It’s Monday, July 11th, 2022…and after an extended period of rest, relaxation and binge-watching Bosch, like a bad penny, we’re…

But before we begin, Adam Schitless demonstrates an undying belief…

…even when they didn’t work the first time.

Now, here’s an unreviewed edition of The Gouge!

First up, though the commentary’s a bit dated, here’s all you need to know about the reasoning behind the SCOTUS decision to overturn the manifestly unreasoned Roe v. Wade, as FOX relates…

10 key quotes from Justice Alito’s opinion overturning Roe v. Wade


In a related item, NRO‘s Kevin Williamson offers lessons from the Left’s implosion.

And we’re curious what makes Hairplug Joe think a federal law regulating abortion will withstand constitutional muster before a court which just declared regulating abortion beyond the purview of the federal government?!?

This from a guy who needs a cue card to tell him when to sit:

For the good of the country, we hope the next card tells him to rollover and play dead!

Since we’re on the subject of the most colossal simpleton ever to illegitimately occupy the Oval Office,‘s Kevin McCullough details why Biden’s failure to successfully fight the force of gravity is emblematic of…

The Falling Down—Off Your Stopped Bike—Presidency

Each Presidency in the modern era has its moment. That specific point in time when history and the future smacking into each other throw a bolt of lightning through time and space and define the man.

For *President Biden it knocked him on his kiester! The symbolism couldn’t be more parallel…”

As McCullough’s colleague Matt Vespa records, Biden’s bike fall checks the final item on the Jimmy Carter narrative list.

This from the lovely Shannon pretty well sums the Biden presidency up in one meme:

Next up, Jeff Foutch forwarded a list of…

100 Ways Biden and the Democrats Have Made it Harder to Produce Oil & Gas


Then there’s this bit of brilliance from Kevin Williamson, who insightfully observes The Left has…

America on Parole

We will always have to fight against the kind of omnipresent surveillance and government control dreamt of by the Left’s petty totalitarians.


“…There is power in information, and progressives seek to use their political advantage in states such as New York and California to lean on technology firms to impose an Orwellian blackout on wrongthink — removing unpopular voices and views from social media, cutting off verboten institutions and communications from the digital infrastructure, and, if it comes to it, manipulating GPS services to simply erase unwelcome charities and businesses. If you ever were bewildered by the old Stalinist practice of airbrushing photos to remove figures who have fallen into disfavor, this is the same sensibility at work.

There is one slice of life in these United States in which it is very common to use GPS mapping to oversee and control the choices people make: parole. That bears meditating upon.

It is the power of the parole officer that progressives dream of lording over their fellow citizens — the power to set boundaries to govern the lives of everyone else and, especially, of those who attempt to escape that power. We hear it from the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and we hear it in Elizabeth Warren’s “you didn’t build that” nonsense: the idea that we live and work and prosper only at the sufferance of the state and its progressive masters, that we require permission to enjoy our freedom and our prosperity — and that this permission is liable to be revoked for infractions against the progressive sensibility.

We right-wingers are a paranoid bunch, but, sometimes, I wonder: Are we paranoid enough?…”

Moving on, here’s an sextet of selections certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Kraken’s CEO offers a breath of fresh air in his refusal to bow to Woke culture.  We’re shocked…

…shocked The New York Times would produce a hit piece on such politically-incorrect thoughts.

(2). We found this snippet from Kurt Schlichter’s The Case for Donald Trump 2024 more than a little ironic…

Trump began the process of rebuilding our military, wrecked after decades of fruitless wars, and most importantly, he did not get us into any new ones. That matters, because the people who like him tend to be the people who either have to actually fight those wars or send their sons and daughters to do it – see if you can imagine a Cheney in uniform without laughing at the absurdity of a member of that clan actually personally participating in one of the myriad wars they love so much as anything other than a distant spectator…”

…given the fact The Donald himself essentially dodged the draft, and the chances of any of his progeny ending up in uniform are the same as Hillary fitting into a size 4.  We should also mention the state of America’s Military isn’t the result of a series of fruitless wars, but rather decades of Progressive budget cuts and politically-correct social engineering.

(3). Case in point, as FOX informs us documents obtained by Judicial Watch confirm West Point cadets are being taught critical race theory, including addressing “whiteness“:

The documents reveal that the Army officers-in-training are receiving lessons on CRT, which included lessons on addressing “whiteness” as well as the application of CRT when answering questions.

“In order to understand racial inequality and slavery, it is first necessary to address whiteness,” one slide reads.

The slide goes on to claim that “whiteness” is “a location of structural advantage, of race privilege,” is a “standpoint or place from which white people look at themselves and the rest of society,” and refers “to a set of cultural practices that are usually unmarked and unnamed.”

“Do you think Affirmative Action creates an environment for ‘reverse discrimination?’” one question reads. “Use CRT to support your answer.”

“What is the difference between desegregation versus integration?” another question from a slide titled “Conundrums of Integration” asks. “How would you apply a tenant of CRT to this idea?”

Additionally, slides from an Army memo claim that White Americans “have primarily benefited from civil rights legislation,” that racism “is ordinary,” and that race is “socially constructed,” as well as address “Queer Theory and Policy” in another slide.

Another slide titled “By The Numbers” includes a graphic titled “Modern Day Slavery in the USA” juxtaposed with claims that Black Americans are “less likely than whites” to receive “recommended medical screening tests” or receive “a job promotion” while being more likely than White Americans to be murdered, incarcerated, or live “below the poverty line.”…”

In what will come as a shock to no one, the Department of Defense did not respond to FOX‘S request for comment.

(4). Now that enterprising gangs of young Black Philadelphians have found a new method of committing murder, will the City of Brotherly Love establish a minimum age for the possession of traffic cones, or just ban them outright?!?

(5). As Jim Freeman records at Best of the Web, the powers-that-be in California are running out of other states to hate.

(6). Speaking of the hopelessly hypocritical, in a display of moral bankruptcy which should surprise no one, Chicago’s Mayor Lightweight denounces “toxicity in public discourse” mere days after shouting “F— Clarence Thomas!”

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from the Nickel…

…Balls Cotton…

…George Lawlor…

…and the lovely Shannon…

…along with one more from a contributor whose names we confess we cannot recall:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with yet another false sign The Apocalypse is Upon Us, courtesy today of another FOX headline intended to alarm rather than inform, as we’re told…

Top airline ending service to 3 major cities due to pilot shortage

American Airlines says service at the New York and Ohio airports will stop starting on Sept. 7


“…The Texas-based carrier told FOX Business Monday that its service in Islip and Ithaca, New York, as well as in Toledo, Ohio, will end starting on Sept. 7…”

WOW: Islip, Ithaca and Toledo!!!  Look, having personally experienced the impact of pilot shortages largely the result of unnecessary, counterproductive government COVID policies on our return from Atlanta, we know commercial aviation has issues.  But the fact Klinger will no longer be able to catch an American flight home for Thanksgiving is hardly a sign the apocalypse is most certainly upon us!


Video of the Day

Courtesy of the Nickel, a campaign commercial highlighting the greatest threat which has ever faced Americans of every race, creed, color and religion.

Tales of The Darkside

Fox & Friends Weekend co-hosts Pete Hegseth and Will Cain break down the credibility of President Biden’s economic claims. We were frankly disappointed they didn’t highlight the fact a new oil refinery hasn’t been built anywhere in America since the 1970s.

On the Lighter Side

Broken-Clock Bill is right again!
