It’s Friday, December 30th, 2016…but before we kick off the last edition of 2016, courtesy of G. Trevor and Carl Polizzi, two of those pictures worth far more than a mere thousand words…

…along with a couple extra courtesy of Yours Truly on the occasion of Barry’s self-aggrandizing claims regarding the certainty of his re-election…i.e., his latest flight of farcical fancy:

Every time we see this loser he brings to mind Terry Malloy in On The Waterfront:

He coulda had class. He coulda been a contendah. He coulda been somebody,!

Though in the movie he considered himself a bum, Terry Malloy ended up a hero.  In real life, despite his delusions of deity, Barry Obama is a decided douche pump…and an anti-American, Islamofascist douche pump at that!

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, the latest in the unending string of anti-Semitic lies uttered by the most patently prevaricative Administration in American history: 

Kerry: ‘Israel Can Either be Jewish or Democratic – It Cannot be Both

And it won’t ever really be at peace


TweedledDumbo and Tweedledumber

Secretary of State John Kerry declared Wednesday that Israel “can either be Jewish or democratic” but “it cannot be both.” Here’s a transcript:

The truth is that trends on the ground, violence, terrorism, incitement, settlement expansion and the seemingly endless occupation, they are combining to destroy hopes for peace on both sides and increasingly cementing an irreversible one state reality that most people do not actually want.

Today, there are a similar number of Jews and Palestinians living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. They have a choice. They can choose to live together in one state or they can separate into two states. But here is a fundamental reality. If the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic. It cannot be both. And it won’t ever really be at peace.

Moreover, the Palestinians will never fully realize their vast potential in a homeland of their own with a one state solution.

To paraphrase Cordell Hull’s response to Japan’s belatedly-delivered, deliberately deceptive ultimatum following Pearl Harbor, “In all our sixty-one years, we’ve never seen a statement so crowded with infamous falsehoods and distortions, on a scale so huge that we never imagined until today that any representative of America was capable of uttering them”.

Bill Whittle tenders the unvarnished truth behind perhaps the biggest myth in history…though the “science” of anthropogenic global warming and Hillary’s dizzying intellect are a close seconds:

As the WSJ notes

“…Mr. Kerry has made the pursuit of Israeli-Palestinian peace a major goal of his tenure, conducting intensive negotiations for nearly a year until they collapsed in spring 2014. That collapse came after the Palestinian Authority announced the creation of a unity government with Hamas, the terrorist group sworn to Israel’s destruction. Shortly thereafter, Hamas started a war with Israel from its Gaza stronghold, the third such war since Israel vacated Gaza of all settlements in 2005.

We recite this history to show that it’s not for lack of U.S. diplomacy that there is no peace—and that mishandled diplomacy has a way of encouraging Palestinian violence. In 2000 then-President Bill Clinton brought Israeli and Palestinian leaders to Camp David to negotiate a final peace agreement, only to watch Palestinians walk away from an offer that would have granted them a state on nearly all of Gaza and the West Bank. That failure was followed by another Palestinian terror campaign.

Israelis remember this. They remember that they elected leaders—Yitzhak Rabin in 1992, Ehud Barak in 1999, Ehud Olmert in 2006—who made repeated peace overtures to the Palestinians only to be met with violence and rejection.

In his speech, Mr. Kerry went out of his way to personalize his differences with current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claiming he leads the “most right-wing” coalition in Israeli history. But Israelis also remember that Mr. Netanyahu ordered a settlement freeze, and that also brought peace no closer.

The lesson is that Jewish settlements are not the main obstacle to peace. If they were, Gaza would be on its way to becoming the Costa Rica of the Mediterranean. The obstacle is Palestinian rejection of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state in any borders. A Secretary of State who wishes to resolve the conflict could have started from that premise, while admonishing the Palestinians that they will never get a state so long as its primary purpose is the destruction of its neighbor…”

Sorry, but there is good and evil in the world; and though Israel, like the United States, may not always be perfect, these animals…

…are pure, unadulterated evil.  And, like Jimmy Carter before them, if John Kerry and his Islamofascist supervisor are either too stupid or anti-Semitic to see it, they’re a major part of the problem.

We’ll give NRO’s Jim Geraghty the last word on this last gasp from the most inept…or deliberately anti-American…diplomatic duo in our history…at least since B. Hussein and Hillary:

“…he’s been very wrong about a lot of big foreign-policy issues over the course of his career, with the consistent theme that he’s almost always willing to give the world’s most hostile states the benefit of the doubt: Daniel Ortega, aid to North Korea, Yassir Arafat, Bashir Assad…time and time again, Kerry’s been willing to offer a trusting hand, and no matter how many times he gets bitten, he’s never gotten more wary.

But when it comes to Israel, then he gets tough.

Thus, it’s fitting that John Kerry’s last major act as secretary of state is a speech that offers up hot nonsense, a bitterly hostile address that called Israel’s government “the most right-wing in Israeli history, with an agenda driven by its most extreme elements.” (Mind you, the opposing side in this conflict elected Hamas, an actual terrorist group, to govern the Gaza Strip.)

The cement hardens on the Obama-Kerry foreign-policy legacy: They were toothless and hapless against ISIS, Bashar al-Assad, North Korea, Iran, Russia, China, and the world’s worst and most ruthless regimes. But as for Bibi Netanyahu, they came down on him like a ton of bricks…”

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: their actions smack of either utter ignorance, sheer stupidity…or an affinity for anything anti-American.

Moving on, as highlighted by, the…

Rate of Young Americans Living with Parents at 75-year High


“In 2015, almost 40% of young Americans were still living with their parents or other relatives, marking the largest percentage in 75 years and running counter to trends of previous economic recoveries. The share of Americans between 18 and 34 living at home has been steadily rising since 2005, according to Trulia’s analysis of census data. Experts say the phenomenon is due to rising rents and tough mortgage-lending standards combined with Millennials’ habit of getting married and having children later in life, the Wall Street Journal reports…”

The “experts” curiously omitted another dubious distinction Millennials also enjoy: the highest percentage of college “degrees” that aren’t worth the paper on which they’re printed…and which exclude them from employment that would otherwise allow would them to afford a house or apartment of their own.  But including such an inconvenient truth might adversely impact the carefully cultivated yet demonstrably deceitful narrative of the supposedly-stellar jobs record of our first half-White President.

Speaking of the greatest calamity to ever curse the country, McClatchey DC offers this…

Report: 8 years of Obama vacations cost $85 million


“As America’s first family enjoys its eighth and final vacation in Hawaii, new estimates put the price tag of the Obamas’ annual trip at $3.5 million or more.

In total, the cost of the the first family’s personal or largely personal travel during the last eight years comes to $85 million – though that is likely to climb to $90 million after additional records are released, according to the conservative group Judicial Watch based on federal government records…”

And frankly, based on the number of tag-along trips Moochie, Mother Moocher and the little Moochettes made, the figure is likely much, much higher. Never was so much spent by those who provided so little.

Since we’re on the subject of scams, in today’s installment of the Environmental MomentThe Deplorable Climate Science Blog informs us…

100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering


Climate Central just ran this piece, which the Washington Post picked up on. They claimed the US was “overwhelmingly hot” in 2016, and temperatures have risen 1,5°F since the 19th century.

The first problem with their analysis is that the US had very little hot weather in 2016. The percentage of hot days was below average, and ranked 80th since 1895. Only 4.4% of days were over 95°F, compared with the long term average of 4.9%. Climate Central is conflating mild temperatures with hot ones.

They also claim US temperatures rose 1.5°F since the 19th century, which is what NOAA shows. The problem with the NOAA graph is that it is fake data. NOAA creates the warming trend by altering the data. The NOAA raw data shows no warming over the past century.

The adjustments being made are almost exactly 1.5°F, which is the claimed warming in the article. The adjustments correlate almost perfectly with atmospheric CO2. NOAA is adjusting the data to match global warming theory. This is known as PBEM (Policy Based Evidence Making.)

There’s another term for it: LOYS (Lying Out Your A*s)!

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side

Finally, in the Science Section, we learn European…

Scientists on Brink of Bringing Back Extinct Beasts

Yeah, first it’s an irascible European cow; but we all know how this ends:

Thus those who cannot remember the plot of Jurassic Park are condemned to repeat it.

Here’s wishing everyone a safe and blessed 2017; catch you next year!  And from the bottom or our heart…

We only hope you enjoy reading The Gouge half as much as we relish writing it.

