It’s Friday, March 1st, 2019…but before kicking off the first edition of the month, we present two videos that tell you all you need to know about what will likely prove Michael Cohen’s swan song.  First, Jim Jordan sets the table for the charade to come…

By the way, that’s Lanny Davis sitting behind Cohen to “The Left”!

…followed by Tucker Carlson offering the reality behind what was the Progressives’ Great White…and perhaps last…Hope:

As Tucker so eloquently observed, that’s game, set, match; the Trump presidency survives!  And after over two years of baseless lies and utter innuendo, the Dims have less on Trump than the GOP had on Obama…and The Great Prevaricator made it all the way through his second term.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of Bill Meisen, further evidence (as if any were needed) Liberalism is a mental disorder (TRIGGER WARNING: As we adamantly refuse to refer to men as women, no matter the degree of their psychological disorder, we have substituted in brackets the actual sex of the person in question for the anatomically-incorrect reference in the article):

This LGBT Activist’s House Was Burned Down. Police Now Suspect [She] Set the Fire [Herself].

Cops arrested Nikki Joly of Jackson, Michigan, for alleged hoax that resulted in the death of [her] five pets.


In 2017, prominent Michigan LGBT activist Nikki Joly, a transgender [woman], was the victim of an apparent hate crime: An unknown arsonist burned down [her] house, which had two dogs and three cats trapped inside. Some presumed the act was retaliatorya response to Joly’s successful campaign to persuade the government of Jackson, Michigan, to adopt an anti-discrimination law, for which a local newspaper declared [her] “Citizen of the Year.”

Now the police finally have a suspect in custody: Joly.

Police have long suspected that Joly set the fire [herself], though it took a while to collect sufficient evidence.

Joly didn’t own the house, and thus did not collect any insurance money from it. [She] did receive more than $58,000 in donations, however. [She] may have suggested to friends that [she] was upset about the diminished attention being paid to [her] advocacy in the wake of the anti-discrimination law’s passage—a possible motive, according to the police…”

One needn’t be an Einstein to discern the pattern here:

As the editors at the WSJ observed:

“…Whatever one thinks of the 45th President’s policy views and his tendency to make crude and insensitive remarks, America under Mr. Trump isn’t much different from America under Barack Obama, which wasn’t much different from America under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. It was and remains a country populated mainly by decent and tolerant people who have no interest in persecuting their neighbors for looking and sounding different.

Minorities of all kinds are sometimes (“sometimes“: see, “infrequently, very“) treated badly in contemporary America. Thanks to modern progressivism’s obsession with victimization, however, America today is a boomtown for hoaxers.

Of every size, shape and special interest self-identification.

Speaking of fabrications, writing at the WSJ, Dan Henninger details…

The Democrats’ Fake Outrage

The survival of three Virginia Democrats is grand hypocrisy—and a return to sanity.


“…The outrage has receded to a trickle. The three men remain in office, and the chances any will leave are about zero.

You have to hand it to someone—Mr. Northam or the identity-politics crisis team he hired (naturally it has spawned an industry)—who figured out that the smart play was to gut it out, albeit with a now-mandatory display of groveling and apologies.

Hypocrisy? Of course, and on a grand scale. A double standard? Who can doubt it? If this were happening to the top three Texas Republicans—Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick and Ken Paxton—the national media wouldn’t have let up for a day until they quit.

But maybe there is a third way to view what has become of these Virginia episodes. Why not call it a return to sanity about what should qualify as cause to obliterate an individual’s career?

Opinion polls say a plurality of Virginians don’t want the three men to resign. Quinnipiac’s poll interestingly found 56% of black voters saying Gov. Northam should stay. What this suggests is that the identity-politics left—for all the media play it gets and despite its intimidation of national Democrats—is operating in an alternative universe from many voters.

It never made sense that most Americans would share the left’s taste for purification rituals or its compulsion to annihilate offenders of its identity orthodoxies, not least by overturning elections. If Ralph Northam deserves a reprieve, and he does, then so do others, including Republicans and conservatives. Fat chance.

“Fat chance” is right!  THAT is where the real hypocrisy’s to be found: none of the outrage is authentic.  Rather it’s pure political Kabuki.  And anyone convinced, no matter what voters may think, either Progressive politicians or their MSM shills will afford future Republicans caught under similar circumstances even a semblance of sanity

…is crazy!

Since we’re on the subject of crazy, writing at American Greatness, the great Victor Davis Hanson recounts…

California’s Rendezvous With Reality


“Californians brag that their state is the world’s fifth-largest economy. They talk as reverentially of Silicon Valley companies Apple, Facebook and Google as the ancient Greeks did of their Olympian gods. Hollywood and universities such as Caltech, Stanford and Berkeley are cited as permanent proof of the intellectual, aesthetic and technological dominance of West Coast culture.

Californians also see their progressive, one-party state as a neo-socialist model for a nation moving hard to the left. But how long will they retain such confidence?

California’s 40 million residents depend on less than 1 percent of the state’s taxpayers to pay nearly half of the state income tax, which for California’s highest tier of earners tops out at the nation’s highest rate of 13.3 percent.

In other words, California cannot afford to lose even a few thousand of its wealthiest individual taxpayers. But a new federal tax law now caps deductions for state and local taxes at $10,000—a radical change that promises to cost many high-earning taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars. If even a few thousand of the state’s 1 percent flee to nearby no-tax states such as Nevada or Texas, California could face a devastating shortfall in annual income.

In sum, California has no margin for error.

Spiraling entitlements, unwieldy pension costs, money wasted on high-speed rail, inadequate water storage and delivery, and lax immigration policies were formerly tolerable only because about 150,000 Californians paid huge but federally deductible state income taxes.

No more. Californians may have once derided the state’s 1 percent as selfish rich people. Now, they are praying that these heavily burdened taxpayers stay put and are willing to pay far more than what they had paid before.

That is the only way California can continue to spend money on projects that have not led to safe roads, plentiful water, good schools and safe streets. A California reckoning is on the horizon, and it may not be pretty.

Sorry, but climate and scenery only go so far when one is eventually surrounded by illegal aliens, dirty needles and human excrement.  And those whose means don’t quite afford them an escape from the squalor in gated, walled Xanadus overlooking the Pacific or the Bay may find the negatives eventually outweigh the beaches and sun.

Next, courtesy of PJ Media, James Simpson reveals the truth behind the Islamic innocent:

Ilhan Omar: Poster Child for the Red-Green Axis


“Ilhan Omar (D-MN), along with her comrades Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), has gotten a lot of press since winning a seat in Congress. Despite her non-apology for bigoted, anti-Semitic statements she made earlier this month, Omar remains a virulent anti-Semite. But it is much worse than that: In addition to likely criminality, her extreme Left positions and connections to terrorists make her a security risk.

Some have demanded she be removed from the House Foreign Relations Committee, a position awarded to her by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. But she has no business in Congress at all, and should at the very least be investigated for numerous crimes committed over a period of years.

No, Omar, Tlaib, and Ocasio-Cortez are not marginalized within the Democratic Party, despite some criticism from Party members. They actually serve a very specific purpose for Democrats as the Party drifts further and further Left. Omar in particular has openly demonstrated her pro-terrorist, anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic sentiments. She has likely committed numerous crimes. She has established networks in Somalia to one of its most corrupt governments in history, likely connected to al-Shabaab terrorists and thus the entire Middle East terrorist network. She is an existential threat to national security, and should at the very least be removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee, if not thrown out of Congress altogether. But without significant public pressure and prosecution for her crimes, it probably won’t happen.

Not “probably won’t happen”; rather the odds of her eventual prosecution carry the same likelihood of happening as the convictions of Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, James Clapper, Jim Comey, John Brennan, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rodentstein and Barack Hussein Obama for their crimes against the Constitution.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these three bon mots forwarded by Bob Chagares:

Finally, we’ll call it a week with another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, and this just in from Alabama:

Two arrested in brawl over crab legs at Alabama buffet


“…Customers at the Meteor Buffet in Huntsville had been waiting in line for 10 to 20 minutes for crab legs, police said. The eager diners were waiting for the next tray to come out when they rushed to serve themselves. “They’d been waiting there for the crab legs for a good 10, 20 minutes. When they finally came out, it’s very heated. Especially if someone is taking more than their fair share,” said Huntsville police officer Gerald Johnson, who was eating at the restaurant when the melee broke out.

Some diners began using tongs as swords and shattering plates. Customers John Chapman and Chequita Jenkins were arrested. Jenkins was at the $10.58 per-plate buffet with her kids. “There’s a woman who’s beating a man,” Johnson said. “People are moving around, plates are shattering everywhere.”

Chapman suffered a cut to his head and Jenkins was not harmed. Chapman is facing disorderly conduct and Jenkins is charged with third-degree assault.

So, at least according to Officer Johnson (no relation to the Rock Ridge Johnsons), one should expect discord and even violence if someone ahead of others in line is “taking more than their fair share“.

Their fair share“: as determined and apportioned by whom?  A woman named after a banana brand willing to physically assault an old man in front of her children?  Or perhaps some other ignorant, benighted, miseducated…


As always, we report; you decide!  But if you can’t figure this one out, you’d be well-served to find another blog.

