It’s Wednesday, December 4th, 2019…but before we begin, at a time when American Socialists contemptuously denigrate the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known, those seeking liberty from the yoke of continued Communist tyranny recognize reality:

ANY questions?!?

Now, here’s The Gouge!

We lead off our mid-week edition with the latest, utterly clueless composition courtesy of the world-wide Socialist conspiracy:

Mr. Schiff’s Impeachment Opus

His overstatements reveal the weakness of the Democratic case.


“…The Starr report laid out irrefutable evidence that Mr. Clinton lied to a grand jury and tampered with witnesses. Those were criminal offenses. The evidence that Richard Nixon obstructed justice was also clear once the tapes became public. By contrast, Mr. Schiff’s report mentions no specific crime and is full of too many inferences and overbroad assertions to provide a convincing impeachment case.

This explains why Mr. Schiff’s report won’t gather a single Republican vote, and why this impeachment will remain partisan. On this score, we had to smile at Mr. Schiff’s high-toned invocation of the Founding Fathers’ fear of “excessive factionalism.” He claims to be defending “democracy” against “the power of faction” that would dare defend Mr. Trump against impeachment. Like the President, Mr. Schiff lacks the virtue of being self-aware.

Frankly, he reminds us of either the Jacobins…who initiated the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution…or the equally-blood-thirsty Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland:

Since we’re on the subject of those lacking the virtue of self-awareness, writing at his Morning Jolt, Jim Geraghty suggests to the under-informed among us…

You Don’t Need to Know Who Joe Biden Is, But…Shouldn’t You?


Natasha Korecki, a correspondent for Politico, was on the trail with Joe Biden in Iowa, and noticed a gentleman in the Corn Stalk Cafe with no interest in the hubbub surrounding the former vice president. When she asked him moments later if he just wasn’t a fan of Biden’s, the man, who said he was a farmer in the Missouri Valley, said he had never heard of Biden.

This man may be a terrific farmer and a swell guyor he may have just wanted to keep watching the game and wasn’t interested in talking to a reporter — and most people are just enjoying this as a funny anecdote about the indignities of running for president. But Biden’s been, on and off, one of the most prominent figures in American politics for about four decades nowprobably the entirety of this farmer’s life. On the one hand, freedom must include the freedom to not care about what’s going on in your country’s government. But on the other, self-government presupposes that the people know what they want and care about what they get.

Remember those “Jay-walking” segments when Jay Leno hosted the Tonight Show, where he regularly found people on the street or in line at Universal Studios who couldn’t name which country we fought in the Revolutionary War, or what the Emancipation Proclamation was, what month Election Day was in, what the three branches of the government were, and so on? Some of these people were accomplished in other fields; they simply saw no need to know any of this.

What happens to the government being accountable to the people if the people just aren’t interested?

And it goes beyond recognizing politicians who have been on TV and radio and in newspapers and magazines for decades. Americans score poorly on survey tests about using the Internet securely and safelyWe’re okay on some basic science concepts, shaky on others. We know the basics of Christianity, but struggle with basic questions about other religions. (Just 20 percent knew that Protestantism, not Catholicism, traditionally teaches that salvation comes from faith alone.) (Assuming, for sake of argument, Protestantism and Catholicism are irreconcilably separate religions!) One of the reasons that Medicare for All is polling poorly in recent months is that a segment of the public just now realized that the proposal wouldn’t let people keep their private insurance if they like it — suggesting a lot of folks missed the “for all” part.

Every November, federal, state, and local governments come to the people and essentially ask them what they think: about who should represent them, about referendums, about school budgets, even who should be a judge or a sheriff. And a lot of people respond with a metaphorical, “uh, I don’t know, I’ve never thought about it.” We’re free to tune out, but that decision amounts to wasting a great gift that is still pretty rare in this world. Right now, only about 57 percent of the world’s countries are considered fully Democratic with free and fair electionsFreedom House’s annual reports have assessed the world moving in a less democratic direction every year for the past thirteen yearsmore countries with elections that aren’t really free or fair, with coercion, fraud, or gerrymandering.

Because if you can tune out the existence of Joe Biden, you can tune out a lot more...”

Speaking of Hairplug Joe, check out this blast from his increasingly addled a*s:

Be it recounting tales about his leghairs and roaches or…

…sucking on his wife’s fingers, the Crazy Uncle in the Dimocrats’s Attic has truly lost it.  No wonder a certain New York billionaire thinks he knows best:

Sooo…just so we have this right, under a President Bloomberg, the federal government would take whatever disposable income the poor possess to ensure they exercise healthy dietary options pre-approved by the Progressives.

Why not only permit federal assistance to be spent on certain items?  Better yet, stop providing anyone dependent on the government anything other than a cell phone capable of dialing 911? After all, since when did possessing a cell phone become a necessity, let alone a government-funded right?!?

Back in the day of pay phones and metered long-distance, if you didn’t have the dime, you didn’t get the timeWe got along just finewithout the dime.

Meanwhile, those who never had to work in any other position than on their back…or their knees…on their way up find it easy to quip on their way down, as…

Kamala Harris zings Trump after he mocks her 2020 race exit: ‘I’ll see you at your trial


Gee, Kamala: guess you can’t sleep your way to the top…at least not all the way!

In a related item also courtesy of, as Beth Baumann reports…

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


Just to be clear, Kamala’s “sleep-to-the-top” strategy failed, not because of her weather-vane policies and lack of any coherent message, but rather due to the racist, misogynistic proclivities of a Progressive power structure which twice elected B. Hussein and ran Hillary Clinton for President in 2016.


And in the EnvironMental Moment, we offer one quick thought on the presence of  13 House (12) and Senate (1) Dimocrats at the COP25 in Madrid: what ARE they doing there?

After all, as we recount in our Quote of the Day at the top of the page, the House has no involvement with the Paris Accords whatsoever, the “advise and consent” power over treaties which reside with the Senate.

Which might explain the presence in Madrid of Rhode Island’s Sheldon Whitehouse…except the Paris Accords were never submitted as a treaty for Senate consideration.  As The Boy Blunder knew any unilateral limitation on the U.S. economy stood as much chance of approval as his Iran deal…which is why it was enacted via executive order rather than under the constitutional prerogatives granted the Senate.

Ain’t karma a B*TCH?!?

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these four funnies from Ed Hickey…

…along with this one whose source remains a mystery, but which we nonetheless found pretty funny:

Finally, in the Entertainment Section, we learn…

Martin Scorsese Does Not Recommend Watching ‘The Irishman’ on a Phone: ‘A Big iPad, Maybe


After enduring the film in its entirety last Saturday night, and the first forty minutes or so once again during a workout earlier today, we recommend you not view it at all…that is if you have to pay any extra money to do so.  It put TLJ to sleep and left us less than impressed.

Sure, De Niro’s unabashedly Leftist politics could have influenced our opinion…but we don’t think so.

