It’s Wednesday, February 20th, 2019…but before we begin, Jeff Foutch forwarded a graphic depiction of the decided disconnect between proponents of the Green New Deal

…and reality!

Now, here’s The Gouge!

We’re focused today on two events which epitomize The Left’s descent into lawless, Socialist insanity.

First up, as FOX News reports…

Kamala Harris gives awkward response when asked about Jussie Smollett claims


“Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris appeared to be caught off guard Monday when she was asked about the latest developments in the alleged attack on “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett.

During an appearance at a bookstore in Concord, N.H., a female reporter asked the senator from California if she wanted to amend a tweet from Jan. 29, in which she said Smollett was the victim of “an attempted modern day lynching” and called the actor “one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know.”

Which tweet? What tweet?” Harris asked. As the reporter specified the tweet in question, Harris appeared to look around for a campaign staffer before responding.

Ohhh,…THAT tweet!?!

“OK, so, I will say this about that case,” she said.I think that the facts are still unfolding, and, um, I’m very, um, concerned about obviously, the initial, um, allegation that he made about what might have happened.

And it’s something we should all take seriously whenever anyone, um, alleges that kind of behavior, but there should be an investigation,” Harris added. And I think that once the investigation has concluded then we can all comment, but I’m not going to comment until I know the outcome of the investigation.”…”

Funny, well before the actual facts began to unfold, Harris was all for the twisted, bizarro brand of justice pioneered by the original Red Queen…

…and later honed to perfection by the even Redder Obamao:

Meanwhile, as Dana Perino and Ben Shapiro report, one particular type of hate crime truly continues to increase

…though you’d never know it by the coverage accorded it by the MSM.

Here’s the juice, as elucidated by Tucker Carlson:

As Kevin Williamson observes at NRO, the Liberal mantra is “Join the mob and support the ‘victim’, or the mob will come for you“.  In other words, what matters not is what’s true or false, but exclusively what Progressives demand you believe!

Also writing at NRO, Kyle Smith offers a list of questions for those who blindly supported Jussie Smollett, a purported crime he describes as involving “improbability piled upon improbability. 

Consider the first two:

One: Had you ever heard of Jussie Smollett before the alleged January 29 attack?

Two: Do you think it likely that fans of President Trump had?

And though Andy Ngo is only willing to speculate as to Smollett’s motives

“…perhaps a clue can be found in his bioline on Twitter. Smollett writes: “I am simply here to help save the world.”’s Matt Vespa is more than willing to do so:

“You’ve got to be kidding me? This is why actor Jussie Smollett reportedly staged his own hate crime.

…Via Daily Beast:

Empire” actor Jussie Smollett reportedly staged an attack against himself in late January after a “racist” letter sent to the TV show’s studio, which contained a white powder, did not get a “bigger reaction,” according to a local Chicago news station…”

As they say, stupid is…

…as stupid does!  And is there any question who wrote the “racist” letter?!?

Though this takes stupidity…

Cook County state’s attorney recuses herself from Jussie Smollett case


…to a whole different level; even eclipsing the abject ignorance of Jeff Sessions!

Second, in a must-read commentary at American Greatness, the brilliant Victor Davis Hanson offers an…

Autopsy of a Dead Coup


The illegal effort to destroy the 2016 Trump campaign by Hillary Clinton campaign’s use of funds to create, disseminate among court media, and then salt among high Obama administration officials, a fabricated, opposition smear dossier failed.

So has the second special prosecutor phase of the coup to abort the Trump presidency failed. There are many elements to what in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which U.S. government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president.

No palace coup can take place without the perception of popular anger at a president.

The deep state is by nature cowardly. It does not move unless it feels it can disguise its subterranean efforts or that, if revealed, those efforts will be seen as popular and necessary

In candidate and President Trump’s case that prepping of the battlefield translated into a coordinated effort among the media, political progressives and celebrities to so demonize Trump that his imminent removal likely would appear a relief to the people. Anything was justified that led to that end.

During the 2016 election, the Obama Department of Justice warped the Clinton email scandal investigation, from Bill Clinton’s secret meeting on an airport tarmac with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, to unethical immunity given to the unveracious Clinton aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, to James Comey’s convoluted predetermined treatment of “likely winner” Clinton, and to DOJ’s Bruce Ohr’s flagrant conflict of interests in relation to Fusion GPS.

About a dozen FBI and DOJ grandees have now resigned, retired, been fired, or reassigned for unethical and likely illegal behavior—and yet have not faced criminal indictments. The reputation of the FBI as venerable agency is all but wrecked. Its administrators variously have libeled the Trump voters, expressed hatred for Trump, talked of “insurance policies” in ending the Trump candidacy, and inserted informants into the Trump campaign.

The former Obama directors of the CIA and National Intelligence, with security clearances intact, hit the television airways as paid “consultants” and almost daily accused the sitting president of Russian collusion and treason—without cross-examination or notice that both previously had lied under oath to Congress (and did so without subsequent legal exposure), and both were likely knee-deep in the dissemination of the Steele dossier among Obama administration officials…”

Which brings us to our point: both Jussie Smollett and all of the actors in the failed overthrow of a duly-elected President had three shared beliefs: (1) they were out to save the world from a evil tyrant (whose penchant for tyranny curiously has yet to manifest itself)…

…(2) they knew what was best for the rest, and (3) their ends justified any means!!!

Perhaps as importantly, they understood in advance, despite the illegitimate nature of their actions, they would never be held accountable!!!

Seriously: Lois Lerner…John Koskinen…Hillary Clinton…Cheryl Mills…Huma Abedin…John Brennan…Clap-on/Clap-off…Jim Comey…Andy McCabe…Bruce Ohr…Lisa Paige…Peter Strzok…Eric Holder…Loretta Lynch…etc., etc., ect., ad nauseam, ad infinitum.  They’re all part of an ongoing criminal conspiracy deserving of hard time.

Yet none will ever see the inside of a prison cell…though we’re relatively certain Jussie might have enjoyed it.

They’re the professionally sensitive

…run amok, determining what’s acceptable and unacceptable based on their perverted and/or uninformed interpretation of the truth.

Sorry, but if this happens to us

Man Pulls a Gun on Sam’s Club Customer Wearing MAGA Hat


…the party in question will require an autopsy.

In a related item, we present an article which encapsulates the inevitable conflicts which arise when competing special interest worlds collide:

Former tennis champ Martina Navratilova criticized for comments about trans athletes


Tennis great Martina Navratilova, a gay-rights advocate, has faced criticism for a column she penned in a U.K. newspaper where she claimed that allowing transgender women to compete in women’s sporting events is insane and “cheating.”

Navratilova wrote the column in The Independent newspaper in response to fallout from a tweet from December that read, “You can’t just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women. There must be some standards, and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard.”

She reportedly said that she would do research on the subject, but said that her earlier views “have strengthened.” It’s insane and it’s cheating,” she wrote.

“I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair.”

Her column was criticized by some as transphobic. The Guardian reported that Rachel McKinnon, who was the first transgender woman to win a cyclist world title, issued a statement to the paper calling the column, “disturbing.” (What a surprise!)

Navratilova called out her critics and what she sees as “a growing tendency among transgender activists to denounce anyone who argues against them.

Gee,…sound at all familiar?!?  This is part and parcel of why we’ve always maintained…

And in the It’s About Time segment, the WSJ is reporting…

Federal Government to Cancel Funds for California High-Speed Rail


Turning to the Nature segment, here’s yet another reason we avoid Third World airlines like the plague:

Passengers spot giant scorpion crawling out of overhead bin on plane


“A large scorpion was caught on camera crawling out of an overhead luggage compartment by a Lion Air passenger.

“When the plane had landed, one passenger was taking their things out of the compartment, that’s when suddenly the scorpion appeared above our seat. I was in row 19 with two other passengers, an elderly married couple. When we saw the scorpion above our heads we rushed out as fast as we could,” passenger Karim Taslin said, Strait Times reported.

Taslin reportedly tried calling for cabin crew to assist him in catching the scorpion, but said their delayed response gave the poisonous creature enough time to escape. When crew members arrived and checked the cabin, the scorpion could not be found…”

No doubt passengers on the aircraft’s subsequent legs appreciated the cabin crew’s prompt response!

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this from our sister-in-law Amy:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with the They Blow Up So Quickly segment, courtesy today of a young ISIS Jihadist who swears she’s seen the light:

Hoda Muthana ‘deeply regrets’ joining Isis and wants to return home


We’re afeared the only light Ms. Muthana can see is that which accompanies the detonation of a suicide device.  Thus, we’re of the opinion she should live for an appropriate period of time with whoever grants a return from her self-imposed exile.

