It’s Monday, August 23rd, 2021…but before beginning, we offer three videos which highlight just how hollow the office of the President has become:

As the man who rescued 46* from well-deserved obscurity so accurately and eloquently (for a Black man) observed, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up”, and that goes double for his handlers.  As bad as things are, Heaven help us should his utterly unfit understudy be called upon to assume his role.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Since we’re on the subject of the worst President in U.S. history (which, after eight years of The Obamao is REALLY saying something!), two items from NRO accurately depict this woeful excuse for a man’s extensive shortcomings.  First, Dan McLaughlin explains why…

Joe Biden Is Who We Said He Was

Nobody should, any longer, pretend that Joe Biden is fit to lead this nation.


Second, Jim Geraghty provides a comprehensive catalog of…

The True Extent of Biden’s Lies about Afghanistan


Which doesn’t, of course, even begin to include Biden’s countless other concoctions on any and every subject he’s ever addressed.  From his college athletic prowess to his class standing at Syracuse, his coal-mining experience to taking on the mythical Corn Pop at the Wilmington community pool, the circumstances of his first wife’s death to his push-up prowess, the man’s entire public career has been one unremitting, mammoth misrepresentation.  As the New York Post observed:

You won’t find a more powerful example of the media’s pro-Democratic tilt — and outright hostility toward former President Donald Trump — than their refusal this week to call out President Biden as a downright liar, as they did with his predecessor, when it comes to his comments about his Afghanistan pullout.

But now that his frequent falsehoods have been combined with an increasingly undeniable dotage, even those who helped place him in a station far above his abilities are recognizing it’s time for a change:

Or, as we stated sometime back, this is part and parcel to the deal The Left struck with Biden back when his campaign was floundering.  We get you the nomination, you put a Communist as #2 on the ticket.  After all, it’s not like they weren’t aware of his lack of intellect and declining cognitive state when he was still a senator, let alone a candidate.

In a related item encompassing a much broader historical perspective, NRO‘s Andy McCarthy correctly concludes…

America Has Been in Denial about the Taliban from the Start

For 20 years, some of us have been countering that you can’t defeat the enemy without understanding that they are the enemy, and what they believe.


Hat tip to Speed for the accompanying artwork.

Next, writing at Epoch Times, Mark Tapscott relates how the…

State Department is Mum on Why It Killed Pompeo’s Crisis Evacuation Unit


Officials at the U.S. State Department declined on Aug. 19 to say why Secretary of State Antony Blinken “paused” a special evacuation unit formed by his predecessor, even as the firestorm of reaction to the bungled Afghanistan withdrawal intensified. In June, Blinken signed off on the department’s fiscal year 2022 budget justification request submitted to Congress that included a notation that, while $50.8 million was sought for the Crisis and Contingency Response (CCR) program, “the department has paused implementation pending a policy review.”

When asked by The Epoch Times “Why was [CCR] paused, is that still State’s intent, and is [CCR] being utilized now in the Kabul evacs,” the department spokesman declined to respond. Instead, the spokesman repeated a statement previously provided to media inquiries, saying:

“It is important to note that not only would the proposed [CCR] not have introduced any new capabilities to the department, it was never formally established. Some administrative steps were taken before its establishment was paused, but the day-to-day operations of the team have not changed. “Every requirement the department delivered on last year, and, since the proposed establishment of the bureau, can be delivered on today in the same manner if appropriate to do so.”

But interviews on Aug. 19 with former senior State Department officials indicate the CCR program had been up and functioning effectively for months when Blinken and his team took over operations following his Jan. 26 Senate confirmation.

A former official pointed to the State Department’s evacuation of U.S. citizens from Wuhan, China, at the outset of the pandemic caused by the CCP virus, which is also known as the novel coronavirus. “This was the group of brave Americans that rescued more than 800 people from Wuhan in February 2020, when we knew little about the virulence of the virus and danger of that mission,” the former official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Epoch Times…”

All of which is part and parcel to why the WSJ‘s Kim Strassel suggests we just sit back and watch as the…

Democrats Run From Afghanistan

Unlike Republicans last year, few are willing to challenge the president.


Joe Biden handed out plenty of blame for his Afghanistan mess Monday, though he notably left out a core group of enablers. The Democratic Party owns this American humiliation and is already worried about the political fallout.

The Democratic Party has some serious national-security voices, but few hold office. The party has moved left, even as it has methodically run out the Blue Dogs, centrists and defense hawks who used to keep the radicals in check. Swing-state Democrats live in mortal fear of primary challenges, and most are unwilling to call out or oppose party leaders. And so the party as a whole has mostly indulged Mr. Biden’s misguided decisions, even those (on energy, crime, the border) that are having serious consequences for their home states.

A media that has mollycoddled Mr. Biden is now belatedly questioning his decision to ignore warnings from diplomats and generals. Expect more Democrats to join the criticism. But it’s a little late. Elected leaders who get used to getting a pass grow arrogant and reckless. Leaders, say, who foolishly think the Taliban will also wink at a president’s mistakes.

The political cost of Democrats’ indulgence of this president are yet to be seen, especially as the images from Afghanistan will likely get worse. But the public mood is already shifting. A Politico/Morning Consult Poll conducted Aug. 13-16 showed support for military withdrawal in Afghanistan plummeting 20 points from April, to 49%.

This could impair Democratic priorities in Congress. The Afghan collapse offers a vivid picture of the cost of U.S. disengagement and may make it harder for progressives to transfer more military spending to domestic priorities. A weakened White House could have a harder time marching members into line behind its $3.5 trillion budget blowout.

As for next year’s midterm elections, both parties often make the mistake of confusing war-weariness with indifference. Voters might gripe about “forever” conflicts, but they also don’t like losing and want to feel safe. National security and foreign policy have been overshadowed in recent elections, but Mr. Biden’s Afghanistan train wreck may change that. One question is whether Republicans will re-embrace their role as advocates for a muscular and engaged foreign policy, after Mr. Trump’s more scattershot and populist approach.

Democrats have certainly given them the opening.

Only an opening as wide as Hillary’s hips!  Which may…or may NOT…be effectively exploited by The Gang Who’ll NEVER Shoot Straight.

Turning back for a moment to the subject of 46*’s lies, as FOX reminds us, the…

Pentagon admits al Qaeda has a ‘presence’ in Afghanistan minutes after Biden says they are ‘gone’

Pentagon spokesman would not estimate how al Qaeda are there but said the number is not ‘exorbitantly high


Wake up and smell the lies, America; these people are NOT on our side!!!

Speaking of lies and the liars who perpetuate them, Jim Freeman offers those still representing the January 6th riot as a serious attempt to overthrow the government an opportunity to view what REAL armed insurrection looks like.

And in our continuing coverage of the Wuhan scamdemic, the WSJ‘s Holman Jenkins sounds the drum we’ve been beating for almost a year, as he explains why…

Delta’s Gift Is Hybrid Immunity

One senator at a time, a new variant is bracing up our vaccinated immune systems against new Covid.


Politics is how we govern ourselves, so don’t imagine Covid data could ever have been unpoliticized. The CDC’s naming this week of a new analytics panel, featuring Harvard’s Marc Lipsitch and John Hopkins’s Caitlin Rivers, does not change this reality. It opens a new chapter.

How so? From the start, our mistake has been our strange reticence to recognize the reality of mild or symptomless Covid. It began on day one with the World Health Organization and certain experts choosing to exaggerate Covid’s deadliness by ignoring mild and unseen cases. The same myopia continues to play havoc today with our ability to answer a crucial question: How rampant is the Delta variant among the vaccinated? The U.S. is hopelessly trying to draw conclusions from unrepresentative data.

In the Massachusetts outbreak that set off government alarm bells, more than 300 vaccinated holiday-makers later tested positive. Were they 100% or 1% of those who returned home with the virus? No idea.

In Chicago, 127 of 203 cases associated with the Lollapalooza music festival were fully vaccinated people. Same question. Are they the tip or the whole iceberg? No clue.

With more young Covid victims landing in hospitals, is this because Delta is more virulent or because there’s a lot more Delta than we know? Again, your government doesn’t have the foggiestNow three more vaccinated U.S. senators have come down with Covid this week.

This chosen myopia about unseen spread has proved costly but in ways that hint at its political utility. In January 2020, we could tell ourselves Covid wasn’t here because we hadn’t detected any cases. Later, when the pandemic was in full swing, overplaying the death risk and underplaying natural immunity helped to rally support for lockdowns, masking and vaccine rollout compliance.

Still, why would scientists like Anthony Fauci and CDC leaders be satisfied with inadequate data? One reasonable presumption is that people don’t ask questions they don’t want the answers to. From the start, our public-health experts were realistic, not to say fatalistic, about the virus. The CDC on its webpage for months advised that every American should expect to be infected eventually. This advice disappeared only as political messaging became paramount. Accentuating how much viral spread remained unobserved and unmeasured apparently did not fit the agenda.

Delta has made such motivated myopia no longer sustainable. The Covid-causing virus is a single-strand RNA virus—i.e., prone to frequent mutation, like the flu, which requires a new vaccine every year.

The public is being hit with absurdly late-to-the-news headlines saying Covid won’t be going away. Its favorite media-approved epidemiologists now warn that everyone must get it sooner or later. Harvard’s Michael Mina breaks the news that not the worst thing right now is vaccinated people getting asymptomatic Delta infections—a “booster” shot against future variants likely to be as robust as any the government will be handing out.

And more absurd than ever is social-media censorship of experts who say anything slightly complicated about masks or vaccine hesitancy, as if their discordant thoughts must still be suppressed in the name of eliminating Covid forever.

This propaganda is now detrimental to the real goal. The coming surprise for Americans is that hybrid immunity, or vaccination plus inevitable exposure to an evolving virus, is our new way out. As much as it was right to try to soften this adjustment, look at Japan today, with Tokyo hospitals near collapse under the weight of a Delta outbreak. Look at New Zealand, an entire nation locked down over what was initially a single Delta case. These countries have yet to find a way to make peace with the virus and allow natural immunity to play its role in domesticating a new and unwelcome guest that won’t be going away. China will be the ultimate case study: facing Delta with a billion-plus people who are immunologically naive or reliant on inferior vaccines.

If you think nongovernment scientists were immune to the motivated myopia about unseen spread, read a Washington Post op-ed from just last week by two Boston University epidemiologists. They engage in otherwise interesting herd immunity math based on the garbage-in, garbage-out assumption that only 35 million Americans (the official number) have so far been infected.

Even the CDC has long since emerged from its fog. Its official “tracker” may still emphasize such “reported” cases, but the agency quietly estimates that 120 million Americans had been infected by May 1 in the unseen, unmeasured pandemic that Americans have actually been facing.

Here’s an encore shot of the juice: this isn’t a “pandemic”, it’s a “scamdemic”, the only difference between this and earlier flu outbreaks being the man in the White House when it hit our shores.  Everything else has been politics, impure and simple.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Mark Foster…

…the lovely Shannon…

…James Nichols…

…Brenda Berry…

…and last, but never least, three little bon mots from Ed Hickey:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with the Just Desserts segment, as we learn the…

Florida school officer who hid during Parkland shooting goes on trial for child negligence


When it comes to this craven coward, the title “Unjust Deserter” is far more appropriate.


P.S. We’re still fighting jet lag, so again, please forgive any typos or other errors.

Video of the Day

Tucker Carlson reveals how ABC News chose to edit out portions of the Biden-Snuffleuphisass interview “that made Joe Biden look, how to put it, not Presidential, incoherent, confused.”

Tales of The Darkside

The best efforts of The Left and their MSM shills to contrary notwithstanding, Brandon Tatum highlights the stark difference between male and female athletic performance.

On the Lighter Side

Just when you thought the Biden clown car couldn’t appear any more out of touch with reality…!!!
