It’s Wednesday, June 15th, 2022…but before we begin, if you think Soros-sponsored prosecutors who side with the worst elements in society rather than the law-abiding citizens on whom criminals prey infest only urban America, think again, as…

It’s as this recent meme from Mark Foster correctly concludes:

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, NRO’s Zach Evans reports…

Biden Blames Republicans in Congress for Soaring Inflation


“…Addressing the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, Biden argued that his economic agenda, which relies on massive government spending, would help drive down inflation, and said Republican obstruction of that agenda is to blame for the current economic environment.

“Under my plan for the economy we made extraordinary progress, and put America in a position to tackle a worldwide problem that’s worse everywhere but here: inflation,” Biden said.

“The problem is, Republicans in Congress are doing everything they can to stop my plans to bring down costs on ordinary families,” Biden added. “That’s why my plan is not finished, and the results aren’t finished either.”…”

Question: Who has Joe NOT blamed for the soaring inflation he’s created?!?  His excuses rival those of Jake Blues:

Here’s the juice: As Ross noted in one of his recent rants, the Biden clown car STILL doesn’t understand…or care…about the havoc they’ve wreaked:

Did you ever stop to wonder- there was $2.5 Trillion of excess savings due to the pandemic fee money. So that money was not needed by the recipients since it went into savings and more went to pay down of credit cards. In short- it was unneeded money transferred from the tax payers to the 50% who are non-taxpayers. So it then follows that a major portion of the $6 trillion of pandemic give aways, and especially the last $1.9 trillion in March 2020, was a waste of funds, and all that extra spending created the excess demand which is now manifesting itself in 12% inflation to those people who got all that free money they now need just to buy gas and food. And now they are proposing spending another package of hundreds of billions and raising taxes further as we head to recession. Stupid does not begin to define the economic team at the White House.

Since we’re on the subject of the worst Administration ever to haunt the White House, writing at The Epoch Times, Roger Simon correctly concludes…

The Electric Car Is Biden’s ‘Golden Calf


President Joe Biden, a man who frequently touts “the science”—but, it’s rather evident, would be unlikely to do better than a “D” on a high school chemistry or physics test—has placed a civilizational-level bet on the electric car. (Pop Quiz, Joe Biden: What’s the second law of thermodynamics? Biden: Thermodynamics? I love that company! Are we in Philadelphia? Great city!)

It’s almost as if the current occupant of the White House worships the electric car in a fashion bordering on idolatrous. Without the slightest apparent thought, he destroyed U.S. energy independence and is threatening worldwide economic collapse on its behalf. Indeed, the electric car is Biden’s “Golden Calf.” He should get down on his knees and pray to a Tesla. With inflation at 8.6 percent, the highest in 40 years, he’s going to need some divine help.

But someone might want to explain to Biden the reality of electric cars, if indeed he’s capable of comprehending it. For that someone, I would nominate Bjorn Lomborg—the Danish author and president of the think tank Copenhagen Consensus Center—who has been perhaps the world’s most esteemed climate journalist for decades.

As recently as February, Lomborg wrote a lengthy article for the Daily Mail with the equally lengthy title, “Are electric cars the new ‘diesel scandal’ waiting to happen? They generate polluting particles just like petrol vehicles, are not even that cost-effective and, as one expert finds, will not save the planet.” That’s a bit complicated for Joe, I know. Better for him to continue to worship the Golden Tesla (embarrassing as that might be since Elon Musk has switched to a Republican). But let’s hear from Lomborg himself. I have excerpted for brevity:

Do you remember Britain’s ‘dash for diesel’? It began more than 20 years ago when the then-chancellor, Gordon Brown, announced a new car tax system favouring vehicles with lower emissions of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

What didn’t emerge until much later—although it was no secret in the motor industry or among government officials—was that diesel cars also emitted greater quantities of other pollutants, nitrogen oxides, and particulates that damage air quality and human health.

What it fails to tell us, however, is that electric cars are not the answer for many people, for a host of practical reasons. These include their upfront cost, limited range, the time it takes to charge batteries, the new infrastructure needed for charging points, and the extra power required to supply them.

Even more alarmingly, a report in the journal Nature suggests that because electric cars are heavier than other vehicles, they will likely kill more occupants of other vehicles in traffic accidents.

As I said, this is only a sampling of Lomborg’s devastating report. I would highly recommend reading the whole thing, especially to those—almost exclusively rich people—who assume their purchase of an electric car is “doing something for humanity.” Rather, it’s the equivalent of riding to an environmental conference in a private jet—in other words, moral narcissism at its most repugnant.

The story of the “Golden Calf” is one of the Old Testament’s most memorable for good reason.  The worship of false gods has been a constant in human history and is all around us now—not just in the area of electric cars.

The great purveyor of “Golden Calves” (plural deliberately) is, of course, the media. Very few of us are honest and reliable: one of those, over the years, has been Lomborg. He believes that some “global warming” has been occurring, but understands that solar and wind, as of now, aren’t the solution and may never be. He sees the Paris Climate Accords as the opportunistic boondoggle that they obviously are, even more how they favor rich countries over poor. China, of course, will ignore them even as they sign on.

All of this seems pretty simple, while at the same time being above the head of the simpleton in the White House and his nefarious advisers. Sometime, rather soon, I suspect it will be different. The wandering Hebrews, after all, eventually abandoned the Golden Calf.

But as this video from the Nickel details, Joe has a cure for the economic malaise his with which his policies have poxed the country:

Better reset those expectations. Barely getting by is the new American Dream.

It’s as Peter Doocy wonders in his response to Karine Jean-Pierre’s cue card’s claim:

We didn’t have much good to say about Jen Psaki, but at least she could respond to a question without reading the answer.

Next, NRO‘s Kevin Williamson believes…

The January 6 Hearings Are a Story without a Hero

If the hearings fail to offer a moral reckoning, it will be because no one involved is in a position to credibly provide one.


William Makepeace Thackeray’s masterpiece, Vanity Fair, was published with a subtitle: “A Novel without a Hero.” Whatever genre the January 6 hearings belong to — documentary? comedy? circus? — they are telling a story without a hero, a characteristic story of our unheroic time.

Republicans complain that Democrats only want to use these hearings to boost their chances in the midterm elections, that Democrats want to distract voters from the Biden administration’s failures abroad and at home, that Democrats are trying to drive inflation out of the news and the political discourse, that Democrats do not now and never have actually cared about political violence and showed that during the summer before the 2020 election, that Democrats themselves used some very questionable legal pretexts to try to overturn a presidential election they lost in 2000 and insisted that the 2016 was illegitimate, that their media allies are pumping up the January 6 story while relegating plots to assassinate Supreme Court justices all the way back to page A20 — and Republicans are absolutely correct about all that. And that matters as more than a matter of rhetoric: If the January 6 hearings do not provide a legal reckoning, it will be because the law does not provide for one; but if the January 6 hearings fail to provide a moral or political reckoning — and, of course, they will fail in that way — it will be because there is no one in a position to deliver such a reckoning.

Representative Liz Cheney is an admirable figure (An assessment with which we must beg to differ, as anyone willingly participating in such a partisan charade is deserving of nothing but scorn and contempt!), but her marginalization within the Republican Party — a judgment on the Republican Party more than it is a judgment on her — deprives her of the status necessary to be the champion here. Joe Biden is at least as corrupt and incompetent as Donald Trump is and at least Trump’s equal in his contempt for the rule of law and the constitutional order — if anything, he is more dangerous than Trump was in that respect, because he is a professional politician who understands the fundamentals of how the machinery is operated, something Trump never was apparently interested in figuring out during the 25 minutes a day he wasn’t on Twitter or watching Fox News or on Twitter tweeting about what he was watching on Fox News.

Democrats will sometimes concede that their recent tolerance of political violence and their two decades of election rejection are a problem because they give Trump partisans a talking point, but that isn’t nearly enough: They have to understand that these things are bad in and of themselves. They will have to develop a deeper and more genuine sense of political morality if they ever want to have anything like the kind of standing that would enable them to do what actually needs to be done in these hearings. It’s not just that you can’t go from “rioting is social justice” in July to “riots are sedition” in January — it’s that you shouldn’t be starting from “rioting is social justice” in the first place, and, if you are, you have already lost the game. The fact that Republicans have cynical, self-serving reasons for not taking the Democrats seriously does not erase the fact that there are excellent reasons for not taking the Democrats seriously — contempt for what the Democratic Party embodies and stands for is in fact a moral necessity.

Instead of self-examination, Democrats offer: “I don’t get why these Republicans are so radical and angry, and, also, everybody who retweets a joke I don’t like should lose his job. Also, Reihan Salam is a Christo-fascist white supremacist.” They will dream up more things of that nature as needed. And if these hearings go nowhere, which is likely, and if Democrats get pulverized in November, which also is likely, what are Democrats going to say? “We just didn’t realize how racist this country really is!” Because racism is why thinking people don’t want Elizabeth Warren, the whitest woman since Eunice Wentworth Howell, in charge of writing our laws.

No, the Democrats are not going to be engaged in self-examination, because they are going to be too busy organizing heroic boycotts of hamburger buns.

That is very difficult stuff to take seriously. And, so, most people who are not psychically dependent upon Twitter validation to get through the day do not take it seriously. As the Democratic activist and political scientist Ruy Teixeira recently put it: “You don’t beat crazy with less crazy — you beat crazy with not crazy. The first party to figure that out is going to be in pretty good shape.”

But there isn’t any political juice for any up-and-coming Democrat in being not crazy, while there would be a lot of juice in putting Donald Trump in jail and, short of that, in making florid dramatic pronunciations that Donald Trump belongs in jail and would be there if not for some subtle and uncorrectable defect in our legal system…”

Meanwhile, again courtesy of NRO‘s Zach Evans, we learn the…

Ohio Governor Signs Bill Allowing School Employees to Carry Guns


Ohio governor Mike DeWine signed a bill on Monday to allow school employees to carry guns on school property.

The law requires employees who wish to come to school armed to complete 24 hours of training in programs approved by the Ohio School Safety Center. Additionally, the bill requires eight hours of annual training for approved employees. School districts may choose not to allow armed employees if they wish under the new law.

“This does not require any school to arm teachers or staff,” DeWine said at a press conference on Monday after signing the law. “Every school will make its own decision.” The bill also allocates funds for mental-health programs and other school-safety measures.

Responding to the signing on Monday, Nan Whaley, Ohio’s Democratic candidate for governor, wrote on Twitter that “Mike DeWine has made Ohio less safe.”

Here’s the juice: Now THAT is common-sense gun reform, and how else would one expect a Dimocrat to respond to a policy which will actually makes schools safer?!?

Think about it: No current statute prevents a teacher from illegally bringing a gun into an Ohio school and start banging away, just as nothing in this new law will allow it.  Laws don’t prevent crimes; They simply allow for the punishment of those who commit them after the fact.  We suggest such knee-jerk anti-gun Libtards consider this new law belts and suspenders in case the next would-be mass-murderer…

…can’t read.

Moving on, here’s another septet of items certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). If you’ve ever wondered why, despite the practically limitless funding thrown at public education, little Johnny and Sally still kant reed, right or do arythmetik, after reading this forward from the Nickel, you’ll wonder no further.

(2). What a difference a month makes!  As’s Spencer Brown relates, here’s Karine Jean-Pierre on May 18th responding to a question regarding the stock market:

Nothing has changed on how we see the stock market. We do not- that’s not something that we keep an eye on every day.

Now that all the gains made since Biden illegitimately assumed office in January of 2021 have been erased, the self-declared Black, gay, immigrant woman is reading from a different cue card:

As you know, we are watching closely. We know families are concerned about inflation and the stock market — that is something that the president is really aware of.

Sure Biden’s aware…he just don’t care!

(3). records the amount of time the MSM gave the January 6 Kangaroo Court versus the attempted assassination of Brett Kavanaugh:

(4). The Nebraska Association of School Boards has become the 25th state to break ties with the National School Boards Association, as directors unanimously voted to formally sever ties in the wake of the NSBA conspiring with the Biden Administration to stifle parental dissent to the Progressive indoctrination of their children by classifying them as domestic terrorists.

(5). We have only one thought on this forward from the New York Post via both Joe Flood and George Lawlor confirming no record WHATSOEVER exists of Lyin’ Joe Biden having been offered an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy: We cannot BEGIN to imagine the hue and cry which would have raised had The Donald made such a claim.  What preposterous prevarication will the Dimocrats’ crazed uncle in the Offal Office pronounce next: Republicans are to blame for soaring inflation?!? 

(6). Writing at AEI, Desmond Lachlan notes, the 46* clown car’s continuing refusal to take any responsibility for inflation notwithstanding, the bad news for Biden is it’s only getting worse

(7). And if Joe’s approval numbers were plumbing heretofore unexplored depths before, they just got lower than…

…whale sh*t.  Until the tampon crisis is ended, we’d avoid asking any women…and especially women identifying as men

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this from Robert Mark…

….and beautiful sister-in-law Jackie:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, courtesy today of Raphael Warnock, yet another child of the Father of Lies, and The Washington Free Beacon:

Raphael Warnock Blames Brother’s Drug Conviction on Systemic Racism. Court Records Tell a Different Story.


“When he talks about racism in the U.S. justice system, Sen. Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.) often cites the case of his older brother—a “first-time,” “nonviolent” drug offender who was sentenced to life in prison due to a “pandemic of racism,” according to the senator. Warnock has compared his half-brother, whose full name is Keith Coleman, to black victims of police shootings, attributed his imprisonment to the “stigma of color and criminality,” and praised his early release in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic as a day of “hope” for the justice system.

But hundreds of pages of court records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon tell a more complicated story: Coleman was a cop with the Savannah Police Department when he was convicted of facilitating a cross-country cocaine trafficking operation in 1996 and 1997—and once warned that he could send a drug dealer’s “black ass” to prison if the dealer didn’t pay Coleman more money.

The details conflict with Warnock’s accounts, which omit that Coleman was a police officer and portray him as a victim of law enforcement corruption rather than a participant in it.

In November 1995, the FBI launched an undercover sting campaign called “Operation Broken Oath” to investigate whistleblower tips about dirty cops within the Savannah Police Department, according to a pretrial investigative report by the bureau. The probe ensnared nearly a dozen police officers who agreed to provide paid security for undercover FBI agents and informants posing as cocaine traffickers.

One of these officers was Coleman, who quickly became a ringleader in the illegal scheme, using his police-issued handgun and car to escort the purported drug dealers as they drove kilos of cocaine to airports, hotels, and warehouses, according to prosecutors.

On Nov. 21, 1997, Coleman was convicted by a jury of conspiring and attempting to aid and abet the distribution of cocaine, and with carrying a firearm during a drug trafficking offense. He was sentenced to life in prison, and two of his co-conspirators were sentenced to 17 years and 19 years, respectively. Court records cited Coleman’s possession of a weapon, his abuse of power as a police officer, and his recruitment of other cops as justification for a longer sentence.

The Warnock campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

Yeah, big surprise.  As we said, like every Dimocrat we know, they’re liars…just like their true father:

Editor’s Note: Any resemblance of the representation of the Prince of Darkness above to any former, big-eared Presidents who diligently served the will of Satan during his two terms in office is purely coincidental.

On an administrative note, we’ll be playing in a three-day member-guest golf tournament starting Thursday, so we’ll be radio silent on Friday.  So ’til Monday…


Video of the Day

Tucker explains why it’s incredibly dangerous when Hollywood celebrities like Matthew McConaughey…or useful idiots like John Cornyn…speak about issues they’ve no knowledge about.

Tales of The Darkside

Like a pit bull with a bone, Jesse Watters just won’t let the Paul Pelosi DUI cover-up go…for which we’re very grateful!

On the Lighter Side

Norm McDonald correctly characterizes not only the Clintons, but the Bidens, Obamas, Pelosis and every other Progressive politician and political family.
