It’s Friday, November 8th, 2019…but before we begin, as TLJ is visiting her mom down in the Cradle of Naval Aviation, yesterday she sent us two digital cards:

Given the significance of this particular birthday, Jenny, though we hate to pry…

Bravo Zulu to Jackie and Brutus, Jenny’s oldest sister and her husband, for reminding us we just turned 64.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, as FOX News informs us…

Mexico’s Lopez Obrador doubles down on ‘hugs, not bullets’ policy amid mounting criticism


“…“It was lamentable, painful because children died, but do we want to resolve the problem the same way (as previous administrations)? By declaring war?” he asked.

“We are carrying out a different policy because the policy that was applied during 36 years was a resounding failure and it caused a lot of damage, a lot of sadness, a lot of deaths, a lot of losses for Mexicans,” he added. “We will not continue with the same and we will show that our proposal works, despite it not being easy. We are confident that we will achieve good results.”…”

Obrador’s intentions notwithstanding, his policy smacks of appeasement, and seems far more like “hugs for drugs” to us.  And while AMLO’s policy may not be easy for him, it seems one helluva lot tougher on those riddled by the bullets, not to mention their loved ones.

And for those needing a reminder who sourced a goodly number of the weapons which fired those bullets over the last decade or more…

As to the circumstances surrounding the massacre itself, reader James Nichols forwarded the following rather lengthy history of the Mexican Mormons and their ongoing feud with the local cartel.  If you don’t have the time to view the video in its entirety, at least check out the first 10 minutes or so:

Being as it was recorded in 2012, the closing line is particularly…”prophetic”:

Speaking of videos, in a follow-up to our Wednesday item on ABC killing its own reporter’s meticulously researched Clinton exposé, courtesy of Frontpage Mag via Jeff Foutch, Lloyd Billingsley relates why this is just the latest example of… 

How Clinton Cronies Kill Stories

ABC blocks Epstein tale, NBC derails Weinstein revelations, and Clinton Foundation hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal tries to block a book on anti-Trump plotters.


In a related item from Jim Freeman, Best of the Web details how…

So Much for the ‘Whistleblower’ Coverage at ABC and CBS

Rival networks join forces to punish disclosure.


In the 50 days since news consumers were told that a federal whistleblower was expressing his disapproval of a presidential phone call, CBS News has aired or published more than 100 stories on President Donald Trump and Ukraine. Counting stories from local affiliates, the number rises above 200. That’s according to the Dow Jones Factiva news archive.

But CBS hasn’t come close to the wall-to-wall coverage offered by rival ABC News. A Factiva search of ABC stories about Mr. Trump and Ukraine yields 687 results for the last 50 days.

More than 300 of the ABC stories specifically include the term “whistleblower”. And roughly all of the stories are derived from the original allegations formulated by the unnamed government employee in consultation with the office of Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.). Mr. Schiff publicly denied that such consultation had occurred but later acknowledged the fact as his falsehood was exposed.

Usually news organizations like ABC and CBS at least pretend to spend their days trying to report previously non-public information. But they recently decided not to report the name of the federal “whistleblower.” Ironically, the entire impeachment case hinges on an assumed political motivation by Mr. Trump for comments on a phone call that were not illegal. Yet by maintaining a blackout on the identity of the “whistleblower,” news outlets are impeding the public’s ability to learn about the possible political motivations of Mr. Trump’s accuser.

Not that the public can’t make a pretty good guess, given this January 2017 tweet from the alleged whistleblower’s lawyer, Mark Zaid:

#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion.

#impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers

And then there’s this Zaid instant classic from July of 2017:

It’s very scary. We will get rid of him, and this country is strong enough to survive even him and his supporters. We have to.

But it seems that the sudden reverence for the imagined Constitutional right of an alleged whistleblower to remain anonymous doesn’t extend to people releasing information from non-Trump organizations like ABC and CBS. In fact these organizations have joined together to punish disclosure and forcefully deter any future whistleblowing within their news divisions…”

So much for protecting whistleblowers!

As G. Trevor noted, “What is incredible is that neither this nor the Weinstein stories met ABC’s “tough journalistic standards” to report on, yet they had NO PROBLEM running the wild accusation that Brett Kavanaugh was a serial rapist on page one!  No, they’re not biased, right?” 

How many stories have these lying a*sholes published about Trump based on the word of ONE ANONYMOUS source which turned out to be TOTALLY WRONG?!?

ABC must think we’re all stupid.

Since we’re on the subject, writing at NRO, Kevin Williamson records how…

Elizabeth Warren Thinks Voters Are Stupid

There isn’t any obvious reason to doubt that she’s right.


“…Warren estimates that her health-care scheme would cost about $2 trillionevery year, forever. As often is the case when we are talking about the federal budget, the numbers sound incomprehensible to many people: millions, billions, trillions, squidillions, whatever. To put that $2 trillion a year into perspective, a comparison: That is more money than the federal government collects annually in all of the personal and corporate income taxes combined. Put another way, even if the federal government were able to successfully double the revenue it gets from personal and corporate income taxes, the additional revenue would not pay for Warren’s health-care plan...”

Simply put…which is the only way the vast majority of Progressives can understand anything

Why?!?  Because…

“…In fiscal year 2019, all federal tax revenue from all sources combined amounted to $3.4 trillion. If a Warren administration and a Democratic Congress were successful in raising Americans’ taxes by 50 percent, the extra revenue still wouldn’t be enough to fund Warren’s health-care program.

And never mind, for the moment, that there are lots of things Warren and the other Democrats want to spend money on besides expanding Medicare: trillions of dollars in subsidies for college students and student-loan forgiveness, alternative-energy subsidies, etc. Warren proposes the better part of another trillion dollars a year in new spending on top of the $2 trillion a year for expanding Medicare.

To pay for that, she would have to raise federal tax revenue by around 80 percent — and that still would do nothing about the trillion-dollar deficits we already have or the unfunded liabilities of Social Security and other entitlement programs that already are piling up even faster than the official national debt…”

THAT‘s why!!!  In other words…

“…It’s a fairy tale — or, properly understood, a lie.

Give me the power now — we’ll work out the details later.

There is only one reason that Elizabeth Warren would proceed in this manner: She thinks her voters are stupid. There isn’t any obvious reason to think she’s wrong about that.

Allow us to recall Bill Whittle’s words of wisdom:

Meanwhile, smelling an opportunity…or perhaps simply scenting the bloated corpse of Robert Francis O’Rourke…atop so many other would-be-Socialist despots…Michael Bloomberg is supposedly reconsidering his odds for the Oval Office.

Maybe if Mike had run in 2008.  But events…and the leftward lurch of Dimocratic Party politics…have passed this hypocrite…

…long by; if for no other reason then contemporary Progressives positively despise billionaires.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these classics from Balls Cotton…

…these from Jimmy Crilley…

…and this little gem from Ed Hickey:

Finally, we’ll call it a week with this just from News of the Bizarre, as we learn how a…

Woman suffers near fatal reaction after sex with husband


A couple’s sexual intercourse nearly ended in tragedy after the woman had an anaphylactic reaction to a medication her husband was taking, which she was exposed to through his semen. According to the case report, published in the American Journal of Medicine, shortly after they had finished having sex the 46-year-old woman began complaining of dizziness, diarrhea and itchiness on her hands and feet.

About an hour or two later, she was brought to the emergency room where it was determined that she was exposed to penicillin through her husband’s semen. “Her husband had been undergoing treatment for infective endocarditis at home with parenteral nafcillin,” according to the case report.

“Of importance, she reported a penicillin allergy, having developed urticarial as a child after exposure to the antibiotic. She had not been exposed to penicillin since then.”

She was administered antibiotics while at the hospital, and 24 hours later her symptoms resolved. She was discharged with an epinephrine pen, and “instructed to abstain from sexual intercourse with her husband until at least one week following his completion of antibiotics, given the high likelihood of recurrence of her symptoms following coitus.”…”

Reports the woman, having just returned home, had to use the epi pen when she experienced a similar episode while standing in front of the stove remain unconfirmed.

