It’s Friday, January 29th, 2021…but before beginning, we offer three brief random thoughts on the passing scene, the first occasioned by a point Jim Geraghty made in a recent installment of his Morning Jolt regarding the continued presence of National Guard troops around the Capitol: 

All members of Congress, their staffs, and anyone who works in the U.S. Capitol complex should be able to work in a safe and secure environment.

Shouldn’t everyoneeverywhere…have the right to work, operate a business or exercise their First Amendment rights in a safe and secure environment, shielded from the violent acts and intentions of true domestic terrorists and insurrectionists?

Notwithstanding the Biden DHS assessment boobs like these…

…constitute a clear and present danger to anyone.  

The second occurred to us while reading Stilton’s words featured as our Quote of the Day.  Joe Biden hasn’t had an original thought in his life…outside of new and innovative ways he can use his office to feather the beds of his family…with the customary 10% going to the Big Guy.  He’s a mere puppet, and, like the legendary dimwit Governor William J. Le Petomane, he’ll quite literally sign anything put in front of him

…by his handlers.  And while The Obamao may be involved

…we frankly believe him to have been a puppet himself, so there’s no way he’s holding the bars at the ultimate end of  46*’s strings, which likely run through Susan Rice.  Barry served his purpose, and at this point is of limited use those to truly in control.

Third, while Trump certainly had his flaws…

…did any of them remotely approach the Progressive idol who not only perjured himself…

…but lied directly to the American people about having been serviced in the Oral Office by a subordinate?!?

Just sayin’.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of American Greatness courtesy of Speed, Paul Gottfried explains how…

Multiracial Whiteness’ Is the Latest Leftist Branding Iron


Fraser Myers recently asked at Spiked how blacks and Latinos could vote for Donald Trump and in some cases enthusiastically join demonstrations for him, given the supposedly obvious fact that that Trump is a white supremacist. According to Myers, New York University professor Cristina Beltrán answered this troubling question in the Washington Post in a memorable gloss on “whiteness”:

Whiteness is the politics of aggression, exclusion, and domination. And multiracial whiteness reflects an understanding of whiteness as a political colour and not simply a racial identity. It is a ‘discriminatory worldview in which feelings of freedom and belonging are produced through the persecution and dehumanisation of others.’

And so now we understand.Whiteness,” or what Beltrán elsewhere designates as “multiracial whiteness,” does not refer exclusively to Caucasians as opposed to black people or to some other race. It is holding a “discriminatory worldview” that causes someone to engage in the “dehumanization” of others. This may be what President Biden (or his speechwriter) had in mind when he went after “white nationalists” but conveniently forgot to mention Black Lives Matter and Antifa as persistent hellraisers. And white supremacists are people we should ostracize and strip of their rights because they practice dehumanization. Moreover, the disease of “whiteness” has befallen nonwhites as well as biological whites, and we would do well to reeducate these bigoted nonwhites, particularly the ones who wore MAGA hats and voted for Trump.

Allow me to make another point that may strike some readers as strange. The main struggle in which we are now engaged as a society and civilization has little to do with race. Blacks, like Muslims in Europe, have an assigned function that comes from those higher up in the food chain. Their job is to aid the cultural Left as an auxiliary force. They are there to help predominantly white elites crush and humiliate other whites, a.k.a. the Deplorables or les Ploucs in France. Therefore, minority members who misbehave should be severely disciplined, lest others in their ranks insist on their own thoughts.

The cat is finally out of the bag about the identity of supposed “white supremacists.” We are not speaking here about white people who set out to do harm to nonwhites. We are describing those whom financially secure leftists are out to debase and ruin. And they don’t have to be white to become targets of these leftists, since “whiteness” is not primarily about skin color. It refers to those whom the powerful classify as “dehumanizers,” and therefore set out to dehumanize. Terms like “white nationalist” and “white supremacist” serve the same function in our denatured republic as “running dog of capitalism” did in Maoist China or “parasitic capitalist” did in the Third Reich. They are terms that the powerful apply to those whom they deem enemies of their “unified” regime.

Presumably, Joe Biden in his newest incarnation opposes “whiteness” in the same way as Professor Beltrán and Spiked. This branding iron is reserved for the opponents of an advancing leftist agenda. And this new form of denigration couldn’t have come at a better time, or so our rulers might imagine. Since American whites have been beleaguered with talk about white privilege and systemic racism, it may be easy to frighten them into submission by condemning them as white supremacists. (Like our sister and brother-in-law) Members of other races will naturally avoid contact with carriers of the whiteness bacillus, which has now spread even to nonwhites. Beltrán’s “multiracial whiteness” will soon find a place in the rhetoric of our socially radical rulers.

Of that you be can be certain.

In a related item again courtesy of American Greatness via Speed, the great Victor Davis Hanson takes us on a journey down…

The River of Forgetfulness


Riotous, rogue Trump supporters who broke into the Capitol on January 6 were properly and widely condemned by conservatives. They were somewhat reminiscent of the mobs of fanatic leftists and union members that a decade ago stormed the Wisconsin state capitol at Madison, or the unpunished hundreds of rioters who created havoc on Washington, D.C. streets during the Trump 2017 inauguration. We expect the Capitol stormers will be punished, and not in the lax fashion of the latter two groups that were not.

Within a few days, the talking points were finalized that all of Donald Trump’s supporters deserved blame for the violence. That riot, the Trump defeat, and the loss of the Senate have greenlighted left-wing talk of “deprogramming,” “de-Baathification,” “re-educating,” and “reprogramminghalf the country to ensure they think correctly and act properly from now on – the exact methodology of such brain rinsing apparently to be announced later.

So we are beginning a great reprogramming of America. The construction of Trump and all of his supporters as abettors, terrorists, seditionists, and traitors is certainly proving useful. After the Capitol conundrum, we have seen over the past two weeks a coordinated and synchronized effort by Amazon, Twitter, and Google to destroy Parler, a small conservative-friendly rival to their social media and internet monopolies. More of such humanitarian taking care of business will followall as preemption for the most leftwing agenda in a half-century now rolling out…”

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: the only thing standing between the Socialists and their utopian Amerika is the 2nd Amendment…

…and those willing to defend it.  This sh*t will truly get real when serious attempts are made to disarm us.

Next, for those who think the promises of Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin to preserve the sanctity of the filibuster are the end of the story, the WSJ‘s Kim Strassel suggests you think again, as there’s the issue of… 

The Senate’s Byrd Call

Manchin and Sinema have to do more if they’re serious about saving the filibuster.


Sorry, right Byrd, wrong rule!

Speaking of reasons to think again, the following from Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Commerce should put to rest any illusions massive tax increases aren’t in EVERY working American’s future: 

Though you can rest assured the Big Tech, Wall Street and corporate elites won’t be paying their fair share of the increases.

And in today’s installment of the EnvironMental Moment, writing at St. Paul Research, Byron King tells us…

There’s Something About Biden…and Pipelines


On Nov. 13, 1973, a freshman Senator from Delaware named Joe Biden voted against building the Alaska PipelineOn Jan. 20, 2021, that same Joe Biden — now President of the United States — revoked a permit to build an oil pipeline from Alberta, Canada into the U.S.; namely, the Keystone XL.

Here we have two major energy infrastructure projects separated by nearly 48 years. Yet both are distinguished by Biden’s opposition.

Let’s look at the two pipelines — Alaska and Keystone XL — in the context of time, history, strategy, energy, the environment… and by what Biden’s long-term opposition tells us.

Let’s also look at what it means to you…

First, a few words about pipelines. Most of them are buried and out of sight. But a map illustrates the scope of America’s underground pipe grid, courtesy of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Joe Biden may or may not like it, but America is crisscrossed by over 200,000 miles of pipelines. They go everywhere.

They carry crude oil, natural gas and refined products…”

You know, just the crude oil, natural gas and refined products on which almost every aspect of modern life depends.  But not the really important stuff…like renewable energy generated by solar panels…when the sun shines…and windmills…when the wind blows.

In a related, even more shocking revelation, Jeff Foutch forwarded this analysis from Watts Up With That? in which Willis Eschenbach offers the cold, hard facts which expose the lies at heart of what are, in reality…

Bright Green Impossibilities


“…To summarize: to get the world to zero emissions by 2050, our options are to build, commission, and bring on-line either:

• One 2.1 gigawatt (GW, 109 watts) nuclear power plant each and every day until 2050, OR

• 3000 two-megawatt (MW, 106 watts) wind turbines each and every day until 2050 plus a 2.1 GW nuclear power plant every day and a half until 2050, assuming there’s not one turbine failure for any reason, OR

• 96 square miles (250 square kilometres) of solar panels each and every day until 2050 plus a 2.1 GW nuclear power plant every day and a half until 2050, assuming not one of the panels fails or is destroyed by hail or wind.

I sincerely hope that everyone can see that any of those alternatives are not just impossible. They are pie-in-the-sky, flying unicorns, bull-goose looney impossible.

Finally, the U.S. consumes about one-sixth of the total global fossil energy. So for the U.S. to get to zero fossil fuel by 2050, just divide all the above figures by six…and they are still flying unicorn, bull-goose looney impossible. 

Math. Don’t leave home without it.

Meanwhile, if the EnviroNazis get their way, we wish those purchasing all these future electric vehicles good luck finding the capacity to charge them.

In other words, as anyone with a lick of common sense…or the faintest interest in the facts…can tell you…

Still, such impossibilities don’t prevent the likes of Pete Buttgag from suggesting those laid off by 46*’s axing of the Keystone pipeline should just get different jobs…

…as if oil workers can make a seamless transition to auto assembly or plumbing.

Or John Kerry from framing Black Lung as a disease unaddressed by current OSHA requirements in today’s coal mines, and that oil workers making $90,000-$100,000 annually should gladly transition to solar technician positions paying $50,000/year.

Or Gina McCarthy, former Obamao EPA administrator and current “climate advisor” to Groper Joe claiming, incredibly

Here’s the juice: In the world of 46*, Kommielaa Harris, Pete Buttgag, John Kerry (who, Tom Cotton noted, owns a private jet, a 76-foot yacht and several mansions, giving him the carbon footprint of a small nation) and Gina McCarthy, none of who has ever had meaningful employment in the private sector in their lives, good jobs, like taxpayer dollars, grow on trees

So let’s kill our economy, at least what’s survived the scamdemic, so Progressives can sleep better at night, stay in power and ensure the Big Guy continues to skim his 10%.

We don’t what’s worse: Kerry admitting even if the U.S. went to zero emissions tomorrow it wouldn’t make a difference, or McCarthy suggesting killing the Keystone pipeline doesn’t require sacrifice and is somehow related to recovering from the Progressive-promoted Wuhan virus crisis.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…

…two more from Breeze Gould…

…and three bits of lockdown-inspired gallows humor from Ed Hickey:

And last, but certainly not least, we’ll call it a wrap with two memes from Speed:

The latter of which got us thinking: Wait until male cagers lacking the abilities necessary for the NBA or foreign professional leagues and possessed of no other marketable job skills realize they can continue making a living playing hoops by identifying as women and dominating the WNBA.

Again, just sayin’.


Video of the Day

On the occasion of 46* enabling the rest of the world join America in the unrestricted slaughter of the unborn. We particularly like him calling out his own church leaders for failing to bring Groper Joe to account for his apostasy.

Tales of The Darkside

More sh*t you can’t make up, courtesy of L.A. city council member Kevin de Leon. And to think this clown was once the most powerful Dimocrat in the California state senate. You may remember de Leon going full retard with his ghost gun claim back in 2014:

On the Lighter Side

If Groper Joe hosted a game show.
