It’s Monday, April 30th, 2018…but before we begin, The Hollywood Reporter details the newest Progressive ploy to avoid living up to the standards they’ve set for others:

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Says “I Genuinely Do Not Believe I Wrote Those Hateful Things

The host said she doesn’t think she wrote the posts, but admits they don’t seem to have been hacked.


On Saturday morning, five days after Joy Reid was accused of authoring a series of homophobic blog posts that were unearthed by a Twitter user, the MSNBC host apologized for the controversy but said that she still doesn’t think she wrote the posts in question.

Here’s what I know: I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things,” she said on AM Joy. “But I can definitely understand based on things I have said and have written in the past that some people don’t believe me.”

On Monday, when Mediaite asked Reid about the blog posts, she said “an unknown, external party accessed and manipulated material from my now-defunct blog.”…But, on Saturday, Reid admitted that the posts don’t appear to have been the result of hacking or tampering.

“When a friend found them in December and sent them to me, I was stunned,” she said “Frankly, I couldn’t imagine where they’d come from or whose voice this was. The reality is they have not been able to prove it.”

The reactions of practiced Progressive prevaricators like Reid and Hillary to serious questions concerning their veracity never cease to both astonish and amuse.  With Hillary, it was the infamous…

With Reid, it’s a flimsy, tangled web of lies a 6-year-old could see through…and 2-year-old could top.  And once again, should this fiasco cost Reid her position, it won’t be the “crime” which did her in, but the cover-up…and a rather clumsily conceived cover-up at that!

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, writing at, John Hawkins offers…

5 Facts About Mass Shootings That The Gun Control Fanatics Don’t Want You to See


“Every time there is a mass shooting we get the same old song and dance from the gun control fanatics. You’re sorry this happened? Then you must institute gun control. Oh, you don’t want to do that? Then it’s your fault that it happened. The NRA is bad. They kill people. We must have gun control. Innocent law-abiding Americans are responsible. Don’t you feel bad for the victims? Then institute our gun control agenda that will do nothing to stop the killings. It’s hamhanded, relentless propaganda peddled by smug, self-righteous anti-gun zealots.

Well, here are some things you don’t typically see those anti-gun nuts mention when they demand that we disarm the whole country because some crazy murdered people…

When the only idea gun control zealots are willing to entertain to stop mass killings is *** surprise *** gun control and the majority of weapons used in those killings are handguns, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to see that their real agenda is to disarm America.

When it comes to everything The Left says about guns (or anything else!), we have one consistent response:

Speaking of patent Progressive bullsh*t, writing at The Weekly Standard via George Lawlor, P.J. O’Rourke reveals…

The Parallel Universe of the New York Times

It has different math, geography, and history. And Hillary is president.


“We have excellent theoretical
and philosophical reasons
to think we live in a multiverse.”

—Neil deGrasse Tyson

Do parallel universes exist? I have proof that one does. I confirmed the hypothesis in a manner very like that of the young Isaac Newton, who was sitting in a garden when an apple dropped on his head. I was standing in a convenience store when a Sunday New York Times dropped on my foot. Newton, in a stroke of brilliant insight, comprehended gravity. I, in a throb of bruised toe, opened the April 22, 2018, Sunday Review section.

It had long been my opinion that the writers and editors of the New York Times and, by extension, their readers live on a different planet—the planet where a martini costs $20. But, upon perusal of the Sunday Review section, I see that I was wrong. They do not live on another planet. They live in another cosmosa universe with different physics, different mathematics, different scientific constants, and different laws of nature.

The lead essay in the Sunday Review is by Amy Chozick, adapted from her new book Chasing Hillary. The headline is a quotation from Hillary Clinton: “They Were Never Going To Let Me Be President.” The Hillary Clinton of Universe New York Times (UNYT) is similar to the Hillary Clinton of the known universe (U1) except that in UNYT she was the rightful winner of the 2016 election.

Chozick’s subject is time travel—impossible in U1 but commonplace in UNYT . By means of technology unknown to the inhabitants of U1, Chozick transports her UNYT readers to an ancient period of fossilization that political paleontologists of U1 have named “Who Cares?” There, she and her audience experience phenomena hardly imaginable to us. In U1 we sometimes beat a dead horse, but in UNYT they feed it and groom it and ride it around…”

…I mentioned time travel. Thus we get “What America Looks Like in 10,000 Years” with detailed maps. UNYT time tourists will find, perhaps to their consternation (but to my relief), that New York City, San Francisco, Portland, and Disney World are all under water.

A feature called “Exposures” goes “Inside Bangladesh’s factories, where $2 shirts get made.” Working conditions are poor and pay is paltry. But, as I said, this universe has a different mathematics. Personally, I am more indignant about $20 martinis than $2 shirts. (Switching the price of these two items is, I gather, not an option in UNYT .)

However, to be fair, maybe UNYT has a different geography and a different history as well as a different mathematics. I spent some time in Bangladesh a quarter of a century ago, before the shirt factories arrived. In those days people (child laborers included!) didn’t have anywhere to work. Therefore the working conditions weren’t poor. And the pay wasn’t paltry because there wasn’t any. Bangladeshis were starving.

“What Hospitals Can Teach the Police” informs us that hospitals are better at “de-escalating” volatile situations with patients than police are at de-escalating volatile situations with criminals. This is doubtless true in every universe. Patients are usually sick and weakly while criminals are often in rude good health. But only in UNYT does a hospital de-escalation training instructor give the advice, “Never point with your index finger: It’s accusatory, even when indicating a direction. Instead…direct with the sweep of an open hand, like a maître d’ saying, ‘Right this way.’” To jail, Bud.

In “The Problem With Miracle Cancer Cures” a doctor claims the problem is that the cures usually don’t work. The miraculous nature of miracles is, I gather, news to the UNYT reading public. I suppose naïveté is understandable among those who can do preternatural things such as voyage back to when Hillary was important or forward to when the Little Mermaid Ariel greets Disney guests in her natural element, full fathom five.

…An advice column, “Ask Roxane,” is headlined “Am I Terrible for Not Doing More?” The column addresses a problem unique to UNYT. This is something called “outrage fatigue.” It seems to involve the duly elected government of the United States, but it’s hard to tell from the letter the advice-seeker wrote, which contains such phrases as “I have considered that I am coping with the allostatic load of living…”

Of course, in the universe where we really live, to claim “outrage fatigue” would be to talk nonsense, like saying “my quantum mechanics are getting pooped.” In our world outrage is infinite and expanding at the speed of lightliterally, via Twitter. Apparently this is not so in UNYT and we can only envy them.

Or not. Because another piece is titled “My Smiling Boycott.” It begins, “I decided to stop smiling because I was tired.” It continues, “American smiles are more assertive, reflecting Americans’ rating of themselves as more dominant.” And it further continues, “to be commanded to smile takes away our right to our own feelings.”

At which point…I smiled. And I quit reading the New York Times Sunday Review.

From where we sit, the only group suffering from outrage fatigue should be Conservatives.

Since we’re on the subject of outrage fatigue, in today’s edition of the Victim Mentality segment, courtesy of Twitchy, we learn…

Pop star Halsey says free hotel shampoo ‘alienates people of color


Pop star Halsey, who has said in the past that “I look like a white girl, but I don’t feel like one. I’m a black woman” tweeted yesterday that “perfumed white people shampoo” given out for free by hotels “alienates people of color.”

As Twitchy noted:

“Until this very moment, we never knew tiny bottles of shampoo could be racist…”

And while some tweeted their support of Halsey’s victimhood, others pointed out the utter insanity of her purported outrage:

…leading the singer to ultimately admit…

“…to bringing her own hair care products on the road, but said it would be a financial burden for other women to bring their hair care products with them.

Yes: because, unlike TLJ‘s (“TLJ” being our wife and over-packer extraordinaire, The Lovely Jenny!) hair dryer, curling iron, make-up mirror, cosmetics, tooth paste, toothbrush, hair spray, hairbrush, hand cream, vitamins, prescription drugs and antibiotics, along with various and sundry other over-the-counter medications, a small bottle of hair-specific shampoo would certainly overload her travel bag.

We don’t know what’s worse: Halsey, “pop star” or no, spewing such vomitous verbiage in the first place, or that anyone should care WTF she had to say about anything…let alone follow her on Twitter?!?

For yet one more cause of genuine outrage fatigue, as FOX News relates…

Whole Foods’ Yellow Fever restaurant slammed as ‘unappetizing and racist


Unappetizing“?  Perhaps.  But if the food was good and the prices reasonable, we might frequent a restaurant named The Black Death…though we’d likely question the owner’s motive in selecting such a morbid moniker.

Racist“?  Only if those featured in the photo below…

…somehow feel themselves exploited or persecuted by their employment; which in any event is strictly voluntary…as is the patronage of the establishment by its paying customers.

Here’s the juice: if enough of the latter view the restaurant’s name as sufficiently unappetizing or offensive, the market will have spoken; and Yellow Fever will join Burger Chef, Rustlers Steak House, Steak and Ale, Gino’s Hamburgers and the Soviet Union on the dustbin of history.

Though if you think we’ve plumbed the depths of Progressive depravity, think again.

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: crazy doesn’t even begin to describe modern Liberalism.

Which brings us finally to The Lighter Side:

