It’s Monday, January 5th, 2015…and here’s The Gouge!

Leading off the first edition of the new year, the WSJ contemplates the parallels between…

Progressives and Disorder

The next two years may be the most dangerous since the Cold War ended.



Because this isn’t a man; it’s a committe Marxist ideologue.

“As the calendar turns toward the final two years of the Obama Presidency, this is a moment to consider the world it has produced. There is no formal Obama Doctrine that serves as the 44th President’s blueprint for America’s engagement with the world. But it is fair to say that Barack Obama brought into office a set of ideas associated with the progressive, or left-leaning, wing of the Democratic foreign-policy establishment.

“Leading from behind” was the phrase coined in 2011 by an Obama foreign-policy adviser to describe the President’s approach to the insurrection in Libya against Moammar Gaddafi. That phrase may have since entered the lexicon of derision, but it was intended as a succinct description of the progressive approach to U.S. foreign policy.

The crucial flaw in the Democratic left’s model of global governance is that it has little or no answer to containing or deterring the serious threats that emerge in any region of the world when the U.S. retreats from leadership.

…In defense of his looming nuclear-weapons deal with Iran, Mr. Obama told his NPR interviewer: “I believe in diplomacy, I believe in dialogue, I believe in engagement.” He said Iran could be “a very successful regional power” that is “abiding by international norms and rules.”


Short of a miraculous change in the revolutionary Iranian leadership, such a worldview is at best willfully hopeful or at worst hopelessly naive. (Or purposefully perilous!) As former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz has repeatedly pointed out, diplomacy and engagement are always good, but only if backed by a credible threat to deploy U.S. military resources. A fist inside a velvet glove. After five years of progressive foreign policy under Mr. Obama, the world sees the U.S. as an empty velvet glove.

The final two years of the Obama Presidency will thus be the most dangerous since the end of the Cold War as the world’s rogues calculate how far they can go before a successor enters the White House in 2017. A bipartisan coalition in Congress may be able to limit some of the damage, but the first step toward serious repair is understanding how Mr. Obama’s progressive foreign policy has contributed to the growing world disorder.

While we agree with the Journal‘s assessment of the perils inherent in The Obamao’s final 24 months in office, we respectfully maintain what a reasonable individual would deem as reasons for disappointment on the part of all previous Presidents… 


…simply don’t apply in the case of an America-hating…


…Manchurian candidate.

In a related item, courtesy of, Bruce Bialosky recommends Conservatives remember George Santayana’s observation on the fate of those who refuse to learn from the past:

2016: Let’s Elect a Grown-up President



“In 2008, I supported Hillary Clinton. That sounds odd, but I wanted her to beat Barack Obama in the primary and encouraged every one of my Democratic friends to vote for her. My logic was simple: If the Republican lost I would at least want a grown-up in the White House. Compared to Obama, Hillary was a bastion of wisdom and a fountain of experience. Instead the Democrats nominated someone totally unprepared to be president. He won and look what happened. This time let’s not screw this up.

I recall a friend coming back from a national meeting in the spring of 2008 at which Barack Obama spoke. He described the experience and unfortunately I don’t remember his exact words, but my immediate reply was that he had just described the perfect definition of a demagogue. There is a lot of talk about some politicians on both sides of the political aisle who inspire people, but these potential candidates are wholly unqualified to be president. They may be at a further time, but not now.


…You now know what I will be looking for and not accepting in a candidate. I hope we end up with someone who has the experience, wisdom and gravitas to assume this august position. As a Republican I will not be looking for ideological purity because I will remind my Republican friends that the Republican that most offends them is someone they still agree with at least 85 percent of the time, and that person’s opponent will be someone you agree with about 15 percent of the time(If THAT!!!)

Gosh knows we need a grown-up and — I believe a Republican — to reverse the immense damage this rank amateur has done to us both in foreign and domestic policy. I suggest you choose wisely.

Sage advice we’d all be wise to heed!

Next up, courtesy of Balls Cotton, Robert Searfoss lists some interesting and irrefutable facts regarding the murder of black males in America:

Since we’re on the subject of facts versus fiction,‘s Kevin Glass has the truth behind the government’s auto bailout fable: 

Government Says It Lost “Only” $9.26 Billion On Auto Bailout



“A Department of the Treasury report this week released some of its final numbers on the auto industry bailout, with good news: “only” $9.26 billion was flushed down the drain bailing out America’s labor union-dominated auto industry.

As the Detroit Free press reports:

Taxpayers lost $9.26 billion on the U.S. government’s automotive industry rescue program, according to a final tally released by U.S. Treasury this week… The government said it recovered $70.42 billion of the $79.68 billion it gave to General Motors, Chrysler, Ally Financial, Chrysler Financial and automotive suppliers through the federal Auto Industry Financing Program.

The government lost money, but far less than initially expected when the program was launched in 2009.

Of course, President Obama himself was consistently telling Americans that “GM has repaid every taxpayer dollar my administration” lent to them in the auto bailout program. That is, of course, a blatant lie…”

Like, quite literally, every other word the man’s ever uttered.

Which brings us to the latest from Victor Davis Hanson, who details how American entrepreneurship and technological wizardry has rescued more than just the country from The Obamao’s tender mercies:

The Ironies of Oil

Obama once ridiculed cheap energy, which is now saving him from himself.



“…Americans should thank the U.S. oilman — from the drillers in the field to the engineers behind the scenes — who did the impossible. They vastly increased the supply of what was supposedly a permanently declining resource, and thereby helped to crash prices. Oilmen, not the government, returned hundreds of billions of dollars to American consumers. They, not Ivy League experts and Wall Street grandees, kick-started the economy where federal subsidies had failed to. They, not the policies of the Obama administration or the rhetoric of Secretary of State John Kerry, weakened our enemies.

Almost everything Obama tried for six years in an effort to rev the economy — from near-zero interest rates and $1 trillion annual budget deficits to Obamacare and vast increases in entitlements — has failed. His foreign-policy stances of resets and leading from behind led to chaos and emboldened enemies.

Yet the United States economy is slowly recovering with cheap energy. Consumers have more money. Industries are returning to U.S. soil.

Abroad, spendthrift oil producers such as hostile Iran, Russia, and Venezuela are nearly broke. Friendly rivals such as Japan and the European Union can’t compete with the U.S. energy edge.

What Obama once ridiculed is now saving him from himself — after he had championed policies that nearly destroyed himThe Greeks had a word for it: irony.

Or, as Anthony Clark suggested in Barbarossa of the otherwise inexplicable failure of Henning von Tresckow’s brandy bomb to detonate and kill Hitler, perhaps the Devil’s own hand is protecting The Obamao.

Moving on, in this forward from Balls Cotton, The Havok Journal lists…

Five Things Veterans Know that the Rest of America Doesn’t



At least that portion of America still pulling a lever with a (D) next to it.

Turning now to another torrid tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter, we learn…

Florida man decapitates his mother on New Year’s Eve



A Florida man is charged with first-degree murder after his mother was found decapitated outside their home on New Year’s Eve. According to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, Mario Gomez called 911 on Wednesday evening and told dispatchers that his brother Christian had killed their mother and cut off her head.

Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said Thursday that Gomez had planned his mother’s murder for two days. Gomez was upset with his mother because she wanted him to move boxes around the house, and he was jealous of the attention Suarez-Cassagne paid to his brother, Gualtieri said.

Than there’s the latest edition of the “Your Tax Dollars at Work” segment, and this heart-warming tale of a taxpayer-funded solution to geriatric gender confusion:

Sex Reassignment Surgery at 74: Medicare Win Opens Door for Transgender Seniors


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“…Mallon said she first became aware of her gender identity when she was a child in the 1940s. “People would ask, ‘How is your little girl today,’ and that was me,” she said. “Well, it’s taken me all these years and detours, potholes and whatnot to finally be where I am right now.”

For Mallon, life – work, five kids and three marriages – had gotten in the way of having sex reassignment surgery. When she could afford it in the late 1970s and early 1980s, she couldn’t get her doctors to approve it. They balked, she said, because she was having sex with women – which they felt was inconsistent with her needing the operation. By the time she got the okay in the late 1980s, she could no longer afford it…”

Soooo…despite soaring health insurance premiums, medical costs, budget deficits and national debt, someone thinks this is fiscally feasible, let deserving of even a moment’s consideration?!?  Here’s a reform to The Unaffordable Care Act just begging for action by the new Republican Congress.

On the Lighter Side…

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Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with a humorous look at the past year in review:

2014 – Hope n’ Change Looks Back


