It’s Monday, March 16th, 2020…but before we begin, we believe the spirit and determination the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team brought to the ice at Lake Placid…

…remains in the heart of most Americans today: this country’s up to any challenge its enemies, foreign…

or domestic…

…care to present.  And regarding the Wuhan Virus, as Gene Krantz was represented to have replied during the Apollo 13 crisis:

Still, as this meme from Andy Lang via Jeff Foutch correctly indicates…


Most importantly, continue to pray for and support each other, our leaders and our nation, focusing your individual assistance on the older and more vulnerable segments of society.  If you’re going out, ask an infirm/elderly neighbor/acquaintance whether you can pick something up for them at the grocery store or pharmacy.  Though the risk to your own life may be minimal, you may be, quite literally, saving theirs.

In the meantime, to all Millennials and members of Generations Z…

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, in the interest of presenting an aspect of the COVID 19 crisis we ourselves continue to question, writing at, Chris Stigall wonders…

Is Anyone Asking Questions During Coronavirus?


“…The psychology around this virus and the way it’s being covered is very strange. We know President Trump began taking action in January to mitigate travel between China and the United States. Media and health officials knew about coronavirus then. Maybe you heard a passing blip about a cruise ship, but certainly nothing like this.

Stores weren’t having runs on hand sanitizer and toilet paper in January. Or February. Or even the first week of March. Why? Because the media was talking about the Democrat’s horse race. Biden was nearly done politically. Super Tuesday was just around the corner. But coronavirus was already here and spreading fast. Likely as early as the second half of last year.

I’m prepared to suggest thousands of Americans have already contracted coronavirus, blew it off as the flu or a cold, and moved on. As they should.

Then, wham! Biden has a huge night and picks up “Joe-mentum.” Every Democrat who’d been ferociously competing for a year or more suddenly drops out at the same time and endorses Biden. Bernie gets crushed in two primary elections back to back. Then….CORONAVIRUS!

All public events cease. A near octogenarian who can’t string a cogent paragraph together is abruptly crowned the party victor well before the necessary delegates are earned to secure the Democrats’ nomination. Well before more scheduled debates. It’s just…over.

Key Democrats are suggesting the remaining schedule of the contest should simply be terminated while Biden gets to hide from public view and coast to the fall, I guess? Then there’s President Trump and his wildly popular and well-attended rallies. Gone. Over. As are all public events. Just done. In a snap.

No, I’m not making connections or crafting conspiracies. I’m simply asking you to consider where we’ve beenjust days ago – versus where we are now. It’s freakishly different. When that kind of pivot-on-a-dime news happens, I like to back away and assess.

Sharyl Attkisson, host of Full Measure on the Sinclair television network spoke with me this week about the media coverage surrounding COVID-19, and, like me, she drew on history and had many more questions than answers about the level of intensity this particular event is receiving now.

When I pointed to an Associated Press story – one of the few – to report the positive news 63,000 people have contracted coronavirus, recuperated and moved on with their lives, Attkisson suggested it’s likely a far bigger number.

Think of it a different way. What if I told you a million Americans contracted coronavirus, but fewer than forty people have died from it to date. Half of those are in one community of nursing homes. Would that change your attitude about this at all? Maybe not.

But is that possible? It’s highly possible, if not probable. The more people we verify contract this virus and live to tell the tale, the mortality rate drops to ridiculously low levels. More in line with a virulent flu season.

But we’re not allowed to talk about that. You can’t even say flu and coronavirus in the same sentence lest you be accused of comparing the two or making it sound as though you’re downplaying an emergency. It’s called perspective. That’s all. And we need more of it.

I know, I know. It’s heresy to ask questions of the white lab coats, but they’re just as human as our corrupt-to-the-core intelligence officials of the last few years. We’re also told not to question the “consensus of scientists” that we control the intensity of weather or that Benghazi was because of a YouTube video, or…. fill in your favorite now debunked, once inarguable “fact.” There are plenty.

“I just think you have to not take everything at face value,” Attkisson told me in conclusion. Ask questions, be prudent, and unfortunatelyget your own information and try to make up your own mind on this stuff.”

Given the empty toilet paper shelves, I’d say we have a long way to go as a nation on that.

Though our personal physician remains convinced the worst…and he means the worst…is yet to come, we honestly wonder whether The Donald’s actions are necessitated not by the virulence of the Wuhan Virus, but rather the pressure of Progressive propaganda inaccurately calling into question the effectiveness and timing of his Administration’s response.

In his response to the housing crisis, George W. Bush bailed out the very players who, along with a Dimocratic Congress, caused the problem.  Obama then pissed away almost $1 trillion on a Stimulus which accomplished nothingother than funneling money to Liberal lobbies and special interest groups.

Here’s the juice: through years of outsourcing, we have placed loaded weapons in the hands of two nations, one of which is at best a fair-weather friend, while the other is America’s primary rival for global dominance.  The latter now has said weapon pointed squarely at our nation’s head.

Forget further infusions to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve; The Donald needs to propose a Strategic Pharmaceutical and Medical Products Reserve.  Seriously, an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure, if Obama could funnel taxpayer dollars to innumerable renewable energy boondoggles like Tesla and Solyndra, surely Trump could fund development of emergency manufacturing facilities for critical pharmaceuticals and medical products, including but not limited to virus-proof masks, ventilators and hand sanitizer.

We’re certainly not paid to think about such stuff, but developments over the last few months lead us to conclude whoever in Washington IS paid to do so has been sleeping on the job…and this includes the clowns who promoted the blatantly bogus Mueller investigation and the manifestly fraudulent impeachment proceedings.

Meanwhile, for those who aren’t old enough to remember what it was like December 7, 1941, the afternoon of November 22nd, 1963 or the morning of September 11, 2001…

Put another way, consider yourself in the shoes of the lovely but mis-identified Elizabeth Swann as Captain Barbossa suggests…

Is everything thus far an overreaction?  We don’t know, at least not for certain; what we DO know is there was never a similar reaction to the outbreak of either the MERS or SARS viruses.

We also know the “major” networks never provided the previous occupant of the Oval Office the negative coverage (ABCPresident Trump not taking responsibility for coronavirus testing issues), (MSDNCU.S. Reeling From Coronavirus Testing Shortage As Trump Says He Won’t Take Any Responsibility) and (CBSTrump says cornavirus test kits “coming very soon,” leaving patients anxious for results) they regularly afford Donald Trump. 

It’s been as blatantly one-sided and deliberate as these tweets from Sean Davis suggest:

In a related item at Watts Up With That via Jeff Foutch, in addition to explaining The Math of Epidemics (which is a must-read), author Willis Eschenbach opines…

On Political Correctness


Yes, I know that the wokerati have taken up the cry that calling it the “Chinese Coronavirus” or the “Wuhan Virus” is RACIST!!!, their go-to accusation to try to discount anyone they don’t like.

Keep in mind, this is via VOX, hardly a bastion of Conservative thought!

And if you think that the people who are claiming that this is RACIST!!! actually believe it and it’s not just sleazy political maneuvering, consider the following two tweets, six weeks apart:

Followed by…

However, if you insist on taking that route, before you bust me for calling it the Wuhan Virus because it originated in Wuhan, please let me know your racism-free politically 100% correct alternative names for each of the following illnesses, all of which are named for their place of origination:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Lyme Disease
  • Marburg Fever
  • West Nile Virus
  • Valley Fever
  • Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
  • Ebola Virus
  • German Measles
  • Lassa Fever
  • Ross River Fever
  • La Crosse Encephalitis
  • Legionnaire’s Disease
  • St. Louis Encephalitis
  • Heartland Virus
  • Bornholm Disease
  • Junin Virus
  • Nipah Virus
  • Rift Valley Fever
  • Zika Virus
  • Norovirus

I mean, we don’t want to be RACIST!!! regarding the people of St. Louis or the inhabitants of the Rocky Mountains, do we?

Jim Acosta: he put the “A”, “C”, “O”, “S”, “T” and “A” in “Arrogant, Condescending, Offensive, Self-important, Tawdry A*shole”.  And those are the more positive aspects of Jim’s character.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this cartoon courtesy of the The Penguin…

…along with these memes from Balls Cotton…

…our sister-in-law Jackie…

…Speed Mach…

…Jeff Foutch…

…our Wednesday evening trivia teammate Patrick…

…and last, but certainly not least, Jimmy Crilley:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with another titillating tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter, brought to us by George Lawlor and a rather lawless royal, as a…

South African king goes on ax rampage in palace, targets regent son


Guess he wanted to “axed” him a question!

The nephew of the late Nelson Mandela – who happens to be a South African king – was arrested after allegedly going on an ax rampage in the palace, reports claim.

Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo reportedly broke into the Thembu royal palace early Friday morning searching for his son, the regent, the BBC reported. Dalindyebo’s son, Azensthi Zanelizwe Dalindyebo, had been acting as king while his father was serving a 12-year prison sentence for kidnapping, assault, and arson.

He only served a third of his sentence and released in December 2019 after President Cyril Ramaphosa granted some prisoners early parole. A royal spokesman said Azensthi and his wife were targeted in the early-morning attack. The regent escaped through a window, but his wife was injured and subsequently taken to a hospital, the BBC reported.

He was carrying weapons such as (an) ax, a machete and also a crowbar,” royal spokesman Prince Siganyeko Dalindyebo told public broadcaster SABC. “He managed to break a window from the sitting room of the main house.”

“As he was moving up the stairs looking for the acting king, some people managed to distract him and then the acting king managed to jump out of a window, running for safety,” the prince continued.

“He has wreaked havoc in the palace…he started ransacking the king’s room, all confidential documents – threw them around.”

According to local report, Dalindeybo was released on a warning…”

A warning?!?  Just goes to prove, even in Africa…

