It’s Friday, September 7th, 2018…and here’s The Gouge!

First up, NRO offers the latest evidence of the Deep State’s concerted effort to eviscerate the results of a lawful election:

Anonymous Official in NYT Op-Ed: I’m Working to Control Trump’s ‘Worst Inclinations


At issue, the official wrote, is Trump’s lack of any core belief system or ethical bearing.

Sorry, but if this “anonymous official” truly believes Trump’s supposed “lack of any core belief system or ethical bearing” is so much more drastically debilitating than that of two prior occupants of the Oval Office…

…doesn’t he or she owe it to the country to reveal the facts of their case and pursue the 25th Amendment solution?!?

Seriously, absent his commitment to free-market Capitalism and opposition to Communism…neither of which remains even the thinnest plank of contemporary Progressive politics…JFK was obsessed with one thing: chasing strange!!!  Whether it meant cavorting with nubile interns in the White House pool or bedding Hollywood’s hottest.  Likewise, the only guiding principle of Bill Clinton‘s “core belief system”, let alone his “ethical bearing”, was the direction his dick directed…whether its presence was desired or not.

And let’s not begin to discuss the deafening silence expressed in opposition to The Obamao’s deliberate destruction of America.

Meanwhile, let us examine the evinced ethics of those assaulting not only the morals of The Donald, but those of his squeaky-clean, ABA-approved nominee for the highest court in the land.

Exhibit “A”: Richard Blumenthal, who only interrupted Chuck Grassley 13 times,…

lied about serving in Vietnam.  This is akin to Hillary’s errant recollections of landing under sniper fire in war-torn Bosnia:

Sorry, while one might forget what one had for breakfast last week, nobody misremembers having served in combatwherever the battlefield.

Next, Exhibit “B”: Kamala Harris, who interrupted Grassley at least nine times.  Kamala (which we can only assume means “ho” in Swahili) slept her way to stardom in the bed of one Willie Brown… 

…the once powerful Speaker of the California Assembly.

Meet Exhibit “C”: Dianne Feinstein, who…

…when it suited her personal fancy, possessed a concealed carry permit unobtainable by the majority of the masses, yet still has the chutzpah to deny average Americans the same means of self-defense.

Then there’s Elizabeth “Liawatha” Warren…

…who needs no further introduction…along with the rest of the Dimocratic Senate Judiciary Committee contingent:

We’ll leave the last word to Jim Freeman, who notes at Best of the Web:

People inclined to believe that the President is crazy should pause before accepting such diagnoses from journalists without medical degrees quoting anonymous non-doctors in the federal bureaucracy.

Moving on, writing at the WSJ, Kim Strassel relates a rather curious…

Tea-Party Turnabout

The Democrats find themselves facing the same threat as did the Republicans in 2010.


“Christmas Eve 2009. For six long weeks Republicans had fought a losing battle to stop ObamaCare. The Senate GOP leadership finally succumbed to the inevitable, allowing the bill to pass. The tea party—new, angry, undisciplined—slammed Republicans as sellouts. It would spend the next few years on a purity drive, nominating unelectable Delaware non-witches and demanding Republicans engage in grand if futile efforts.

More than a few political commentators are watching Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination hearings and wondering just what stealthy strategy is driving the Democratic circus. Hint: What’s driving the party isn’t strategy at all. It’s a lobby. And one we’ve seen before.

The 2016 election of Donald Trump has now stoked a progressive rebellion, and elected Democrats are feeling its heat. This is how to explain the theatrics of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Democratic collective this week. Everyone down to Sen. Cory Booker’s mailman knows Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed. The only purpose of the obstruction is catering to a resistance that wants a “fight”—even though it will prove futile and potentially damaging to the Democratic Party.

And so we watched Judiciary Democrats repeatedly interrupt Chairman Chuck Grassley with procedural complaints. Democrats accused Judge Kavanaugh of condoning school shootings, torture, toxic air, racism, sexism, presidential dictatorships. A would-be President Booker released confidential committee documents, daring his GOP colleagues to expel him: “Bring it on.” A would-be President Kamala Harris condescended to the judge, treating him like a criminal in the dock. A would-be President Elizabeth Warren, feeling left out because she isn’t on the committee, showed up for pictures outside the hearing room.

All thrilling to the resistance—and all harmful to its cause

The Kavanaugh histrionics also can’t help the Democratic quest for the House. The biggest risk to Republicans is that their 2016 people vote Democrat or stay home. The hearings are a reminder that their vote for Mr. Trump was a vote for the Supreme Court. A recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll asked voters to list their biggest concerns about Democratic control of Congress. The top issue (43%) was “gridlock,” even higher for independents (48%). The spectacle of the Kavanaugh hearings won’t allay those concerns…”

So PLEASE, bring it ON!!!

In a related item courtesy of Katie Pavlich and, we learn how…

Cory Booker Exposed as Complete Fraud Over Kavanaugh Documents


Earlier today 2020 presidential candidate and New Jersey Democrat Senator Cory Booker made quite the scene at Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.

Daring Republicans to expel him from the Senate, Booker vowed to knowingly break Senate rules by releasing confidential Committee documents and accused Kavanaugh of having something hide. But it turns out the documents Booker “heroically” released, even saying this was his “Spartacus moment,” had already been cleared for publication at 4 a.m. this morning. (Which Booker knew beforehand.)

Therefore, he didn’t actually break any rules. He was simply grandstanding. Further, it takes 2/3 of the Senate to expel a Senator. Booker knew going into this morning’s hearing that would never happen and made his statements anyway.

Booker’s grandstanding fell apart faster than his story about his non-existent friend “T-Bone.”

In other words, like so many other deceitful Dimocrats before him, Cory Booker believes God only gave Moses…

eight commandments!

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with two more sordid stories straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter; and we mean sordid!  First, this just in from Miami Beach:

Two Priests Caught Performing Sex Act In Car


Two Chicago-area priests were charged Monday with Lewd and Lascivious behavior and Indecent Exposure after being caught performing a sexual act inside a car parked on a Miami Beach street.

“Yesterday, we received a call indicating that two men were performing a sex act inside of a car. This is in broad daylight, 13th Street and Ocean Drive. It was 3:20 in the afternoon. There are no tints on the window,” explained Miami Beach Police spokesman Ernesto Rodriguez.

Police said Berrio and Giraldo Cortez were so engaged, they didn’t even notice that police were there…“the officer had to tap on the window to get their attention,” said Rodriguez…”

Rumors the two fallen fathers have been suggested as possible successors (no pun intended!) to Cardinal Ted “The Ped” McCarrick remain unconfirmed.

Then there’s this titillating tale of a Palmetto State husband who gave his wife a second chance…which was evidently all she needed:

South Carolina woman accused of killing husband with eye drops shot him with crossbow in 2016


A South Carolina woman who confessed Friday to killing her husband by poisoning him with eye drops had shot him in the head with a crossbow two years prior — though he brushed it off as an accident, police records showed.

Lana Sue Clayton was arrested Friday after she admitted to putting a lethal amount of Tetrahydrozoline, the chemical found in eye drops, in Steven Clayton’s water on July 19. He died two days later at their home on Lake Wylie…”

This reminds us of line from Harvey Keitel in National Treasure:

