It’s Wednesday, January 20, 2021…the day Dimocratic darkness descended on America.  But before we begin, watch the conclusion of MSDNC‘s coverage of Groper Joe announcing his science-denial team…

…then view the portion this contemporary equivalent of Soviet state television, along with every other MSM cable channel, conveniently cut, which shows Biden as a doddering old man utterly unfit for his office:

Any wagers on how long it will take ’til this is taken down by Big Tech?!?  And what’s the over-under on Biden lasting a year in office?  Let your voice be heard in our latest poll, available on the right near the top of the page immediately below the photo accompanying our Quote of the Day.  FYI, we’re taking the under.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of Balls Cotton, and at the risk of being cancelled, we permit Gateway Pundit to present…

The Five Most Obvious Acts of Fraud in the 2020 Election that You Are No Longer Allowed to Discuss


The fact such fraud is no longer allowed to be the subject of discussion cannot be stressed enoughDimocrats at every level, from Hillary to Stacey Abrams, Adam Schiff to Beto O’Rourke, never ceased claiming Trump’s election was illegitimate, the result of voter fraud and Russian interference.  There were riots in Washington the day of Trump’s inauguration, yet we cannot recall similar descriptions of the participants…

…as insurrectionists.

But suddenly, now, after what was virtually a statistical impossibility, no one can question or dispute the results of an election rife with undeniable fraud.

As Rich noted in one of his recent posts forwarded by Balls Cotton:

For the left, free speech is ‘kryptonite’, as one person put it.  Since their narrative depends on everyone just accepting whatever they say, and ‘sit down and shut up’, they cannot afford for anyone to think for themself, or question what they claim.  Look at the election results, for example.  The evidence of fraud is massive.  I mean, what kind of rube thinks that a senile old man, hiding in his basement, who occasionally was dragged out for a rally – where attendance ranged from a dozen to zero –  who failed in previous efforts to run for president (due to fraud, and plagiarism, and other issues) suddenly won the spirit of the American voter, and won the largest voter count in history – much of it after the polls had closed, is suddenly the Great Savior of the Nation?

Nope.  Free speech, and open discussion of the issues, cannot be allowedAccept things, as the left says, with a boot on your neck, or else And, they mean itBanned from social media, fired from your job, death threats, and more await any dissenters. (Just ask Elise Stefanik.) Not exactly what the founders envisioned, I dare say.

We happened to catch a bit of Fox & Friends Monday morning (only because we went into the kitchen for a cup o’ jo and TLJ was watching it), and a reporter stated protestors are angry because Trump lost; no, they’re righteously angry because the election was stolen.

Speaking of righteousness, Rich also mentioned Isaiah 5:20 in his recent post: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness”.

Without even having to cite the perversities inherent with allowing men in the women’s bath and locker rooms, gay marriage, rewarding the birthing babies out of wedlock or paying people not to work, here’s the juice: Woe unto them who call a “child” a “choice“.

Next,‘s Matt Vespa asks inquiring minds…

Did You Notice the Issue with the AP Report About an ‘Insider Attack’ on Inauguration Day?


“…U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.

The massive undertaking reflects the extraordinary security concerns that have gripped Washington following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters. And it underscores fears that some of the very people assigned to protect the city over the next several days could present a threat to the incoming president and other VIPs in attendance.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told The Associated Press on Sunday that officials are conscious of the potential threat, and he warned commanders to be on the lookout for any problems within their ranks as the inauguration approaches. So far, however, he and other leaders say they have seen no evidence of any threats, and officials said the vetting hadn’t flagged any issues that they were aware of…”

Sorry, but if the Secretary of the Army and “other leaders” haven’t seen any evidence of such threats, is it accurate to describe them as “worried”?  Or might it be more proper to term their level of concern as the same degree of angst possessed by those left sleepless over the imminent impact of a planet-pulverizing asteroid?

Though uneasiness over the arrival of a pair of nation-destroying hemorrhoids

…we understand!

In a related item, Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen says 75 percent of National Guard ‘might want to do something’ at Biden inauguration because they are conservative.

Unlike the Muslim Major Tucker Carlson recalled in his Monday opening monologue:

For those who cannot remember the Obama/Biden Administration’s response, it’s summarized by this statement by Army Chief-of-Staff George Casey…

You can catch Tucker’s monologue in its entirety here.  Trust us, it’s well worth your time.

Then there’s Rick Grenell’s assessment of who will be the shadow President, perhaps even beyond Biden’s inevitable demise (after all, who’s going to listen to Kamalaa?!?)…

…and, as Derek Hunter asserted on the WCBM Baltimore, the incongruity of undoubtedly unvaccinated future Dimocratic voters approaching our unsecured southern border in the midst of the Progressive-promoted pandemic.

Speaking of utter lunacy, as relates courtesy of Ed Harvey, the…

FBI is investigating a tip the Pennsylvania woman who allegedly stole laptop from Pelosi’s office tried to sell it to Russia


“…Riley June Williams — whose whereabouts are unknown — was charged Sunday after her mother told police in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that she had packed a bag, left her home and fled without saying where she was headed, FBI Special Agent John Lund said in the affidavit.

According to the affidavit, the FBI was alerted to Williams by a former “romantic partner” who spotted their ex in a video and called the FBI tip line…”

Undoubtedly because it contained Adam Schiff’s proof of Trump’s collusion with Russia.  Or Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned!

Since we’re on the subject of Keystone Staters whose elevators don’t reach the top floor, FOX informs us…

Biden picks transgender woman as assistant health secretary


Sorry, but we find it highly doubtful someone playing with a full deck can keep a straight face looking across the table at this loathsome creature.  Even sorrier, anyone with such obvious psychological issues shouldn’t be in any position of power, however unimportant.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…

…along with two from the lovely Shannon…

…and these two instant classics from Bad Bill…

…and Marcus Geffrorious:

Finally, we’re going to call it a wrap with this item from Breeze Gould headlining one of the legends of Naval Aviation…

CDR John “Bug” Roach: A Legendary Fighter Pilot And Probably The Greatest LSO (Landing Signal Officer) Ever


The article is well worth reading in its entirety, but the snippet which follows sets the table for a video which tells you all you need to know about this remarkable man:

“…It’s Mar. 9, 1987, and an A-6 Intruder that had torn one landing gear off on an earlier trap landing attempt, piloted by Marine CPT Rand “Atlas” McNally and his B/N need to land [gear up] at night [into the barricade] on the pitching deck of USS Ranger. The aircrew in the attack jet need to engage the barricade. The video starts with “Bug” talking to the pilot and explaining what to do, what to expect, with a gentle and reassuring voice…”

Three things:

(1) The first voice you’ll hear is Bug, calmly briefing Atlas on everything he can expect in the approach, including the fact, given the amplitude of the deck’s pitch, there will be short interludes during which he’ll unable to see the ball, but he can depend on Bug’s experience to bring him home.

(2) An appreciation for the amount the deck on this 1,046-long carrier is pitching can be gained by the motion of the four vertical lights on the destroyer positioned as plane guard directly behind the boat.

(3) The video’s a bit long, so those not clinging to their sits in anticipation can FF after about the first 2:44 to the 9:25 mark, the point at which the sh*t gets REALLY real!

Which, if you’ll forgive the picture quality and sound continuity, begs the question RADM Tarrant (Frederic March) posed at the conclusion of The Bridges at Toko-Ri upon learning of the death of LT Brubaker (William Holden):

They still make ’em like Bug, but they’re few and far between.  And, like Jack Wilson…

every one of them is Navy trained!


Video of the Day

As this forward from James Nichols details, the big question over at CNN is, “How do you bring these people back into the mainstream of fact-based reporting, and try to get us all back into the same consensual reality.?” Yeah, the “facts” as presented by CNN, and a consensual reality shoved down your throats at the point of a gun.

Tales of The Darkside

The great Thomas Sowell schools this feckless fool back when he was still at least MINIMALLY sensate!

On the Lighter Side

 Uh, there WAS cheating in Georgia, and Abrams IS fat…ugly, too!
