It’s Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019…but before we begin, there’s fact… 

Obama’s DHS Secretary: FYI, Cages or Whatever You Want to Call Them, Weren’t Invented by Trump


…then there’s fiction:

I see why CBP officers were being so physically and sexually threatening towards me,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter. “Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets.

As Jim Geraghty notes at his Morning Jolt:

Either Ocasio-Cortez or unnamed sources in the CBP are lying about what happened inside.

Anyone want to give us odds…

…on who’s lying?!?

Face it: if AOC was this distraught over viewing an empty parking lot

…we’re highly doubtful she could have remained conscious in the presence of toilet-drinking victims of CPB abuse.

And though this admission by newly-elected Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele is a welcome note of reason in an increasingly unreasoned debate…

…here’s the juice: Progressives are trying to make this into a domestic Abu Ghraib.  Problem is, the abuses in Abu Ghraib were real, and more importantly

photographed.  All Progressives have here is a policy enacted under their former standard bearer; and that, as Jeh Johnson records above, with good reason.  Besides, heart-rending hyperbole to the contrary notwithstanding, the fact remains…

Meanwhile, as recorded by Balls Cotton, here’s the real source of AOC’s pain and sorrow while at the border:

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, by now, the latest surrender of Portland’s streets to the mob

…by Oregon’s equivalent of Scott Israel needs no further comment, except to say…

And it remains our belief those behind Antifa desperately desire it does so, as they seek a denouement soaked in blood: the blood of several sociopathic Antifa thugs shot in self-defense by an innocent victim of their violent assaults exercising his-or-her 2nd Amendment rights while in legitimate fear for their life.

The anti-gun propagandists in the 4th Estate will take care of the rest.  Mark our words.

In a related item highlighting increasing Liberal intolerance for constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms, writing at Commentary Magazine, Abe Greenwald warns of…

Dark Days for Jews in Literature

Intersectionality’s blind spot.


The world of literature, where Jews have made so many invaluable and long-standing contributions, is succumbing quickly to the new anti-Semitism.

The most recent example comes from the United Kingdom. Two cultural organizations in England have just rejected hosting talks by novelist Richard Zimlerexplicitly because he’s Jewish. In the Guardian, Zimler writes of the conversation with a friend in which he learned of the trouble: “‘They asked me if you were Jewish, and the moment I said you were, they lost all interest,’ he said. “‘They even stopped replying to my emails and returning my phone messages.’”

Remember, Germany loved…er, tolerated the Jews…until they didn’t!  Though we must note, in this case (curiously enough), the contemporary wave of anti-Semitism was preceded by The Left’s ever-increasing intolerance for Christianity.

If there are truly none so blind as those who will not see, Dimocratic-voting Jews make moles look like eagles.

Moving on, the WSJ‘s Holman Jenkins accurately assesses…

What Barr Should Declassify

Release the secret inspector-general report on the Hillary Clinton email case.


“…Remind yourself what happened: James Comey, on his sole initiative, held a press conference to announce that, though Mrs. Clinton had behaved improperly, she did not merit prosecution. Except it wasn’t his decision to make: It was the Justice Department’s.

We know that Mr. Comey secretly explained his action by invoking still-classified Russian intelligence. In his memoir, he refers to a development “unknown to the American public to this day.” In fact, we know from news leaks that a Russian intercept of some kind cited a Democratic Party email that referred to an alleged conversation in which Attorney General Loretta Lynch promised to bury the Hillary Clinton investigation.

On the surface, the Russian intelligence indicated political corruption at the Justice Department and yet Mr. Comey rejected this self-advertised significance. He didn’t investigate. He didn’t tell the Justice Department. He used his possession of the classified intercept as his classified justification for intervening to free Mrs. Clinton from the email matter in time for the Democratic Convention.

The questions about this episode are many. Mr. Barr could start by releasing the classified appendix of the Justice Department’s own inspector general’s review (whose existence the media uniformly ignores)…”

Hillary would howl like a scalded cat…i.e., like she screeched on the night that made Monica famous!

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this series of memes from Balls Cotton…

…evidence of advancing age from Bill Magruder with which we can relate more and more with each passing day…

…as well as these two instant classics from the lovely Shannon:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with a glimpse into an all-too-predictable future courtesy of yet another counterproductive Progressive policy pronouncement:

Austin plan to allow homeless camps 


…and we see Austin in the same, sh*thole condition…

… currently enjoyed by Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and many other urban enclaves of enlightened Progressivism.

Bon appétit, Austin; the soft aroma of human feces should prove the perfect partner for Texas barbecue.

