The Daily Gouge, Monday, July 15th, 2013

On July 14, 2013, in Uncategorized, by magoo1310

It’s Monday, July 15th, 2013…but before we begin, submitted for your perusal, four different headlines indicative of the decadence and decay which are forcing the coming Apocalypse upon us.

First, a MSM which has utterly forsaken its fundamental function:

Zimmerman Defense Attorney Chastises Media During Press Conference: ‘You Guys’ Went After Him Like Mad Scientists


Second, politicians who’ve forgotten they swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and act for the betterment of the country, not play to polls and popular opinion so as to feather their own nests.  Case in point: John McCain fiddles…

McCain leads drive to end blackout of NFL games, targets publically financed stadiums



The country’s going to Hell in a handbasket…and this is an issue on which the Man-Who-Would-Be-Leader-of-the-Free-World is focused?!?

…America burns.  After all, gotta keep the low-information voters’ attention on something…anything…other than the true state of affairs!

Third, America’s ceaseless celebration of celebrity, aka, the Entertainment Tonight Mentality:

Oprah lands interview with Lindsay Lohan, report says



Oprah Winfrey’s Own network has landed a highly coveted interview with troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan, who is currently serving a 90-day court-ordered stint in a rehab facility. Entertainment Weekly reports that Oprah’s network also signed the “Parent Trap” star to tape an eight-episode docu-series as she works on her career.

Who on earth but an utter idiot could possibly stomach such tripe, let alone have the time or inclination to do so?!?  Welcome to the…


…Age of Idiocy.

Last, and certainly not least…

Texas Dems Vow Abortion Fight


Abortion Restrictions660

‘Cause 20 weeks ain’t hardly enough time to decide to kill an unborn baby!  And besides, who needs sanitary conditions in an abortion clinic?!?  After all, it’s not like you’re worried about the babies coming down with anything!

Consider the tears offered by one Cortney O’Brien, a writer at the ostensibly-Conservative marking the passing of the drug-addicted star of Glee, one of the most virulently anti-Conservative, anti-Christian, pro-gay television shows ever to soil the airwaves:

“Although I don’t agree with some of the plots and liberal messages Glee seems (“seems“?!?) to espouse, I have always appreciated the cast’s talent and the brilliant music they’ve created.”

Yeah…like many who didn’t agree with some of Hitler’s actions and policies appreciated his managerial talents and the trains running on time.

Sorry, but along with the first four items, O’Brien’s tolerance of what should be intolerable is simply another sign the desensitization purposely employed by the Left to further their amoral agenda is succeeding…and at an ever-increasing pace.

All of which goes to prove, when you stand for nothing, you’ll believe…or do…just about anything.

Please be sure to visit our home page and catch today’s Cover Story, a must-read analysis from Breitbart of the blatant MSM bias which fueled the Zimmerman fire.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, you’ve heard the verdict; now read the WSJ‘s take on a Department of Injustice contemplating trying George Zimmerman a second time for the same crime:

The Zimmerman Verdict

New federal civil-rights charges would smack of double jeopardy.



An American criminal defendant is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and that’s the standard to keep in mind when considering the jury’s not guilty verdict Saturday for George Zimmerman in the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

The case has been fraught with racial politics from the start, but inside the Sanford, Florida courtroom, the jurors had to wrestle with the standard that is a hallmark of American justice. No one but Mr. Zimmerman knows what happened that early evening in 2012 when he followed Martin, an unfamiliar young, African-American male visiting the neighborhood. A scuffle ensued, Zimmerman shot Martin in what he says was self-defense, and prosecutors never produced an eyewitness or even much evidence to disprove Mr. Zimmerman.

The verdict compounds the tragedy for the Martin family, but no one can claim that their son was not represented in court. The state threw everything it had at Mr. Zimmerman. Gov. Rick Scott replaced local prosecutors with a special team from Jacksonville, the judge often ruled favorably for the prosecution, including the addition of the lesser manslaughter charge (in addition to second-degree murder) at the end of the trial.

Still the state could not prove its case to the satisfaction of the six jurors, all women, for whom the easiest decision in terms of public approval would have been to convict. No less than President Obama had commented on the local case after Mr. Zimmerman was not originally charged by local authorities. “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” Mr. Obama said. He was echoed by hundreds of politicians and commentators who wanted to put racial profiling on trial as much as they did Mr. Zimmerman. But a criminal trial is not a legislature, or a venue to debate social policy.

Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP is already lobbying Attorney General Eric Holder to indict Mr. Zimmerman on federal civil-rights charges. To do so and win a conviction would require proof that Mr. Zimmerman was motivated by racial animus when the record shows little more than a reference by Mr. Zimmerman to “punks” in a comment to a police dispatcher.


Millions of Americans would see such federal charges as an example of double jeopardy, and a politicized prosecution to boot. In this context, it was good to see Mr. Obama’s statement Sunday that “we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken.”

The larger issue of how American society, and especially the police, treat young black males deserves attention and often receives it. There is no doubt that many law-abiding black men are eyed suspiciously in some quarters because they are black. The motivation may sometimes be racial. But such a discussion also cannot exclude that the main victims of crimes committed by young black men are other blacks. (Or, far more importantly, that a disproportionately gargantuan percentage of crimes are committed by Blacks!) A policy like New York City’s “stop and frisk” rule prevents more crime in minority neighborhoods against minorities than it does in white areas of Manhattan.

Mr. Zimmerman made many mistakes that February evening, not least failing to heed police advice not to pursue Martin. Despite his acquittal, he will pay for those mistakes for years as he defends against a possible civil suit and must wear a bullet-proof vest to protect himself from threats of violent revenge that he has to take seriously.

If there is any satisfaction in his acquittal, it is that the jurors followed the law’s requirements that every defendant deserves a fair trial, even one who becomes a symbol of our polarized racial politics.

Yes…but who’ve been the unscrupulous proponents of polarizing said racial politics?


And they’ve all profited…quite handsomely…from the pain and anguish they’ve inflicted on millions of others.

Since we’re on the subject of The Great Prevaricator, as The Blaze reports, finally, someone is at least considering taking this bullsh*tter by the balls:

GOP Rep. Intends to ‘Investigate, Identify and Prosecute People Within the Administration, Up to and Including the President’



Rep. Tom Marino (R-Pa.) in a Thursday radio interview revealed he is exploring the potential options that would allow Congress to file civil or criminal charges against members of the Obama administration and even President Barack Obama himself.

Citing the Obama administration’s delay in the implementation of the employer mandate found in “Obamacare,” Marino told radio host David Madeira that the president continues to show a disregard for the law. He also argued Attorney General Eric Holder is never going to hold the Obama administration accountable.


“If the chief law enforcer of the country [Holder] will not enforce the law,” said Marino, “and the president decides to break the law because he doesn’t like it, there has to be another mechanism by which we in Congress can … see if there are criminal charges we can file.”

Marino is looking to “investigate, identify and prosecute people within the administration, up to and including the president if it comes to that,” according to Sarah Wolf, Marino’s spokeswoman.


More from the Huffington Post:

While Marino is a longtime critic of Obama, he maintained that his cry for legal action stemmed not from personal distaste for the president but from a greater respect for the nation’s well being. “We’re beyond the point of showing that he’s incompetent,” Marino said. “He really doesn’t care about where this country is going unless it’s his plan, so we have to step up.”

The congressman likened Obama’s action to the Watergate scandal, suggesting that a special committee should be established to subpoena and investigate the individuals involved. More specifically, he said, he seeks to find “a part of a statute that says we have the authority to indict.”

In the same interview, Marino said he is planning a “brainstorming session” with some former prosecutors in Congress about the potential legal measures that can be taken against the Obama administration. He claims he is not alone in his desire to bring criminal charges against the White House.

Now THAT we believe!

Speaking of politicians who consider themselves above the law…

Loophole lets Colorado lawmakers avoid photo radar fines



A loophole in state law has allowed Colorado state senators and representatives to avoid photo radar tickets because of special treatment given to lawmakers when they get license plates. Most license plates are issued to specific vehicles. But license plates for lawmakers are issued to individuals and aren’t registered in state computers.

Saying the process isn’t fair, Denver police began considering alternatives after an investigation by KCNC-TV that was reported Thursday. The city has an aggressive photo radar program that sends out millions of dollars in photo radar tickets every year. However, police have not been able to send citations to legislators whose cars carry the special plates.

“After” an investigation; the Denver police simply ooze fairness!

And in today’s Money Quote, courtesy of the WSJ, a snippet from Frank Chodorov’s Socialism via Taxation (circa 1946):

Taxation has surrounded itself with doctrines of justification; it had to; no miscreant can carry on without a supporting philosophy. Until recent times this pilfering of private property sought to gain the approval of its victims by protesting the need for maintaining social services. The growing encroachments of the state upon property rights necessarily brought about a lowering of the general economy, resulting in disaffection, and now taxation is advocated as a means of alleviating this condition; we are now being taxed into betterment.

Which reminds us of a quote from Bill Buckley:

“Back in the thirties we were told we must collectivize the nation because the people were so poor. Now we are told we must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich.”

On the Lighter Side…



Finally, we’ll it a day with “You Can’t Fix Stupid” segment, and this megamoron from out Oregon way:

Man using rifle as crutch when it fired 


Child Slaying-Assault Rifle

An Oregon man told police he was using his assault rifle as a crutch to help him get up from a couch at a friend’s apartment when it fired a burst through the ceiling and killed a little girl upstairs, court records show. A police affidavit said Jon Andrew Meyer Jr. told investigators the gun went off accidentally June 27 at the Grants Pass apartment, the Grants Pass Daily Courier reported.

Defense lawyer Gary Berlant adds Meyer had been assured the gun was not fully automatic. Meyer is being held on $250,000 bail on charges of manslaughter, assault and unlawful possession of a machine gun.

Sooo…what?  He might not have hit the poor little girl with just one shot?!?

