It’s Wednesday, August 12th, 2020…and this is what comes of race and sex-based special interest politics:

Tucker Carlson shares a few of Harris’s past positions which should concern Progressives…and that greatly!

We’re far from convinced the ticket of Groper Joe and Kamala the Concubine, aka, Joe and the Ho, (Oops: we violated the written law regarding coverage of Harris’s candidacy!) will widen Biden’s base; indeed, to the contrary, the thought of Harris occupying the Oval Office upon Biden being declared non-compos mentis immediately after his inauguration might well work the opposite.

But one thing’s for certain: there are an awful lot of voters who are with Bernie Goldberg as he explains…

Why I Want Biden to Lose More than I Want Trump to Win


As regular readers of my column know, I’m no fan of Donald Trump. And that’s putting it mildly.

I don’t like his chronic dishonesty. I don’t like narcissism. I don’t like his nastiness and his silly name-calling. I detest his need to constantly cause chaos, as he did with a recent tweet suggesting we should postpone the 2020 presidential election. There’s nothing about this man’s character that I like.

And I hope he wins re-election in a landslide.

Actually what I mean is that I hope the Republican candidate beats the Democratic candidate. And I wish the Republican candidate were almost anybody else. But since “almost anybody else” isn’t running, I hope Joe Biden loses more than I’m actively rooting for Donald Trump to win. If that’s akin to a distinction without a difference, so be it.

Republicans have their faults too, that’s for sure – but, all things considered, they’re not as bad as what the Democratic Party has become…”

And though millions of Americans share, as we do, many of Goldberg’s thoughts, not voting for The Donald isn’t one of them.  In the spirit of the late, great Admiral Bill Halsey, we plan to vote fast, vote hard and vote…as often as legally permissible under Maryland law!

In the meantime, Progressives…

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of NRO via James Nichols, Jack Crowe reports how…

Chicago’s ‘Magnificent Mile’ Looted after Police Shooting


Looters ransacked shops in downtown Chicago early on Monday morning following a shootout between a suspect and police officers.

According to police, officers were called to the Englewood neighborhood on Sunday afternoon after receiving reports of a man with a gun. (A gun obviously obtained outside Chicago from somewhere with no background checks!) Officers found a suspect who matched the description, however the suspect attempted to flee and fired at officers giving chase. Police then shot and wounded the suspect, who was brought into custody.

However, police said rumors spread in the neighborhood that the suspect was a child, when in fact the man is in his 20’s. A crowd gathered at the sight of the shooting and confrontations with police ensued. One officer was sprayed with a can of mace and the windows of a police vehicle were smashed with a brick, while community members told a local CBS affiliate that officers beat some of the demonstrators.

Hundreds of people began looting stores in Chicago on Sunday night, causing city authorities to raise bridges leading to the city’s downtown area and cease public transportation. There have been reports of shots fired between officers and looters during attempted arrests…”

Submitted for your perusal…

We particularly liked the Alderman’s explanation at the 1:46 mark, as well as the traffic report at 2:24 for those planning on going to work in the area later that morning.

If you like cities similar to Chicago under Dimocratic mayors, you’re gonna LOVE America under a Dimmer-cratic President and his Far, Far Left soon-to-be successor!  

Sorry, but having sown the wind…

…it’s well nigh impossible for all the Dimocrats’ horses and all the Dimocrats’ men…and womyn…to control the inevitable whirlwind with just words:

“Justice”, of course, being a relative term when applied in Progressive circles, as demonstrated by this act of craven capitulation to The Mob by Portland D.A. Mike Schmidt, who just said in a statement…

“…that “the prosecution of people exercising their rights to free speech and assembly in a non-violent manner takes away from the limited resources that we have to prosecute serious crimes and to assist crime victims.”

Under the new policy the DA will not prosecute charges of interfering with a peace officer or parole and probation officer, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, escape, harassment or riot and will subject charges of resisting arrest or assaulting a police officer “to the highest level of scrutiny by the deputy district attorney reviewing the arrest.”

“Consideration will be given to the chaos of a protesting environment,” the release continues, “especially after tear gas or other less-lethal munitions have been deployed against community members en masse.”…”

If Portland or any urban enclave were a stock, we’d be shorting it.

In a related item forwarded by George Lawlor, as FOX News reports…

Black Lives Matter holds rally in Chicago to support those arrested after looting, unrest


Black Lives Matter members in Chicago held a rally on Monday to support the more than 100 arrested last night following widespread looting and rioting that caused at least $60 million in property damage and saw 13 police officers injured, according to a report.

The rally was organized by Black Lives Matter Chicago and was held at a police station in the South Loop where organizers say individuals are currently being held in custody. At least one organizer called the looting tantamount to “reparations.”

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” said Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, according to NBC Chicago. “That makes sure that person has clothes.” That is reparations,” Atkins continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”…”

Because Macy’s, Nike, Gucci or any other business, big or small, along with their insurers, none of whom ever owned slaves or supported slavery in any way, should provide free goods to those who never experienced it.

It’s like King said in Platoon…  

Here’s hoping the beast stays hungry through November 3rd.

In another related item from The American Spectator forwarded by our sister-in-law Amy, former state and federal prosecutor George Parry asks and answers… 

Who Killed George Floyd?


What follows is a very thorough and insightful analysis of the available video and forensic evidence concerning the Floyd tragedy, one well worth your time to review.  In fact, in our opinion, it reaches the level of must-read.

It’s worth noting from 1978 to 1983, Mr. Parry was the Chief of the Police Brutality/Misconduct Unit of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office investigating and prosecuting use of deadly force by police.  Which, given the reputation of the Philadelphia Police Department at the time, and with no disrespect to the author, meant he was very busy either going after crooked cops or covering up their tracks.

Speaking of the City of Brotherly Love (Yeah, it has about as much Brotherly Love as Baltimore has charm!), writing at The Daily Wire, Hank Berrian introduces us to a Philadelphia teacher concerned that…

Parents With Access To Virtual Classrooms Would Do Damage To ‘Honest Conversations About Gender/Sexuality


On Saturday, a teacher posted a thread on Twitter in which he bemoaned the possibility that parents who had access to watching their children’s virtual classrooms would do damage to “honest conversations about gender/sexuality” that teachers would have with students.

The teacher, Matthew R. Kay,wrote:

So, this fall, virtual class discussions will have many potential spectators — parents, siblings, etc. — in the same room.  We’ll never be quite sure who is overhearing the discourse.  What does this do for our equity/inclusion work?

How much have students depended on the (somewhat) secure barriers of our physical classrooms to encourage vulnerability?  How many of us have installed some version of “what happens here stays here” to help this?

While conversations about race are in my wheelhouse, and remain a concern in this no-walls environment — I am most intrigued by the damage that “helicopter/snowplow” parents can do in honest conversations about gender/sexuality

And while “conservative” parents are my chief concern — I know that the damage can come from the left too.  If we are engaged in the messy work of destabilizing a kids racism or homophobia or transphobia — how much do we want their classmates’ parents piling on?…”

Think such indoctrination ain’t happening?  This video from PBS Kids entitled Arthur on Racism: Talk, Listen and Act should disabuse you of the notion:

Hey, if a popular cartoon character says America is infected with systemic racism, it must be true!

Since we’re on the subject of incurable infections, writing at Best of the Web, Jim Freeman explores the math behind…

Cuomo Accounting


One has to be a very careful and diligent consumer of news to appreciate that both the overall death toll and the per capita death toll from Covid-19 are much higher in New York state than in any of the Sun Belt states routinely subjected to media scorn.

Now it appears that the horrific cost of New York’s misguided early decision to force nursing homes to accept infected patients is much larger than previously reported. Bernard Condon, Matt Sedensky and Meghan Hoyer note for the Associated Press:

New York’s coronavirus death toll in nursing homes, already among the highest in the nation, could actually be a significant undercount. Unlike every other state with major outbreaks, New York only counts residents who died on nursing home property and not those who were transported to hospitals and died there.

That statistic could add thousands to the state’s official care home death toll of just over 6,600. But so far the administration of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has refused to divulge the number, leading to speculation the state is manipulating the figures to make it appear it is doing better than other states and to make a tragic situation less dire.

“That’s a problem, bro,” state Sen. Gustavo Rivera, a Democrat, told New York Health Commissioner Howard Zucker during a legislative hearing on nursing homes earlier this month. “It seems, sir, that in this case you are choosing to define it differently so that you can look better.”

Could New York officials look any worse?

Actually,…yes, as Sonny Cuomo recently decried the need for an independent investigation of his New York nursing home policies because,…well,…as NRO relates…

I wouldn’t do an investigation [into nursing home deaths] whether or not it’s political,” Cuomo said at a press conference. “I think you’d have to be blind to realize it’s not political.

Blind…and alive…beats dead in a nursing home due to Sonny Cuomo’s incredibly callous COVID policies.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this classic from Balls Cotton:

Finally, we end where we began, and 6 minutes and 51 seconds which spell real trouble for the Biden/Harris ticket:

Then again, he could have picked…

…Stacey Eat World.

