It’s Friday, July 16th, 2021…but before we begin, the great Stilton Jarlsberg recently featured a series of tweets from one Darryl Cooper which perfectly summarizes the thoughts of those like us, who will go to their grave believing there was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election:

NOT because we love The Donald (we most decidedly DON’T!), and not only because there’s no way Joe and the Ho inspired ten million more voters than Barack Hussein Obama to pull the lever next their names.  Rather we’ve seen what weaponized Washington bureaucracies are willing to do to preserve their power, positions and personal profits.

And because, were there nothing to hide…

…46* and his minders wouldn’t be so hell-bent on preventing any audits whatsoever.

More importantly, when our Armed Forces, under the sway of politically-correct, politicized commanders, becomes no different than the DOJ, FBI (Which, as this report indicates, is far more rotten than you ever dreamed!!!), CIA, DIA, NSA, IRS and the rest of the alphabetized federal bureaucracy who conspired to take down The Donald… 

…can anyone seriously contend there’s any limit to what they might try?!?

So please, we know the election’s over and Trump is out of office…hopefully never to darken our days again.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Sorry folks, but for now, Mike Pompeo and Ron DeSantis, and not necessarily in that order, have all of the assets and none of the liabilities associated with The Donald, who, were he truly interested in anyone’s welfare but his own, would recognize his time has passed and campaign like HELL for a Republican ticket without him on it.

And though, despite the pronouncements of Mike the Pillow Guy and Sidney Powell, we fully understand the SCOTUS is never going to overturn the results of a duly certified election, no matter how rife with fraud it might have been, and the Kraken ain’t comin’.  Nonetheless…

…as no one and no thing but God Himself will ever convince us the 2020 election results didn’t, in the words of the immortal Jimmy Malone, stink like Kommielaa’s abode at low tide.

Speaking of whores and the politicization of our Military, this item from The Daily Wire via Carl Polizzi should serve to convince you Mark Milley really is

…a perfect, woke a*shole!

Milley and the multitude of Manchurian flag officers like him (See Mullen, Mike and Casey, George.) remind us of Colonel Nicholson in Bridge on the River Kwai, though at least instead of pursuing professional advancement like the former the latter was acting in what he thought to be the best interests of military discipline and moral.  One wonders if Milley and his fellow travelers will ever experience the epiphany the good Colonel did regarding the incalculable damage he’d done…

…as a result of them having lent aid and comfort to their nation’s enemies, both foreign and domestic.

BTW, if the account of Milley’s words (viewable in the blue link above his sphincter face) to then-Trump aide Stephen Miller is accurate, The Donald should have relieved him on the spot, for it was Milley who was “out of his lane”, as the Socialist-inspired riots were a domestic matter totally outside his area of expertise or responsibility.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, AEI‘s Mark Perry provides an updated version of his incredibly revealing…

Chart of the day….or century?


“…Various observations that have been made about the huge divergence in price patterns over the last several decades displayed in the chart include:

1. The greater (lower) the degree of government involvement in the provision of a good or service the greater (lower) the price increases (decreases) over time, e.g., hospital and medical costs, college tuition, childcare with both large degrees of government funding/regulation and large price increases vs. software, electronics, toys, cars and clothing with both relatively less government funding/regulation and falling prices. As somebody on Twitter commented:

Blue lines = prices subject to free-market forces. Red lines = prices subject to regulatory capture by government. Food and beverages are debatable either way. Conclusion: remind me why socialism is so great again?…”

Speaking of those who still maintain Socialism works, primarily because when the dust settles and the blood stops flowing they plan on being the animals more equal than others, FOX informs us…

Black Lies Matter blames US, praises Cuban regime

The BLM tweet was sent out at about the time Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel admitted that his government’s failures played a role in the protests


Which fairly begs the question, if Obama couldn’t end the embargo with either his phone or his pen, what makes these mindless Marxists think 46* has the sway over a divided Congress to accomplish what The Boy Blunder could not?

This brings to mind a cartoon we ran in our last edition:

Here’s the juice: anyone or any entity that supports this organization or its cause in any way shape or form is a friend to neither freedom nor America…and that goes DOUBLE for those wearing a uniform, General Milley.

In a related item from White House Dossier, The Patriot Post reports:

On Tuesday, Florida Republican Representative Mario Diaz-Balart introduced a resolution to explicitly support the Cuban people and their demand for freedom from “the brutal oppression of the Communist dictatorship in Cuba.”

Tellingly, however, not a single Democrat has signed on to the resolution — a testament to just how far Democrats have drifted down the socialism hole.

Next, courtesy of his Morning Jolt, Jim Geraghty wonders…

Can We Handle the Truth of the COVID-Origin Probe?


Today is July 15; according to administration sources speaking to the Wall Street Journal, President Joe Biden is due to receive a 45-day update on the U.S. intelligence community’s review of the origins of COVID-19 “in mid-July.”

So far, no significant information about the probe has leaked. The probe can reach one of two plausible answers, or one implausible answer.

Plausible answer No. 1: We cannot prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of a lab leak in Wuhan. There is a lot of circumstantial evidence — probably enough for prosecutors to win a case. But we don’t have a smoking gun. We don’t have that rumored high-level Chinese defector telling us all about China’s secret virus-research programs. We don’t have a recording of a phone call between panicked scientists realizing what they’ve done — they’re too careful. We don’t have any hacked memos or emails or texts that definitively declare that this was a lab accident — everyone involved knows the risks of ever typing that into a computer or phone, and everyone involved is used to living under relentless state surveillance. What’s more, because of the psychological consequences of realizing that your mistakes set off a global pandemic that killed more than 4 million people, everyone involved with that lab is in the deepest denial imaginable. It is extremely unlikely that anyone who knows will ever confess. They’ll take this to their graves — if they haven’t already been killed to help the coverup.

Plausible answer No. 2: The outbreak of a novel coronavirus, closest to ones found in bats, started at the metaphorical doorstep of one of the three laboratories in the entire world conducting gain-of-function research on novel coronaviruses found in bats. Those facts have never seemed like a plausible coincidence. From the beginning of the first cases, the Chinese government has lied to the World Health Organization and the rest of the world, blocked outside investigators as long as possible, withheld requested data, hidden previously available data, and made the spectacularly implausible claim that this was an American bioweapon. The most genetically similar, previously existing virus killed three miners in Yunnan Province back in 2012, a site that is about 1,100 miles away. Samples of that deadly virus were taken to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, along with many other samples from bats in the same mineshaft. But no one has found this precise virus, SARS-CoV-2, occurring in animals in nature. No one has found animal smugglers who were sickened by or died from SARS-CoV-2 before the outbreak in December 2019. And three Wuhan Institute of Virology staffers were hospitalized in November 2019 “with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illness.” Any evidence of a lab accident that we cannot find can be plausibly explained by Chinese government efforts to cover it up and destroy it.

Implausible answer: Everything listed under No. 2 is just a big coincidence, and we should trust the assessments of virologists who wish to continue gain-of-function research and who insist that a consequential accident is simply impossible.

Regardless of whether the virus came from a lab leak, it is indisputable that China lied to the world for weeks and has done everything possible to obstruct an independent investigation into the origins of the virus.

If the U.S. intelligence community comes back and concludes, “We just don’t know where this virus came from,” the lesson to the world will be that lies and obstruction work, and that there is no real consequence for responding to a crisis with them. Other regimes around the world are watching — and even the most open, free, and responsible government hates to admit that its scientists made a consequential mistake. Playing along with shameless lies and a cover-up now is a good way to ensure we get more of them in the future.

It’s really not a question of whether John and Jane Q. Citizen can handle the truth, it’s whether the elites in so many industries and positions of power (including, but far from limited to, the Biden crime family, Apple, the NBA, Nike, John Cena, Google, Facebook and Twitter) reaping untold wealth from their business relationships with the ChiComs, often off the backs of slave labor, will allow the truth to be revealed.  Besides, they know what’s best for you, and regardless…

Then again, anyone with half a brain already knows the truth.  We recently had a conversation regarding this issue with TLJ’s good friend and business partner.  She asked whether we thought the COVID virus was deliberately or inadvertently released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

We responded with two observations: First, while the release was likely accidental, the cover-up was definitely deliberate, allowing the virus to be carried around the world by hundreds of thousands if not millions of travelers leaving Wuhan and delaying the rest of the world’s response with deadly consequences.  Second, it would not surprise us one bit if the release were deliberate, to which Barbara Ann asked if we really believed the ChiComs would sacrifice millions of lives to field test a bio-weapon.  To which we responded, “Look at their history: They’d do it a New York minute, and never lose a moment of sleep over having done so!”

It’s almost as if she never learned Mao killed some 70 million of his fellow citizens without batting an eye.  Though, given the state of America’s system of public education, it’s certainly not out of the question.

Meanwhile, closer to home, NRO‘s Zach Evans relates the power-mad powers-that-be in Los Angeles have reimposed their ridiculous indoor mask mandateeven for the vaccinated.

Since we’re on the subject of dictators desperate to cling to power, courtesy of The Patriot Post via Ed Hickey, B.B. Bell asks and answers the rhetorical question…

Taiwan Is Next, but Should We Care?


Where is Taiwan anyway and why should we care?” It’s likely many Americans ask this question every time they hear or read about Taiwan being China’s next target, and what, if anything, the U.S. should do about it. So for a straight-up answer, let me be clear: If Taiwan falls to mainland China, it will mark the end of the United States as a world military power and as the prime force for freedom and democracy. The end, zilch, nada. And, of course, after the United States is no longer the central force for global freedom and democracy, all bets are off for the future of democracy versus socialism here at home…”

We’re with General Bell on this one: as goes Taiwan, so goes the world.

Moving on, we offer an octet of specially screened selections certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). In what can only be a coincidence, also courtesy of White House Dossier59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe are missing.

(2). In a real shocker, courtesy of Glenn Greenwald via James Nichols we learn Nancy Pelosi has been making MILLIONS through well-timed stock trades in the very Big Tech companies SHE ACTIVELY REGULATES, with contacts which include private conversations with the CEOs of various Silicon Valley enterprises.  And here Hillary only made a lousy $100K on her incredibly adroit trades in cattle futures.  Then again, who know cattle better than a cow?!?  We crack ourselves up.

(3). In another real shocker, the New York Post reveals reports of an unhappy working environment in Vice President Kamala Harris’ office are ringing a bell with former staffers, “who have described similar experiences dating back more than a decade”.  We’re shocked…SHOCKED we tell you…to learn Kommielaa, a woman who slept her way to the top, is such an incredible…

(4). Here’s added proof, as if any were needed, at every level Republicans remain the Party of Stupid.

(5). As this item from The Federalist via James Nichols demonstrates, leave it to the aged and addled 46* to claim domestic terrorism is a top threat despite nominating a domestic terrorist to run the Bureau of Land Management.  Which is another way of saying the White House will tolerate, even reward extremism…provided its LEFT WING extremism.  Socialists: If not for double standards they’d have no standards at all.

(6). In yet another item from NRO‘s Zach Evans, the head of the World Health Organization said it was “premature” to rule out the possibility that the novel coronavirus leaked from a laboratory.  “I was a lab technician myself, I’m an immunologist, and I have worked in the lab, and lab accidents happen,” Tedros said…before adding, “Of course, that was before Xi Jinping had his hand jammed…

…so far up my alimentary canal he could count my teeth!”

(7). Writing at Best of the Web, Jim Freeman records how from Havana to Hong Kong, brave souls continue to defy communist tyranny.  That’s actual tyranny, General Milley, not the stuff of your woke, politically-correct, self-serving, career-advancing fantasies, you incredible bag of bemedaled douche.  Keep in mind, Benedict Arnold was once a hero who nobly risked his life in the service of his country…before he was the traitor who worked against it.

(8).  In a forward from Richard Colt, The Daily Wire reveals, as the result of an incredibly lucky stroke of lightning, the George Floyd Memorial Mural in Toledo, OH has thankfully been destroyed:

 Oh, the humanity.  What does it say about the nature of a movement that it’s built entirely on a foundation of LIES?!?

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…

…along with a few more from Ed Hickey:

And last, but certainly not least, here’s a meme inspired by our brother-in-law Brutus wondering… 

Finally, we’ll call it a week with two sordid stories straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter: First, Exhibit “A”, courtesy of yet another victim of senseless Black-on-Black violence Socialists such as Fauxcahontas would have you believe is the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, though neither of the perpetrators ever experienced either

Vietnam veteran dies of heart attack after attempted carjacking in Chicago


“…Keith Cooper, 73, survived two combat tours as a Marine in Vietnam, only to be killed in broad daylight while running errands in his neighborhood. Police say two people demanded Cooper’s car then attacked him, repeatedly punching him in the head, around 12:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Cooper didn’t survive, despite the efforts of witnesses to fight off the attackers. His family says his heart couldn’t take the trauma, and he was pronounced dead at the hospital after suffering a heart attack.

“Tried to steal his car. You didn’t even get his car when you took his life,” said Cooper’s son-in-law, Curtis Carlton. “It was two guys preying on a senior citizen.” Police say two people were taken into custody and are being questioned regarding the attack…”

No, the story didn’t reveal the race of the carjackers, but if they aren’t of the same ethnicity as their victim we’ll make a significant contribution to Black Lies Matter

And in Exhibit “B”, another forward from James Nichols, this time from FOX, informs us the…

U.S. Capitol Police arrested Rep. Joyce Beatty during a voting rights protest in the Hart Senate Office Building


Yeah, ’cause Black women have always been prevented from voting…exclusively by Black men who, after impregnating them to demonstrate their manhood, left their offspring fatherless, their ladies husbandless and everyone’s lives more difficult.  Need we mention it’s tougher to get to the polls with children in tow, regardless of whether you’re too ignorant to know where to get a photo ID?!?

Strangely enough, the unarmed Congresswoman, who hadn’t any more legal right to protest in the Hart building without a permit than we or you, wasn’t shot in the head by a cowardly Capitol Police Lieutenant, nor did her unlawful incursion rise to the level of an insurrection, either in the minds of the MSM or the mindless occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Just sayin’.


Video of the Day

As our dear departed Dad used to observe of our brothers and us when denied doing something as kids, “One of you’ll lie and the other will verify it!”

Tales of The Darkest Side

The Parkland school shooter attacks a guard and receives a well-deserved ass whuppin’. He’d been pacing around the prison cafeteria for some time prior to the assault, perhaps attempting to bolster his inevitable insanity defense.

On the Truly Lighter Side!

The shocking effect of not voting your color as predetermined by Dimocrats.
