It’s Monday, April 20th, 2020…but before we begin, here’s a story Tucker broke late Friday which bears repeating:

Far be it from us to throw the P.C. bullsh*t flag, but what are the chances (1) Kizzmekia was an affirmative action hire; and/or…far more importantly…(2) her obvious mental instability might adversely impact the quality of her work?!?

Regardless, were Kizzmekia “Courtney”, and her tweets disparaging of Blacks or some other protected class, she’d have woken up Saturday unemployed. 

This is just the latest iteration of the Gentle Giant myth which provided Progressive racists the convenient cover to create Black Lives Matter, which then gave birth to the utterly idiotic…

…along with the equally asinine…

Nuts Who Said Knee.

Two thoughts: first, racists come in all shapes, sizes, religions and ethnicities.  Second, if Kizzmekia Corbett comes up with a cure…

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of NRO, John Hirschauer details…

Ralph Northam’s Transformation of Virginia

Last weekend, Virginia’s governor enshrined progressive understandings of abortion and gender identity into state law.


Like many people of faith, Virginia governor Ralph Northam spent last weekend bearing witness to his convictions. On Good Friday, he signed the Reproductive Health Protection Act (RHPA) into law, which, among other things, waived the 24-hour waiting period, pro-adoption counseling, and mandatory ultrasound that had been previously required for women seeking abortions. On Holy Saturday, Northam signed the Virginia Values Act, a bill recognizing sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories under Virginia’s anti-discrimination law. As has happened in other states with similar laws, the bill imperils the conscience rights of people of faith, as well as those who remain unconvinced that a man can become a woman just by saying so. On Easter Sunday, Northam rested from all the work that he had done.

After signing the RHPA into law, Northam’s office released a statement boasting that “no more will legislators in Richmond — most of whom are men — be telling women what they should and should not be doing with their bodies.” It was a strange thing for Northam to brag about, considering that he would sign a law not 24 hours later requiring businesses to recognize that men who identify as women are, for all legal purposes, women. If businesses in the Commonwealth of Virginia are required under threat of civil sanction to affirm that men, too, can get pregnant, the least that the governor could do is apologize for his insinuation to the contrary.

“The Reproductive Health Protection Act will make women and families safer,” Northam continued, “and I’m proud to sign it into law.” While I do not doubt that the same Ralph Northam who defended infanticide is “proud” of his efforts to make it easier for women to kill their unborn children, his statement does not address whether and how the RHPA will make “families safer,” or what “safety” means in the context of a procedure that is necessarily unsafe for at least one of the two parties involved. It is also left to our imaginations to adduce how the bill’s allowance of non-physicians to perform abortions will make the procedure “safer” for the women involved

Here’s the juice: If there are levels in Hell (a concept to which we’re…warming!), Ralph Northam and his fellow advocates of infanticide who’ve created and perpetuated Progressivism’s culture of death will certainly occupy a level far closer to the furnace than the likes of…

…Little Bill and William Munny.

To borrow a phrase from The Terminator

Or, perhaps more appropriately, borrowing from our Navy days, read and heed:

Since 1973, almost as many unborn babies have been slaughtered in the United States alone than the number of people killed in all of WWII.  In roughly the same time span, Planned Parenthood has exterminated nearly 50% more innocents than the Nazis did Jews.  Worldwide since 1980, more babies have been sacrificed on the altar of abortion than the current population of China.  It should be noted, in a perverse irony, the ChiCom’s abhorrent “One Child” policy (one of the VERY FEW things Joe Biden understands!) significantly contributed to that incomprehensible statistic.

Even more ironic are the racist blatherings of Kizzmekia Corbett in the face of Blacks, despite comprising only 12.7% of the U.S. population, having undergone 30% of abortions in the U.S. since Roe.  We can only assume Black lives only matter to woke Progressives outside the womb.

To mangle a phrase from Shakespeare’s Henry V, here is an utterly ignoble and reprehensible fellowship of death.

Next up, the WSJ‘s Kim Strassel records how Pelosi & Co., along with their shills in the MSM, are already…

Moving the Shutdown Goal Posts

Liberals try to set Trump up to take the blame for any further coronavirus deaths.


The shutdown came. The shutdown conquered. Long live the shutdown.

That’s the line congressional Democrats and liberal journalists are now adopting, as they set new battle lines in the pandemic debate. The Trump administration might have thought the hard call was shutting down the U.S. economy. The left intends to make reopening it far harder, lacing it with political risk by raising the bar for “success” to fantasy heights.

By these standards, no lockdown may end until the Trump administration can “guarantee” a “safe” world in which people return to “normal.” The feds must stand up a testing system capable of hunting down and snuffing out each new infection. There can be no more outbreaks, and reopening cannot “significantly add” to existing counts (and the press reserves the authority to define “significantly.”) The unsaid corollary is that Mr. Trump will be held politically responsible for reopening in any way that fails to meet these baselines—on the hook for each subsequent death.

Talk about moving goal posts. A month ago, the administration announced its 15-day plan to “flatten the curve” and “slow the spread” of the virus. Examine those phrases. The goal of the shutdown was never to eradicate the disease—an impossibility absent a vaccine. The lockdown was designed to buy the health sector time, to make sure all the cases didn’t hit at once in a crush that would overwhelm hospitals, à la Italy.

In that regard, the Trump administration has become a victim of its own success. The guidelines did flatten the curve. As ugly as the outbreak has been, even New York City and other hot spots have had enough ventilators. Numerous emergency field hospitals ended up sitting empty. The lockdown has been so effective that it has allowed Mr. Trump’s political opponents to lay out a false narrative of what counts as “victory.”

The political cynicism is extraordinary…”

What Kimberly’s describing is yet one more example of life imitating art; though in this case, the question isn’t

…but rather, what political party could so consistently act against the best interests of the majority of its citizens.  The answer’s easy: the same party which championed chattel slavery, Jim Crow and the indentured servitude of the Welfare State.

Since we’re on the subject of duplicitous Dimocrats and their MSM allies acting contrary to the interests of their country, courtesy of Front Page Magazine via Jeff Foutch, Dan Greenfield highlights how the…

The Terror Caucus puts Iran ahead of America.


On April 9th, as California passed 500 Wuhan Virus deaths and 19,000 cases, Senator Dianne Feinstein dispatched a letter on Senate stationary to the President of the United States.

The letter did not ask for help for California, but for Iran.

Senator Feinstein wrote to express her unhappiness that President Trump had blocked Iran from getting $5 billion from the International Monetary Fund. She urged him to help the Islamic terror state, which has murdered countless Americans, get the money in the “interests of international security“.

While Americans were dying, the Senate Terror Caucus was hard at workfor Iran.

There are two Americas. There’s the country we know and the [Progressive] bubble in Washington D.C.

During a pandemic, top Democrats were ignoring their dying constituents while laboring frantically to meet the demands of the Iran Lobby.

Whom do these Democrats serve?…”

As Matthew 6:24 notes, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.”

In other words, Dimocrats cannot serve both America and her enemies.  The members of the Terror Caucus…

…have accurately identified where their allegiance lies.

By the way, Greenfield goes on to note Joe Biden…

…is a founding member of the Dimocratic Terror Caucus.

Which brings us, inappropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this from Brenda Berry…

…one from Jeff Foutch…

…four from Mark Foster…

…and three from Balls Cotton:

Actually, no, we DON’T; we STILL hate the Bronx…along with the rest of New York City!!!

Finally, we’ll call it a day with this instant classic from James Nichols:

No doubt he tastes like chicken!

