It’s Wednesday, July 21st, 2021…but before we begin, consider the import of the following headline:

Biden Argues Massive Government Spending Will Help Fend Off Inflation, Not Exacerbate It


During a question and answer session with reporters, Biden dismissed predictions of high inflation. “There’s nobody suggesting unchecked [inflation] is on its way,” Biden said. “No serious economist.”…”

Which prompted the Editorial Board at the WSJ to accurately observe:

Someone in the White House must think inflation is a growing political problem because Mr. Biden spent most of his time on the subject explaining why it’s no problem at all. Our experts believe and the data shows that most of the price increases we’ve seen are—were expected and expected to be temporary,” Mr. Biden said.

Price increases were expected by whom? By contributors to these pages, sure. But not by the White House budget office, which forecast inflation of 2.1% in 2021 and 2022 in its recent budget proposal. Not by the Federal Reserve, which has underestimated inflation at each of its meetings this year. At its June monetary policy meeting the median forecast among Fed officials for 2021 was 3%. In March their forecast was 2.2%. In June the ACTUAL consumer-price increase over a year ago was 5.4%.

Remember, increases in the cost of food and fuel, two of the biggest line items in the average American’s household budget, AREN’T INCLUDED in the government’s inflation calculation.  Go figure, though the logic is akin to not including those who’ve stopped looking for work in the unemployment numbers.

But if the graphics contained in the following item from Gun Free Zone via Balls Cotton are accurate, while 46*’s brain trust may not understand ECON101, John Q. Citizen isn’t ignorant of the basics:

And NOW we know why they are ramping up the Delta Variant panic


Apparently a lot of people are worried about inflation and spending in the recovery. If they shut us down again people will demand money because they will have no income. The only way to justify what they want to do is to lock the economy down again.

Enter the Delta Variant and its ability to infect the vaccinated (?!?)The perfect justification for Lockdown 2.0.

Though we’re unaware of any special capability the Delta Variant has to infect the vaccinated, the point of the article is nonetheless well taken.

Here’s the juice: To the best of our knowledge, only one virus deadly to humans has ever been eradicated in all of history, that being smallpox, for a number of reasons you can find here, not the least of which is it only being transmittable from human to human.  All the rest, be it the Spanish Flu, the Hong Kong Flu or the Wuhan virus, are here to stay, though owing to constant mutations not in their original forms.  It’s why your annual flu shot contains an ever-changing cocktail to combat what virologists and epidemiologists predict will prove the greatest threat in a given year.   

Here’s a second shot of the juice: There’s no question in our mind The Donald bungled his response to COVID-19 by (i) initiating the initial lockdown; (ii) his many incoherent and inconsistent statements; (iii) so often focusing attention on himself; and, (iv) allowing Drs. Faux Chi and Birx to dominate the narrative.  Neither is there any question The Left and their MSM shills deliberately misrepresented the scope and lethality of the scamdemic to take Trump down.  Which brings up the issue of the timing of the release from the Wuhan lab in the first place.

As for Dr. Faux Chi, any question who’s the liar in this exchange?  Not in our mind.  Burn in Hell, Tony.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Owing to the fact most of our Monday was spent at a practice burn conducted by the Howard County Fire Department at a house on a property we’re redeveloping…

…(the heat was so intense our iPhone shutdown as were videoing above) and other ends took up much of the remaining time we usually devote to The Gouge, we’re going to forego our usual format and go straight to a nonet of items specially selected for inquiring Conservative minds.

(1). Writing at Epoch Times, Ben Weingarten details how The Ruling Class Poses the Very Authoritarian Dangers It Claimed Trump Did, concluding with the insightful observation, “But unfortunately for our country, in its desperation to perpetuate and grow its power, freedom-loving Americans will bear the brunt as it lashes out in uniquely disturbing and dangerous ways.”

(2). Case in point, courtesy of’s Matt Vespa, who records on behalf of one particular local ruling class, After Reinstating Mask Mandate, Here’s the COVID Death Toll from LA County.  That would be nine…in a county of some 10 million.  We wouldn’t be surprised if buggery claims a higher number of Los Angelenos than the Wuhan virus.

Which brings to mind Pete Buttgag’s justification for the continued requirement to wear masks on airplanes, which have NEVER…until the cowardly Dimocrats from Texas took flight to derail democracy…been shown to spread the virus…EVER.  Is the policy based on science?  No, at least not according to Mayor Pete, who maintains, “It’s out of respect.”  Begging the question when demonstrations of respect became the purview of the federal government?!?

(3). Rich Lowry offers further evidence our decision to boycott the NFL the instant Roger Goodell chose Kaepernick over country was correct.  Had we not cremated him, our dear departed Dad, who played for the Redskins between wars, would be rolling over in his grave.  And who died and willed Lift Every Voice and Sing as the Black national anthem?  We’d have thought this classic SNL ditty sung by Garrett Morris would have been the hands-down favorite.  Then again, what would WE know?!?  After all, we’re White, and therefore irredeemably racist.

(4). The great Victor Davis Hanson relates America’s descent into madness, explaining how America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive and frightening place by July 2021.  Those questioning how things could go from great to garbage in such a short period of time are obviously unfamiliar with the history of Cuba, Venezuela, Cambodia…or Nazi Germany.

(5). In a forward from James Nichols, courtesy of the New York Post, South African Rian Malan explains how “equity” ideology plunged South Africa into inequality and chaos, presaging its effects in the U. S. of A.

(6). Best of the Web‘s Jim Freeman describes How to Run as a Dimocrat in 2022Spoiler Alert: Any vulnerable Dimocratic Representative or Senator has never HEARD of 46*, Kommielaa or Nancy.

(7). THIS is why we DON’T MISS THE DONALD!!!  Where on earth would we be today if Mitch was “smart” based on Trump’s standards?!?

(8). Courtesy of The Washington Free Beacon via White House Dossier, we learn American professors are pushing for greater collaboration with Chinese Communist Party scientists even as experts explore the possibility that the deadly coronavirus pandemic originated in a Wuhan virology lab.  Hey, what could go wrong?!?

(9). In a forward from Jeff Foutch, The Washington Free Beacon again informs us more than two dozen electric Proterra buses first unveiled by the city of Philadelphia in 2016 are already out of operation:

Turns out the entire fleet of Proterra buses was removed from the roads by SEPTA, the city’s transit authority, in February 2020 due to both structural and logistical problems—the weight of the powerful battery was cracking the vehicles’ chassis, and the battery life was insufficient for the city’s bus routes. The city raised the issues with Proterra, which failed to adequately address the city’s concerns.

The city paid $24 million for the 25 new Proterra buses, subsidized in part by a $2.6 million federal grant. Philadelphia defended the investment with claims that the electric buses would require less maintenance than standard combustion engine counterparts. “There’s a lot less moving parts on an electric bus than there is on an internal combustion engine,” SEPTA chief Jeffrey Knueppel said in June 2019. Knueppel retired from the post just months later.”

Anyone want to wager their net worth against ours not a single agent of law enforcement has bothered to examine Knueppel’s financial records?

Which brings us, inappropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from our brother Rob…

…the lovely Shannon…

…Balls Cotton…

…and last, but certainly never least, Speed:

If you’re wondering why, the reason’s simple, though there are many more.


Video of the Day

There’s NOTHING politicians and bureaucrats fear more than an informed, involved, vocal voter who won’t be intimidated.

Tales of The Darkside

Courtesy of Stossel TV, the lovely Gloria Alvarez reminds us Socialism always leads to violence…ALWAYS!!!

On the Lighter Side

Progressives: You know what they are by what they accuse others of being.
