It’s Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021…but before we begin, in keeping with our Quote of the Day and accompanying cartoon from the incomparable Stilton Jarlsberg featured above, another classic from Rich Terrell puts the Dimocrats demented divisiveness into perspective:

And if you didn’t see it, it’s coming!!!  Or at least, they’re going to try!  Facts are, 46* is a complete BOOB, and these people are CRAZY!!!

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, since we’re on the subject the Dimocrats’ demented divisiveness, NRO‘s Charlie Cooke correctly concludes…

The Backlash against Critical Race Theory Is Real

No matter how much progressives want to claim otherwise, parents are genuinely concerned about a divisive worldview being imposed on their children.


Returning once again to the shallow well from which she has pulled the majority of her journalistic water, The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer suggested last week that the escalating pushback against critical race theory “has all the red flags of an dark money astroturf campaign.” We are stuck, it seems, in Stage One of the Kübler-Ross Scale of Progressive Political Grief.

If they wish to, figures such as Mayer can spend the next few years insisting that the resistance to critical race theory that we are seeing from parents across the country is little more than a mirage. Fingers firmly in ears, they can maintain that their detractors have invented the controversy from whole cloth, that an astroturfing effort by the Koch Brothers or the Manhattan Institute has tricked them, or that their objections ring hollow because they don’t know what critical race theory “actually” is. Sneering, scoffing, and laughing off the revolt, they can submit in anger that those complaining about the development are suffering from “white fragility” or are engaged in a “moral panic” or are just trying desperately to prevent their kids from learning about slavery and civil rights.

What they can’t do, however, is make any of that true.

Precision in language is important, and yet, after a certain point, it matters less what we choose to call a given trend than that we acknowledge that said trend exists. And mark my words: The backlash against critical race theory most certainly exists. It is being driven by real people, many of whom I have seen with my own eyes; it has been constructed atop a discrete and comprehensible set of objections; and it is being fought on behalf of a class of citizens — children — whose interests arouse the rawest emotions in all of politics. Those who dismiss this development too harshly or too pedantically do so at their peril…”

Here’s the juice:

In a related item,‘s Derek Hunter echoes our thoughts as he details how…

Liberals Made Me into A Racist


“…There’s currency in victimhood on the left; it’s an aspired to status. For there to be a victim, there must first be a perp. The Post found themselves some perps – a few white women, allegedly therapists of some sort or another, to whine about how evil white people are, and how racist. Considering Democrats control the areas of the country with high percentages of black voters, I have to assume these white liberals are talking about those Democrats and the systems they’ve created over generations as the “systemic” problems liberals rail against.

I agree with white liberals – white liberals are racists. And since I do not like racists, I do not like white liberals. With that dislike being based, at least in part, on the color of their skin, I am a racist against white liberals

I hold them all in contempt, equally. But this week, I have a special place of disdain in my heart for white liberals. Go jump in a lake, or take a long walk off a short pier. Maybe one of the piers at the all white beach club Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has been a member of for decades, where his wife is one of the decision-makers. 

Told you, white liberals are the absolute worst.

BTW, in case you missed it, here’s the video of Sheldon Whitehouse Derek mentioned:

If White privilege exists, THAT‘s its voice.  Such rank hypocrisy demonstrates anew why, if The Left didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all. Something tells us if Sheldon had an “R” after his name instead of a “D,” his membership in the private, all-white Bailey’s Beach Club in Newport would be national news.

Next up, NRO‘s Jim Geraghty affirms…

China Apologist Peter Daszak Has Some Explaining to Do


It will probably not surprise you to learn that Peter Daszak, the president of the EcoHealth Alliance, is THE favorite American COVID-19 expert of Chinese-state-run media. But it may surprise you to hear that in an interview with the state-run Global Times earlier this year, Daszak echoed the supremely implausible claim of the Chinese government that SARS-CoV-2 originated in another country and was somehow imported into Wuhan. “There was a virus from Thailand close to the SARS-CoV-2, and also Japan and Cambodia. Ecohealth Alliance is already starting our work in tracing their origins.”

This week, Daszak recused himself from the COVID-19 Commission established by the medical journal The Lancet — not over his public embrace of China’s implausible blame-shifting theories, but because of complaints he didn’t disclose past conflicts of interest in his contributions to that journal.

The Lancet didn’t quite run a correction on an article from early 2020 that dismissed the possibility of a lab leak setting off the COVID-19 pandemic. But it did feel sufficient pressure from readers and other medical experts to offer an update on the question of whether Daszak was honest when he declared in that statement that he had no competing interest. 

I must interrupt to point out that the People’s Republic of China funds the laboratory doing the research on coronaviruses in bats in partnership with EcoHealth Alliance, and that the work of the EcoHealth Alliance in China is entirely dependent upon the continued approval of the Chinese government. So no, the president of EcoHealth Alliance is not someone who can be relied upon to declare when the Chinese government is being dishonest. His organization’s ability to continue its work in China is dependent upon him never saying something that will anger Beijing. That is a crystal-clear example of a conflict of interest that does not involve any direct payments from the Chinese government.

When the EcoHealth Alliance issues a press release declaring, “EcoHealth Alliance scientists, in partnership with Wuhan Institute of Virology and Duke-NUS, found SARSr-CoVs in bat caves near Jinning in Yunnan Province,” does Daszak think his organization is operating independently of the Chinese government?…”


Hopefully in front of a judge…at your sentencing hearing.

Speaking of those who deserve sentencing in front of a judge, the Morning Jolt records the score stands at…

Reality 1, Democrats 0


After spending much of 2020 and early 2021 believing its own hype, the Democratic Party has just slammed into a brick wall at top speed:

NBC News:The worst-kept secret in Washington is that [Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema] aren’t alone in opposing nuking the 60-vote threshold.”

Politico: “The top legislative priority of progressive Democrats is set to die in the Senate today with barely a whimper of protest from the White House. Republicans will easily filibuster the For the People Act, killing the sweeping elections proposal once and for all.” (It did, as they did.)

Monmouth University: “Support for requiring a photo ID to vote stands at 62 percent among Democrats, 87 percent among independents, and 91 percent among Republicans.” (More on that in item #3 below.)

The Washington Post: “Federal judge tosses most claims against Trump, Barr and U.S. officials in clearing of Lafayette Square.”

The Associated Press: “Iran’s election unsettles Biden’s hope for a nuclear deal.”

Campaigning is easy. Governing is hard.

At least in a constitutional republic when you don’t have the support of a majority of the citizens, no matter what your rigged election results claimed.  And even more so when you’re stupid.

Moving on, we offer an octet of specially selected offerings certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). The Washington Examiner tells us the Internal Revenue Service denied a Christian nonprofit group tax-exempt status because the Bible’s “teachings are typically affiliated with” the GOP and its candidates:

Specifically, you educate Christians on what the Bible says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations,” read a letter from IRS Exempt Organizations Director Stephen Martin to Christians Engaged, a nonprofit group seeking tax-exempt status. “The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican Party] and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(3).”

Thus does life once again…

…imitate art.

(2). Saying it’s “the right thing to do” and it “can save lives”, Secretary Denis McDonough announced the VA will begin to cover gender transfer surgery for veterans, adding it will allow the VA to meet a surgical need transgender vets have called for and deserved for a long time and pointing out the decision was based on recommendations from doctors.

Three thoughts immediately spring to mind: (i) Are these the same doctors who recommend sex reassignment surgery for pre-adolescents; (ii) Even if there are “more than 134,000 transgender veterans and over 15,000 transgender service members currently serving in the military”, which we highly doubt, they don’t need surgery, they need psychiatric help; and, (iii) If an equal number of vets wanted to cut off their penises and attach them to the end of their noses, would the VA pay for that?!?

(3). NRO‘s Zach Evans tells us a majority of Democrats and non-white voters support requiring photo identification to cast a ballot.  More importantly, 84 percent of non-white respondents said they supported requiring photo ID, along with 77 percent of white respondents. People with college degrees (EDUCATED IDIOTS!!!) were less likely to support ID requirements, with 69 percent of respondents with four years of college supporting compared with 85 percent of respondents with no degree.

(4). FOX News is reporting Hunter’s art is selling at “obviously inflated prices” to mystery buyers, which feels “grifty” to Walter Shaub, former Office of Government Ethics director under The Obamao, the greatest grifter ever.

(5). Writing at, Kurt Schlichter offers some sage advice to anyone entertaining the thought of opposing the regime: That loudmouth troublemaker urging you to commit acts of violence is likely an FBI snitch.

(6). Former Bush speech writer Peter Wehner, who we once loved, evidences he is yet another in a long line of NeverTrumpers who’ve let hate overcome reason.  Wehner knows as much about Evangelical Christians as Biden knows about the Bible.

(7). As Jim Freeman states at Best of the Web, now Democrats don’t even bother to pretend taxes are about funding needed services, but rather all about punishing political enemies and rewarding their friends.

(8). Here’s a petition forwarded from Balls Cotton we can get behind…

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from the lovely Shannon…


…Balls Cotton…

…and our niece Katie…

…along with this from our bestest buddy Chink, which reminded us how much we miss Gary Larson:

And in the Sports Section, another individual we’ve never heard of tells us something we didn’t need to know:

NFL star drops major bombshell that he’s gay


I just wanted to take a quick moment to say that I’m gay. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now but finally feel comfortable getting it off my chin…er,…chest.

Here’s a second shot of the juice: As our brother Rob informed us, immediately after his announcement, the “NFL star” we’ve never heard of , who’s played for three different teams in his six years in pro football, has the #1 selling jersey.  How many, he asked, did George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg have to buy to make THAT happen?!?  Follow the money, people, follow the money.

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another reason we won’t be watching the Olympics, as…

Laurel Hubbard finds support from New Zealand prime minister, Olympic opponent after making history

Hubbard became first trans woman to qualify for the Olympics, making country’s weightlifting team


Yet another dude who don’t look like a lady.  BTW, what ACTUAL FEMALE athlete has been still competitive in an Olympic sport requiring strength or endurance in their 40’s?!?  We rest our case.


P.S. We’ll be heading up to Gettysburg Thursday to observe a Naval Academy leadership seminar our class is considering sponsoring in perpetuity.  We will consequently be in questionable contact until Monday the 28th.  So ’til then…

Heaven only knows what they’ll be teaching these impressionable minds.  But afterwards, WE’LL know, along with YOU!

Video of the Day

This young Minnesotan demonstrates what proper parenting can accomplish.

Tales of The Darkside

Part 2 of John Stossel exposing the Socialists’ myths about Capitalism.

On the Lighter Side

Breeze Gould forwarded this video featuring the marine equivalent of Hunter Biden.  Difference is, those seeking to buy influence aren’t paying as much for his art.
