It’s Wednesday, December 18th, 2019…and guys, there are only six shopping days left before Christmas.  But before we begin, here’s today’s winner of the James Comey “Pat Myself on the Back” award for chutzpah, as…

Harvey Weinstein blames sex assault charges for ruining legacy, brags about creating female-led films ‘first


In a related item, based on our knowledge as a B.S. in History from the U.S. Naval Academy focused on Nazi Germany and the FIRST American Civil War, we understand the last thing to go through Der Führer’s mind…other than that 7.65mm slug from his Walther PPK…was…

Adolf Hitler blames Holocaust charges for ruining his legacy, brags about creating defense sector employment opportunities for Jews ‘first


Okay, unlike Alexander Vindman, we admit a portion of what we we testified to above is solely our opinion, without any basis in fact.  Still, this particular expression of Weinstein’s remorse should play well with his jury…

…particularly the female members.

Though it’s worth noting, should Weinstein ever offer to provide evidence of malfeasance by the Clintons in exchange for leniency, the last thing through his head might well match that of Hitler’s.  Oh,…and that Vindman was the only hearsay witness in as poor a physical condition as Harvey.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, the Editorial Board of the WSJ highlights the hijinks of…

The Incredibly Incurious Mr. Comey

The IG report shows investigators who didn’t investigate Steele.


James Comey has finally admitted some “sloppiness” over the surveillance warrant for former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. The former FBI director should re-read Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report because it lays out a record of willful incuriosity about Christopher Steele and his dossier that is hard to credit as mere incompetence.

The report quotes Bill Priestap, a key FBI player in the 2016 Crossfire Hurricane probe into the Trump campaign, that the FBI had “concerns” about Mr. Steele’s “reporting the day we got it[S]ome of it was so sensational, that we just, we did not take it at face value.”

But if the FBI was initially skeptical, it isn’t evident in the IG report

Which brings us to Mr. Comey’s incredible incuriosity. Crossfire Hurricane was among the most politically fraught investigations in recent American history. Yet the IG says Mr. Comey recalls few details, says he was only periodically updated on the “status,” and didn’t make any “significant investigative decisions.” This is at odds with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s testimony to the IG that Mr. Comey in spring 2016 went out of his way to “[pull] her aside” to tell her the FBI believed the Russians intended to “use Page for information.”

Had the FBI done even basic due diligence on Mr. Steele, his financiers and sources, it would never have sought a FISA warrant(Or maybe it still would have; or, perhaps more likely they already knew all about Steele!) Mr. Comey and his investigators have more to answer for than sloppiness.

Meanwhile, writing at Best of the Web, Jim Freeman points out…

The Real Trump Scandal

There’s no impeachment case. But federal spending is outrageous.


In an understandably angry letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today, President Donald Trump makes his case against Democrats’ impeachment effort. If only Mr. Trump could summon the same anger to counter the Pelosi spending agenda...”

As Rand Paul was quoted in the same item…

The dirty little secret is that there is actually too much compromise in Washington. Republicans want more military money and Democrats want more welfare money. (Or, more specifically, to buy more votes!) Every time they compromise, Congress chooses to spend and borrow more.

And we…along with our children, our children’s children, and THEIR progeny…for generations to come…will be footing the bill.

Next up, in the Ignorance Loves Company segment, it appears Joy Behar isn’t the only Progressive who jumps to politically-convenient conclusions, as NRO‘s John Hirschauer calls an anti-Semitic spade a Jew-hating garden implement in describing…

Tlaib’s Confusion, and Ours


In response to Tuesday’s shooting spree at a kosher market in New Jersey, Rashida Tlaib took to Twitter to offer her since-deleted lament: “White supremacy kills.”

Let’s insist, for a moment, upon the Occam’s razor explanation for the New Jersey massacre, undertaken by two now-deceased African-American suspects, one of whom had alleged ties to the Black Hebrew Israelites and a history of anti-Semitic and anti-police activity online. Simplicity stipulated, the explanation should be clear enough: Two African-American assailants harbored some amalgam of anti-Semitism and anti-police fervor, which culminated in their slaying a police officer and several Jewish citizens. It’s possible that such an explanation is not true. It’s possible that the pair were suffering a heretofore unreported psychotic break. It’s possible that the two woke up on Tuesday and decided to kill four random people, three of whom, by stochastic accident, just so happened to be either Jewish or a police officer. It’s possible that the two were operating under some false conciousness foisted upon them by the clandestine forces of “white supremacy,” and that — if you really think about it — their actions were enabled by a broader “climate of hate” enabled by Donald Trump, the Republican party, Jeff Sessions, Brett Kavanaugh, and the 2017 tax reform.

It’s probably the anti-Semitism and anti-police stuff, though.

Tlaib has, of this writing, yet to post anything on her personal Twitter account offering her condolences to the four people killed in New Jersey since she deleted her tweet. Apparently — Occam’s razor again — the condolences were never the point.

It’s possible Tlaib isn’t a sterling example of contemporary anti-Western, anti-Semitic Progressivism; but as Occam’s Razor suggests, it ain’t probable

Turning now to the Follow-Up segment, NRO‘s Robert Verbruggen provides us…

Virginia’s Second Amendment Sanctuaries: An Update


…you damn dirty Dimocrats!

We frankly welcome Virginia’s current Dimocratic majority passing gun-confiscation legislation…provided Virginia’s black-face-sporting Governor and Attorney General, “over-sexed” Lieutenant Governor and every member of the General Assembly backing the measure are the first ones in the door at as many homes as it takes to teach the state’s Dimocratic Party the true meaning of “Sic semper tyrannis”.

And in the EnvironMental Moment, Greta’s 15-minutes of Asperger’s-induced fame is apparently already starting to fade, as a…

German Train Company Had Something to Say About Greta Thunberg’s Photo of Herself Sitting on Floor


Deutsche Bahn (DB) spotted her message and was quick to offer a fuller picture of what really took place on their “overcrowded” train

“Dear Greta, Thank you for supporting us railroaders in the fight against climate change! We were happy that you travelled with us on Saturday in the ICE 74…but it would have been even nicer, had you also reported how friendly and competently you were looked after by our team at your seat in the first class.”…”

To which Greta responded she’s tired and needs some time off.  As our caddy told us when we asked what would help our game, “Take two weeks off; then give up golf completely.”

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this string of politically-motivated memes forwarded by Balls Cotton, the first of which is an instant classic:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with our Inaccuracy in Media segment (aka, “Fake News”), courtesy today of an item from Drudge, a once-unimpeachable purveyor of truth:

REPORT: 99% of biggest firms pay no federal tax at all…


Keep in mind, this is the teaser featured at Drudge, which takes you to a website entitled Greenwich Time, and this article sourced from the WaPo…

Corporations paid 11.3% tax rate last year after steep drop under Trump’s law


…which offered the following glaringly inconsistent statistic:

The report also found that 91 corporations in the Fortune 500, many worth billions of dollars, paid no federal taxes last year.

So now, at least according to Drudge‘s fuzzy math, 91/500=99%.

Given Drudge‘s discernible drift to the left of late, such…”inaccuracies” no longer surprise us

But neither do other items of fuzzy logic also set forth by the WaPo reporters:

About 400 of America’s largest corporations paid an average federal tax rate of about 11% on their profits last year, roughly half the official rate established under President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax law, according to a report released Monday.

The 2017 tax law lowered the U.S. corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, but in practice large companies often pay far less than that because of deductions, tax breaks and other loopholes.

In the first year of the law, the amount corporations paid in federal taxes on their incomes – their “effective rate” – was 11.3% on average, possibly its lowest level in more than three decades, according to a report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, a left-leaning think tank.

From 2008 to 2015, under the previous tax code, the corporations’ effective rate was about 21%, according to ITEP’s prior research…”

As Benjamin Disraeli is reputed to have said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics”.  Though had Queen Vic’s PM been familiar with Barack Hussein Obama and the Clintons, he might have phrased his observation differently.

Point is, like The Left’s selective quoting of Scripture…subject matter with which, by definition, they’re wholly-unfamiliar…Progressive reporters constantly use subtle words and hand-picked numbers to paint a picture which misrepresents reality.

To wit: would anyone disagree the above-referenced article suggests relative corporate tax payments after Trump’s 2017 cuts are dramatically different from those received prior?

Here’s the juice (noting, if you will, the portions highlighted in red): the “about 11%” receipt rate, later more precisely detailed as 11.3%, represents 54% of the established tax rate.  Assuming, as one well might, the “about 21%” corporations on average paid under the prior tax code was rounded up rather than down by the “left-leaning think tank”, 20.7%/35%=59%, a 5% delta.  Had the precise figure been even lower (we’re always suspicious of statistics preceded by terms like “about” or roughly”, when elsewhere in the same article they’re precisely cited), say 20%, the difference would have been a whopping 3%, hence of “statistical” significance.

That Disraeli dude knew of what he spoke.

