It’s Monday, October, 3rd, 2016…but before we begin, like the scorpion with the frog, The Dear Misleader just can’t help himself, using the occasion of Shimon Peres’ funeral not only to bore the world with more self-serving first person observations, but to demonstrate one last bit of disrespect for the only bastion of freedom and functioning democracy in the Middle East:


See, because in Obamaworld, Jerusalem isn’t in Israel!  This Islamofascist nitwit can’t shuffle his way out of the Oval Office…or off his mortal coil for that matter…soon enough to suit us.

Words cannot even begin to describe the complete and utter contempt in which hold not only him, but anyone who’s aided and abetted his reign of destruction in the slightest.

Oh,…and are we the only one left wondering why, if Jeff Bezos’ Old Grey Nag could score Trump’s supposedly-confidential tax return, it hasn’t been able to source The Obamao’s college transcripts?!?

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Leading off the first edition of October, and demonstrating even the brightest bulb eventually burns out, the WSJ‘s Dorothy Rabinowitz proposes a cure far worse than the disease:

Hillary-Hatred Derangement Syndrome

She alone stands between America and the reign of the most unstable, unfit president in U.S. history.



“…The end of the election is now in sight. Some among the anti-Hillary brigades have decided, in deference to their exquisite sensibilities, to stay at home on Election Day, rather than vote for Mrs. Clinton. But most Americans will soon make their choice. It will be either Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton—experienced, forward-looking, indomitably determined and eminently sane. Her election alone is what stands between the American nation and the reign of the most unstable, proudly uninformed, psychologically unfit president ever to enter the White House.

We enjoy Ms. Rabinowitz’s writings; but while we understand her aversion to The Donald, in this case, she’s dead wrong.

Consider the following: first, in her description of Hillary, she forgets to include “completely corrupt, utterly untrustworthy and singularly self-centered”.   Second, “experience” isn’t necessarily in of itself an asset; all Hillary’s “experience” reveals is she’s botched almost every task she’s ever undertaken and worsened nearly every crisis with which she’s ever come in contact, while learning nothing along the way.

As Carly Fiorina so eloquently observed of Hillary boasting of her numerous taxpayer-funded junkets around the globe, “Flying is an activity, not an accomplishment!”


Regarding Ms. Rabinowitz’s latter contention, perhaps she was otherwise occupied while America endured almost eight years of the “most unstable, proudly uninformed psychologically unfit”…


…not to mention most inexperienced and anti-American… “president ever to enter the White House”.

And her solution to the unknown nature of Trump is to turn the country over to the tender mercies of Barry sans male genitalia?!?


That is, assuming Obama has them and Hillary doesn’t!

In a related item appearing in The Washington Times:

Clinton endorsements by conservative newspapers spark threats, cancellations



“Over the past month, traditionally conservative newspaper editorial boards across the country have rejected Donald Trump and instead lined up behind Hillary Clinton — and some are facing vicious backlashes.

The Cincinnati Enquirer, which hadn’t endorsed a Democrat in almost a century, and The Arizona Republic, which had backed only Republican presidential candidates in its 126-year history, said they had lost subscribers and received angry letters from readers since coming out in favor of Mrs. Clinton.

The Republic said it even received a death threat as a result of its endorsement, laid out in a scathing editorial this week that painted the Republican presidential hopeful as unqualified and not a true conservative…”

Again, just so…if you’ll forgive the pun…we’re on the same page: like Dorothy Rabinowitz, the Arizona Republic‘s solution to the unknown nature of The Donald is to hand control of the country to a devil demonstrably worse than the demon who’s been decimating since January 20, 2009.  Sorry, but we have to ask…

Au contraire, mon frère!  A couple quick thoughts which only begin to scratch the surface of why the #NeverTrump Derangement Syndrome strain is a far greater threat than the Hillary variant: (1). Progressive propaganda and the drug-induced imaginings of Stephen King to the contrary notwithstanding…

…no President can unilaterally give flight to America’s nuclear arsenal.  Trust us; were it possible, B. Hussein would have left Israel a smoking ruin years ago. (2). Even a divided Congress (assuming the Dims retake the Senate, by no means a certainty at this point) will act as a safeguard against any Trump excesses in a way which would prove impossible with Hillary.  (3). There’s always the nuclear option, whereby were Trump to go truly off the reservation, the Republican House could impeach, and the Senate, regardless of who’s in control, would surely convict, leaving Mike Pence President.

Sorry, any way you slice it, there’s no way on earth anyone with the slightest Conservative bent should ever consider backing Hillary.

Since we’re on the subject of supposedly-serious rags printing incredibly stupid statements, writing at Best of the Web, James Taranto reveals how the WaPo recently chose to…

Ask a Silly Question



“Is Your Dog’s Halloween Costume Sexist?” asks the headline of a Washington Post piece—not a satire, not even a bit of Style section fluff, but an article in the business section:

The glass ceiling appears to be firmly in place at PetSmart, where career costumes labeled “male” include firefighter and police officer, while female dogs can choose between a pink cowgirl costume and pink loofah.

The piece quotes an expert who says: “The career options for women—and dogs—need to go beyond pink loofahs and pink cowgirls.” It also complains that “female” dog costumes are more expensive than “male” ones:

At Party City, Supergirl and Wonder Woman doggie costumes were priced 30 percent higher than Superman costumes ($16.99 versus $12.99). Batgirl costumes, meanwhile, were selling for $19.99, a 33 percent premium on Batman’s $14.99 price tag.

So, just to review: The world is on fire, there are Halloween costumes for dogs, and a supposedly serious newspaper is asking if those costumes are sexist. If questions are that stupid, is it any wonder some people think Donald Trump is the answer?

Which also begs the question…


Speaking of dudes with serious issues…primarily psychological…the WSJ details…

Jerry Brown’s Train Wreck

The California Governor doesn’t want anyone looking under the high-speed rail track.



Last week’s New Jersey Transit crash is still under investigation, and premature judgments are ill-advised. Not so in California, where California Governor Jerry Brownlast week vetoed a bill to establish modest financial guardrails for the state’s high-speed rail authority. Full speed ahead!

California’s bullet train challenges are as massive as the rail authority’s contempt for taxpayers. Earlier this year the Los Angeles Times reported that a Spanish firm bidding on the project declared in its proposal that “more than likely, the California high speed rail will require large government subsidies for years to come.” The line was removed from the proposal posted on the state website.

Then there’s the uncertain rail route. Instead of building the first segment between Merced and the San Fernando Valley, the agency decided in February to lay down the first 240 miles of tracks between San Jose and Shafter, an agricultural town of 17,000 people about 20 miles north of Bakersfield. The agency planned to finance the segment with $6.8 billion in state bonds, $3.2 billion in federal funds and $17.8 billion in revenues generated by cap-and-trade auctions over the next 35 years.

A few problems: Cap and trade faces legal challenges that have curbed the demand for and price of permits. A quarterly auction in May raised only $10 million of the $500 million projected, and the legislature has balked at extending cap and trade beyond 2020. Three quarters of the money for the first segment of the $64 billion choo choo may never materialize.

Oh, and the segment wouldn’t really terminate in Shafter. Passengers would be let off on a make-shift platform in an almond orchard north of town. A Legislative Analyst’s Office review in March dryly noted that terminating “in an unpopulated agricultural area does not appear to be an effective approach.”

California High Speed Rail

The authority’s chairman Dan Richard acknowledged to the House rail subcommittee in August that “it seems odd” to be “stopping in the middle of an almond orchard.” However, for merely $2 billion in additional federal funds, the authority might be able to extend the segment all the way to Bakersfield. That’s an upsell worthy of Wells Fargo. Mr. Richard nonetheless said the project is “going smoothly.”

Amid all this, the legislature decided to impose a modicum of oversight by requiring the rail authority to specify all of its projected costs in its business plans as well as explain adjustments in cost and schedule when it changes course. These safeguards passed unanimously.

But Mr. Brown still vetoed the bill, explaining that state law already “requires strict standards of accountability and transparency.” The Governor has tied his legacy to the bullet train and can’t admit its failings. He’s lucky he works in government where there’s no accountability, as opposed to Wells Fargo, where there is.

Meanwhile, Governor Moonbeam’s state, quite literally, is running dry:


Perhaps if all those ephemeral carbon credits were drinkable…?!?

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

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Finally, we’ll call it a day with this little medley of memes forwarded by Balls Cotton:

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To borrow a classic phrase from the late, great John Wayne…

