It’s Monday, September 23rd, 2019…but first…

Why aren’t certain mass shootings as highly publicized as others?

IMPD looking for ‘person of interest’ after 6 injured in downtown shooting


“…Police say three victims were juveniles and three victims were adults. They were taken to different hospitals in the area. Two victims are in critical condition, three suffered minor injuries and one person was seriously injured.

According to police, the shooter, who is believed to be a juvenile, began shooting just north of the intersection of West Maryland and North Illinois Street before fleeing the scene. Police say they are working with witnesses and victims to figure out what led up to the shooting and to identify a suspect.

A surveillance image (shown above) of a person of interest in the case was released Sunday morning. Authorities are asking the public for help in identifying the male subject. He is described as wearing a dark colored sweatshirt with light stripes on the sleeves and dark jeans…”

Here’s a hint: it’s based upon the respective races of the mass-shooter and victims, as well as the type of weapon employed in a given massacre.

To wit: if the shooter is White, and the weapon of choice is any variant of the mythical “assault weapon”, no matter the race of the victims, the massacre is guaranteed to be front page news for weeks and elicit countless calls to ban or confiscate said “assault weapons“.

But if the shooter and victims are Black…an aspect of the crime which is NEVER covered in contemporary news reports…and the weapon employed is an illegal semi-automatic handgun, it’s just another day in urban America.

Sooo…tell us again how Progressive politicians have the backs of their Black constituents?!?

As for Beto’s claim certain Arkansans are willing to surrender their unneeded, unwanted AR-15s merely upon his request, this meme forwarded by Ed Hickey represents the reception his confiscation scheme would likely receive from every 2nd Amendment-loving Razorback…or any other elsewhere in America:

Which is why no rank-and-file law enforcement official in the country would be willing to enforce such an unconstitutional edict, let alone support it.  So have at it, Beto…but you go in first!

Since we’re on the subject of Dimocratic disdain for the rule of law, imagine our surprise when, having just watched one of our all-time favorite movies for the umpteenth time, we opened Rich Terrell’s cartoon d’jour and discovered he, too, is a fan of A Man for All Seasons, along with its exposure of the ultimate folly of situational ethics and malleable morals:

We just finished reading Citizens, a rather detailed account of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror which inevitably followed.  The parallels between the fact-less denouncements which led to the executions of tens of thousands whose only crime was either a careless remark about La Patrie or a letter written years before containing words which were now considered anti-La Patrie, and the contemporary consequences of some decades-removed act of political-incorrectness rather disturbing.

Impossible as it might have seemed only a decade ago (i.e., B.O., aka, Before Obama), utterance of a banned word or improper gender reference today, whether deliberate or absent malice, can cost the speaker their job.  How long before the sans culottes of the Hard Left…

…begin demanding harsher punishment?

And does anyone really believe these clowns…

… will refuse to give them what they want, particularly if it means gaining or maintaining their grip on power?!?  Why do you think they want our guns?

We’d suggest those who fail to recognize either the realities of human nature or what Hannah Arendt termed “the banality of human evil” fail to see the authoritarian forest for the totalitarian trees…let alone the true nature of evil.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, writing at NRO, Andrew Pollack accurately assesses why…

California’s Ban on School Suspensions Invites Another Parkland

One year after the mass shooting in Florida, Gavin Newsom institutes the policies that made it inevitable.


My daughter Meadow was murdered in the Parkland school shooting in Florida last year. It was the most avoidable mass murder in American history. And last week, Governor Gavin Newsom just forced into every school in California the policies that made it inevitable.

The Parkland shooter was a known-wolf. Before the massacre was over, students knew who did it. He was considered so dangerous when he attended Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that school administrators banned him from bringing a backpack and frisked him every day for fear that he’d bring a deadly weapon.

Even though security staff brought him to the principal’s office all the time, his disciplinary record looked pretty clean on paper. If he had been arrested at school for his crimes, maybe the FBI could have followed through on tips that he would shoot up the school. And if he’d been disciplined for his sub-criminal misbehavior, maybe school administrators could have made a strong case for sending him back to a specialized school for disturbed students, where he so badly needed to be.

But the Broward County school district had embarked on a quest to fight the “school-to-prison pipeline” by lowering suspensions, expulsions, and arrests. And school principals responded by systematically sweeping disturbing behavior under the rug. If one individual in the Broward school district made one responsible decision about the killer, the tragedy could have been averted. But you can’t even call what happened a “failure,” because each obviously irresponsible decision makes perfect sense given the policies.

The state of California has just lurched far harder on leniency than Broward, by banning suspensions and expulsions for nonviolent offenses.

Don’t you dare think that in practice this leniency won’t extend to violence, though

…For evidence, look no further than Los Angeles. As the school board banned suspensions, referrals to law enforcement increased 145 percent. And last year, threats of violence in Los Angeles schools increased by 70 percent.

I sent my daughter to public school thinking she was safe. I had no idea there was a kid there so dangerous that they frisked him every day. I had no idea that the school was systematically covering up threats and violence. I didn’t know.

I can’t let any other parent make that excuse. That’s why I wrote a book to tell the true story of Parkland. I don’t expect that this article or that book, or that anything, really, will convince the Democratic politicians who run California to think twice about this terrible mistake. My whole life’s mission now is to inform parents.

Chances are, your kid won’t get murdered at school. But you have to know about the type of environment you’re putting your child in. Public school in California is now a place where disruption, threats, and even violence can’t even be punished.

My advice to California parents: Stretch your wallet to send them to private school. Or keep them in public school and roll the dice.

Like the backers of abortion, there’s surely a special place in Hell for those who would play politics with the lives of schoolchildren.  And no, support for the right to bear arms isn’t playing politics; it’s defending a freedom guaranteed law-abiding U.S. citizens by our Constitution…which still carries a little more weight than the inanities emanating from the putrid, pandering, Progressive penumbra which is California.

Speaking of pandering Progressives, Fielding Cocke forwarded this video which pretty much summarizes the last Dimocratic “debate”:

Stand back, folks, ‘cuz Dimocrats have got themselves a…

…and there…

Fortunately for America, they’re running out of road to give away.

Next up, as Zach Evans recently recorded at NRO

NYT Reporters Blame Editors for Removing Exculpatory Information from Kavanaugh Story


“…“what happened was that…we had [the woman’s] name, and the Times doesn’t usually include the name of the victim, and so in this case I think the editors felt like maybe it was better to remove it, and in removing her name, they removed the other reference to the fact that she didn’t remember [the incident],” said Pogrebin. She continued that she thought the removal was done “in the haste of the editing process.”

She also said of the alleged, unnamed victim, “She was incredibly drunk at that partymemory here is really a questionable issue.”

Imagine The Times acting in similar haste reporting the facts regarding where Obama was during Benghazi.

In a related item at the WSJ, Bill McGurn relates how Progressives’ real purpose in peddling such blatant lies is to…

Pin the Asterisk on Kavanaugh

Christine Blasey Ford was motivated by politics, her lawyer asserted in April.


“…What has happened since is familiar. No sooner is the “bombshell” story dropped than it starts to look like a dud. It emerges, for example, that this new allegation isn’t really new—the Federal Bureau of Investigation and senators knew about it during Mr. Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings—and the Times never spoke to the man who had made the charge, Max Stier.

On Monday the Times added a humiliating “editors’ note” admitting its story omitted a crucial fact: The purported victim declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall such an incident. That hasn’t stopped the Democrats’ 2020 candidates—including Cory Booker, Julián Castro, Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg —from calling for the justice’s impeachment.

In short, the “new” accusation fails for the same reason the earlier ones did: lack of evidence

This is what Democrats do when they believe there could be a fifth vote to overturn Roe, the 1973 decision that upended the laws of all 50 states to legalize abortion. It’s why Sen. Ted Kennedy in 1987 slandered Judge Robert Bork as a man working for an America where “women would be forced into back-alley abortions” and “blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters.” It’s why Judge Clarence Thomas was savaged in 1991, when he faced his own last-minute inquisition over alleged sexual harassment. And it’s why the assassination of Justice Kavanaugh’s character continues…”

Which brings us back to Citizens, and the latest from Dennis Prager writing at, as he expounds upon…

The Equation That Explains Evil


Magoo’s Corollary to Prager’s Postulation

“Our age loves scientific equations. Here’s one you weren’t taught at college but which affects you as much as the law of gravity:

GI – W = E

Good Intentions (GI) minus Wisdom (W) leads to Evil (E).

The problem with communists and with leftists who don’t consider themselves communists is not that none of them mean well. It’s that they lack wisdom. There are wise and foolish liberals, wise and foolish conservatives; but all leftists are fools. Every one of the Democrats running for president is a fool. This is not, however, a description of their totality as a human being. Fools may be personally kind and generous, may be loyal friends and devoted spouses, and of course, they may be well-intentioned. But in terms of making the world worse, there is little difference between a well-meaning fool and an evil human being. Tens of millions of well-intentioned Westerners supported Stalin. The Westerners who supplied Stalin the secrets to the atom bomb were not motivated by evil. They were simply fools. But few evil people did as much to hurt the world as they did.

They are fools partly because they believe good intentions are all that matter. Therefore, they never ask perhaps the most important moral question one can ask: What will happen if my policy is enacted? Leftist supporters of communism (or any other proposed Progressive policy!!!) never asked.

Democrats who push the country-bankrupting Green New Deal provide a contemporary example. They not only deny the economy- and society-crushing consequences of the Green New Deal, they deny any price will be paid. Every home, office, hospital, school and business will be forced to stop using fossil fuels, yet only good will come from that. Giving that amount of coercive power to the state is of no consequence to leftists. In their make-believe world, no one will suffer. On the contrary, America will become richer, and millions of jobs will be created while we destroy our economy. Poor Africans trying to electrify their countries will be told not to — yet they, too, will somehow become rich using only wind and sun.

But they mean well.

And in the EnvironMental Moment, NRO‘s Kevin Williamson asks which do EnviroNazis want:

More Fracking, or More War?


Here is a news lead that begins with a bang and ends with a whimper: “The strike on the heartland of Saudi Arabia’s oil industry, including damage to the world’s biggest petroleum-processing facility, has driven oil prices to their highest level in” — here, Reuters should have used some ellipses of irony — “nearly four months.”

Four months!

If the United States declines to go to war against Iran on behalf of Saudi Arabia, our increasingly troublesome client state, one of the reasons for that happy development will be: because we do not need to. It is no longer the case that the world sneezes when the Saudis catch a cold. U.S. interests and Saudi interests remain aligned, broadly, but they are severable.

The high-tech method of mining shale formations for oil and gas colloquially known as “fracking” — though hydraulic fracturing is only a part of it — has been a game-changer for more than one game. While countries such as Germany set headline-grabbing, politics-driven carbon-reduction targets only to woefully fail to achieve them (it is very difficult to greenwash 170 million tons of brown coal), the United States has been relatively successful on that front, reducing energy-related carbon emissions by 14 percent from 2005 to 2017, thanks to natural gas; put another way, fracking has helped the United States to what climate activists ought to consider one of its greatest environmental victories.

When the United States intensified its attention to the Middle East in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the country was heavily dependent on petroleum imports. Today, the United States is the world’s largest exporter of petroleum — thanks to fracking. The pointy-headed guys in the Washington war rooms spend a lot less time worrying about whether tankers can get through the Strait of Hormuz these days. And that means the United States has a much more free hand — and more realistic optionswhen dealing with Riyadh, Tehran, or any of the other pits of vipers that pass for national capitals in that part of the world.

“No war for oil!” they chanted when George W. Bush’s administration prepared to invade Iraq. It was always a stupid slogan — if we’d wanted to get our hands on that Iraqi oil, we could simply have bought it at a discount rather than pay a horrifying blood premium for it — but now that chant can reasonably be turned back on its authors: If you want less war, then you should want a lot more fracking…”

Fat chance: the EnviroNazi Luddites can’t even bring themselves to recognize the carbon-free, renewable nature of nuclear power, let alone the amazing strides in design and safety nuclear plants have made since the non-event of Three-Mile Island and even Fukushima.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s yet another memorable string of memes courtesy of Ed Hickey…

…followed by these two keepers from Jim Crilley and our eldest son Jon respectively:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with this just in from Campus Reform via Best of the Web:

Berkeley hosts ‘The Right to Be Lazy: Shifts in Marxist Thought’ class for credit


If, as Dean Wormer so eloquently observed…

…we’ll take fat, drunk and stupid over deluded, lazy and Marxist…or anything else coming out of Berkeley…any day.  But why take our word for it when three out of three animals surveyed…

share our opinion of the quality of anything Berkeley!

