It’s Friday, April 6th, 2018…and we cannot believe tomorrow we may well be battening down the hatches for another snowstorm.  Such aberrant weather could ONLY be the result of anthropogenic global warming…er,…climate change…er, we mean…human induced planetary cooling!

But first, courtesy of Cole Zakis, here’s a live look at Sergio Garcia at the 15th hole of Augusta National:

That’s gonna leave a mark!

Now, here’s a very abbreviated edition of The Gouge!

First up, Tucker Carlson calls it like it is:

And, at least before before November, Trump and congressional Republicans need to make certain their constituents know it.

Face it, folks: The Mexican government and oligarchical elite are using America as a safety valve for the pressure cooker they’ve created in their own country.  We’ve visited Mexico for six consecutive years, spending a week each time working on the construction of the church of a sister congregation in a…less advantaged…part of the city of Puebla.  And for those who’ve either never visited Mexico or ventured outside the confines of some resort or port of call, it is a country of extremes; one in which light-skinned Mexicans of Spanish descent have enslaved the darker-skinned descendants of the indigenous peoples since the days of the Conquistadores.

The billboard advertisements tell the tale: at no time is anyone featured with anything other than light skin:

The ruling class…and Mexico truly has a ruling class…keeps the country’s poorer, dark-skinned inhabitants in grinding poverty while they exploit the nation’s natural resources, cheap labor and drug profits.

And when their citizens begin to exhibit signs of unrest, they direct them north to the Promised Land.

Here’s a thought: if Mexican authorities won’t seriously assist in stemming the flood of illegals, why not cut off the flow of cash back home?  Illegals send some $26,000,000,000 per year south, Mexico’s biggest source of foreign capital.  If we can cut off banking ties with Iran, North Korea and other enemy states, why not Mexico?

Here’s the juice: The Left believes America a malignant force in world history, yet cannot seem to apply the same standard to other countries.

Whether it be the Persians, Incas, Aztecs, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, native West African involvement in the slave trade, modern-day slavery in sub-Saharan Africa, Communist China, North Korea, the Mongols, ancient Rome or Greece, Imperial Japan, Pol Pot, Castro’s Cuba, the utter intolerance of Islam or, our favorite, the oligarchical oppression of Mexico, Progressives focus on the supposed shortcomings of only two of the 195 countries on the globe: Israel, the only functioning democracy in the Middle East, and America, the beacon of freedom to the entire world. 

So here’s to you, Progressives:

Next, as Guy Benson notes at

There Were Virtually No Similarities Between the Parkland and YouTube Shooters. Except For This Big One.


Other than that, they were…

Yet the gun, not the shooter, remains the focus of anti-Constitution Liberals.  As Kurt Schlichter also observes at, there’s method to their madness:

They Take the Second Amendment First and the First Amendment Second


Why? Put simply, the 1st and 2nd Amendments are inextricably intertwined and co-dependent, just as the Founders knew and indeed intended.  Fact is…

…a truth which is certainly not lost on those looking to overthrow the Republic: if they can repeal the 2nd, the 1st will natural fall.

In two related items, consider the following headlines from NRO, the first from David French, the second from Kyle Smith, then you tell us:

On the Cowardly Firing of Kevin Williamson


Sinclair Broadcast Group’s Outrageous Assault on Our Democracy


Which represents the greatest threat to democracy and the 1st Amendment?  FYI, if you didn’t pick up on it, Smith’s commentary is subtlely tongue-in-cheek.

To borrow a phrase Secretary of State Cordell Hull directed at Japanese ambassadors Nomura and Kurusu in the wake of Pearl Harbor, “In all our 62 years, we have never seen a movement more crowded with infamous falsehoods and distortions – on a scale so huge that we never imagined until today that any political party on this planet was capable of uttering them.”

Think about it: Progressives cannot debate without introducing outright fabrications.  They cannot promote policies absent the employment of deliberately distorted “facts” and bald-faced lies.  They preach inclusion but practice exclusion.  Their hypocrisy is only exceeded by their venom and hatred.  They refuse to recognize honest political differences, but rather attribute any disagreement to the evil inherent of their opposition.

Meanwhile, they themselves are guilty of the very crimes and sins of which they falsely accuse their political and moral opponents.  Put simply, they have met the enemy…and they are them!

Which finally brings us to The Lighter Side:

