It’s Friday, October 18th, 2019…but before we begin, we’ve elected to allow Staff Sergeant Barnes to offer our thoughts on the NBA, Nike, Google, Facebook, the Clintons and every other pandering Progressive entity or individual who has kowtowed to the ChiComs:

For all their supposed support for the downtrodden and disenfranchised, these double-dealing Dimocrats are finally exposed as the hypocrites they truly are:

In the end, Ilhan Omar’s self-serving, anti-Semitic comments about “the Jews” notwithstanding, they’re the ones who are all about…

…the Benjamins!!!

Now, here’s The Gouge!

We lead off the last edition of the week with two compelling commentaries from NRO‘s Kevin Williamson: first, Kevin offers an unvarnished view of…

O’Rourke’s America

Imagine one vast airport that you cannot leave.


With apologies to Margaret Atwood and a thousand other dystopian novelists, we do not have to theorize about what an American police state would look like, because we know what it looks like: the airport, that familiar totalitarian environment where Americans are disarmed, stripped of their privacy, divested of their freedom of speech, herded around like livestock, and bullied by bovine agents of “security” in a theatrical process that has an 85 percent failure rate because it isn’t designed as a security-screening protocol at all but as a jobs program for otherwise unemployable morons(An assessment we frankly find at little harsh.)

Now, when I hear the words “otherwise unemployable morons,” I think of Robert Francis O’Rourke (An assessment we frankly find spot on!) and his sad little presidential campaign, which suffered a little setback on Tuesday night when the gentleman who advertises himself as “Beto” tried out some tough-guy shtick on Pete Buttigieg, who is, whatever else you can say about him, a veteran of the Afghanistan campaign, one who rightly pointed out that he doesn’t have to prove his “courage” to the idiot son of a well-connected El Paso political family who has done almost nothing with his life other than show himself a reasonably effective fundraiser in the family business.

O’Rourke is a cretin, and an ambitious cretin at that. And what are his ambitions?

Turning America into the airport.

The borders may go unsecured and the felons may continue to run wild in the streets of this or that Democrat-controlled city, but in Robert Francis O’Rourke’s America, you — you, citizen — will do as you’re told. It will be as petty and imbecilic as a trip through security at JFK, with one important exception: The airport has an exit.

Second, he soundly suggests why… 

Elizabeth Warren Is Jussie Smollett

What they have in common turns out to have nothing to do with skin tone.


Elizabeth Warren has a moving story about being fired from a teaching job because she was pregnant, a story that perfectly complements her political narrative that she is the tribune and champion of those who have been treated unfairly by the powerful. Joe Biden has a moving — and horrifying — story about his wife and daughter being killed by a drunk driver, a story that similarly could not have been designed more perfectly to bolster his political image as a man who can be counted on to soldier on in the face of adversity.

Of course, neither story is true.

Fiction, yes. Deployed, as we are always told when these lies are exposed as lies, in the service of a larger truth, a truth of which such habitual and irredeemable liars as Warren, Biden, Smollett — and Lena Dunham, and the so-called journalists of Rolling Stone, and the perpetrators of a thousand phony campus hate-crime hoaxes — are the appointed apostles.

A few weeks ago, the headlines were full of angst and alarum over the fact that a young black girl attending a school at which Karen Pence teaches suffered a racial assault at the hands of three smug white boys who cut her hair. Of course Karen Pence’s name appeared in the headlines: “SIXTH GRADERS HOLD DOWN CLASSMATE, CUT HER DREADLOCKS AT PRIVATE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL WHERE KAREN PENCE TEACHES,” in Newsweek’s all-caps account. Newsweek put Pence’s name in the lead, too — in fact, it made sure to put her front and center even before it described what was alleged to have happened. The smear was transparent, obvious even by the low standards of Newsweek.

Of course it was a lie. Here’s Newsweek now: “Amari Allen, who accused her classmates of hurling verbal abuse at her and forcibly cutting her hair has told reporters that she fabricated the event. The Allen family has formally apologized to both the school and the falsely accused boys.” Newsweek has not apologized to Karen Pence, who had no connection at all to the fictitious events save that they were purported to have happened at her place of employment. But the Democrats have invested a great deal in the storyline that Mike Pence must be some kind of crypto-racist, and it would follow that this tendency infests everyone and everything around him.

Warren’s fictions, and Biden’s, and Smollett’s, and Newsweek’s smear of Karen Pence, all have in common that they are lies that have been put into the service of the campaign against Donald Trump in 2020. (I assume, for the moment, that there will be such a campaign.) There is a supreme irony in that: Trump himself is not what one would call excessively scrupulous with the facts, but to resort to lies and inventions in the race against him is a confession of sorts.

Which is why Fauxcahontas is the 2020 opponent of The Donald’s dreams.

Next up, writing at his Morning Jolt, Jim Geraghty details how House Dimocrats expect America to…

Trust Us, Our Secret Fast Impeachment Will be Totally Legit


“…To summarize, House Democrats are telling us that impeachment process is deadly serious, the House doesn’t need to vote on starting it, the first steps must be held in secret and they can’t say when everyone will be able to see the evidence and testimony they’re collecting behind closed doors . . . and yet the whole process will be done quickly.

Since we’re on the subject of Nancy the Red, here’s a rather intriguing item from Jim Freeman, who relates…

How to Make Pelosi and Schumer Angry

Another bizarre 24 hours in Washington.


“…To recap, the senior elected officials of America’s two great political parties called each other crazy on Wednesday, and the Speaker trolled the President with another Russia reference. And then the next morning the Speaker suggested the President is a cruel coward. But wait until you hear what else he said about her!

This is where the story gets especially odd. Mrs. Pelosi was joined at her post-meeting press conference at the White House on Wednesday by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D., Md.).

Speaking of the President, Mr. Hoyer said, ”We we were offended deeply by his treatment of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.” And according to all three Democratic leaders, the Speaker’s departure was indeed triggered by one of a number of insults from Mr. Trump, but not the one you’d expect.

Mr. Schumer reported that during their discussion of terrorists in Syria Mr. Trump “said that there are communists involved and you guys might like that.” At that point, based on their eyewitness accounts, not one of the three leading Democrats got up to leave. But what they allegedly considered beyond the pale and led to the end of the meeting was when Mr. Trump called the Speaker a “third-rate politician.” The Speaker is comfortable referring to the President’s “cowardice” and “cruelty” and can tolerate the suggestion that she might like seeing communists involved in Middle East violence—but she’s drawing the line at criticism of her political skills?

What’s even more odd is that a number of reporters took to Twitter and television to share the official Democratic dudgeon about the third-rate crack but hardly seemed to care about the communist smear.

Can anyone take these people seriously?

In a word, not “no”, but “HELL NO“!!!  And now you know why we refer to her as “Nancy the Red”!

Pelosi’s rather reticent response reminds us of this scene from The Trouble With Tribbles:

Though Pelosi couldn’t grasp the contents of a technical journal if it climbed over the security fence of one of her numerous mansions and bit her on her shriveled a*s.

And in the EnvironMental Moment, courtesy of the once-reputable publication Science via Best of the Web, we learn (with footnotes deleted)…

Grieving environmental scientists need support


Rates of environmental destruction are greater today than at any previous point in human history. This loss of valued species, ecosystems, and landscapes triggers strong grief responses in people with an emotional attachment to nature. However, environmental scientists are presented with few opportunities to address this grief professionally.

Environmental scientists tend to respond to degradation of the natural world by ignoring, suppressing, or denying the resulting painful emotions while at work. The risks that this entails are profound. Emotional trauma can substantially compromise self-awareness, imagination, and the ability to think coherently. As Charles Darwin put it, one “who remains passive when overwhelmed with grief loses [the] best chance of recovering elasticity of mind”.

Academic institutes must allow environmental scientists to grieve well and thus emerge stronger from traumatic experiences to discover new insights about our rapidly changing world. Much can be learned from other professions in which distressing circumstances are commonplace, such as health care, disaster relief, law enforcement, and the military. In these fields, well-defined organizational structures and active strategies exist for employees to anticipate and manage their emotional distress. Effective systems can facilitate healthy grieving processes, enhance psychological recovery, and reduce the risk of long-term mental health impacts, potentially leading to better practice, decision-making, and resilience in future periods of trauma. Improved psychosocial working environments for scientists might include systematic training of employees, early-intervention debriefing after disturbing events, social support from colleagues and managers, and therapeutic counseling.

The pervasive illusion that scientists must be dispassionate observers is dangerously misguided. Rather, grief and post-traumatic recovery can strengthen resolve and inspire scientific creativity. To understand and find solutions for our increasingly damaged natural ecosystems, environmental scientists must be allowed to cry and be supported as they move forward.

Yeah…whatever.  Seriously, this sounds like an item from either The Onion or The Babylon Bee; who would even think to make up such tripe?!?

Leave it to the free market to find a suitable solution:

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this photo of Comrade James’ latest shoe…

…these memorable memes from Ed Hickey…

…and lastly this string of pearls of Conservative wisdom and common sense from Jimmy Crilley:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap by noting the passing of a politician who, particularly given the length of time he supposedly served them, left his constituents in a far worse condition than he found them:

Elijah Cummings dead at 68


Rep. Elijah Cummings, the powerful House Democrat who represented Baltimore for more than two decades and was a vocal critic of President Trump, died early Thursday after battling health problems, his office and family said…”

Meanwhile, he MISrepresented the rest of his constituents, including Yours Truly, who were gerrymandered into his district.

The Associated Press offered an similarly inaccurate account of Cummings self-service:

Cummings was a formidable orator who advocated for the poor in his black-majority district, (what about those in his district who WEREN’T poor or were WHITE; didn’t THEY deserved representation as well?!?) which encompasses a large portion of Baltimore and more well-to-do suburbs.

However, THIS little bit of damnation via faint praise takes the cake:

By 2016, Cummings was the senior Democrat on the House Benghazi Committee, which he said was “nothing more than a taxpayer-funded effort to bring harm to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”

Funny, we thought the Benghazi investigation was intended to shed light on how and why four Americans were left to die and why the Obama Administration knowingly lied about their deaths being caused by a video in order to promote the myth Obama and Hillary had brought peace to the Middle East.  Not to mention why the Commander-in-Chief of America’s Armed Forces was MIA for six hours during the attack.

While we feel for his family, we won’t miss him.  At least his wife won’t have to worry about her finances.  Though with ‘Lijah gone, she shouldn’t count on any more consulting gigs or contributions to her “charity”. 

