The Daily Gouge, Thursday, August 15th, 2013

On August 15, 2013, in Uncategorized, by magoo1310

It’s Thursday, August 15th, 2013…and here’s The Gouge!

First up, if the Commander-in-Chief didn’t have either the attention span or stomach to watch Seal Team Six going after Usama…

…is it any wonder he was MIA during Benghazigate?!?

For more on the subject of Liberalism Achilles heel, the WSJ‘s Dan Henninger details why…

The Soft-on-Security Issue Returns

Can liberals be trusted to fight the real world’s threats from urban crime and overseas terrorism?



Sometimes the planets of politics align. Within days of President Obama’s decision last week to appoint a civil-liberties “adversary” inside the U.S.’s antiterrorism surveillance program, a federal judge created a “monitor” to oversee the New York Police Department’s stop-and-frisk anticrime program. Both these decisions, if allowed to take full effect, run a significant risk that violence will return or increase—as the terrorism of al Qaeda or as murder and assault in New York City.

If that happens—and don’t bet against it—a liberal president and a liberal federal judge will have brought back to life one of modern liberalism’s worst nightmares: the belief that Democrats can’t be trusted with national security or the control of violent crime. They’re soft on security.

In New York City a handful of Democrats—canaries in the party’s mine shaft—are competing to succeed Mike Bloomberg. For months, New Yorkers of all political persuasions have been asking sotto voce if the city’s 20-year miracle of urban tranquility under Rudy Giuliani and Mr. Bloomberg will vanish if a left-wing Democrat (the city allows no other kind) becomes mayor.

The subject can’t be avoided because the city’s irrepressible, activist left made weakening the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policies a litmus test for winning the Democratic primary next month. All the Democratic candidates have saluted the movement to downgrade stop-and-frisk.

A liberal Democratic mayor is unsettling for New Yorkers who’ve lived in the city long enough not to have to Google the meaning of “Bernhard Goetz” or explain the legendary New York Post headline—”Dave, Do Something!”.


Mr. Goetz was the vigilante who shot several muggers on a subway train in 1984. “Dave” was Mayor David Dinkins, who in the early 1990s presided over a city in the grip of civic disorder.

A totemic figure from this dystopian period was an Upper West Side mental patient named Larry Hogue. I’ve always thought that Larry Hogue got Rudy Giuliani elected. Hogue, a deinstitutionalized psychotic, prowled the famously liberal Upper West Side streets off and on for 20 years, hurling concrete at car windshields and once shoving a girl in front of a truck. The city couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything about him. There’s no way former federal prosecutor Giuliani could have become mayor in 1994 unless a lot of Upper West Siders voted for Rudy—then walked outside to tell their friends, “Of course, I voted for Dinkins.”

U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin decided not to wait for the November mayoral election to bring back the 1980s, or even the 1960s. That’s when criticism of liberal belief on security matters emerged, notably in Richard Nixon’s victorious 1968 “law and order” campaign. This critique argues that when liberals weigh the reality of physical threat to home and hearth against hyper-abstract interpretations of constitutional rights, abstraction wins. The Scheindlin decision, handed down Monday, is a classic of liberal abstraction on security.


New York has its lowest murder rate since the early 1960s, a big reason for the city’s 50 million meandering tourists last year. This tranquility of pedestrian life is presumably one point of an effective policing strategy. Ask Chicago. Not so for Judge Scheindlin, who discusses murder in footnote 210. She describes a “17% drop in index crime reports between 2003 and 2012, and a 30% drop in reported murders.” No matter. “I emphasize again,” the judge insists, “that this Opinion takes no position on whether stop and frisk contributed to the decline in crime.” And why is that, one might ask? Judge Scheindlin explains: “This court’s mandate is solely to judge the constitutionality of police behavior, not its effectiveness as a law enforcement tool.”

That’s a cue for the umpteenth citation of Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson’s dictum that the Constitution is not a suicide pact. But why bother? This divide between liberal principle and life on the street—or foreign danger —will never be bridged. Rather than strike a balance, a modus vivendi, liberals compulsively pull back too far on security. That’s what Judge Scheindlin has done on urban crime and what Mr. Obama now looks to be doing on terror.

First came the president’s May speech at the National Defense College, of all places, which next-day reports described as winding down the war on terror, specifically by suggesting an end to Congress’s formal 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force against terrorists.


Then, in last Friday’s announcement on surveillance, Mr. Obama said he would work with Congress, civil libertarians, a privacy advocate and an outside task force to achieve “constraints” on the surveillance program and the Patriot Act. As if commanded by DNA, a liberal president’s takes his inevitable plunge into national-security abstraction (with random conservative philosophes hanging on for the swan dive).

Except at the far left and right, people believe security is government’s first obligation. In the 1990s, New York City’s voters tossed out Democrats ideologically unable to provide security. Voters know that crime and terror are real. And that unopposed, violent crime and terror always return. Judge Scheindlin and President Obama have answered the liberal siren song of a world without violence. Come 2016, the last thing voters may be looking for is a Democrat, no matter who she is.

Unless of course, the “she” in question has been battle-tested!

“Sleep deprivation”; yeah…


Just the person America wants taking that 0300 phone call!

In a related item, as Conn Carroll reports in the Morning Examiner, while a certain affinity for criminals and terrorists of every stripe has long been a Progressive pattern, lying remains their forte:

Obama taps admitted perjurer to lead ‘expert’ domestic spying review



Whenever conservatives hear any politician, but especially the most liberal president in a generation, say they are going to solve an issue by appointing a panel of experts, they laugh. Nothing better demonstrates the folly of progressive governance than the blind faith liberals have in “outside experts” to solve America’s problems.

That is why it is so fitting that, after President Obama promised to form “a high-level group of outside experts to review our entire intelligence and communications technologies” in the wake of hacker Edward Snowden’s NSA domestic spying leaks, Obama named Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to head the expert panel Monday.

clapper liar

The Least Credible Expert Available

Not only is Clapper in no way “outside” of the Obama administration or Washington’s intelligence community (before joining the Obama administration in 2010, he served as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency as far back as 1992), he has also recently admitted that he intentionally gave false and “clearly erroneous” testimony to Congress.

On March 12, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., during a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, asked Clapper, “So what I wanted to see is if you could give me a yes or no answer to the question, does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”

Clapper responded definitively, “No, sir.”

When Snowden’s leaks later exposed Clapper’s testimony to be false, Clapper first told NBC News, “I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful manner.” Clapper also later wrote a letter to the committee admitting that his testimony that day was “clearly erroneous.”


Just Another Lawless Day at the White House 

It takes a certain amount of confidence, or arrogance, to announce that you are appointing a panel of “outside experts” to hold your administration accountable on domestic spying, and then turn right around and appoint an admitted liar from your administration’s own ranks to head that panel. But Congress has shown no willingness to stand up to any of Obama’s abuses of executive power recently.

Obama unilaterally rewrites immigration law to give amnesty to select illegal immigrants? Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Senate Democrats reward him with a full amnesty bill. Obama unilaterally scraps the employer mandate? Republican leadership has no stomach to fight Obama through the CR on anything related to Obamacare. Attorney General Eric Holder announces he will unilaterally rewrite the nation’s drug laws? Bipartisan applause.

Either conservatives, and the rest of Congress, take the Constitution and the Separation of Powers principle at its heart seriously or they don’t. Over the past year, Congress has proven itself all but irrelevant. Which makes Obama decision to tap Clapper Monday not all that surprising after all.

Speaking of a once-powerful and esteemed elite willfully aiding in its own decline, courtesy of Balls Cotton, Army Times offers an opinion we only wish was shared by those with the power to affect change:

Lt. col. urges firing of unaccountable generals



An Army officer who called on the military a year ago to come clean about the “absence of success on virtually every level” in Afghanistan, is now calling for a sweeping overhaul of top Army leadership.

In a new essay titled “Purge the generals: What it will take to fix the Army,” Lt. Col. Daniel Davis writes, “The U.S. Army’s generals, as a group, have lost the ability to effectively function at the high level required of those upon whom we place the responsibility for safeguarding our nation. Over the past 20 years, our senior leaders have amassed a record of failure in major organizational, acquisition and strategic efforts.”

We don’t know about fired, but we can think of two off the top of our head who ought to be shot…


…along with more than a couple of squids!


Balls also offered this…

Interesting factoid:  “In 1945, about 2,000 general and flag officers led a total of about 12 million citizens in uniform. Today, we have about 900 generals and admirals and 1.4 million troops, and the ratio of leader-to-led has accelerated upward in the two decades since the end of the Cold War.”

Meanwhile, as this NBC News…yes, NBC News, report relates…

Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours



Employers around the country, from fast-food franchises to colleges, have told NBC News that they will be cutting workers’ hours below 30 a week because they can’t afford to offer the health insurance mandated by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

“To tell somebody that you’ve got to decrease their hours because of a law passed in Washington is very frustrating to me,” said Loren Goodridge, who owns 21 Subway franchises, including a restaurant in Kennebunk. “I know the impact I’m having on some of my employees.” Goodridge said he’s cutting the hours of 50 workers to no more than 29 a week so he won’t trigger the provision in the new health care law that requires employers to offer coverage to employees who work 30 hours or more per week. The provision takes effect in 16 months.

Luke Perfect, who has worked at Goodridge’s Kennebunk Subway for more than a decade, said it was “horrible” to learn he was among the employees whose hours would be limited, and that it would be a financial hardship. “I’m barely scraping by with overtime,” he said.


The White House dismisses such examples as “anecdotal.” Jason Furman, chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisors, said, “We are seeing no systematic evidence that the Affordable Care Act is having an adverse impact on job growth or the number of hours employees are working. … [S]ince the ACA became law, nearly 90 percent of the gain in employment has been in full-time positions.”

But the president of an influential union that supports Obamacare said the White House is wrong. “It IS happening,” insisted Joseph Hansen, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers union, which has 1.2 million members. “Wait a year. You’ll see tremendous impact as workers have their hours reduced and their incomes reduced. The facts are already starting to show up. Their statistics, I think, are a little behind the time.” In a letter to Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill, Hansen joined other labor chieftains in warning that the ACA as presently written could “destroy the foundation of the 40-hour work week that is the backbone of the middle class.”

NBC News spoke with almost 20 small businesses and other entities from Maine to California, and almost all said that because of the new law they’d be cutting back hours for some employees – an unintended consequence of the new law.

At St. Petersburg College, a public university in Florida where most of the faculty is part-time, 250 have had their hours reduced for the fall term because the college said it can’t afford to offer them health insurance. St Petersburg’s president, Dr. Bill Law, said providing health care for the 250 adjunct professors would cost more than $777,000 dollars a year. “The cost associated with making a part-timer benefits-eligible really is not available to us as a public college,” said Law. “I don’t think anyone [passed the law] so they could make our life worse,” said Law. “They did it because people need access to health care.” (Have some more Kool-Aid, Doc!)


Part-time math professor Tracey Sullivan said she will lose half her income because of the cuts. “I never thought it would impact me directly,” said Sullivan. “I was stunned when I got the email…I love teaching at St. Pete College but that is a significant cut.”

Many businesses are reluctant to talk about cutting hours for fear the public will view them as stingy or uncaring about their workers. But Goodridge said that many small businesses have very small profit margins and that while he already provides health insurance to senior employees, offering health insurance to many more workers would require him to pass a significant price increase on to his customers. “The consumer only has so much money in their pocket,” he said. “I just don’t feel, knowing my customers and knowing my business, now is the time to be raising prices.”

In July, the administration announced that it had delayed implementation of the “employer mandate,” which was supposed to take effect on Jan. 1. Now businesses with more than 50 workers will not be penalized for failing to offer insurance to full-time employees until Jan. 1, 2015.


Goodridge has given his Subway employees a reprieve until he hears more from the administration, but still plans to make cutbacks before the mandate kicks in. And other businesses that had already planned cuts have not necessarily delayed them. St. Petersburg college officials said they don’t want to undo the cuts they’ve already made only to revisit them next year.

While the small businesses and the union agree there’s a problem, they disagree about the appropriate solution.

Some businesses want to raise the threshold to 40 hours. But Hansen said 40 hours would be a “gift to employers” that would simply allow them to continue to skirt the law by cutting workers off at 39 hours. Instead, Hansen and other union leaders have proposed lowering the threshold to 20 hours. They have also objected publicly to a tax provision of the ACA that impacts the health plans they already offer to some union members. “We still support the act,” said Hansen. “It does an awful lot of good things. We just want the administration and Congress, if they can, to fix it.”

Except, without him

obama stubborn

they can’t.  And he won’t!

As Inspector Callahan so eloquently observed in The Enforcer of a similarly-misguided Progressive policy, “That’s a…

DIRTY HARRY Hell of a Price to Pay for Being Stylish

Next up, it’s today’s Money Quote, courtesy of the WSJ and Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations:

The public funds of the different indebted nations of Europe, particularly those of England, have by one author been represented as the accumulation of a great capital superadded to the other capital of the country, by means of which its trade is extended, its manufactures multiplied, and its lands cultivated and improved much beyond what they could have been by means of that other capital only. He does not consider that the capital which the first creditors of the public advanced to government was, from the moment in which they advanced it, a certain portion of the annual produce turned away from serving in the function of a capital to serve in that of a revenue; from maintaining productive labourers to maintain unproductive ones, and to be spent and wasted, generally in the course of the year, without even the hope of any future reproduction.

That’s “he”; spelled “L-I-B-E-R-A-L”…as in “any Liberal”!

And in the Environmental Moment, courtesy today of Bill Meisen, what if they staged a rally against anthropogenic global warming…

OFA Gets Zero Attendance for Climate Change Rally


Barack Obama

…and no one came…

…or cared?!?

On the Lighter Side…

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Then there’s this momento of Mary Carey’s encounter with the only honest homeless guy in San Francisco…


…as well as this accurate comparison of two seemingly unrelated events, courtesy of Balls Cotton:


Finally, we’ll call it a day with another sordid story ripped from the pages of the Crime Blotter:

East Bay Woman Accused Of Credit Card Fraud After Restaurant Mix Up



A woman who dined at a Newark seafood restaurant on her birthday and was handed the wrong credit card by the waitress at the end of her meal was arrested after she took the card and headed to a nearby mall on Sunday evening, police said. Jheline Demesa, 22, of San Leandro, ate dinner at Ray’s Crab Shack at 5989 Mowry Ave., where the waitress mistakenly gave her a credit card from an adjacent table, police said.

Instead of returning the card, Demesa allegedly left the restaurant with it, police said. The real cardholder tried to cancel the credit card a short time later but learned that transactions had been made on it at the NewPark Mall across the street, Newark police Cmdr. Mike Carroll said.

The restaurant owner managed to find an image of Demesa captured by a surveillance camera inside the eatery and gave it to the victim, who went to the mall to look for her, Carroll said. The victim and mall security located Demesa then notified police, Carroll said.

Which is 9 out 10 Obamao voters surveyed said, “There’s no sh*t like FREE sh*t!”

