It’s Friday, December 22nd, 2017…but before we begin, we’re in complete agreement with Jonathan Tobin’s position when he suggests…

Nikki Haley’s Right: Time to Start ‘Taking Names’ at the U.N.

Haley’s threat, backed up by Trump, should remind the organization that Washington’s word still counts.


It’s high time these useless bureaucrats, whose only real interest lies in lining their own pockets, learned…

 …there’s a new sheriff in town…not a sharif!

Seriously, if The Donald were to terminate all U.S. contributions to the U.N., along with any foreign aid to those countries which just voted to condemn his recognition of reality, would the majority of the American electorate really react against him?!?

No more than if he indicted Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, John Brennan, James Clapper, Jim Comey, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page (just to name a few!) for their crimes against the Republic…the MSM’s profound protestations notwithstanding.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of Tom Bakke, David Stockman reveals just how deep the rabbit hole goes:

The RussiaGate Witch-Hunt—The Deep State’s “Insurance Policy


There was a sinister plot to meddle in the 2016 election, after all. But it was not orchestrated from the Kremlin; it was an entirely homegrown affair conducted from the inner sanctums—the White House, DOJ, the Hoover Building and Langley—-of the Imperial City.

Likewise, the perpetrators didn’t speak Russian or write in the Cyrillic script. In fact, they were lifetime beltway insiders occupying the highest positions of power in the US government.

Here are the names and rank of the principal conspirators: John Brennan, CIA director; Susan Rice, National Security Advisor; Samantha Power, UN Ambassador; James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence; James Comey, FBI director; Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI director; Sally Yates, deputy Attorney General, Bruce Ohr, associate deputy AG; Peter Strzok, deputy assistant director of FBI counterintelligence; Lisa Page, FBI lawyer; and countless other lessor and greater poobahs of Washington power, including President Obama himself.

To a person, the participants in this illicit cabal shared the core trait that made Obama such a blight on the nation’s well-being. To wit, he never held an honest job outside the halls of government in his entire adult lifeand as a careerist agent of the state and practitioner of its purported goods works, he exuded a sanctimonious disdain for everyday citizens who make their living along the capitalist highways and by-ways of America.

The above cast of election-meddlers, of course, comes from the same mold. If Wikipedia is roughly correct, just these 10 named perpetrators have punched in about 300 years of post-graduate employment—and 260 of those years (87%) were on government payrolls or government contractor jobs.

As to whether they shared Obama’s political class arrogance, Peter Strzok left nothing to the imagination in his now celebrated texts to his gal-pal, Lisa Page:

Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support……I LOATHE congress….And F Trump.

You really didn’t need the ALL CAPS to get the gist. In a word, the anti-Trump cabal is comprised of creatures of the state.

Their now obvious effort to alter the outcome of the 2016 election was nothing less than the Imperial City’s immune system attacking an alien threat, which embodied the very opposite trait: That is, the Donald had never spent one moment on the state’s payroll, had been elected to no government office and displayed a spirited contempt for the groupthink and verities of officialdom in the Imperial City.

But it is the vehemence and flagrant transparency of this conspiracy to prevent Trump’s ascension to the Oval Office that reveals the profound threat to capitalism and democracy posed by the Deep State and its prosperous elites and fellow travelers domiciled in the Imperial City…”

To which we say…

Next up, NRO‘s David French offers a primer for Progressive politicians who’ve somehow come to believe what’s ours is theirs:

Dear Democrats, Ownership Isn’t Theft

The Left’s rhetorical response to tax cuts represents a fundamental redefinition of private property.


“I’m starting to think that all too many Democrats believe that private citizens and private corporations don’t actually own their private income or their private property.

Otherwise, how can we explain the Democratic insistence, repeated endlessly over the last 24 hours, that Republicans somehow are poised to execute a grand “heist” by cutting corporate and individual tax rates, granting an estimated 80.4 percent of taxpayers an average tax break of $2,140.

The rhetoric was remarkable, and the hysterics weren’t confined to fringe figures on the left. (Though anymore, what was formerly the fringe now constitutes the vast majority of The Left!) Here’s House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi:

And Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer:

Democratic presidential frontrunners Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders weighed in:

Note the key words. A tax cut is a “heist.” It’s “looting” the government’s money. You’re “robbing” and “ransackingthe middle class. Schumer is the most measured, and even he acts like the government is “giving” people money by granting a tax break.

Yes, part of this is just talking points. They’re words chosen to win a news cycle. But they also betray a deeper problem. Taken at face value they represent a fundamental redefinition of private property. It’s part of the Democratic march towards socialism, and it doesn’t just have implications for tax rates, it has grave consequences for civil liberties as well…”

As Kimberly Strassel notes at the WSJ

“In the wake of last year’s election, a humiliated press corps was forced to reassess, to explain how it had gotten the presidential race so monumentally wrong. Conclusions: It had been too blinded by its own biases, too sheltered from Middle America. It apologized. It promised to do better.

Or not.

Yahoo News: “Meet some victims of the Trump tax bill.” Washington Post: “10 Reasons Democrats think the tax bill will be a political loser for Trump’s GOP.” New York Times: “In Tax Overhaul, Trump Tries to Defy Economic Odds.” Business Insider: “Americans have already made up their minds about the tax bill—and it looks brutal for the GOP.”

To read all this coverage, you’d be justified in believing that the entire Republican Party had been hit with a stupid stick. Its members united to jack up the taxes of millions of middle-income voters, throw the country into recession, and saddle today’s toddlers with a future debt crisis—all to enable the transfer of tax plunder to fat-cat donors. And not only did it pass this colossally idiotic policy, it did so enthusiastically, in full view of the public—guaranteeing a 2018 GOP midterm wipeout. What dimwits!

This is the Democratic line, and the media is embracing it. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi bet that the GOP would fail to enact tax reform, so they pressed their members to boycott negotiations. Instead, Republicans are delivering bigger paychecks and the prospect of accelerated economic growth, and not a single Democrat can take credit. The Democratic Party’s only path is therefore to spin an obvious GOP victory into a disaster. The press, with all its biases and insularity, once again is all in, with another attack on reality…”

MSM bias…WHAT bias?!?

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to a follow-up to our Wednesday segment on Obama’s Hezbollah hypocrisy, as the WSJ weighs in on…

Obama’s Pass for Hezbollah

Charges that he killed a probe of the terror group to get his Iran deal.


“…Mr. Obama’s defenders want you to believe that the DEA agents are sore losers in a Washington turf war. But there are a number of reasons why these charges ring true.

Cassandra was closing in on Hezbollah as Mr. Obama was trying to complete his Iran nuclear deal. John Brennan, Mr. Obama’s counterterror chief who later led the CIA, had argued in May 2010 that Hezbollah was evolving into a political party. Exposing it as a transnational crime syndicate would upset the Iranians and damage the Administration’s ability to sell his nuclear deal to a skeptical public.

Obama Treasury official Katherine Bauer told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that under the Obama Administration Hezbollah-related “investigations were tamped down for fear of rocking the boat with Iran and jeopardizing the nuclear deal.”

An unidentified former CIA officer told Mr. Meyer (who authored the Politico report) that “during the negotiations, early on,” the Iranians “said listen, we need you to lay off Hezbollah, to tamp down the pressure on them, and the Obama administration acquiesced to that request. It was a strategic decision to show good faith toward the Iranians” to reach an agreement.

Three major suspects involved in weapons and drug trafficking got away. Ali Fayad, a Lebanese arms dealer alleged to work for Russia supplying weapons in Syria and Iraq, was arrested in the Czech Republic in 2014. He had been indicted in the U.S. but the Administration “declined to apply serious pressure on the Czech government to extradite him,” says Mr. Meyer. He was sent to Beirut where he continues to ply his trade.

Alleged Venezuelan drug kingpin Hugo Carvajal was arrested in Aruba in 2014. Venezuela’s close alliance with Iran is no secret and reeling in “the chicken,” as Carvajal was known, would have generated key intelligence about cocaine trafficking to the U.S. and North Africa. The Netherlands mysteriously intervened and returned him to Venezuela.

When Colombia arrested Walid Makled, a Syrian-born Venezuelan who was alleged to be shipping ten tons of cocaine to the U.S. each month, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos refused U.S. extradition requests and sent him to Venezuela. Mr. Obama repaid Mr. Santos by backing his amnesty for the FARC, the largest drug cartel in the Americas.

Mr. Meyer reported that former Obama officials assured him that they had not “derailed any actions against Hezbollah or its Iranian allies for political reasons.” But many government officials believe otherwise, which is why this warrants a congressional investigation.

Holy déjà vu, Batman…

how many Islamic terrorists are Liberals going to enable?!?

Though as this Shannon Bream interview reveals, so strong is The Obamao’s hold on his myrmidonic minions, even the author of the Politico bombshell…

…still refused to recognize the true import of what he’d uncovered…until his credibility was attacked by Obama’s minions.

Meanwhile, the obfuscation, misdirection and misrepresentation…

continues.  And what is that on his head?!?

In a related item courtesy of

AG Sessions: I’ve Ordered DOJ Prosecutors To Ask The FBI What They’ve Got On Uranium One


Unfortunately, talk is cheap; and given Jeff Sessions’ performance to date…

…including the continued stonewalling of Congress by both the DOJ and FBI under his direction, we won’t hold our breath waiting for any indictments to drop. 

Which brings us to The Lighter Side

Then there’s this classic for those of us with small dogs, courtesy of Bill Meisen:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with the Entertainment Section, and the trailer for Chappaquiddick, coming to theaters in early April of ’18:

If this clip is any indication of the manner in which the filmmakers treat their subject, a “man” who, best case, left a young girl to suffer a lonely death in a submerged Oldsmobile, we may have finally found a film worth seeing in a theater.

Trust us; the prospect of seeing Kate Mara in a bikini has nothing whatsoever to do with our decision!

