It’s Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020…but before we begin, in what may well have the architects of the Russia collusion hoax echoing Astro…

NRO informs us…

Barr Appoints Durham as Special Counsel to Continue Probe under Biden


Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, just when you thought you’d heard it all, George Brauchler, columnist for The Denver Post, disabuses you of that notion:

Prioritizing prisoners over the elderly for a COVID vaccine is wrong in every way


Like many Coloradans, I did not spend Thanksgiving with my extended family due to the frequently cited, ridiculously high mortality rate of COVID19 for my father’s age group. With the announcement of limited quantities of vaccines being available as early as mid-December, we are all hopeful our family will have survived this pandemic.

I was shocked to learn that elderly Coloradans will be denied the vaccine and kept at risk of death until Nathan Dunlap has had his.

Governor Polis and his Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment have declared that they intend to prioritize the health of incarcerated murderers, rapists, and child molesters over the lives of law-abiding Coloradans 65 years and older and immunocompromised adults. The decision to prioritize the vaccination of inmates above super at-risk adults is not only contrary to math and decency, it is also contrary to the guidance of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

As the son of a 78-year-old father, I ask this: What in the hell is Gov. Polis doing? (We’d suggest he’s pandering to his Progressive base; but then, WE didn’t elect him!)

A draft plan of possible vaccine allocation priorities prepared by Polis’ Expert Emergency Epidemic Response Committee lumped adults who were at-risk due to age or immunocompromised status into the same priority level as incarcerated violent criminals and human traffickers. But Polis made it worse. In the current plan, Polis elevates imprisoned pedophiles and career criminals above grandparents and adults with lung and heart disease.

Two weeks ago, Polis went hyperbolically metaphoric in likening those who dared to have an extended family Thanksgiving during the COVID as “bringing a loaded pistol to Grandma’s head.” Ironically Polis would give the life-saving vaccine to a person who puts a loaded gun to grandma’s head, before he would give it to grandma…”

Dimocrats: can’t live with ’em, can’t shoot ’em…though we’re often sorely tempted.

Since we’re on the subject of preposterous Progressive policies, as Jim Freeman records at Best of the Web, according to Groper Joe, another round of big government spending to address a problem big government largely created is…

Just a Start

Biden hints at the taxpayer fleecing to come.


Well that didn’t take long. A Journal editorial published last night warned that the Biden economic team would “use the lingering damage from the pandemic to propose a major spending and tax increase in early 2021.” And today the president-elect all but confirmed it.

Sabrina Siddiqui and Tarini Parti report:

The president-elect called on Congress to pass a robust coronavirus relief bill but said a larger stimulus effort would be necessary during his administration to address the long-term impact of the pandemic.

“Any package passed in lame-duck session is, at best, just a start,” he said.

The Journal reporters also note that Janet Yellen, slated to run the Treasury, “said the economic recovery from the pandemic presented a chance to address ‘deeper structural problems,’ such as racial inequality and stagnant wages.” Mr. Biden says in an email to supporters today that his economic team “will help the communities hardest hit by COVID-19 and address the structural inequities in our economy.”

Structural problems? Pre-Covid the unemployment rate was a historically low 3.5% and since the spring shutdowns the economy has been rebounding smartly, adding back more than 11 million jobs. Stagnant wages were the Obama-era problem that President Donald Trump was hired to solve in 2016, and his pro-growth policies have yielded remarkable results…”

A massive tax increase: just the elixir a recovering economy craves!  We refuse to term a system that could produce such economic illiterates “higher education”.

“…The Biden economic team has talked a lot about income inequality, but a popular proposal among Beltway Democrats could offset some of the progress of the Trump years. Cancelling student debt is an applause line for progressive leftists, but people at the top of the income ladder have the most reason to cheer. Economists Sylvain Catherine of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and Constantine Yannelis of the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business report:

Education debt in the United States stands at $1.6 trillion in 2020, and is growing rapidly… Many holders of high loan balances completed graduate and professional degrees, and consequently earn high incomes. Untargeted debt forgiveness policies could thus disproportionately benefit high earners…”

How much more would the rich benefit from debt cancellation? The economists report:

Under a universal loan forgiveness policy, in present value terms, the average individual in the top earnings decile would receive $5,944 in forgiveness, while the average individual in the bottom earnings decile would receive $1,070 in forgiveness. Individuals in the bottom half of the earnings distribution would receive one-quarter of the dollars forgiven. Households in the top 30% of the earnings distribution receive almost half of all dollars forgiven.

“This finding is not an outlier,” writes Brad Polumbo at the Foundation for Economic Education. He adds:

In fact, other research from left-leaning institutions like the Urban Institute has reached the same conclusion. So, we’re left with the simple fact that one of the Democratic Party’s top agenda items is a taxpayer-financed handout to the wealthy…”

What are the odds Barry, Moochie and Hunter are still carrying significant student loans?!?

Meanwhile, as Rich Terrell records, the fat lady…

As additional light reading, we highly recommend:

(1). The latest on the Great Election Heist of 2020, courtesy of (i) Paul Kengor’s summary of the curious ballot patterns in Pennsylvania at The American Spectator via George Lawlor; (ii) J.B. Shurk’s list of 5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms, brought to us by Arthur Seeligson and The Federalist; and, (iii) Speed Mach’s forward of RedState‘s rather cerebral legal interrogatory whether the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has invited scrutiny and rebuke by relying on “laches” to dismiss an inconvenient complaint? 

(2). An informative update on the COVID cover-up provided by Jim Geraghty’s account of China’s Pandemic Deception, in which he offers not only more details on how Beijing misled the world about the pandemic, but also highlights the continuing efforts of CNN and corporate America to run interference for the ChiComs, as well as Tucker Carlson’s analysis of the counter-productivity…indeed, utter futility…of the Deep State’s response to what SHOULD have posed a relatively minor problem.  P.S. Our 70-year-old sister, who voted for Biden, is part of the teacher resistance.

(3). The two most recent examples of Barry Soetoro’s customary anti-American reflections, courtesy of White House Dossier‘s Keith Koffler highlighting The Obamao’s alarming call for government-Big Tech cooperation in censoring speech HE doesn’t like, and RedState‘s Jennifer Oliver O’Connell’s completely accurate observation Obama Is a Jerk, and It Comes Through With Every Media Appearance.

(4). Those wondering when the time is right to short certain stocks need only wait for Nasdaq to enforce a recently proposed requirement for the boards of listed companies to include at least one woman as well as one director who is a racial minority or who self-identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queerWhich begs the question whether a transgender queer male who identifies as a woman will fill both slots.   

And in the latest installment of the EnvironMental Moment, courtesy today of Jeff Foutch, the WSJ‘s Steve Milloy tells The Donald…

How to Stop the Paris Climate Accord

Trump should submit it for the Senate to ratify, or rather reject.


“…Mr. Trump should submit it to the Senate, and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should schedule a quick vote. It would certainly be rejected—ratification requires a two-thirds vote—and it is unlikely any court could subsequently resurrect a legislatively tossed treaty. Without the help of judges, Mr. Biden would need a winning ratification vote to make the accord binding, which he likely couldn’t get no matter how well Democrats do in Georgia’s January runoffs and the 2022 midterm elections.

Mr. McConnell could also call a ratification vote after Mr. Biden’s inauguration, even if Mr. Trump does nothing. This would similarly elevate the treaty’s status and make it difficult for Mr. Biden to bind his successors to his executive actions.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…

…along with this string of wedded witticisms from Ed Hickey:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with yet another titillating tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter, as the…

Mother of slain Florida teen shot at his burial service


The mother of a Florida teenager who was shot and killed by a sheriff’s deputy this month was wounded at his burial service Saturday. Quasheda Pierce, 39, was hit when a shot rang out at Riverview Memorial Gardens in Cocoa, where 18-year-old Sincere Pierce was being laid to rest just over two weeks after he and another teen were shot dead by a Brevard County Sheriff’s deputy.

Police said the wounded woman and a 16-year-old boy were both struck when a gun the teen was carrying at the burial “experienced an accidental discharge” and struck both of them, WOFL-TV reported Sunday. The bullet went through the armed teen’s leg and then through Quasheda Pierce’s leg, the outlet said.

Cops said the boy, who was not identified, was not cooperating with investigators…”

My, what a surprise!  Then again, as evidenced by this dash cam video showing the shooting of Sincere Pierce, a lack of cooperation with law enforcement…

…seems all too common with this segment of society.

