It’s Monday, April 13th, 2015…but before we begin, two quick items which tell you all you need to know about modern Progressivism.  First, this classic from Michael Ramirez on the incredibly rank hypocrisy of Apple’s gay CEO Tim Cook:


Yeah, he’ll open a store in Riyadh…where they ACTUALLY STONE HOMOSEXUALS…but boycott Indiana…where one pizza store proprietor said she wouldn’t cater a gay wedding!

Second, this headline:

Castro Says Obama ‘Is an Honest Man’



High praise indeed coming from a despot who’s enslaved an entire nation for over 50 years, directly caused the deaths of over 200,000 innocent human beings and inflicted untold suffering upon countless others.  If one truly can tell a lot about a man by the friends he keeps, what should this be telling America about The Dear Misleader?!?

Simply that Barry’s truly the gift that keeps on giving…


…provided you’re a blood-thirsty dictator antithetically opposed to everything ABO (America Before Obama) stood for and represented.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, speaking of those opposed to everything America once stood for and represented:

Fruit of the Loons sm

You know, the thing about Hillary is, she’s got…

And what little The Obamao’s left of America is on her menu.

Since we’re on the subject of the real-life Manchurian Candidate, Keith Koffler summarizes…

The Six Points of Kissinger and Schultz’s Refutation of the Iran Deal



“It’s no surprise that Marie Harf at the State Department sought Wednesday to dismiss the analysis by Henry Kissinger and George Schultz of the Iran deal as little more than “big words and big thoughts.” When you hear administration officials launch ad hominem attacks, you know it is because they are deeply threatened. That’s because Kissinger and Scultz’s Wall Street Journal piece is the most thorough and damning evisceration of President Obama’s Iran arms deal you can find. And it’s been lodged by two of the foreign policy establishment’s wisest and most experienced hands, neither known for their partisan fervor.

I thought I’d take you through their argument, which you may not be able to access on the Wall Street Journal website. Because it’s a major statement about what may be the most important issue of our time.

This is typical Obama. As Kissinger and Schultz point out, we have no strategy. No broad thinking has gone into this agreement. We just put a bandaid on the situation for ten years while strengthening our adversary, Iran, and destabilizing the region.

And we and our children will pay dearly for it.

As NRO’s Andrew McCarthy notes, the reality is…

Obama’s Iran ‘Framework’ Is a Chimera

The details of the negotiations to nowhere are beside the point.



We Met fans were thrilled by the brilliance of Matt Harvey, who tossed six shutout innings in his first start after missing 19 months due to elbow surgery. It reminded us, though, that “The Dark Knight” is going to demand a huge contract down the road.

It got me to daydreaming about the negotiations. Let’s say that, as the contract deadline approaches, Harvey says he wants $210 million over seven years — the going rate for pitching aces just set by the Washington Nationals’ Max Scherzer. The Mets’ ownership, the parsimonious Wilpon family, counters by offering five years at $15 million per. The two sides are not even close.

The deadline is about to strike midnight. Knowing his fan base will go ballistic and boycott Citi Field if their idol is not inked to a contract, a panicked Fred Wilpon calls a press conference. There, he waves around a blank sheet of paper. Only he insists that it’s not an empty page. It’s a framework! “Don’t worry fans, we have an agreement in principle,” the owner assures us. “We just have to work out a few, er . . . details.”

Then I shake my head and realize: I’m not dreaming the nightmare of the Mets’ Harvey negotiations; I’m living the nightmare of Obama’s Iran negotiations.

Here’s the juice: for those unfamiliar with the Iranian’s Shia strain of Islam, there’s a colossal contrast between Iran and other nuclear-armed nations; specifically, it’s the difference between largely rational rulers and a incestuous clique of mad mullahs who subscribe to what can only be described as an apocalyptic worldview.

Iran’s ruling clerics believe their actions can usher in the messianic-return of the 12th Imam, supposedly sent into hiding by the 11th Imam, his father, late in the 9th century.  His return will usher in paradise, bringing order and righteousness from anarchy and heresy.

And, as with Hamlet’s thoughts of suicide, there’s the rub!  For in that sleep of death, who knows what dreams may come when the Iranians believe Allah is leading them to trigger the apocalypse which will precipitate the 12th Imam’s return?!?  And what, inquiring minds want to know, is the single largest impediment to their mythical missiah’s return?


Think about it, and think about it HARD;, because this is the crux of why The Obamao’s pretend-diplomacy is far more likely to reap a harvest of pain and death than good.  As Bernard Lewis recently noted, “Iran doesn’t fear retaliation if they attack Israel or the United States because a final global struggle against an evil enemy will present them with the privileges of martyrdom as taught in Islam.”

To Shiites, including Iran, Hezbollah and the rest of the world’s most dedicated Islamic terror groups, DEATH IS NOT A DETERRENT!!!

Which makes Iran’s almost-certain possession of nuclear weapons a most terrifying prospect indeed.

The only guy who understands the playbook these crazies are using is…


Any questions?!?

Moving on, here’s an interesting piece on Scott Walker from Politico‘s J.R. Ross:

Scott Walker’s Steep Learning Curve

The Wisconsin governor is stumbling as he finds his way on the 2016 campaign trail.



“Governor Scott Walker has always bragged about his superior political skills, citing the fact that he’s won three gubernatorial elections in four years. But in recent weeks, he’s learned just how much harder presidential politics is than Wisconsin politics. For one thing, people pay much closer attention…”

Next up, as Red State‘s Erick Erickson suggests, at least in terms of The Left’s concerted effort to amoralize America, it’s…

Too Soon to Go Full Totalitarian



“…With the Supreme Court set to mandate gay marriage nationally this summer, it might have been wise for such a well-orchestrated campaign to coast. Let the sentiment continue to grow. But a movement hostile to tradition and religion could not stop there. As I write regularly, you will be made to care about the issue, and the gay rights movement is rushing things sooner than they probably should.

In the New York Times, liberal columnist Frank Bruni insists that Christians must be “made” to change their church doctrines on sexual immorality, doctrines that are 2,000 years old. Bruni actually quoted a gay rights advocate that “church leaders must be made to take homosexuality off their sin list. Bruni called this “worthy” and “warranted.”

Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia, in 2012, wrote to his congregation on abortion. He told them, “Evil talks about tolerance only when it’s weak. When it gains the upper hand, its vanity always requires the destruction of the good and the innocent, because the example of good and innocent lives is an ongoing witness against it. So it always has been. So it always will be. And America has no special immunity to becoming an enemy of its own founding beliefs about human freedom, human dignity, the limited power of the state and the sovereignty of God.”

Americans can disagree on gay marriage. The Supreme Court declaring it legal and imposing it on states that voted to prohibit it will not, like with abortion, change church doctrines that have existed for 2,000 years. The faithful will not suddenly redact First Corinthians or Matthew 15:19 from the Bible.

In a nation that has prided itself on individuality and free conscience, it seems we should allow the mom-and-pop shop of committed Christians to opt out of gay weddings. But, even before Anthony Kennedy rules, we are seeing that will not happen. The gay rights movement, a part of the left, is showing its totalitarian nature.

To borrow a phrase from Archbishop Chaput, so it always has been; so it always will be.

Or, as Paul noted nearly 2,000 years before in his second letter to Timothy:

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.”


For more on those of a Socialist slant, it’s time again for the MSM Bias…WHAT Bias?!? segment, courtesy today of The New York Slimes, as‘s Matt Vespa details…

The New York Times’ Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound



Seventy-thousand people are expected to attend the National Rifle Association’s convention opening on Friday in Tennessee, and not one of them will be allowed to come armed with guns that can actually shoot. After all the N.R.A. propaganda about how “good guys with guns” are needed to be on guard across American life, from elementary schools to workplaces, the weekend’s gathering of disarmed conventioneers seems the ultimate in hypocrisy.

There will be plenty of weapons in evidence at the hundreds of display booths, but for convention security the firing pins must be removed. So far, there has been none of the familiar complaint about infringing supposedly sacrosanct Second Amendment rights — the gun lobby’s main argument in opposing tighter federal background checks on gun buyers after the 2012 gun massacre of schoolchildren in Connecticut…”

Except, is just ain’t so!

The National Rifle Association and the Music City Center have confirmed that gun owners with the proper carry permits can bring their guns with them into the center during the association’s convention, which will be held there this weekend. A spokeswoman for the center said its policy is to follow state law and to allow the organizations holding events inside the facility to decide whether they wish for people to carry their guns inside.

Music City Center spokeswoman Mary Brette Clippard confirmed to The Tennessean on Tuesday afternoon that the NRA had no problem with gun owners with the proper gun permits bringing their weapons inside.

The Dutchman said it best:

Although we believe them to be ignorant as hell as well!!!

Then there’s this from Jonah Goldberg, who observes how the… 

Tsarnaev Conviction Puts Death Penalty Opponents in an Awkward Spot



“How about now? Are you in favor of the death penalty now? I ask because the preferred argument from opponents of the death penalty is doubt: We can never be sure; look at all of the people released from death row; we can’t afford to risk ending a single innocent life.

None of those arguments apply to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. He admitted, through his lawyers, that he and his brother murdered three people and maimed 260 others at the Boston Marathon. (A few days later, they murdered a police officer.)

Tsarnaev knowingly left a bomb next to a family on a family outing. Martin William Richard, 8 years old, died. His sister Jane lost a leg. His mother lost an eye. A half-hour after the bombing, Tsarnaev went to the Whole Foods to buy some milk, and the next day, he wrote on Twitter, “I’m a stress-free kind of guy.”

Ever since Rolling Stone’s asinine cover story on the murderer, Tsarnaev has become something of a sex symbol for the morally stunted and chronically stupid. (Yes, Rolling Stone; think UVa rape fable.  Anyone else detecting a pattern here?!?) If you’re one of them, or just someone prone to conspiracy theories who thinks maybe Tsarnaev’s confession was coerced, bear in mind that he was captured on video planting the bombs. A jury convicted him on 30 out of 30 counts against him.

In other words, we know he did it. Does he deserve the death penalty?…”

We have no problem with those possessing a sincere moral aversion to capital punishment; we object most strenuously to those who likewise support on-demand abortion, let alone those with situational ethics on the subject. 

On the Lighter Side…

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