It’s Monday, November 16th, 2020…but before beginning, in addition to thanking the incomparable Stilton Jarlsberg for the cartoon which accompanies our Quote of the Day immediately above, we pay homage to the great Thomas Sowell by offering a few more humble Thoughts on the Passing Scene.

First, as regards Dr. Faux Chi’s claim he “understands”, allow us to retort: 

Or you’d never have made such an outrageous statement in the first place.  Spoken like a true, power-mad, unelected Beltway bureaucrat completely out of touch with the country, doc!

In My Cousin Vinny, Judge Haller only found Vincent LaGuardia Gambini in contempt, whereas we find Dr. Faux Chi not merely contemptible, but completely and utterly vile.  We wouldn’t take this hack’s word on what color the sky was, let alone his advice for combatting the Wuhan virus.

Second, consider this “question” posed to Nancy the Red in a recent press conference:

That’s not journalism, it’s political propaganda reflective of a modern MSM which is a truly worthy heir of Walter Duranty.  Hells bells, the type of “news” such heralds of the contemporary Fourth Estate “report” could just as easily have be found in the past on the pages of the Völkischer Beobachter and Pravda, or today in the People’s Daily.

Third, as evidenced by this screenshot from a recent interview featuring Steve Cortes and Howie Carr… 

…the wizards controlling social media can’t trust mere mortals to think for themselves, hence the two disclaimers, shown below in the Reader’s Digest large print edition.

Which only serves to confirm the accuracy of this meme from Balls Cotton:

Fourth, while we understand all the forces of The Left seeking to convince us voter fraud is a figment of our imagination…

…what’s with so many Conservatives…and we’re not just talking NeverTrumpers…seeking to convince us those who, for over four years, conspired to depose The Donald via multiple manufactured means are somehow incapable of perpetrating electoral treachery on a such massive scale…

…let alone ready and more than willing to do so?!?

Please, people…

Fifth and finally, here’s an eye-opening video which demonstrates why a significant portion of the country won’t meekly accept Socialism just ’cause the likes of Dr. Faux Chi so command them:

Do Progressives really believe law-abiding, gun-owning Americans are going to allow Dimocratic voter fraud in Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee and Philadelphia to determine their rights and freedoms?!?

We pray the outcome of the run-offs in Georgia…as well as a solid 5-seat Constitutionalist majority on the Supreme Court…forestall, at least for the moment, such unconstitutional excess.  But we also pray cooler heads on the Socialist side of the aisle have a better understanding of the mood of the American people, a significant portion of whom, like Inspector Callahan, believe there’s nothing wrong with shooting…as long as the right people get shot. 

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, though the fat lady hasn’t yet begun to sing…

…she’s clearly clearing her throat, as suggested by the author of the first of today’s Endless Election offerings:

(1). Writing at NRO, Andy McCarthy says, though it brings him no joy, “This is not about equity. It is not about whether there was fraud. It is not about the entirely rational deduction that, because Democrats fight every attempt to shore up election integrity, they are looking for opportunities to cheat, if necessary, at the margins. This is about math.

Still, it remains more than passing curious Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years.  Or, as Rasmussen reports, “Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia“, or that, “in these big cities in swing states run by Democratsthe vote even exceeded the number of registered voters“.

Just sayin’; though if it does end up being about the math, it’ll fuzzy math…and ’twill be The Donald who proves the wildest possible variable in the equation.

(2). In a forward from Balls Cotton, Ed Heller offers the details of the imaginary software glitch.

(3). The great Victor Davis Hanson explores both the forces which led to his rise and the possibilities of The Donald Part Deux: Trump’s Return. (We sure as shootin‘ hope NOT!)

(4). Here’s a rather eye-opening video on ballot security sent to us by James Nichols.

(5). NRO‘s Isaac Schorr concludes, claims to the contrary notwithstanding, the odds of Mitch McConnell surrendering to a President Biden or Harris are exactly zilch…zero…nada.

(6). In a related item, we include a rather interesting article from The Atlantic courtesy of our friend and classmate John Vuolo.

Again, we’re not tossing in the towel, but unless some of the claimed inconsistencies are borne out by hard data and facts provable in a court of law…and that right soon…we’d at least suggest freeing it up for throwing.

And yes, if it comes to that, just as if the rumors about the Durham investigation prove true, the bad guys win this round; but far more importantly, more than half the country’s already-shaken faith in the system and its purported protectors will be further shattered, likely beyond repair.

Speaking of those who’ve helped shatter our faith in the system, as‘s Leah Barkoukis reports…

CNN’s Amanpour Likens Trump Era to Kristallnacht


She began a segment on her program noting that it has been 82 years since Kristallnacht, which “was the Nazis’ warning shot across the bow of our human civilization that led to genocide against a whole identity and, in that tower of burning books, it led to an attack on fact, knowledge, history and truth.”

How could she compare this to President Trump’s tenure, you wonder? 

“After four years of a modern-day assault on those same values by Donald Trump, the Biden/Harris team pledges a return to norms, including the truth,” she said…”

Truth?  Christiane…

Neither are you capable of recognizing it if you purport to present the Don of the Biden crime family…

…as truthful.  Not to mention the only thing that resembled Kristallnacht during the Trump Administration came courtesy of Black Lies Matter

…aided and abetted by their enablers in the MSM and Dimocratic Party.

In reality, Christiane, as the New York Post reports, this is the “norm” and “truth” you’re supporting:

Tax filings reveal Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research


Gee,…wonder why these tax filings are only now coming to light?!?  Remember the focus on Trump’s tax returns?  This is simply further proof, as if any were needed, whenever Dimocrats accuse Republicans of something shady, it means they’re engaged in the same activity…if not worse.

Next, Progressive life once again imitates art, as, courtesy of Campus Reform via Conservative Playlist (an excellent alternative to Drudge and FOX News recommended to us by Speed Mach), we learn a…

Duke sorority council has banned events with male groups


“…The post states that all-male organizations cause concern amongst other groups due to gender dynamics and the objectification of women.

“Panhellenic organizations originated in creating safe communities for female-identifying individuals to come together and support one another. (No uterus required!) However, we’ve come to see that many wide concerns within our community stem from relations with all-male organizations, such as lack of accountability for perpetrators of sexual assault, environments that fuel unsafe gender power dynamics, and a social hierarchy that objectifies women,” the post states.

According to Duke student newspaper The Chronicle, any chapters that don’t abide by the policy will be put on social probation and could face recruitment restrictions…”

And you know what comes after “social probation”:

Moving from Durham cross-country to the Left Coast, The Gateway Pundit relates how…

Oregon Democrat Governor Kate Brown Has Ordered A New Onerous Lockdown To Be Enforced By Police


“…Brown also said today that she has directed the Oregon State Police to begin coordinating with local law enforcement agencies to police the restrictions on in-home gatherings. Brown noted that households that violate the six-person limit will be committing a misdemeanor and could be to subject to citation or arrest. “We have not chosen to enforce the law in the past,” Brown said.

“Unfortunately, now we have no other option.”

The restriction on social events in private homes will be in effect on Thanksgiving Day…”

No word on whether the good governor plans a similar clamp down on the violent rioters in Portland.

Since we’re on the subject of…

The Blaze tells us how, some distance south of the Oregon border…

Gavin Newsom responded after getting busted attending large dinner party against his own advice

The lavish affair was in celebration of a lobbyist’s birthday


Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom has admitted it was probably not the best idea for him and his wife to join a large dinner party at one of the world’s finest restaurants while he is discouraging the citizens of his state from gathering with folks outside their own households during the upcoming holiday season.

The San Francisco Chronicle first reported that Newsom and his wife, first partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, attended a recent dinner with a dozen people, involving “more households than California advises,” at the French Laundry — known as one of the most exclusive restaurants in the world.

Politico reported that the celebration was for “the 50th birthday of lobbyist Jason Kinney, a longtime friend.”

The Hill pointed out that “California’s current coronavirus guidelines prohibit gatherings that include more than three households,” according to the Chronicle. “Gatherings must also be held outside and should last no longer than two hours.”

Newsom himself also reached out to the Chronicle, conceding, “While our family followed the restaurant’s health protocols and took safety precautions, we should have modeled better behavior and not joined the dinner.”

Newsom was not the first California politician to get busted flouting his own coronavirus recommendations on Friday.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) took heat from across the political spectrum after defending her decision to allow the lower chamber to continue holding banquets for newly elected members while Americans are being discouraged from holding large family gatherings for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday…”

That such hypocrites continue to enjoy power bespeaks the complete moral bankruptcy of The Left.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this from George Lawlor…

…a related meme from Ed Harvey…

…along with an incredibly pertinent question from our sister-in-law Jackie…

…and this string from Mark Foster:

Lastly, we’ll call it a wrap with these three bon mots from Ed Hickey:

Take off, you hosers, eh?!?

