It’s Friday, July 29th, 2022…and here’s Jesse Watters thoughts on what the Biden clown car assures us was Joe’s masterful 137-minute manipulation of Xi Jinping…plus a wee bit more, which ties nicely into what follows:

Here’s our interpretation of the call:

Oh,…and as Best of the Web confirms, inspiring another Carter-era comparison, the 46*-created economy is still shrinking, as Tucker relates…

…the prevaricating protestations of every occupant of the Biden clown car notwithstanding.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Before we begin, we want to be clear…

…as to our objective in today’s edition: To identify the common thread that explains what would otherwise be seemingly incomprehensible individual events. 

First, regarding the manifestly misrepresented “Inflation Reduction Act”, as Speed noted, Joe Manchin folded so quickly even Paul Pelosi wasn’t able to go bigger in solar stocks.  Perhaps because as NRO’s Jim Geraghty explains, the bill undercuts every argument Manchin made against more massive spending:

It was just twelve days ago that Manchin told a West Virginia radio host on air that he couldn’t even contemplate a deal until he saw the inflation numbers for July. The July inflation numbers don’t get released until August 10. One early forecast suggests that the July numbers will show a small increase, to 9.2 percentDavid Payne of Kiplinger’s wrote earlier this month that, “The inflation rate is likely to stay close to 9 percent the rest of the year, then decline gradually after that, ending 2023 at about 3 percent. Rent increases alone will keep inflation rates elevated for some time to come.”

So, no, Joe Manchin did not stumble across some new bit of economic data about inflation that changed his mind on whether to move ahead with a deal.

Our Charlie Cooke saw this coming; in the middle of the month, Charlie laid out his fears that Manchin was about to go wobbly:

[Manchin] has worked on a package that would make that inflation worse. By most reports, the “deal” that Senators Manchin and Schumer were negotiating consisted of a large tax increase on corporations — which, because it will lead to increased prices, is inflationary — and a series of tax credits (read: subsidies) for energy companies, child-care providers, and Obamacare recipients — which, because they will leave their recipients with more disposable income and thereby increase demand, are inflationary. If Manchin is balking now on tax increases, that sense of hesitation should extend to the rest…”

Friends, it’s ECON101: Simply put…


Which means Manchin, who’s not stupid, knows his deal is completely counterproductive to its purported purpose.  Which means he knows it can only increase and prolong the economic pain average Americans are currently suffering.  Which means, were Manchin to answer honestly when faced with these facts, he could only respond:

Curious.  More on this to follow.

And lest you think The Gang That’ll Never Shoot Straight bears no responsibility for this latest federal spendathon, a snippet from Kim Strassel’s latest entitled Manchin and the GOP Dupes should disabuse you of that notion:

If good policy makes for good politics, the reverse is also true. Senate Republicans proved that in spades this week, as their lust for home-state handouts paved a runway for President Biden’s long-sought climate, tax and healthcare agenda.

Seventeen Republicans on Wednesday helped Democrats pass a $280 billion subsidy blowout for the semiconductor industry. The bill is an embarrassing stew of accountability-free corporate welfare and government spending. This is the priority Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in June vowed to hold hostage so long as Democrats still had the Biden reconciliation agenda—formerly Build Back Better—on the table. Instead, encouraged that West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin continued to block that front, Republicans figured they might as well cash in.

Mere hours after that vote, Mr. Manchin announced he’d agreed to a $740 billion reconciliation deal after all. Surprise! The kinder commentators are noting that Republicans got “duped” by their West Virginia buddy—but that’s unfair to dupes. Mr. Manchin had never ruled out an agreement; quite the opposite, he said negotiations were continuing. All Republicans had to do was refuse to touch a semiconductor bill until the reconciliation vehicle expired on Sept. 30. Or better yet, walk away from the bloated industrial policy altogether.

Especially because they didn’t need this bill, politically. Inflation, gasoline prices, baby-formula shortages and a faltering economy had already provided Republicans all the ammunition they needed for their campaign to retake the Senate. But some Republicans saw an opportunity to funnel money to home-state chip interests, while others saw a chance to do the only thing they know how, spend. Even Mr. McConnell—“master strategist”—voted yes. Don’t confuse getting duped with a failure of basic impulse control…”

Really?  Seriously: Mitch didn’t see this coming?!?  Didn’t even dream it was a possibility?!?  Curiouser and curiouser.

Next, in forward from the Nickel, the New York Post relates how our federal…

Government is using charities to hide just how much money is going to illegal immigration


If you’re a taxpayer — in New York or anywhere in the US – you’re getting scammed by groups like United Way, Catholic Charities and the Central American Refugee Center (CARECEN). You may think these are charities. Truth is, these groups are hauling in millions in taxpayer dollarsyour money — under government contracts to facilitate illegal immigration.

It’s money laundering. Democratic politicians want to maximize illegal immigration, but they don’t want their fingerprints on it. The remedy: pay so-called charities that will do the work for them. Who’s in on this scam? President Joe Biden, and politicians across the country including Gov. Kathy Hochul, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and our own Mayor Eric Adams.

Even before crossing the border, migrants still in Mexico are being handed debit cards loaded with $800 a month to enable them to pay for necessities. The gift cards are distributed by the non-profit Organization for Migration, thanks to money provided by the US State Department

After crossing and surrendering to US Border agents, many migrants are directed to Catholic Charities, which provides them with hotel rooms, meals and clothing, and sometimes pays for their bus or plane tickets to their chosen destinations.  Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley explains that the mission is merely to “give a cup of water in Jesus’ name.”  

Who can argue with that?  Except that the money isn’t coming from the Sunday collection basket. Sister Pimentel admits her organization is reimbursed by the federal government. It’s coming from taxpayers, who have no clue they’re supporting this operation…”

Two thoughts immediately come to mind: First, it’s not Sister Pimentel’s sense of Christian charity which bothers us, rather it’s the source of said charity: Taxpayers who adamantly oppose the flood of illegal immigrants her work is encouraging.  Second, handing out $800 debit cards, funded by taxpayers’ dollars…without any strings attached, limitations on use or any means to ensure the cards don’t end up in the hands of coyotes or the cartels?  Seriously?!?  Hey, what could go wrong?  Curiouser cubed.

Turning to the subject of the First Crime Family, courtesy of Speed, Tablet Magazine details one particular aspect…

The National Tragedy of Hunter Biden’s Laptop

How a country’s political corruption, institutional decay, and moral decline can be summed up in one sad family saga


The recent release of more gigabytes of images and information from Hunter Biden’s laptop adds to the evidence that the all-out elite effort to bury the scandal before the 2020 election wasn’t just to protect Joe Biden, the preferred candidate of the American oligarchy. Sure, the 50-plus senior U.S. intelligence professionals who signed a letter claiming the laptop’s contents were “Russian disinformation” wanted to stop Donald Trump from sending angry tweets at them, but the laptop suggests there was much more at stake.

The U.S. spy chiefs who signed that infamously misleading letter—including John Brennan, Leon Panetta, Michael Hayden, and James Clapper—had directed America’s foreign intelligence services while Biden was vice president and before that chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. They knew what his son Hunter was doing abroad, because it was their job to know what foreign services know about leading U.S. officials and their families, and how it might affect U.S. national security.

But none of these powerful and experienced men, presumably dedicated to defending the national interest, lifted a finger to stop Hunter Biden—and really, how could they? He was Joe Biden’s son, after all. And by doing nothing about him, the pillars of America’s intelligence community became the curators of the Biden family’s scandal…”

“Curators”…”collaborators”…architects”…”authors”…”: Whatever term you prefer, these people conspired to advance the candidacy of one candidate over another, during which they deliberately lied to the American electorate.  And “national tragedy” our a*s; More like a massive criminal conspiracy!

Are you beginning to grasp the common thread we mentioned in our opening?

Here’s the juice, be it Joe Manchin, Mitch McConnell, Catholic Charities, the Organization for [Illegal] Migration, the Biden criminal cartel or the 50 spies who lied, all of the parties involved have placed the possession of whatever political power or pecuniary payoff their corruption has allowed them to acquire over the best interests and well being of hundreds of millions of their countrymen.

The Biden family is a criminal cartel which has for years been sacrificing national security for personal profit; Catholic Charities and other NGOs support illegal immigration in exchange for government support; the 50 spies who lied maintain cushy private sector gigs and guest spots on MSDNC and the Communist News Network; Neither Joe Manchin’s reward…nor Mitch McConnell’s…has yet to be revealed, thought there’s a late-breaking story which COULD explain the former:

(We’d have added Liz Cheney to the list, but G. Trevor offered a legitimate argument Liz’s duplicity resulted from a case of pure TDS.)

BTW, the same is true of the numerous admirals and generals who whored themselves out in support of the demented deviant destroying the country, not to mention many members of the DOJ and FBI.  All in supposed selfless, patriotic opposition to “the greatest threat facing America today—greater than China, than our crashing economy, than our unraveling civil society.”

Now consider this reality: Joe’s a figurehead…or perhaps more accurately, a bobblehead…a demented, deviant old corruptocrat who, when he’s not demonstrating his inability to string a coherent sentence together shown him on a teleprompter, spends his time sleeping, eating ice cream and vacationing in Delaware.  Which means someone else is running the country.  And, given the policies being promoted, one can only conclude it’s an anti-American cabal intent on perpetuating their control over an enfeebled nation of sheeple.

All of which is why, as the commentary by Michael Anton we quoted one paragraph above and forwarded by Balls Cotton states, They Can’t Let Him Back In.  Nor anyone like or potentially more effective than “him”…

…at bringing an end to their corruption.  Note we wrote “bringing an end”, not “bringing them to justice”, for we fear, when it comes to The Swamp’s own, justice will not only prove incredibly blind, but deaf and dumb as well.

On the other hand, the Journal‘s Holman Jenkins submits Hunter and Joe NEED Trump, ’cause “the press won’t keep lying about Hunter’s laptop if Trump isn’t on the ballot.”

Either way, as Jim Geraghty notes, Republicans have a choice to make…as evidenced by the results thus far in our latest poll, viewable at the top-right portion of the page.

Moving on, here’s an octet of items certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). In yet another example of the nation’s two-tiered justice system, Chicago’s Lori Lightweight hasn’t paid her own speeding tickets, including two violations in school zones when children were present.

(2). NRO’s Nate Hochman wonders whether Progressives will enact rolling mask mandates in perpetuityIf we the people permit bumbling, big-headed bureaucrats like Dr. Faux Chi and Sharon Whitehurst-Payne to have their way, the answer won’t just be “yes”, but “HELL yes!!!”  And for the same reason Harry Callahan knew for certain Scorpio would kill again:

“It” being the unbridled power the fear they’ve generated has granted them.  All of which is why, as NRO‘s Michael Brendan Dougherty asserts, when they gain control of Congress, Republicans NEED to investigate the pandemic response, noting “millions of people deserve to have someone in public life affirm that they weren’t crazy, that in fact public health did mislead them.”

(3). The Morning Jolt explains why exchanging Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan for the most notorious arms dealer in history sends the worst signal possible, not only to Mad Vlad, but every other oppressor on the planet:

“…Releasing Bout demonstrates that the U.S. can never keep a Russian national in jail, no matter how diabolical or notorious his actions, because the Russians can always snatch some U.S. citizen and use our folks as bargaining chip. If you give Vladimir Putin something he wants in exchange for a trumped-up charge against an American citizen, you’re going to get more trumped-up charges against American citizens. You are outright declaring to the Russians that this is an effective form of leverage against us. It generates a happy ending for Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan, but it makes more traumatizing detentions for other Americans more likely. And it’s not just Russia. Every rogue state and tin-pot dictator around the globe will be absorbing the lesson: Detaining Americans is how you make the Americans do things they don’t want to do.

Given this clown car’s mishandling of an ill-advised exit from Afghanistan and its emboldening of every enemy around the globe…

Which leaves no doubt the politician who’s never been right in his life

…will do just that.  To hell with the safety and security of Americans in the future, there’s an election looming.  And here’s a chance to simultaneously feign concern for Blacks, women and the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community.  As a White, male unabashed supporter of The Donald, Paul Whelan is a fortunate afterthought.  Then again, Whelan was dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corps for larceny, which may have provided him a warm spot in Biden’s heart.

(4). Writing at The Christian Post, Michael Brown explains that no, God did not prescribe the use of cannabis in the Bible

(5). And if you trust the results of this poll, you probably believe green energy is free and clean.

(6). A Florida cop has been charged with felony battery for grabbing a fellow officer by the throat after she pulled him away to protect a handcuffed suspect in the back of a patrol car.  We report, you decide, but

…we remember a day not so long ago when such an action (he only had his hand on her throat for a second before moving it to her shoulder) would have resulted in a suspension or dismissal, NOT felony assault.  No chance, because there was no way on earth, even under such circumstances, one officer would testify against another.

(7). Best of the Web observes, despite the best efforts of the MSM to convince you otherwise, not every environmental change is a sign of the apocalypse.  Particularly when there’s no data whatsoever to suggest there’s even been a change.

(8). In a related item, A computational social scientist at the University of Amsterdam has determined the reemergence of wolves in the Germany has been accompanied by electoral gains for “far-right parties.  Seems, just as in the U.S., the success of conservation efforts to reintroduce wolves into the wild has led to an increase in livestock deaths, thus having a materially adverse impact on the finances of ranchers and farmers and leading them to back political parties which place the welfare of wildlife below that of people.  Who’d a thunk it?

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Ed Hickey…

…and Balls Cotton:

Finally, we’ll call it a month with yet another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, as FOX informs us…

NYC teen girls arrested on hate crime charges for ‘anti-White assault

NYPD says Black girls shouted ‘anti-White statements’ in beating of 57-year-old woman on Queens bus


“…NYPD released a video and a photo showing three Black girls walking down a city street earlier this month, saying investigators were seeking information on the suspects sought in a July 9 hate crime incident.

At about 6:50 p.m., police said the three then unidentified individuals approached a 57-year-old female passenger on the southbound Q52 MTA bus in the vicinity of Jamaica Avenue and Woodhaven Boulevard and struck her in the head with an unknown object, causing a laceration and bleeding. They carried out the attack while making “anti-White statements,” police said.

The individuals fled on foot and the victim was removed to Jamaica Hospital in stable condition. The woman received three staples on her head because of her injuries. 

“Before they hit me, the girl with the green hair said, ‘You probably like Trump! Don’t you?’ LeCroix said in an interview published on July 17. “I said, ‘I love him.’ I didn’t see which one hit me first.”

“The one with the green hair, she was saying she hates White people, the way they talk, hates White skin, the way their skin cracks. Saying she was gangsta,” the woman added, saying she was on the way to visit her mother at the time. “I was the only White person on the bus. By the time we started passing St. John’s Cemetery on Woodhaven, she started in on me, saying, ‘That’s where I’m going to bury you!’”

“She said, ‘You’re going to get what you deserve! All White people are going to get what they deserve.’ It was crazy.”…”

No, not “crazy”; Rather, as Morpheus described in The Matrix

…it’s the new normal.  The Don of Detroit was prophetic when he said of such…”people”…

…as animals are exactly what they are: wild, vicious, deadly and completely unencumbered with principles or morality; with a beast’s brain, not filled with knowledge and understanding, but only a feral cunning.  And they’re the fruit of some six decades of the Dimocrats’ deliberate destruction of the nation’s Judeo-Christian values and morals, decimation of the Black family and promotion of racial divisions.


P.S. On an administrative note, we’ve got a full dance card this weekend, which may preclude us from publishing on Monday.  If so, ’til Wednesday…

Video of the Day

Courtesy of the Boss, watch as San Bernardino County supervisors are urged to consider seceding from the once-Golden State. Though it’s doubtful the county would ultimately secede, consider the impact a landslide of support would make were such a measure put to voters.

Tales of The Darkside

Tucker calls it like it is, be it the Big Apple, the Windy City or the City of Angels. Wake up and smell the indifference, America! P.S. Eric Adams and Muriel Bowser are the mayoral equivalents of Joe Biden, making Bill de Blowmeo and Marion Barry seem competent by comparison.

On the Serious Side

Though the chances of this happening to you in the near future is small, the information contained herein is something any 2nd Amendment advocate should know, particularly the critical distinction between ATF Form 3400.1 and ATF Form 3400.23. 
