It’s Monday, October 1st, 2018…but before we begin, one brief observation on the current culture inspired by the baseless character assassination of Brett Kavanaugh.  By now, most of you’ve probably heard about the little girl who was asked to tone it down by a fellow Astros fan.

Various accounts described the woman as “screaming” or “yelling”, while others (including the link in blue above) declared her guilty of “shaming”.  All of which piqued our curiosity, as, having viewed the video, we found the woman firm but in no way loud or abusive.  More importantly, we wondered how long and at what volume and/or octave had little Chloe been cheering?  Unfortunately, every version of the video we’ve viewed either begins with the female fan saying, “Enough”, or omits what led to her expression of displeasure; rather conveniently in light of the picture the parents want to paint…sorta like Christine Blasey Ford’s memory lapses.

Here’s the juice: would any paying customer trying to enjoy the game want to sit in front of a incessantly, shrilly shrieking child, regardless of their medical condition?  And would anyone…other than a drunken future SCOTUS justice…seek to silence a young girl over a simple scream or two?

So absent any supporting evidence which provides definitive context, any conclusion we’d draw would be almost completely based on feelings…which while great grounds for personal relationships, are no basis for a government or legal system.  

Now, here’s The Gouge!

We lead off the first edition of October with a few random thoughts on the passing scene.

First, as Jim Geraghty noted of the pride of the Nutmeg State at his Friday Morning Jolt

This Guy Is Such a Richard


Connecticut senator Richard Blumenthal, at yesterday’s hearing:

BLUMENTHAL: “As a federal judge, you’re aware of the jury instruction falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, are you not? You’re aware of that jury instruction.”


BLUMENTHAL: “You know what it means.”

KAVANAUGH: “You can translate it for me, Senator, you can do it better than I can.”

BLUMENTHAL: “False in one thing, false in everything, meaning in jury instructions, that we — some of us, as prosecutors, have heard many times, is told a jury that they can disbelieve a witness if they find them to be false in one thing. So, the core of why we’re here today really is credibility.

From the New York Times, May 17, 2010:

We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.”

There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records.

Blumenthal is exceptionally lucky that the voters of Connecticut do not operate under falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

While we understand Brett Kavanaugh declining to highlight Blumenthal’s hypocrisy, where was the righteous indignation of his Republican supporters?!?  Seriously, given Senate Dimocrats’ unforgivable, indefensible assault on the character of an honest, upstanding jurist, was it really too much to expect one member of the GOP contingent to call Blumenthal out…

…for his situational ethics?!?

And were we a Republican sitting on the Senate Judiciary Committee, immediately after shining the harsh light of reality on Blumenthal’s self-serving sanctimony, we’d have asked Richard Blumenthal…along with the rest of the Dimocratic “Dicks” on the committee…whether Blasey Ford being found false in one thing, her entire testimony could be ignored.

Such as (1) a supposed fear of flying, which prevented her from arriving in Washington last Monday, and required and entourage to get her to the airport in time for Thursday’s hearing, nonetheless didn’t prevent her from taking regular vacations overseas.

Or (2) her references in testimony to Judge Kavanaugh by his first name, thus creating an air of familiarity which never existed, though she never really knew him, having traveled in different circles, different schools, etc.

Not mention (3) she was 15, going to a swim party (why else the swimsuit underneath her clothes?) 20 minutes from her home, and was dropped off but not picked up.  A 15-year-old girl, going to a party…at night, in a strange neighborhood…and her parents weren’t committed to ensuring her safe return?  And how DID she get home?!?

C’mon, Flake:

…wake up and smell the bullsh*t!

As Jim Freeman observed at Best of the Web

“…Speaking of fairness and due process, Mr. Flake might have noted how far Sen. Feinstein strayed from such standards by sitting on Professor Ford’s allegations for weeks and then springing them on Judge Kavanaugh after his confirmation hearings and just before senators were expected to vote.

Of course the professor deserves fairness, too. That includes not just the right to be heard but also to be treated as something more than a political weapon by the people who claim to be looking out for her interests. Thursday raised new questions about precisely whose agenda was being served by the team providing her legal and political representation.

Megan McArdle, who for some reason agrees with Sen. Feinstein that the confirmation process should be delayed further, nonetheless ticks off in the Washington Post today a series of facts revealed in Professor Ford’s testimony:

That Ford was willing to talk to investigators from the Judiciary Committee, though the committee was somehow unable to arrange this with her lawyers.

• That Ford was somehow unaware that the committee had, according to Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), offered to fly investigators to California to interview her, though her lawyers should presumably have communicated that fact.

• That Ford had found her lawyer through the office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the committee’s ranking Democrat, before the confirmation hearings began.

• That only Feinstein and Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-Calif.) had the letter in which Ford outlined her allegations. The letter set off the current turmoil when its existence was leaked to the media, despite Feinstein’s promise that it would be kept confidential — unless Ford decided to go public.

• That Ford’s fear of flying, which her attorneys claimed made it impossible to hold the hearing last week, apparently didn’t keep her from flying for work, family visits, or for surfing vacations in places as far-flung as French Polynesia.

For all but the most partisan Democrats, it surely must seem rather odd that again and again the people promoting Professor Ford’s claim seem to have acted against her interests. Who leaked her letter? Once her name was leaked, who worked to delay her opportunity to share her story? As for the Feinstein-selected lawyers, who were they really representing?

Professor Ford has every right to dispute whatever legal bill is presented to her. And if no such bill ever arrives, that will tell her and American voters a lot about what just happened…”

And it’s ALL for the purpose of perpetuating the slaughter the unborn.  Contemporary Progressives’ love affair with abortion remind us of Auric Goldfinger’s lust for gold:

Think about it: this is the SCOTUS equivalent of the Tailhook fraud, where another baseless charge of sexual assault utterly devoid of proof was used to decimate a once-respected institution.

Which is why the editors at NRO consider the one-week delay for a meaningless FBI investigation…

Jeff Flake’s Terrible Idea


Democrats want further delay in the Kavanaugh confirmation vote, and Friday afternoon Arizona senator Jeff Flake gave it to them. He insisted that the FBI take another week to re-open the background investigation into Brett Kavanaugh and the allegations against him. “I just wanted,” Flake explained, “to get some Democrats to agree and willing to come out and publicly say, ‘We would accept this’ and we would say that the process is fair at least, even if they’re not going to vote for it.”

Good luck. There is no chance whatsoever that this process will satisfy the Democrats, or the press, or anyone else who has already decided that Judge Kavanaugh must be destroyed

Senator Flake should have known better than to have yielded this intermission. (And undoubtedly did!) Surely, a week from now, the same Democrats he hoped to appeal to will be arguing for an even longer investigation.

In what must surely come as a complete shock to inquisitive Conservative minds, Subsequent events have proved the NRO editors right.  Even the disgraced Jim Comey felt emboldened enough by the disreputable discourse to weigh in against putting the FBI on a shot clock.  What’s next; Hillary Clinton inveighing against the use of private email addresses and servers by high government officials?!?

As the great Victor Davis Hanson recorded at NRO’s The Corner:

“…The entire purpose of today’s hearing was for the Democrats to call for a lengthy “FBI investigation,” and thereby delay the hearings until after the midterms, excusing Trump-state senators up for reelection from having to vote No on Kavanaugh, while giving time for a likely fifth, sixth, and seventh psychodramatic accuser to step forward, whose lurid falsified allegations take days to refute, but insidiously bleed Kavanaugh by a thousand lies.

It is true that Ford was an empathetic witness in recounting what she seems to believe happened. (Not according to TLJ, nor a number of other women with whom we spoke!And the argument of her supporters is that, because she sincerely believes that she was assaulted and that on some occasions 30 or more years after the alleged incident mentioned it to others, therefore her allegations are proven — when in fact raising the allegations 30 years and more later confirms only that she believes her own allegationsnot that her allegations as they concerned Judge Kavanaugh are valid…”

As our good friend Scotty Allen suggested, Republicans should have conditioned their consent to an extended investigation of Kavanaugh on a similarly exhaustive FBI inquiry into the life of every single Dimocratic Congressman and Senator!

Meanwhile, not every Progressive is ignoring the stench issuing from the Left side of the Senate, as detailed in this item from The Federalist, courtesy of Speed Mach:

I’m A Latino Democrat, But Thanks To The Kavanaugh Circus I’m Voting Republican In The Midterms


“…When I came to the United States, I left a country that had recently undergone a military coup. My family experienced first-hand what happens when those in power abandon the rule of law. We saw the devastation that comes to a society when men of power believe their political objectives so justified that they are willing to pursue them by any means necessary. In the eyes of those men (or women!) of power, we could see the deadening of souls that occurs when a man’s perceived benevolence blinds him to his own tyranny.

During the Kavanaugh hearings I saw that same look in the eyes of Senate Democrats. The hearings made clear that the Democrats on the committee were not interested in pursuing the truth or respecting Christine Blasey Ford’s desire for anonymity. Instead, they simply sought to delay the vote in the hopes of winning the next election.

If Kavanaugh’s reputation and Ford’s privacy had to be sacrificed on the altar of political expediency, the committee Democrats were not going to let basic decency prevent them from using the courts as an alternative path to the political ends they cannot reach through legislation…”

As we mentioned to TLJ over the weekend, given their commitment to opposing even the possibility of Kavanaugh disrupting Liberal control of the SCOTUS, is there any question, assuming they could avoid the consequences personally, Senate Dimocrats would kill to preserve their ability to legislate from the highest court in the land?!?

As Chris Muir relates, the answer isn’t “no”…

…but “HELL NO!!!

Hell’s bells, it’s not like, the WaPo‘s protestations notwithstanding, it hasn’t happened before!

Which brings us, inappropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with a cross between News of the Bizarre and yet another titillating tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter:

Florida woman allegedly hit husband with vacuum cleaner part: report


“…Holly Jane Akers, 31, of Holiday, Fla., started cleaning the house at 3 a.m., the report said. Pasco County deputies reportedly said she went “too far in pursuit of a well-kept home.” Her husband moved from room to room in an attempt to sleep, but “she followed him” with the vacuum cleaner, the report said.

Akers then allegedly struck him on the bridge of his nose with the vacuum cleaner attachment, the report said. The hit caused a minor abrasion that didn’t require medical treatment, the report said. Akers denied hitting her husband with the part, the report said.

Deputies arrested Akers shortly after 6 a.m. She is being held Wednesday at the Pasco County jail without bond, the report said. Akers is charged with one count of felony battery on a person 65 or older.

If the eyes are really the window to the soul, this is one truly whacked-out woman!

