It’s Friday, July 18th, 2014…and here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of the Daily Mail, The Obamao trivializes the tragic deaths of another 20+ Americans by jokes, jabs and jetting off for yet another in an endless string of fundraisers:

‘It looks like it may be a terrible tragedy’: Obama goes AWOL again with just 40-second mention of Malaysian plane crash feared to have killed Americans before his jokey 16-minute transport speech



 “I’ve instructed my national security team to stay in close contact with the Ukrainian government; as for me, I’m off to another $32,500/plate fundraiser in New York and then heading out to the links!”

Immediately after his very brief remarks regarding the deliberate downing of MH17, an act of mass murder he learned about prior to leaving for Delaware…

“…Obama also acknowledged the presence of Treasury Secretary Jack Lew with a joke. ‘Jack Lew’s signature is actually on your money,’ he said, ‘although it’s kind of illegible. We teased him when he first became treasury secretary that he was going to have to fix his signature a little bit because it looked just like a caterpillar running along the bottom.’

From there he launched into a 16-minute speech about transportation projects he wants Republicans to fund, complaining bitterly about their objections to his end-runs around the federal legislature. ‘When I have a chance to help communities like Wilmington, I’m going to do it,’ he said, as cable news networks focused on the lives lost in Eastern Ukraine.

‘That’s when my administration takes these executive actions, when Congress won’t act. And so far, the only response we’ve gotten from the Republicans is a lawsuit. They’re suing me for doing my job, instead of going ahead and doing their job.’ ‘That’s disappointing,’ Obama said. ‘It’s a political stunt.’

Boston Globe reporter Matt Viser summed up The Obamao’s callous casualness with the following tweet:


As the Mail Online story went on to note:

Daniel Hannan, the British member of Europe’s parliament who has rankled liberals in a series of American speaking tours, tweeted his own disgust. ‘Listening to Obama’s statement [on] the airline tragedy, my mind went back to Reagan 31 years ago,’ he wrote. How America’s leaders have shrunk.’

Here’s Reagan:

Here’s The Incredible Shrinking President:

ABC should have followed the leads of PBS and CNN, and omitted this jerks unconscionable jocularity.

Benghazi?  The bodies were still burning and he was off to a Vegas fundraiser and a little golf.  Why should the killing of an additional 23 ordinary Americans interrupt his money-laundering?

Any questions?  Seriously; any questions at all?!?

For what it’s worth, here’s our take: having successfully downed two Ukrainian military transports in the last month, an Il-76…


…back on June 14th, and an An-26…


…only three days ago, we’re betting Putin’s provocateurs posing as Ukrainian separatists thought this target to be of a similar nature.  Oh, that…and the fact Obama’s a self-centered, narcissistic, useless…


Meanwhile, in Gaza, Israeli ground forces are finally on the move and the UN has yet another black eye:

20 missiles found in UN-run school in Gaza

UNRWA apologizes to Israel, condemns a ‘flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises’ and promises investigation; Israel calls on UN to ‘act strongly’



“Strongly”?  Like…the UN’s going to send in John Kerry?!?  On the other hand, at least Hamas arms their teachers!

Since we’re on the subject of craven cowards waging war using the innocent men, women and children their supposed to protect as human shields…

Holder: America Should Be ‘Color Brave,’ Not Color Blind

Due to ‘Echoes of Injustice’…



“…We must take into account not only the considerable steps forward we’ve seen over the last 50 years, but the entirety of the experience that people of color have faced.  And we must never hesitate to confront the fact, the undeniable truth, that in too many places across this nation that I love – and have served throughout my life – that the echoes of injustices stretching back nearly four centuries continue to reverberate.  These echoes from times past are still heard by too many

“These echoes from times past are still heard by too many…”:

In a way, Holder is at last telling the truth; these supposed echoes are indeed still heard by some…


…but felt by none.  Bottomline, this guy’s so full of sh*t his skin is brown.

Next up, Hope ‘n Change lends its unique brand of humor to the White House’s latest prevaricating puppet and his claim under The Obamao, all is well with the world:

Just Joshing



“Like most Americans, you’re probably asking yourself why every corner of the world is suddenly so peaceful and loving, why there are always rainbows in the sky, and why pastel clouds of butterflies rise from fields of flowers as unicorns gambol and gallop in the sunshine. And the answer, of course, is that the policies of Barack Obama are so darned successful!… 

Just how SUCKcessful is spelled out in detail by Victor Davis Hanson, courtesy of

The Turbulent Summer of 2014



The summer of 2014 will go down in history as the season when America fell apart. Let’s take a tour of the disasters.

Germany in 2008 enthusiastically hosted candidate Barack Obama for his so-called “Victory Column” speech. Now, Germans suddenly sound as if they are near-enemies of the U.S. Chancellor Angela Merkel reportedly was furious that her cell phone was tapped by American intelligence agents. She just kicked the top CIA official out of Germany, further enraged that the U.S. had recruited at least one German official to provide intelligence on the German government. Polls show that Germans find Vladimir Putin’s Russian tyranny almost as popular as Barack Obama’s America.

Japan is becoming similarly frustrated with the U.S. It is rearming like crazy to confront an aggressive China. Both Asian powers apparently assume that Obama won’t guarantee the security of the Japanese as America had in the past.

The Middle East is dissolving. Taking U.S. peacekeepers out of Iraq proved a disaster. The radical jihadists of ISIS are overrunning Syria and Iraq, as they extend their destruction even to the mute stones of religious sanctuaries.


War looms between Israel and the Palestinians as they exchange rockets and bombs. Older Americans had an idea of what Afghanistan will look like by 2016 after Obama announced a pullout of all U.S. troops. They remember Saigon of 1975 all too well.

Crimea has become a Russian satellite. The fate of the Ukraine hangs in the balance. In between his conquests, Russia’s Putin openly ridicules the impotence of the U.S. He is often called to the Middle East on the perception that he can address problems that America runs away from.

From his sanctuary perch in Russia, National Security Agency turncoat Edward Snowden is once again releasing top-secret data that shreds the credibility of the Obama administrationForeign leaders don’t trust the U.S. They are baffled as to whether America is guilty of incompetence in hiring such a roguish dropout snoop in the first place, or guilty of cynically spying on America’s best friends — or both.

obama climate change report cartoon

The economy shrank last quarter. Record numbers of adult Americans are still not working. Zero interest rates have destroyed the tradition of passbook savings and the very idea of thrift. No-interest financial policies ignited a stampede to the stock market that has further enriched the one-percenters — an artificial boom that everyone believes will soon bust.

The borrowing of $7 trillion has proved no stimulus. A natural American recovery was stymied by vast federal borrowing, by the addition of more incomprehensible regulations, and by an Obamacare package that proved to be the opposite of almost everything that was promised. Inflation is said to be manageable, but only by not counting soaring food, gas and electricity costs that do the most to erode family budgets.

U.S. immigration law simply no longer exists. Incoming foreign nationals more likely welcome arrest than fear it. Tens of thousands of newly arrived immigrants expect that the cynical coalition of commercial interests, ethnic activists and political operatives have subverted existing federal law. America is now wide open. Almost anyone can cross the border and receive subsidized sanctuary. If you object, you are a nativist, racist or xenophobe — take your pick.


No one denies that top IRS officials lost or destroyed key documents concerning the agency’s election-time efforts to subvert conservative organizations. The unbiased IRS that we once knew has vanished. It has become an appendage of the ruling government that punishes enemies and rewards friends — and dodges a high-level audit by lying in the same fashion as the tax cheats it goes after.

Americans accept the fact that a video never had anything to do with the killing of four American officials in Benghazi and know that the Obama administration knew precisely that when it assured them otherwise.

No one has heard anything lately from Private Bowe Bergdahl, who was traded for five of the most dangerous jihadists the U.S. had in its custody. The less we know about why Bergdahl went AWOL, the administration thinks, the better.


The scandals now come so fast and furiously that we no sooner hear of one than yet another new mess makes us forget it.

What keeps the country afloat this terrible summer?

Some American companies produce more gas and oil than ever despite, not because of, the Obama administration. Most Americans still get up every day, work hard and pay more taxes than they receive in subsidies. American soldiers remain the most formidable in the world despite the confusion of their superiors. The law, regardless of the administration, is still followed by most. And most do not duck out on their daily responsibilities to golf, play pool or go on junkets.

It is still a hard thing to derail America in a summer — but then again, we have a long way to go until fall.

In a related item, the Morning Examiner‘s Mark Tapscott details a significant reason why scandals which would have caused a White President to be hounded from office have yet to interrupt even a single round of Obamao’s golf:

How could Bloomberg Businessweek reporter miss the Obama bundler in the CFPB renovation scandal?



Sports reporters who never say anything critical of their local teams are known in the journalism profession as “Homers.” Big government has its homers in the news media, too. Consider, for example, Bloomberg Businessweek’s Karen Weise, whose byline appeared earlier last week on a blatant example of Big Government Homerism. Bloomberg’s headline writer nicely captured the essential nature of Weise’s effort: “Republican attacks on a CFPB office renovation don’t add up.”

As the Washington Examiner’s Richard Pollock has exhaustively reported in recent months, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has consistently misled Congress and taxpayers about the costs of its headquarters renovation. Pollock’s reporting has relied upon multiple official documents, including those obtained from CFPB, the General Services Administration, and the inspector general of theFederal Reserve.

But, at every turn, Weise characterizes congressional criticism of CFPB’s renovation as merely partisan misrepresentations by Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee, as in “Republican figures,” “under attack by Republicans” and “the GOP members say.”


Weise’s post is so shot-through with factual errors, however, that the committee’s Republican staff took the unusual step of pointing out six serious mistakes. For example, Weise claims, “the GOP members say their calculations show the renovation will cost $215.8 million.” In fact, that figure came from the IG, which said in a June 30 report that “based on the CFPB’s assessed requirements as of June 5, 2014, we currently estimate all-in costs to total approximately $215.8 million.”

Back in March, Pollock reported that CFPB will pay more than $22 million to rent temporary space for its 1,000-plus employees during the renovation. That temporary space is owned by Neil G. Bluhm, the Obama campaign bundler who, according to Pollock, “made headlines in 2010 when he hosted Obama’s 49th birthday party at his Chicago home. Admission was $30,000 per person, with the proceeds going to the Democratic National Committee.”

That’s the sort of fact Homers always seem to miss. Weise did not respond Tuesday when asked if she plans to correct the record.

The truth?



Speaking of those with a total disregard for truth, courtesy again of the Daily Mail and Bill Meisen, we learn…

Hillary’s $2,777 PER MINUTE speaking contracts demand a ‘presidential’ teleprompter, let her cancel ‘for any reason whatsoever’ and she’s the only one allowed on stage



Buying influence?  Naw…all these fools…er, people…are really interested in what I have to say!

    • Speaking contracts covered August 2013 speech at SUNY Buffalo and upcoming August 2014 appearance at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
    • The two events together pulled in $500,000 for the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation – but reporters were shut out
    • Angry UNLV students have asked Clinton to return her speaking fee since their tuition has tripled in the last decade
    • One contract demanded a ‘presidential’ teleprompter; another one required a $1,250 stenographer; both insist that only a hand-picked moderator – never audience members – can ask her questions 
    • At an event that drew 6,500 people, Clinton allowed a photographer to take just 50 photos of her with VIP well-wishers

Liberals no longer lead; they engage in carefully choreographed public propaganda appearances.  Think about it: has Der Obafuhrer ever given a speech before a crowd which wasn’t pre-screened to prevent attendance by anyone opposed to his policies, i.e., racist?  Has he ever fielded a question he didn’t know in advance, or offered anything but pre-rehearsed answers to same?  Has Team Tick-Tock ever allowed candid photos to be taken by anyone other than official White House photographers?

And we should expect Hillary, with her petulant personality, penchant for prevarication and proclivity for putting her foot in her mouth, to act differently?  The real question is whether the MSM will accord Her Highness the same degree of deference they’ve accorded The Anointed One.

On the Lighter Side…

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