EDITOR’S NOTE: What follows was the opening we’d written before a psychotic, Christian-hating transgender woman shot up the Covenant School in Nashville:

It’s Wednesday, March 29th, 2023…but before we begin, as Zero Hedge‘s Tyler Durden suggests after reading Brendan O’Neill’s commentary at The Spectator, it’s getting ugly out there:

The shameful persecution of Posie Parker in New Zealand

This is what it must have been like when women were marched to the stake.


“Yesterday in Auckland the British women’s rights campaigner Posie Parker found herself surrounded by a deranged, heaving mob. She had tomato soup and placards thrown in her face. She was doused with water. Huge men screamed insults and expletives in her face. The shoving of the crowd became so intense that Parker feared for her life. ‘I genuinely thought that if I fell to the floor I would never get up again’, she said. ‘My children would lose their mother and my husband would lose his wife.’

It was a truly chilling spectacle. The mobs’ faces were twisted into masks of feral hatred. They ranted in frenzy as the diminutive Parker, her bottle-blonde hair stained orange from the soup that had been dumped on her, desperately tried to make her way to the safety of a police car. It was a ritualistic shaming of a witch, a violent purging of a heretic.

Next time you’re reading a history book and find yourself wondering how Salem came to be consumed by such swirling hysteria, watch the clips of Posie’s persecution in New Zealand. This is how it happens. This is how the fear of witches can overrule reason and unleash the darkest, most punitive passions of the mob.

And what is Parker’s crime? What did this witch do? She said, ‘A woman is an adult human female’That’s it.

Parker, whose real name is Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, is well known for her criticism of the ideology of transgenderism. She thinks a man never becomes a woman, no matter how many hormones he takes or surgeries he undergoes. She thinks if you were born male, you will die male, and in the time in between you have no right whatsoever to enter any women-only space. This is heresy.

Dissenting from the gospel of gender ideology is to the 21st century what dissenting from the actual gospels was to the 15th. And so Parker must be punished. It was a modern-day stoning, so mercifully they only threw soup and water and planks of cardboard at the blasphemer.

Parker organises public events called ‘Let Women Speak’. She has done it across the UK, in parts of the US, and for the past couple of weeks she’s been doing it in Australia and New Zealand.

It’s a genius initiative. She knows these gatherings of women who merely want to give voice to their profane belief that sex can never be changed will draw out crowds of intolerant trans activists and their allies. She knows the ‘Be Kind’ mob will do everything in its power to stop women from speaking. And she knows it will all brilliantly illustrate her core belief: that trans activism is misogyny in disguise, misogyny in drag, if you like, and that it has devoted itself to silencing women who believe in biology.

Australia and New Zealand played their parts brilliantly in Parker’s clever scheme. From Melbourne to Canberra, Hobart to Auckland, huge crowds of the right-on turned up to drown out the voices of the pesky women who dare to call men ‘men’. ‘Let women speak’, Parker says. ‘No’, says the mob. She incites them to confess their misogyny and intolerance in full public view. And they do…”

Tragically, at the same time we were editing this entry, things got VERY ugly indeed, though you couldn’t tell from the inexplicably idiotic opening the demented deviant in the Oval Office made before delivering remarks on the Nashville massacre, which included yet another call for an “assault weapons” ban:

Here’s the juice: as Mark Alexander notes at The Patriot Post, this was a heinous hate crime perpetrated by a transgender against six innocent Christians, three of whom were only nine years old.  As Tucker noted in a video clip featured in the edition we prepared Sunday evening for publication on Monday, based on Andy Ngo’s independent research…

…that’s likely six more Christians killed by transgenders for believing God assigns your gender at birth than transgenders killed by Christians based on their preferred perversion.

Yet, as shown by this screenshot from the Human Rights Campaign website…

…the myth of ongoing pogroms against transgenders continues to be spread.

It’s well worth your time to watch Carlson’s segment in its entirety, but this clip beginning at the 5:42 mark was particularly prescient…

…though we’ve no doubt Tucker now regrets having laughed at such an eventuality.  And leave it to the MSM to express far more concern with the fate of a transgender shooter than their victim… 

…as well as, per this report from NRO, focusing on the gender a mass murderer identified as at the time they did their killing:

“Initial reporting about the school shooting initially highlighted the unusual nature of a female mass shooter; however, law enforcement later clarified that Hale identified as a transgender man. Officials “feel that she identifies as trans, but we’re still in the initial investigation into all of that and if it actually played a role into this incident,” Drake said during the interview.

Media outlets including the New York TimesUSA Today, and ABC News raced to issue quick corrections for misgendering the mass shooter across social-media.

“There was confusion later on Monday about the gender identity of the assailant in the Nashville shooting. Officials had used ‘she’ and ‘her’ to refer to the suspect, who, according to a social media post and a LinkedIn profile, appeared to identify as a man in recent months,” the Times noted on Twitter following an earlier story highlighting the rarity of female mass shooters.

USA Today issued a similar correction noting that its initial description of the shooter as a woman was based on incorrect statements by “Officials [who] had initially misidentified the gender of the shooter.”…”

Which begs the question…

Back off, man: We’re unapologetic transgender advocates!

One thing you can count on: the MSM will assiduously avoid making any connection between the killer’s obvious insanity and her transgenderism.  This horrific act of premeditated evil brings to mind the accounts in Luke and John of Satan entering into Judas prior to him betraying Christ.  Which is why in 1 Peter 5:8, we’re urged to be alert and of sober mind, as our enemy, the Devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.  We’re of the mind he just feasted on a 28-year-old female from Nashville.

BTW, we’d be remiss by not noting had the Uvalde, TX police under former chief Pete Arredondo displayed the same courage and commitment as their Nashville counterparts…

…any number of lives would have been saved.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up. writing at The Patriot Post, Roger Helle explores the political equivalent of…

The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

We have replaced character and integrity with personality and charisma.


I have a saying: “He who expects nothing is never disappointed.” It seems this is the attitude many Americans have when it comes to those we elect to public office. There was a time when voters were very concerned with the character and integrity of those we placed in authority over us.

While politicians are supposed to represent the people who elected them, they now see voters as their servants. We’re supposed to just suck it up and gratefully accept the “crumbs” of services government allows us to have. It wasn’t always this way. At our founding, there were high expectations as to what our elected leaders were to be like.

“In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate — look to his character.” —Noah Webster, 1789

“The public cannot be too curious concerning the character of public men.” —Samuel Adams, 1775

“Nothing is more essential to the establishment of manners in a State than all persons employed in places of power and trust must be men of unexceptional characters.” —Samuel Adams, 1775

There are many more quotes, but you see where I’m going. Character and integrity for men in authority were highly valued. In past generations, Bill Clinton being a notable example, we have replaced those two qualities with personality and charisma.

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were very charismatic and personable, but the lack of character and integrity was evident to anyone who was looking. Trump was very charismatic, but definitely lacking in moral character. Don’t shoot the messenger; I’m just stating a fact. Yes, I voted for him twice. The choices, Hillary Clinton (NO personality or charisma) or Joe Biden, were nonstarters for me. I pulled the lever, holding my nose, hoping and praying for the best.

President Trump surprised millions of conservatives when he actually kept his campaign promises (what a novel idea). He got things done. Imagine what he might have accomplished if he didn’t have to fight Democrats, the media, academia, and Hollywood every day of his administration. His mindless personal assaults and needless Twitter rants didn’t help him. Melania should have taken his phone away from him when she went to bed and let him have it back in the morning. Sigh!

Now Joe Biden occupies the highest office in the land, at one time a position that inspired other nations because of the character of the man in office. Who does Joe inspire? Russia, China, Iran, North Korea? He certainly did not inspire Afghani citizens when he bailed out of the country in the dark of night. Our enemies were watching, and you and I are paying for it every day. Maybe I’m overthinking this, but watching “Sleepy Joe” campaign from his basement and then receiving 81 million votes has millions of us scratching our heads!

Joe Biden, a man of impeccable character and integrity? Please! This crude, vulgar, and cognitively challenged senior citizen who keeps hours that make bankers envious is president because too many Americans voted for the media version of Biden, not the man who spent 50 years living on the taxpayers’ dime, accomplishing nothing.

Now all of us are paying the price for it. We can change this in 2024 if we pay attention.

Something to think about?

As with the Nashville shooter, we’d add “evil” to the list of the character flaws of both Biden and his family.

Speaking of the Biden criminal cartel, following Ron Johnson revealing Sunday Chinese-American-owned Cathay Bank disclosed Biden family bank records that match U.S. regulator records of payments to three Biden family members through a business associate of Hunter’s, Maslansky + Partners President Lee Carter said on Mornings with Maria Monday:

“When you see this kind of a connection between a sitting president, his son, and the Chinese government, when people just don’t trust this and know that it’s one of the biggest threats facing us right now, that’s a really big issue that needs to be addressed.”

Next, in what we hope is a true watershed moment, a…

In a related item, Jim Geraghty suggests…

We Have Bigger Problems Than ‘Digital Blackface

Fake Worries and Real Worries


John Blake at CNN wants you to get really upset about the use of “digital blackface,” which he describes as white people sharing images or gifs of members of minority groups on social media. There are also people who want you to get really upset with John Blake and CNN for proposing such an idea.

It’s your choice whether or not to click on the links above; I include them out of journalistic professional habit, to allow you to read the accounts in full to draw your own conclusions.

But while some people want you to spend valuable time and neurons contemplating whether it is moral for white people to share images and gifs of minority groups on social media, the world keeps turning; real news keeps occurring; real life-and-death situations keep developing, starting, and resolving themselves.

Ukraine is the world’s biggest news story that somehow only pops up above the noise of the news cycle once every two weeks or so. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is now saying he intends to move some of Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, which has been used as a staging ground for Russian forces invading Ukraine:

Moscow will complete the construction of a special storage facility for tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus by the beginning of July, Putin told state broadcaster Russia 1.

He said Moscow had already transferred an Iskander short-range missile system, a device which can be fitted with nuclear or conventional warheads, to Belarus.

During the interview, Putin said Russia had helped Belarus convert 10 aircraft to make them capable of carrying tactical nuclear warheads and would start training pilots to fly the re-configured planes early next month.

(Read more background on the Russian arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons here.)

The Biden administration doesn’t seem particularly worried, and perhaps this is just more of the nuclear saber-rattling we’ve seen from Putin, on and off, since the invasion began. Yesterday, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on CBS News’ Face the Nation that, “We have not seen any indication that he’s made good on this pledge or moved any nuclear weapons around. We’ve, in fact, seen no indication that he has any intention to use nuclear weapons period inside Ukraine.”…”

Yeah,..this from the people who didn’t see any indication their precipitous withdrawal from Afghanistan assured a Taliban takeover.  And continue to assure us the border’s secure, inflation is under control, the economy is booming, Putin blew up his own pipeline and climate change is an existential threat to the planet.  Oh,…and maintain their Afghanistan debacle was an unparalleled, unqualified success!

Moving on, the Morning Jolt urges us to reconsider our attraction to…

The Attention Economy


“Late last week, while thinking about the potential ban of TikTok, I noted that social media is effectively an attention economy. (Arguably, all forms of media are an attention economy.) It runs on your willingness to pay attention to things. Institutions and platforms that cannot get you to pay attention are doomed, at least financially. (This morning brings news that the 68-year-old liberal publication The Texas Observer is closing its doors for good.)

On a lot of social-media platforms, normal or healthy human behavior does not get you very much attention. Abnormal, unhealthy behavior gets you a great deal of attention. Young women drinking milkshakes out of toilets is the sort of thing that turns a lot of heads — and stomachs — in the world of TikTok.

TikTok, and perhaps social media as a whole, have created an entire incentive structure to spotlight the most abnormal behavior people can imagine, particularly among young people. If you do the things you’re supposed to do in life — love your family, be a good friend, work hard, play by the rules, help others when they need it — the TikTok algorithm just isn’t that interested. Maybe once in a while, your social-media algorithms will serve up something heartwarming, like those two toddlers who were so overjoyed to see to each other on the sidewalk. But by and large, your social-media feed is there to tell you, “This stinks, that stinks, look at this freak, look at what this weirdo is doing, aren’t human beings just the worst, we’re all doomed, the world is going to heck in a handbasket.” No wonder people think social media causes depression.

Now, look, it’s your life, and you’re free to pick whatever entertainment and news sources you like. (And hey, thanks for reading this newsletter.) A few years back, Tom Nichols was quite irked to learn some people enjoy watching other people play video games. My sense was and is that there isn’t that much difference between paying to watch people play electronic versions of stuff and paying to watch a CGI-filled movie, and that the world is always going to have people who choose to spend their disposable income and free time in ways you find dumb, wasteful, boring, or inane. If they’re not harming others or themselves, let them be.

But your attention is a valuable thing. Your time and attentiveness are finite, and each thing you read or watch is a choice. You might even think of it as a resource to be invested. Those social-media algorithms are designed to steer you in a particular direction. Contemplate whether you want to go down the path that the algorithms prefer.”

More importantly, as regards item (1). immediately below, contemplate what path you want your children following.

Then there’s yet another sextet of special selections certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Rich Lowry echoes what we’ve saying for some time when he observes, yes, WE are making kids trans, opining, “We’re going to look back years from now and wonder how we failed young girls so badly.” 

“The Geico gecko can convince us to buy car insurance. Trump can post a meme on Truth Social and it can convince someone to go take a baseball bat to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Someone can use the wrong pronoun and it can convince a trans person to harm himself or herself. But what can’t possibly happen, we are supposed to believe, is that the constant discussion and celebration of transgenderism might convince confused young people to decide they are nonbinary or trans.”

No offense to Rich, but leave us out of the collective claim.

(2). In news about as earth-shattering as Larry Hogan announcing he WON’T, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, the total hypocrite who vacationed with his family during the scamdemic at a beach he closed to everyone else in the state

…said he is “definitely thinking about running” for president in 2024 and plans to make a decision in the next 60 days.  During which time he’ll likely vacation in another spot off-limits to the riff-raff.

(3). Speaking of hopeless hypocrites, here’s how John Kerry justifies the utterly unnecessary use of private jets:

(4).In Part 2 of his series into the decline of Ontario’s public education system, Ari Blaff informs us two plus two no longer equals four, at least according to members of the Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA), who consider the equation to be a white-supremacist dog whistle instead of a basic mathematical truth. OMCA president Jason To claims those adhering to such mathematic absolutism are engaging in acts of “Covert White Supremacy.”

(5). While we certainly believe in miracles, we find coincidences to be highly suspect, particularly when one involves the IRS making an in-person, unannounced visit to the home of a private citizen testifying at the time on Capitol Hill about the weaponization of the federal bureaucracy.

(6). When is a correction not really a correction?  When it includes the word “but” and it’s issued by National People’s Radio:

If it meant advancing their amoral agenda, Progressives would argue the sky isn’t really blue.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Finally, there’s these from Balls Cotton…

The Patriot Post

…and Ed Hickey:

Who knew the woman who got her start in politics servicing former California House Speaker and San Francisco mayor Willie Brown was in apple butter business.


Video of the Day

John Stossel highlights how government crushes competition, as in certain states, incredible as it may seem, you need your competitors permission to operate.

Tales of The Darkside

Glenn Greenwald offers an unabashedly Libertarian take on Biden’s proposed ban of Tik Tok.

On the Lighter Side

Though you must pardon his French, meet a man who, unlike Joe, thinks VERY clearly on his feet!
