It’s Monday, July 9th, 2018…but before we begin, the Dims have come up with another campaign talking-point doomed to failure:

Dems blast booming jobs report, Trump worker agenda, ‘reckless


We sometimes honestly wonder whether we inhabit the same country…

…as these boobs.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of NRO, Victor Davis Hanson details the Dimocrats’ deliberate dumbing-down of dissent:

History as Nothing Much at All

If everything is like the Nazis, then the Nazis of history are no different from an ICE officer, a White House staffer, or…you and me.


“…But beside using such historical slurs for the partisan purposes of pressuring a political opponent to modify his agenda, or to create the sort of hysteria that leads to a climate of violent resistance and even death threats, the Nazi trope is a sin against history.

If Nazism was once the equivalent of authorizing military action against the genocidal Saddam Hussein, on the consent of 23 separate congressional writs, or the same as temporarily separating foreign nationals who entered the U.S. illegally from the children they brought into the country, then what exactly are the 60 million dead of World War II, which Hitler started, or the 6 million who were gassed, starved, or shot in the Nazi extermination archipelago, or the 27 million Russian dead on the Eastern Front?

Answer? Their fates are all more or less analogous to those of the well-fed, clothed children temporarily separated from the parents who undertook a dangerous trip to bring them into the U.S. in violation of U.S. law and who may have used fraud to seek political asylum. What then were Treblinka, the siege of Leningrad, Stalingrad, and the Warsaw Ghetto all about? Were Hitler’s death camps and nightmarish slaughters merely temporary parent-child separations at the border?

In the case of the once-Nazified George Bush, were the excesses at Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib about the same as the murdering and starvation at Dachau? Are the halal diet, soccer balls, and multiple recreation facilities (including a $750K soccer field) at Guantanamo similar to the menus and exercise regimes at Treblinka?

If a Jewish Stephen Miller is really a Jew-hating Joseph Goebbels, who propagandized and empowered the Nazi cult of mass death and destruction, what, then, should we do to him? (Progressives are already answering that inquiry by hounding Miller 24/ 7.) And, in turn, was Goebbels then merely a partisan spokesman for an elected president subject to congressional and judicial oversight?

So the sick Nazi comparison works both ways: It elevates political opponents into homicidal criminals who deserve extreme punishment, while reducing real historical monsters into little more than petty partisan zealots.

We all understand (or at least nearly two-thirds of the country does.) that comparing a transparent, legal, relatively safe, clean, and well-stocked temporary detention center to Auschwitz is meant to put a stop to the detention of illegal-alien families. (And the hyperbole inadvertently sends the message that if single males are to find asylum in the U.S., then by all means they should cross the border illegally while accompanied by young children).

But do we also grasp that we have just made Auschwitz’s 1 million dead little more than temporary detainees? And by extension, is the treatment meted out to the more than 2 million American prisoners in federal, state, and local prisons and jails (many likely to have been cut off from their children) analogous to the mass slaughtering of innocents at the Mauthusen-Gusen concentration camp?

Most of the slanderers combine the worse of two modernist traits: ignorance and arrogance. Because they are so ill-informed about the wages of World War II and the nature of Nazi beastliness, and so haughty and self-righteous in advancing such exaggerations and fabrications (and to a generation whose knowledge of the past is often nonexistent), (Due to the Dimocrats’ deliberate dumbing-down of public education!) they are ever so insidiously redefining not only Bush and Trump but also the Holocaust and the Nazis themselves.

History is now following a sort of Gresham’s law: Lots of cheap, bad history drives out what is left of good history.

In other words, when almost everything and everyone is analogous to Belzec, Sobibór, and Treblinka and their architects, then Belzec, Sobibór, and Treblinka become almost nothing at all.

At least Indiana Jones hated…

…the real article.

In a related item, writing at, Humberto Fontova highlights the rank hypocrisy exhibited by the latest champion of the people to rise up and promise reform South of the Border:

Mexico’s New President Insults Trump’s Policies as ‘Criminal’—But Named His Son in Honor of Che Guevara


“Mexican populist Andrés Manuel López-Obrador calls Trump border wall ‘criminal act’ in Phoenix visit.” (USA Today, March 16, 2017.)

“We have a son named Jesus Ernesto. The first name is for Jesus Christ and the second for Ernesto Che Guevaraan exemplary revolutionary who gave his life for his ideals…Fidel Castro is a giant. He maintained Cuba as sovereign and freeYes, he (Donald Trump) stokes racism…Trump shouldn’t forget Mexico is an independent country. No border walls and no chasing our fellow countrymen who migrated to the United States.” (Andrés Manuel López-Obrador in an interview with Univision’s Jorge Ramos.)

…If Lopez-Obrador’s logic somehow eludes you, amigos, it probably wouldn’t elude the comprehension of Lopez-Obrador’s Argentine hero. To wit:

“Mexicans are mostly a rabble of illiterate Indians.”  ( Ernesto “Che” Guevara, 1956.)

Pictured below are four of the “rabble of illiterate Indians”…

…who ultimately put the murderous, racist, homophobic Guevara in his proper place.  But like Sergeant Schultz…

…Andrés Manuel López-Obrador wouldn’t know about that…though he’s promised to represent the hopes, dreams and aspirations of the very people Che so dismissively dissed!  Proof positive why Progressives prefer the Proletariat uneducated and ignorant.

Next up, courtesy of the WSJ, as Lance Morrow observantly opines…

Political Harassment Is for the Birds

What happened at the Red Hen is reminiscent of the way mobbing crows attack and eagle or an owl.


“Some birds are known to engage in an activity called “mobbing.” The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior says it is “a poorly understood phenomenon in which one or more members of a species, or even several species in concert, chase, dive-bomb, or surround a predator or kleptoparasite, often vocalizing rigorously.”

Swallows, gulls and terns, crows, blackbirds and orioles, tyrant flycatchers and parids—all practice mobbing. The “enemy” may be a hawk, an owl, an eagle or a similar aggressor. Sometimes the mobbers merely make a commotion. Sometimes they get violent.

“The intent of such attacks,” the Sibley guide continues, “is largely to encourage the ‘enemy’ to move on to another area.” Mobbing, in other words, is justified self-defense (who can complain about that?) and arguably heroic. On the other hand, one ornithologist’s victim may be another’s villain. In the woods on my farm last week, I saw five crows tormenting an owl that was perched (for the moment innocently) in a tall white pine. The crows’ only motive seemed to be recreational malice.

But perhaps deeper urgencies of bird politicseven ideology—were at work. To human eyes, the hawk has the charm of his rakish and soaring self-sufficiency. The owl makes his living as a predator but nonetheless is an elegant and sympathetic creature. Yet to the crow, an able and highly intelligent character, there is no such thing as an innocent owl.

I thought of mobbing birds after two news items late last month. First the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va., expelled White House press secretary Sarah Sanders —not exactly mobbing, but close: a territorial gesture meaningYour kind is not welcome here. Immediately after that, Rep. Maxine Waters took it to the next level, encouraging a crowd to harass, like birds out of Hitchcock, members of the Trump administration anywhere they might be found. The mobbers say it is a matter of self-defense, a call to arms of their righteous indignation. Prepare yourself. Mobbing is about to become the style of American politics.

No side, left, right, or otherwise, has a monopoly on violence; even Tibetan Buddhist politics sometimes turns savage. Lately there has been a pattern of hit-and-run Antifa squads mobbing a protest or a fixed line of march. Having a parade permit does not make marchers virtuous, but it gives them, for the moment, the protection of the First Amendment. The mobbing birds—this is the dangerous part—believe that their righteousness supersedes the Constitution.

Political animals are animals first…”

And a particularly vicious, yet cowardly species at that.

Moving on, the WSJ relates…

Yet Another Reason to Thank the Founding Fathers

They saved us from British single-payer health care.


“On July 4th Americans will celebrate 242 years of independence and the enduring success of a bold experiment in personal liberty. On July 5th the United Kingdom will remind Americans of one particular benefit of independence. Thursday will mark 70 years that English patients have tolerated a single-payer health-care system.

The website of the U.K.’s health bureaucracy is asking for applause:

The National Health Service is turning 70 on 5 July 2018. It’s the perfect opportunity to celebrate the achievements of one of the nation’s most loved institutions, to appreciate the vital role the service plays in our lives, and to recognise and thank the extraordinary NHS staff – the everyday heroes – who are there to guide, support and care for us, day in, day out.

It’s a particularly odd moment for self-congratulation, just as government investigators begin to collect evidence on what appears to be an appalling abuse of patients…”

Coming soon to a country, state, county and city near you…assuming the Dimocrats ever have another chance to enact it.

Since we’re on the subject of gifts the Founding Fathers bequeathed us, here’s another:

Restaurant Employee Pulls Gun on Thug Who Punched a Woman, Ends Situation


Yet another triumph for the 2nd Amendment.  We cannot help but laugh at the spin one obviously anti-gun news anchor attempted to put on the video:

Yeah,…”MAY have deterred the man from continuing his attack”!

Then there’s today’s installment of Tales from the Darkside, and a report we’ll question until established facts prove otherwise, as the New York Post reports how an…

African-American millionaire finds note with racial slur in hotel room


“An African-American millionaire and his Manhattan consultant son were victims of a July 4th hate crime in their hotel room during a Florida vacation. A racist creep (Is that an industry term?!?) apparently snuck into Frank and Michael Davis’ room at the upscale Art Ovation Hotel in Sarasota and left a 2-by-5 post-it note reading, “You’re a N—-R.”

After returning to their sixth-floor room from breakfast, the Davises found the sickening message (“Sickening”…”SICKENING”?!?placed on a globe-shaped bedside lamp“I was stone cold for 30 to 40 seconds when I read the note,” Michael Davis, 27, a consultant for a financial firm, told The Post.

My first thought was, what did we do to deserve this? We tipped well, we were beyond nice to all the staff.”

Fearing for their lives, (Really: fearing for their lives?!?) Michael and his parents called the police and the front desk. The Sarasota Police Department responded, but no suspects have been named.

The incident was especially wounding in light of Frank Davis’ lifelong efforts to promote diversity. The business executive has donated $5 million to his alma mater, Bucknell University, for a new building and for minority recruitment. Frank Davis, 58, co-founded Horizon Group after reaching the upper echelons of Fortune 500 companies. He took a broad view of the incident. “It is critical that we all be champions for diversity and inclusion every day,” he said.

Management for the hotel, part of the Marriott chain, was far less responsive than the cops, Michael Davis said. While the hotel refunded all the Marriott points the family had used on their planned six-day visit, it refused to move them to a comparable location. The Davises checked into a hotel two hours away…”

Sorry, but this story…

Though we could be wrong, as stated above, we’ll wait ’til the facts eclipse the manufactured racism on this one.  After all, if the Art Ovation Hotel in Sarasota doesn’t have the ability to track whose key card was used to enter the Davis’ room, we’d recommend future guests seek other accommodations. And if the Davis’ truly couldn’t find an alternate hotel closer than two hours from Sarasota…in Julywe’d suggest they weren’t trying very hard.

Not to mention, as Ed Harvey mentioned, were there no security cameras on the sixth floor?!?

And in the Pure Jersey segment, again courtesy of, Brent Bozell relates how…

New Jersey Votes to Fund the Media


In the liberal mind, the way to prove you value something is by funding it with taxpayer money. So if you love journalism, you take taxpayer money and give it to journalists.

It is a sacred mantra of the left that corporate funding of media inevitably results in a pro-corporate media bias. Consistency would dictate that government funding of media would lead to a pro-government bias. Not in New Jersey. The idea of the press as a check and a balance on government has just been placed on the Jersey Turnpike and squashed to pieces.

Garden State legislators have approved a bill to use taxpayer money to support “grants to strengthen local news coverage,” starting with a $5 million kitty. The goal when the bill was first introduced was to have $20 million allocated toward the “civic information” fund every year for five years.

Particularly during these uncertain times, we need a strong and free press, which we know is the best safeguard for truth in our state and the country,” State Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg declared. We’re supposed to believe this won’t make anyone with a press pass feel better about Weinberg and her fellow Democrats…”

Hey, what could go wrong?!?  Then again, think about it: unless you were paid for it, would you want anything to do with New Jersey?!?

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another titillating tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter, and this rather intriguing tale from The Buckeye State:

Suburban mom blames boredom for crime spree


Searching the web for further information on Ms. Melissa Bergman of Mason, OH, we discovered this item from November of 2017:

Mason woman has sex with man, then uses his credit cards for shopping spree


Once is a mistake; twice is a behavioral pattern.  After viewing her mugshots, two thoughts occurred to us: (1) Ms. Bergman seems to have handled her second arrest far better than her first; and, (2) as we’re hardly the 21st century equivalent of Sherlock Holmes, why are we the only source to connect Ms. Bergman’s felonious dots?!?

And “no”, she didn’t serve in combat, so her claim of “absence of excitement holds no water!


P.S.  Hat tip to the incomparable Stilton Jarlsberg for composing our homage to the hypocrisy of Justin Trudeau.
