It’s Friday, March 22nd, 2019…but before we begin, the WSJ‘s Kim Strassel reveals…

What FBI’s Counsel Told Congress

Baker’s testimony shows Comey wasn’t being fully candid about the dossier.


Welcome to Washington:

Like Sodom and Gomorrah before him, Comey’s is a stench that rises to Heaven…though we’ve no doubt, if stink rises, when his time comes, Jimmy won’t be smelling it where’s he’s headed.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, here’s a headline from FOX News which shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone:

More than one reality exists, shocking study says


Shocking?  Hardly!  How else can one explain the disassociated dimension in which Dimocrats reside?!?

And if there’s ever been proof provided of Progressives’ literal detachment from reality, this video from Fielding Cocke and KOMO Seattle is it.  Yes, it’s lengthy, but as Fielding observed, it’s TRULY must-see TV!  Nothing we’ve ever viewed so completely exposes Progressives’ responsibility for problems they refuse to recognize even exist.

Like The Terminator, Progressive politicians LIE.

That’s what they do…that’s ALL they do!!!  And if they’re lying about the nature of the “homeless crisis” in the nation’s Liberal enclaves, is there ANY DOUBT they’re lying about the true impact of illegal immigration on the country as a whole?!?  Case in point:

During a campaign stop in Iowa Tuesday, Democrat presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand argued America needs to give amnesty to all illegal aliens living in the United States in addition to allowing them into the social security system.

During a town hall with MSNBC Tuesday night, Gillibrand said [illegal] immigration isn’t a security issue.

Gillibrand is also supportive of eliminating Immigration and Customs Enforcement“I believe that it [ICE] has become  a deportation force,” GIllibrand said.We should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it and build something that actually works.”

Currently, Gillibrand is polling at the bottom of the Democrat field.

Some would like to think Progressives’ increasing detachment from reality is rooted in what Best of the Web‘s Jim Freeman describes as their propensity for “whacking weed“:

“… with all the buzz over medical marijuana, it’s starting to gain an aura of healthfulness. But there are some serious health risks associated with frequent use. One of the more troubling ones is the risk of having a psychotic episode.

Several past studies have found that more frequent use of pot is associated with a higher risk of psychosis — that is, when someone loses touch with reality.

Now a new study published Tuesday in the The Lancet Psychiatry shows that consuming pot on a daily basis and especially using high-potency cannabis increases the odds of having a psychotic episode later.

But here’s the juice: as we first observed many moons ago…

…Progressivism is a mental disorder…at least among the majority of its unempowered adherents.  Still, we refuse to accord the same excuse to the likes of Hillary “I Want to Run the World But I Don’t Know the Meaning of ‘Classified'” Clinton, Barry “At Occidental, I Was a Foreign National” Soetoro, Kamala “Homewrecker” Harris, Cory “Spartacus” Booker, Bernie “Three Homes” Sander, Nancy “Walls Work for Me!” Pelosi and Dianne “I’ve Got MY Concealed Carry” Feinstein.

Like the mayors of almost every single American urban center…other than, in some respects, Providence…including the laughing fool shown at the 4:26 mark of the Seattle is Dying video featured above, these Liberal a*s clowns KNOW the score.  They KNOW their policies are harmful, even deadly to those they purport to protect.  Truth is, they just don’t…

In fact, they never have…at least as regards the best interests of their constituents.  From the early Progressive underpinnings of Teddy and Woody Wilson, to the budding Socialism of FDR and the full-blown entitlement state of LBJ, contemporary Liberals have been all about PERSONAL POWER and FINANCIAL GAIN…with nary a thought for the suffering their individual advancement inflicted upon those they swore to serve and support.

In the end, the total lives taken by the most prolific mass murderers in history…

…is almost eclipsed by the 100 million plus sacrificed on the altars of…

…Margaret Sanger and Rachel Carson.  Now that’s one helluva legacy!

Since we’re on the subject of Progressives existing in an alternate universe all their own, in the EnvironMental Moment (Note the change to an uppercase “M” to indicate the increasing insanity of the movement’s adherents), courtesy today of Watts Up With That? via Jeff Foutch, Eric Worrall records… 

A new low for The Guardian: Climate Denial Linked to the Christchurch Mosque Massacre


Guardian author Rebecca Solnit wonders whether the white supremacist terrorists who massacred 50 unarmed Muslims in Christchurch chose last Friday to distract attention from the Climate Change Student Strike.

Rebecca, using the blood of murdered innocents to promote your climate ideology is nothing short of obscene, a new low even for the climate movement.

Which, given its origin in Carson’s fanciful Silent Spring and the contrived campaign against DDT which has cost the lives of tens of millions in the Third World, is saying something!

In a related item of EnviroNazi lunacy, again courtesy of The Guardian via Watts Up With That? and Jeff Foutch, Socialists reveal the iron-fist endgame within the velvet glove of combatting “climate change”:

Ending climate change requires the end of capitalism. Have we got the stomach for it?

Policy tweaks won’t do it, we need to throw the kitchen sink at this with a total rethink of our relationship to ownership, work and capital


Next up, writing at the WSJ, Jason Riley reveals…

The Illogic of Slavery Reparations at This Late Date

How can centuries-old oppression be to blame for problems that became severe only recently?


“…It’s too early to tell whether this recent Democratic enthusiasm for reparations represents confidence, recklessness, an exceptionally crude strategy for appealing to black voters, or some combination of all three. But it’s clear that supporters have convinced themselves (No, NO, NO!!!) that racial disparities today persist due to racial discrimination in the past.

In an interview with National Public Radio last week, Ms. Harris said that the “trauma” experienced among blacks today stems from their slave past. “It is environmental. It is centuries of slavery, which was a form of violence where women were raped, where children were taken from their parents—violence associated with slavery,” said the senator. “There was never any real intervention to break up what had been generations of people experiencing the highest forms of trauma.”

Ms. Harris wants to hold slavery responsible for black America’s contemporary problems. But that requires ignoring the progress made by blacks—both in absolute terms and relative to whites—who lived much closer to the era of slavery. For example, the soaring violent-crime rates that produce so much “trauma” in poor black communities today did not exist in those communities in the first 100 years after emancipation, even though poverty rates at the time were much higher and racism was still legal and widespread.

Barry Latzer, a criminologist at John Jay College, reports that black male homicides fell by nearly 18% in the 1940s and by another 21% in the 1950s, while rates remained relatively flat among their white counterparts over the same period. Similarly, Harvard sociologist William Julius Wilson has written that “in ghetto neighborhoods throughout the first half of the twentieth century, rates of inner-city joblessness, teenage pregnancy, out-of-wedlock births, female-headed families, welfare dependency and serious crime were significantly lower than in later years and did not reach catastrophic proportions until the mid-1970s.”

Did the “legacy of slavery” and Jim Crow skip over a couple of generations and then reassert itself in the mid-1970s? Or is it possible that something else is primarily responsible for the outcomes we see today?

Yes: the same counterproductive policies Progressives continue to promotelike reparations for slavery.  As for our repeated “NOs”, as you’ll see in a similar comment to the Dan Henninger commentary below, we suggest an alternate theory: Liberals know THEIR POLICIES have produced any racial disparities existing today, and the offer of taxpayer dollars as compensation for an evil no one alive even remotely experienced is just another way of avoiding the blame.

Strangely enough, we’re actually down with the idea of reparations for slavery…under the following terms and conditions:

(1). The West African nations who SOLD their fellow-Africans INTO bondage fund 1/3 of the pot, with another 1/3 coming from those European nations whose ships carried them to the New World.

(2). The African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries which continue the practice to this day are forced to free and provide appropriate compensation to their slaves.

(3). The descendants of all those who died fighting for the Union and the end of that “peculiar institution”, including Irish, German and other immigrants, receive equal financial recognition for their sacrifice.

(4). The descendants of the uncounted Chinese laborers killed during the construction of the Union Pacific railroad get their cut, to be funded solely by Stanford University.

(5). Reparations be made to anyone else in the country who’s ever felt put upon, slighted, or feels others are somehow responsible for problems of their own creation.

Which brings us to the latest from the WSJ‘s Dan Henninger, who details the degeneracy of…

Parents Gone Wild

College admissions offices thought they were doing good. They created dog-eat-dog.


“…To broaden the original point: Years back, college admissions stepped away from the historic standard of measurable merit. Their intentions were good. (REALLY?!?) Concurrently across the same four or five decades other established norms of behavior also were demoted in the service of presumably worthier goals, whether personal fulfillment, enjoyment or just profit. Do we really, for example, know what the marijuana legalization mania is getting us into? No, but we’re going to do it anyway.

The college-admissions scandal is a cautionary tale about the risks of allowing a system or society to believe that traditional standards such as earned merit can be set aside without incurring costs. The costs are evident: confusion that degrades into cynicism and worse. One of the wiretapped parents spoke for an entire era: “To be honest, I’m not worried about the moral issue here.”

Wealth and privilege may be the least of our problems.

As for our “REALLY?!?” comment, we’re frankly sick to death of Conservatives crediting good intentions as the genesis of repeated Progressive policy disasters.  The road to Hell is paved with “good intentions”, and we’re of the opinion it’s high time America followed a different route.

Finally, we’ll call it a week with The Lighter Side:

Nothing says “gangsta” like a 64-count pack of Crayolas, muthaf*cka!  Who cares if he can’t read; at least he can color between the lines!

