

Typifying this mindset is a recent Washington Post editorial about the new regulations in Texas, characterizing these initiatives as “negating” the legality of abortion provided under the Roe v. Wade regime. But if this were the case, Planned Parenthood would not be opening a new facility in Dallas. The issue here is not legality of abortion, but the regulatory and cultural circumstances under which it takes place.


The Washington Post editors complain that the standards, which abortion clinics in Texas must now satisfy, are not required of “clinics that perform dental, periodontic, cosmetic, or other outpatient surgical procedures.” What kind of discussion can really take place with those who equate a procedure in which one life is destroyed and another put at risk with going to the dentist?…”

Hells bells, these murderous bastages even give themselves…


awards!!!  Thus did Heinrich Himmler earn the undying gratitude of another beloved Fuhrer.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to the Double Standard segment, brought to us today by the WSJ‘s Bret Stephens and “Palestinian” sympathizers the world over:

Palestine and Double Standards

The world is outraged by Israeli self-defense but only ‘concerned’ when Muslims kill Muslims.



“…Underground tunnels, explosives factories, weeks of airstrikes, artillery bombardment, mass displacement of civilians—leaving aside the probability that this is the first that you’ve heard of any of this, does it ring a familiar bell? If so, maybe the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the various self-described antiwar groups that marched near the White House on Saturday to protest Israel’s military campaign in Gaza can organize another big rally outside the Pakistani embassy. No more U.S. aid to Islamabad! Boycott Pakistani products! Divest from Pakistani companies!

I’m dreaming. Over the weekend there was saturation coverage of an Israeli strike near a U.N.-run school that killed 10 people, three of them members of Islamic Jihad. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the hit “a moral outrage and a criminal act” that had to be “swiftly investigated.” The State Department pronounced itself “appalled.” If the Secretary-General, the Secretary of State and other arbiters of international decency have expressed themselves similarly with respect to the conduct of Pakistan’s army—take a look at the picture accompanying this column to see how that one looks—I must have missed it. More than 1,500 Pakistani civilians have been reported killed since the government’s offensive began in mid June…

Are we the only ones reminded of the Left’s similar blindness when it comes to the subject of…


…black-on-black crime?!?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Breitbart details a…

Leaked CBP Report Shows Entire World Exploiting Open US Border



A leaked intelligence analysis from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals the exact numbers of illegal immigrants entering and attempting to enter the U.S. from more than 75 different countries. The report was obtained by a trusted source within the CBP agency who leaked the document and spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity.

…The numbers provided are in graphics and are broken down into “OFO” and “OBP.” The Customs and Border Protection agency is divided into the Office of Field Operations (OFO) and the Office of Border Patrol (OBP). The OFO numbers reflect anyone either turning themselves in at official U.S. points of entry, or anyone caught while being smuggled at the points of entry. The OBP numbers reflect anyone being caught or turning themselves in to Border Patrol agents between the points of entry, or anyone caught at interior checkpoints by Border Patrol agents. The “OFO Inadmissible” designation to any individual from a nation other than Mexico or Canada means that U.S. authorities took the individuals into custody. Whether they were deported or given a Notice to Appear is unknown. It is important to note these numbers do not include data from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The unavailable ICE data are in addition to these numbers.

The report reveals the apprehension numbers ranging from 2010 through July 2014. It shows that most of the human smuggling from Syria and Albania into the U.S. comes through Central America. The report also indicates the routes individuals from North Africa and the Middle East take into the European Union, either to illegally migrate there or as a possible stop in their journey to the United States. The data are broken down further into the specific U.S. border sectors where the apprehensions and contact occurred.

Among the significant revelations are that individuals from nations currently suffering from the world’s largest Ebola outbreak have been caught attempting to sneak across the porous U.S. border into the interior of the United States. At least 71 individuals from the three nations affected by the current Ebola outbreak have either turned themselves in or been caught attempting to illegally enter the U.S. by U.S. authorities between January 2014 and July 2014…

Nothing to see here folks…


…move along!  Oh,…


…is it my shot?!?

Speaking of the Administration’s utter indifference towards real problems while focusing on false flags, the Morning Examiner‘s Mark Tapscott asks…

When will Americans tell the nanny state nags to get a real life?



Think about this the next time you pop the top on that ice cold can of Coke or Pepsi — You can’t do that! Well, you can, but if America’s nanny state nags get their way, you will soon have to pay extra for it.

Here’s something else to think about. When the National Football League kicks off the new season Sept. 4, 2014, don’t even think about uttering the phrase “the Washington Redskins” because — You can’t say that! Unless, of course, you’re willing to be stigmatized as a bigot.

One more thing to think about. You can say whatever you want about President Obama, as long as it’s not critical. Why? You can’t say that! Because then you will be “hatin’.” So just keep your mouth shut and don’t be muttering anything about the First Amendment.

It’s for your own good

That’s what Rep. Rosa DeLauro will tell you about her proposal to tax “sugar-sweetened beverages” in order to discourage their use. How much? A penny for every teaspoonful. “Obesity and diabetes rates have skyrocketed since the late 1970s, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reporting more than one-third of American adults were obese in 2012. Scientific research overwhelmingly shows a link between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and such diseases,” according to the Connecticut Democrat.

And no, you aren’t better qualified to make your own choices because DeLauro understands reality better than you: “We are at a crucial tipping point and the SWEET Act will help correct the path we are currently on.”


Redskins today, Indians and Chiefs tomorrow?

There has been only one opinion survey among Native Americans asking them if “Redskins” is offensive to them. Ninety percent said no.

But it is offensive to such morally superior beings as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder and comedian Chris Rock, so the rest of America’s 300 million people must stop saying “Redskins.” Clinton, Holder and Rock might want to have a conversation with Tommy Yazzie, superintendent of the Red Mesa School District on the Navajo Indian Reservation. And the Red Mesa team name? Redskins, of course.

Don’t be hatin’ all the time!

As for criticizing Obama, who could explain it better than the president himself, who said this during a political speech in Kansas City last week:

We could do so much more if Congress would just come on and help out a little bit. Stop being mad all the time. Stop just hatin’ all the time. Let’s get some work done together.”

So, what’s so difficult to understand about that? Criticizing Obama is the same thing as hating. But if you keep hating, Lois Lerner is going to want to talk to you about your tax return.

And in the Environmental Moment, courtesy of Jeff Foutch, The Times of India offers a rather intriguing explanation for the Environazis’ computer climate-modeling catastrophes:

Can ants save Earth from global warming?



Ants may be cooling the Earth by helping trap carbon dioxide from the environment, a new study has claimed. A long-term experiment tracking the ants’ effects on soil suggests they cooled Earth’s climate as their numbers grew. 

“Ants are changing the environment,” said lead study author Ronald Dorn, from the Arizona State University in Tempe. Certain ant species “weather” minerals in order to secrete calcium carbonate — better known as limestone. The process traps and removes a tiny bit of carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere, Dorn said. 

Now if we can only get them to feed exclusively on…


Finally, on the Lighter Side…

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