It’s Monday, November 7th, 2016…D-Day Minus One…and we cannot urge you enough to get out there and vote tomorrow (we still can’t believe we’re saying this) for Donald Trumpas if your way of life depends upon it!  Because it does!!!

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, writing at the WSJ, Bret Stephens tells the corruptocrat who introduced Progressive politics to the FBI it’s time to…

Resign, Mr. Comey

The FBI director lends credence to Trump’s accusation that the system is rigged.



“In the most divisive political season in memory, Mr. Comey has become the rare object of political consensus, his motives distrusted by Trump and Clinton voters alike, his judgment doubted by congressional Republicans, Democratic Justice Department officials and probably a great many agents in his own bureau. He needs to go

This isn’t because Mr. Comey is a secret partisan—an “arm of the [Clinton] campaign,” as journalist Mark Halperin suggested in September. In July Mr. Comey, an Obama appointee who also served as deputy attorney general in the George W. Bush administration, testified that he had been a registered Republican “for most of my adult life,” but that he was “not registered any longer.”

Whatever that means. Mr. Comey’s gnomic, ex cathedra distinction between Mrs. Clinton’s “extremely careless” handling of classified information and the “grossly negligent” standard that would have put her in legal jeopardy probably saved her candidacy. Friday’s letter to Congress, raising “there’s-gotta-be-something-there” suspicions, may yet save Mr. Trump’s.

These aren’t partisan acts. They are self-regarding ones. Mr. Comey is a familiar Washington type—the putative saintwhose career is a study in reputation management. He went after investment banker Frank Quattrone. He threatened to resign from the Bush administration over its warrantless wiretap program. He vouchsafed the case against Steven J. Hatfill, the virologist accused of the 2001 anthrax mail attacks, in internal White House deliberations. He appointed his close friend Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the leak of CIA analyst Valerie Plame’s name.

One common thread in these cases is that Mr. Comey was always on the right side of Beltway conventional wisdom. The second is that he was consistently on the wrong side of justice…”

All of which was written before Comey’s latest, wholly-expected “bombshell”:

Hillary OFF the hook as FBI Director James Comey reveals the department will NOT change its July decision after further email investigation



This despite, as detailed in a forward from the New York Post via George Lawlor, what should have constituted an indictable act; and would…at least for anyone other than a Clinton, Obama or other leading Progressive politician…along with any individual or nation willing to make an appropriately generous contribution to the Clinton Slush Fundation:

Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials



“As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton routinely asked her maid to print out sensitive government e-mails and documents — including ones containing classified information — from her house in Washington, DC, e-mails and FBI memos show. But the housekeeper lacked the security clearance to handle such material(Unlike most housekeepers!)

Clinton would first receive highly sensitive e-mails from top aides at the State Department and then request that they, in turn, forward the messages and any attached documents to Santos to print out for her at the home.

Santos also had access to a highly secure room called an SCIF (sensitive compartmented information facility) that diplomatic security agents set up at Whitehaven, according to FBI notes from an interview with Abedin. (Nothing to see…let alone indict…here, Mr. Comey; move along!) From within the SCIF, Santos — who had no clearance — “collected documents from the secure facsimile machine for Clinton,” the FBI notes revealed.

Yet it appears Clinton was never asked by the FBI in its yearlong investigation to turn over the iMac Santos used to receive the e-mails, or the printer she used to print out the documents, or the printouts themselves…”

Sooo…what?!?  The maid claimed, and Jim Comey believed, she printed the emails but didn’t read them; an event akin to Der Schlickmeister’s earliest and most patent prevarication regarding his canabis consumption?!?


Yoda: “smoked it AND inhaled it I did!” 

What’s next: Hillary’s belated revelation she personally cleared her garbage men to dispose of the classified materials her maid illegaly printed out?!?

Meanwhile, we won’t wait for Citizen Kaine’s Cabal Of Agents At The FBI Working To Screw Us Over To Elect Trump to come out of the closet prior to Tuesday.

As the Journal relates:

It looks like our contributor, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey (and, we must add, yours truly!), was right last week. FBI Director James Comey’s review of newly discovered Hillary Clinton-related emails was never going to change his legal judgment (which was never his place to begin with!) because the FBI and Justice Department handling of the case was never serious in the first place.

Paul Ryan says it best in his statement reacting to Comey’s latest effort to sell out the Founders’ Republic for mere pottage:




From where we sit, bin Laden’s fate is too good for the likes of James Comey…and John Roberts!

Next up, the WSJ‘s follow-up editorial to its well-deserved excoriation of Hillary, as it makes the case against…

The Gamble of Trump

The hope of better policies comes with his manifest personal flaws.



“The case for Donald Trump is political disruption. A broken Washington needs to be shaken up and refocused on the public good, and who better to do it than an outsider beholden to neither political party? If only that reform possibility didn’t arrive as a flawed personality who has few convictions and knows little about the world. (Sorry, but how much does Hillary actually know.,..


…not to mention Barry Obama, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton George Bush or Ronald Reagan when they assumed office?!?

The best hope for a Trump Presidency is that he has aligned himself with enough sound policy impulses that he could liberate the U.S. economy to grow faster again. He would stop the crush of new regulation, restore a freer market for health insurance, unleash U.S. energy production, and reform the tax code. His default priority would be growth, which the U.S. desperately needs after a decade of progressive focus on income redistribution and the worst economic recovery in 70 years.

The strongest argument against Mr. Trump, as Hillary Clinton has recognized, concerns his temperament and political character. His politics is almost entirely personal, not ideological. He overreacts to criticism and luxuriates in personal feuds.

President Obama’s greatest failure has been to govern in a deliberately polarizing fashion, and Mr. Trump’s response has been to campaign the same way. If the businessman loses a race that Republicans should win this year, one reason will be that his often harsh rhetoric has repelled women, minorities and younger voters. He ignores or twists inconvenient facts, and even when he has a good point his exaggerations make it harder to persuade the public. Yet a President needs the power to persuade.


The least convincing Never Trump argument is that he would rampage through government as an authoritarian. That ignores the checks and balances in Washington that constrain GOP Presidents in particular. If Mr. Trump wins, the media would awaken from their Obama-era slumbers and dog his Administration with a vengeance. The permanent bureaucracy would resist his political appointees, working with the media to build public opposition.

…The Wall Street Journal hasn’t endorsed a presidential candidate since 1928, and if we didn’t endorse Ronald Reagan we aren’t about to revive the practice for Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump. Yet one of them will be the next President. The choice comes down to the very high if relatively predictable costs of four more years of brute progressive government under Hillary Clinton versus a gamble on the political unknown of Donald Trump.

We’re solidly down with the unknown, ‘cuz here’s the juice: Trump truly is


a gamble.  Hillary, on the other hand, is a sure thing:


A complete and undoubted LOSER!!!

But for those still needing conclusive evidence of the Clintons’ corruption one day before the election, consider this:

Clinton’s charity confirms Qatar’s $1 million gift while she was at State Dept



“Promises, schmomises!”

The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments…”

And this is from Reuters, practically speaking, at least after NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, MSLSD and CNN, THE propaganda mouthpiece of Progressivism!!!

Which is why Michael Ramirez is sooooo right when he suggests the reality of the options available to America:


The Donald offers a chance; Hillary constitutes certain suicide.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:


Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with these memes courtesy of Balls Cotton and our sister-in-law Amy:


We close as we opened: get out there and vote tomorrow for Trumpas if your way of life depends upon it!  Because it does!!!

