It’s Wednesday, June 14th, Flag Day 2023…but before we begin, as the Chinese Communist Party continues escalating its threatening behavior toward the island nation of Taiwan, the Biden administration is reportedly preparing plans to evacuate Americans should the situation on the ground become so dire that a rapid departure is necessitated.

After all, their last evacuation…

…went sooooo swimmingly.  Were we an American living in Taiwan or planning on traveling there in the foreseeable future, we’d make our own plans for bugging out. 

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, in a welcome sign of sanity in an increasingly irrational world, a…

Proposal banning homeless encampments in San Diego to be considered: We are not a ‘giant toilet

The plan has received support from San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria


“City council members in San Diego are considering a proposal to ban homeless encampments from public property amid years-long frustration over the city’s mounting homelessness crisis. The City Council is expected to debate the proposal, submitted by City councilman Stephen Whitburn, on Tuesday, FOX5 San Diego reported. The proposal seeks to prohibit homeless people from camping on public property if shelter options are available. Camping in certain areas, like public parks and near schools, would be prohibited regardless of whether shelters had availability.

The plan has received support from San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, who emphasized the need for safe and “hygienic” sidewalks, parks and canyons in a string of press conferences ahead of the vote this week. “They expect to be able to walk on sidewalks unobstructed, they expect to be able to get their children to school safely, they expect to be able to use our parks in a hygienic and clean and safe way,” Mayor Gloria said at a press conference in Balboa Park on Friday, CBS8 reported. “This park, like all of our parks, are not a homeless shelter. It’s not a place to live, it’s not a giant toilet, it is not a trash dump,” Gloria added…”

As Progressives know, words matter, and they’re masters at redefining issues, particularly those their policies produced and have perpetuated.  There is no “homeless crisis”, rather there is an increasing scourge of the drug-addicted and mentally-ill, often both, camping on the streets of our cities.  They’re not homeless, rather they adamantly refuse to abide by any rules or societal norms.  Progressives created the problem by prohibiting the involuntary commitment of the mentally impaired, thus allowing Jordan Neely to repeatedly threaten subway riders, all the while encouraging, indeed facilitating drug use and addiction.


Next, the Morning Jolt opines on how…

Trump Got His Best Possible Judge in Florida


“…The short version is that south Florida juries are particularly sympathetic to famous people and particularly suspicious of the government. Poltico quotes Rob Mandell, a criminal-defense attorney based in Central Florida, with a warning for prosecutors:

When you’re talking about elected officials in Florida, your jury pool is made up of the people who voted for those people,” said Mandell, whose firm recently represented one of the defendants connected to the now-closed DOJ probe of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.). “We’re a red state and you’re getting red jurors. And they can’t see past red.

The voting patterns of the potential jury pool don’t mean a conviction is impossible. They just mean that Trump has better-than-usual odds of finding one juror who is willing to hold out and ensure a hung jury. Juries surprise us.

And by Saturday, one more twist of fate worked in Trump’s favor with the selection of the judge for the case. NBC News:

Aileen Cannon, a former prosecutor in her early 40s who has spent two and a half years on the bench, is the same Trump appointee who repeatedly ruled in his favor in a related case. She will now oversee a trial that experts believe could influence the American public’s trust in the fairness of the court system for years to come. Cannon will guide how quickly the case goes to trial, oversee the selection of jurors and determine what evidence can be presented to the jury.

The New York Times characterized the assignment of the case to Cannon as a “potential setback” for prosecutors, and former federal prosecutor Dennis Aftergut wrote at Verdict, “A pro-Trump partisan presiding over the trial could easily be death-by-a-thousand-cuts for prosecutors. Trial judges make dozens and dozens of unappealable rulings that, cumulatively, can be outcome-determinative.”

Again, this doesn’t guarantee that the jury will acquit Trump on all charges. But it does justify a little wariness of the rapidly emerging “Trump is toast” narrative. The fact that Trump has gotten the venue he would prefer, and probably the best possible judge he could get, also complicates the narrative that this entire process is a deep-state, conspiracy-driven, rigged witch hunt with a predetermined outcome.”

Here’s the juice: When it comes to The Donald’s fate, we’re with LT Wolfe:

We just want him to go away…and well in advance of the 2024 campaign.

And in the EnvironMental Moment, could it be, as this forward from Speed suggests… 

Germany’s 30,000 Wind Turbines Are Causing Local Rainfall Droughts

Studies Suggest That Wind Parks Cause Climate Change, Even Regional Drought


“Wind turbines were meant to improve the weather, now it seems these things are making it worse. Bear in mind the weather worriers are fretting about changes of a degree or two (apparently an increase of just 1.5°C means instant disaster and pumping it up by 2°C means an irreversible catastrophe).

There is already plenty of evidence to show that wind turbines are causing local nighttime temperatures to rise by as much as 1.5°C. Which would be no surprise to grape growers who use banks of large frost fans to stir up the air at nighttime, and thereby prevent frosts from forming and protect their crops. Now a German study suggests that its 30,000 industrial wind turbines are causing droughts of the conventional kind (as in a lack of precipitation, not a lack of wind).

Pierre Gosselin has this report, which indicates plastering the landscape with wind turbines for producing renewable energy may lead to regional drought:

Germany has so far installed over 30,000 wind turbines, which is about 1 every 11 sq. km. Plans are calling for doubling or even tripling wind power capacity. But this may be detrimental as new studies show that wind farms are altering local climates, and thus may be having an effect on global climate and contributing to regional droughts.

Northern Germany, for example, has a high concertation of wind turbines and has seen an unusual dry spell since 2019. Fortunately, recent rains have alleviated these drought conditions. Alarmist climate scientists of course blamed rising CO2 emissions for the North German drought. Yet, a recent paper by Wang et al (2023) shows that wind farms reduce regional soil moisture, thus confirming earlier model simulations of wind-park-made climate change, e.g. by Zhou et al (2013).

German online SciFi site here reports in depth on the topic. “Climate change: Wind farms cause drought and dryness – Evidence is mounting [New study]”. The site presents one chart depicting the wind energy installation concentration over Germany:

The North Sea region has an extremely high concentration of installed wind energy capacity. Conversely, Southern Germany has a very low concentration of installed wind energy capacity.

Next we look at a chart depicting the ground moisture across Germany (2019). The left side shows the moisture anomaly down to a soil depth of 25 cm while the right chart shows moisture anomaly down to depth of 1.8 meters.

The legend shows, the redder the area, the drier it is. Germany’s drought happens to be worse in the regions with lots of wind turbines. Scientists suspect these turbines may be playing a role here.

“Is it a coincidence that the soils are driest where most wind turbines are located?” SciFi wonders…”

In a related item of Progressive climate counterproductivity, The Washington Free Beacon reveals, while…

National Geographic Says Climate Change Is ‘Greatest Threat to Human Health’, It Also Flies Billionaires Around the World on Its Private Jet.

Media conglomerate offers six-figure ‘private jet trips’ to reach ‘far-flung destinations’ and encounter ‘legendary wildlife


“National Geographic says climate change is “the greatest threat to human health,” but it’s not so grave that it prevents them from jetting the elite to what the magazine describes as some of the world’s “far-flung destinations” on a massive private jet.

National Geographic raises funds by flying deep-pocketed travelers around the world on its “specially outfitted” Boeing 757 jet, which features “comfortable VIP-style leather seating,” “plush, sleek interior design,” a private chef, and a “dedicated luggage handler.” The trips, most of which cost roughly $100,000, allow millionaires and billionaires to “fly in exceptional comfort” as they visit “far-flung destinations” and encounter “legendary wildlife”—including the same coral reefs National Geographic says in its pages are dying.

Travelers on one of the 24-day “expeditions” fly nearly 30,000 miles. Planes, on average, produce 53.3 pounds of carbon dioxide per air mile, meaning the trip’s flights would emit more than 1.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide. The average American’s yearly carbon footprint is just 32,000 pounds, meaning the flights in just 24 days generate a carbon footprint equivalent to that of nearly 47 Americans in an entire year…”

But hey, it’s National Geographic, right?!?  And they and their work are far more important than anything you might ever do; They’re better than you, too!

Moving on, here’s another sextet of special selections certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). On a positive note, NRO‘s Brittany Bernstein relates a new Gallup poll found fully 38% of Americans now identify as “very conservative” or “conservative” on social issues, a level unseen since 2012.

(2). Writing at The Hill, the Heritage Foundation’s Diana Furchtgott-Roth relates why Biden’s plan to phase out gas-powered cars is all pain for consumers and no gain.  That it would at the same time serve to strengthen China is undoubtedly icing on the cake for Xi’s bought-and-paid-for president. 

(3). In what can only be described as adding insult to injury, a honeymooning California man drowned while snorkeling in Hawaii, and when bystanders attempted to resuscitate him, thieves took the newlyweds’ belongings and rental car.  

(4). The trans insanity continues, getting worse, quite literally, by the day…

…and with the full support of the most degenerate political party and Administration in American history, though even Biden’s handlers had to distance His Dementia from that last display of deviance.

Here’s a second shot of the juice in cartoon form, as Michael Ramirez accurately depicts what’s really at issue here:

(5). In a related item, Dane County, WI, which includes the oversized insane asylum that is Madison, is considering a resolution declaring sanctuary status for self-identified “transgender and nonbinary individuals,” including children.  The resolution states the county’s position that it’s a “fundamental right” for children to access sex-reassignment drugs and procedures.

Here’s a triple shot of the juice: The more mentally-ill welcomed to such bastions of Progressive perversity, the fewer we’ll have to encounter where we reside.

(6). Rich Lowry explains why in June, one can be forgiven for thinking we live in the United States of LGBTQIA2S+, as he…comes out…against the the pride flag, noting, “We already have a flag that includes everyone, that doesn’t require constant ideological makeover, and that isn’t an eyesore.”  We just realized the difference between Old Glory and the pride flag: the latter DEMANDS you kneel to it. 

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Mark Foster…

…Balls Cotton…

…and The Patriot Post:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, courtesy today of the Hell hole which is the Progressive bastion of Chicago, and the reaction of certain of its citizens who inexplicably confront police who are trying to cordon off the scene of fatal shooting in which some 26 rounds were exchanged.  Pay particularly close attention to the question posed by the gentleman at the 0:27 mark:

Chicago Residents Try to Attack Police Securing Area After Shooting


“Chicago residents became confrontational with the city’s police in the aftermath of a shooting on Sunday, nearly starting an all-out brawl with officers who were working to secure the scene. Video from the incident shows a small crowd shoving the officers and ripping up police tape, with one woman getting ready to swing a wooden board. When the woman brings up the board to swing at an officer, another pulls out his taser in response. The video shows another man in a ski mask also holding a wooden board in a threatening manner. Towards the end of the video, the crowd starts to dissipate and civilians pulling others away from the police line.

Fox 32 reports a 20-year-old man, who was just about to turn 21, was killed in the drive-by shooting. He was shot multiple times and died at the hospital.

In total for this past weekend, at least 31 people were shot, four of them fatally, according to the Chicago-Sun Times. Victims include a 16-year-old boy was shot in the head while sitting on a porch, in addition to a 15-year-old boy, a 16-year-old boy, and a 17-year-old boy who were all wounded in separate shootings on the city’s South and West Sides…”

Not that anyone in the city’s Progressive power structure is counting, let alone cares.


Video of the Day

Dave Rubin highlights the insanity of the pro-child-genital mutilation proponents.

Tales of The Darkside

Biblical truth in its most basic form…and we don’t mean the bloviating of the false teacher sporting the rainbow pin!

On the Lighter Side

This hilariously funny video by Matt Walsh deserves an encore performance.
