It’s Monday, September 28th, 2020…but before we begin, this just in from the state too broke to be an independent republic but too large to be an insane asylum, as…

Berkeley is the first city in the US to ban junk food in checkout lanes


Berkeley is gearing up to become the first city in the nation to ban junk food from the checkout line in grocery stores. In a unanimous vote Tuesday night, the Berkeley City Council passed the “healthy checkout” ordinance.

Come March 2021, when the measure is set to take effect, large grocery stores in the California city will be prohibited from selling food and beverages deemed unhealthy in a 3-foot radius from the checkout.

“It’s not really a ban, it’s a nudge,” co-sponsor of the ordinance Councilmember Kate Harrison told FOX Business. “What we have discovered is that this law enforces good behavioral economics and facilitates better choices.”…”

Inquiring minds will have quickly noticed the “nudge” Ms. Harrison sponsored is based exclusively on the opinions of her and her like-minded…

…who, in a fashion similar to such would-be-fascists as Michael “Little Mike” Bloomberg, Michelle “Moochie” Obama and countless others of stunted development before them intent upon imposing their beliefs and feelings about how things ought to be upon others, are only too happy to take whatever power the ignorant and misinformed willingly grant them.  Which, if you haven’t figured it out by now, is what the majority of the Wuhan lockdown…

…has been about.

In an unrelated aside, we echo the sentiment expressed in this Speed Mach meme:

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, NRO‘s Kevin Williamson lends his usual brilliance to his analysis of…

The Arson Party

You can have the riots, or you can have the sanctimony — you can’t have both.


About that peaceful transfer of power…

I do not have access to my friend Mario Loyola’s Donald J. Trump super-secret decoder ring, but I am inclined to accept Loyola’s explanation that what President Trump was trying to say, but couldn’t quite manage to say, was the usual witless Trump trolling — “I will win if we have a fair election without millions of fraudulent mail-in ballots,” Loyola translates — delivered in a slightly more illiterate than usual version of the president’s signature disco-ball-made-of-squirrels style, somewhere between “All mimsy were the borogoves!” and “Ah, but the strawberries, that’s, that’s where I had them, they laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, with geometric logic, that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox did exist!”

Just another Wednesday on Planet Trump…”

Trump’s statement was two kinds of dumb: regular dumb and politically dumb. Regular dumb in that it was the kind of confused logorrhea that really should have been interrupted by Samuel L. Jackson demanding…

…?!? Politically dumb in that it forces Trump’s apologists to promise to be peaceful, to make a very firm and solemn vow to be peaceful, to buy a first-class ticket on the good ol’ peace train — at the very moment when Democratic mobs in Democratic cities were burning everything they can get their hands on, shooting police officers and other people, rioting and promising more riots, egged on by elected Democrats who promise to gut the Constitution in the pursuit of partisan political advantage. Even Portland mayor Ted Wheeler, the most useless corncob in American political life, is starting to think it’s a bit much.

Ah, but Republicans, of all people, must affirm their peaceable intent. Anybody remember a bunch of guys in short-sleeved white button-down shirts and ties from Jos A. Banks raising hell in Provo when Mitt Romney lost? Of course you don’t — it didn’t happen. The only time National Review subscribers have ever been close to rioting was when the ship’s bar temporarily ran out of Glenmorangie on one particularly thirsty post-election cruise.

Republicans are always right on the edge of political violence, or so we are told — by people who refuse to acknowledge that Democrats have gone over that edge. Democrats can shoot, loot, and burn all day, and it’s a “mostly peaceful protest.”

During the 2000 Florida recount, some Republicans did the very un-Republican thing of staging a protest — not a “mostly peaceful” protest but an actual, honest-to-goodness peaceful one. What did the Democrats call it? The Brooks Brothers riot.”

(Which will be the name of my next band.)

We have seen this before, of course. The last time around, every Democrat with a public platform in North America demanded that Trump et al. promise to “accept the results” of the election — and then they promptly rejected the results themselves when the wonky psychotic ping-pong ball of American democracy didn’t bounce their way. Now, they want Republicans to promise a peaceful transition of power — even as they turn the election season into a season of blood and fire.

Of course Republicans will, if Trump loses the election, see to a peaceful transfer of power, at least on their end. Mitch McConnell is not going to don a beret and man the barricades. Republicans aren’t waiting for the revolution — they’re waiting for TGI Fridays to finally reopen. Republicans aren’t the ones rioting in American cities. Republicans aren’t the ones rioting to keep speakers off of college campuses. Republicans aren’t the ones saying you have to lose your job if you have the wrong political views. Republicans aren’t the ones promising to gut the First Amendment. There’s a lot you can lay at the feet of the contemporary GOP and its tangerine-nightmare clown-prince president, but not that. Republicans are not the Arson Party — they are not the people who already have seen to it that this election season is anything but peaceable.

What evidence do we have that the Democrats will abide peaceably if they lose? Portland? Seattle? St. Louis? Washington?Never concede”? Why are we talking about peace and order in November rather than peace and order right here and right now?

You can have the riots, or you can have the sanctimony — you can’t have both.

Sure, he’s a little harsh on Trump; but for those, such as we, who haven’t completely downed The Donald’s Kool-Aid, his criticism is both proper and justified. 

Speaking of those who want it both ways…not to mention the days Kamala was willing to take it any way Willie Brown desired…we feel the woman who’d 25th-Amendment-Joe-Biden-right-out-of-the-Oval-Office in a nanosecond…if’n he was ever sworn in…doth protest too much…

…particularly as she was absent for the eventual vote.  Ah, the heavy burden of public service!

In a related item, courtesy of Jeff Foutch and American Thinker, Thomas Lifson postulates…

Joe Biden’s ‘lid’ must be shifting his circadian rhythms to overcome ‘sundowning


If you suspect that Joe Biden is suffering from dementia and that the very common symptoms known as “sundowning” are part of his illness, then his “mystifying” campaign schedule starts to make sense.

The schedule that “mystified” National Review a few days ago:

As of late, Biden’s team has regularly put a “lid” on his day by noon — or even earlier. And, when it does not, the events that Biden attends seem to have been designed to be either easily cancelable or easily replaceable.

President Trump mocked Joe Biden on Thursday after the Democratic presidential nominee’s campaign called a “lid” on activities for the day early in the morning, saying Biden would be preparing for Tuesday night’s debate.

Trump, whose campaign has ripped Biden for not doing more press events while seeking to raise questions about the Democrat’s age, stamina and mental acumen, called Biden “sleepy” and “low energy,” insults he has repeatedly hurled, “Sleepy Joe Biden just closed down his campaign for the day (Again),” Trump tweeted. “Wants to rest! He is a very LOW ENERGY INDIVIDUAL, and our Country cannot make it in these exciting, but complex and competitive times, with a Low Energy President !!!”

AARP lists the symptoms of sundowning:

mood swings
energy surges
increased confusion

I don’t think the “lid” is mysterious at all.  The explanation that best satisfies the observable data is that Biden is systematically shifting his circadian rhythms so his body will behave as if it were 9 A.M. or so when the clock in Cleveland, where the debate will be held, reads 9 P.M…”

A theory which, of course, doesn’t explain the signs of dementia Biden regularly displayed well before his handlers started turning his bed down at 10:00 in the morning:

Meanwhile, the Dimocrats’ Crazed Biden Hiden in the Basement still clings to his lie Hunter never happened

A claim akin to Bart lamely maintaining…

…or TLJ denying she fluffed when there’s only two of us in the car and we know WE weren’t the party who dealt it.

Yeah, Joe…


Next, in a move right out of Office Space when The Bob’s ask Michael Bolton to choose the favorite song of his namesake…

…Kamala names the best living rapper:

This from a woman who claims to have listened to Snoop Dogg and Tupac while smoking weed in collegeyears before they made music.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from G. Trevor…

…Balls Cotton…

…the lovely Shannon…

…as well as this string from Ed Hickey:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with the announcement of the latest winner of the Senator John Blutarski Award for Epic Historical Inaccuracy

…courtesy today of a young…”lady”…who not only shares Bluto’s errant recall of past events (Fort Monroe being first built in 1834), but significantly surpasses

…his venomous vitriol and bitter bile.  And we’re relatively certain those are her good qualities!

Sorry, but…

End of transmission.

