It’s Friday, September 3rd, 2021…but before we begin, consider the following on 46*’s photo-op in front of the caskets containing those he killed from reader and fellow veteran Urey Patrick (emphasis ours):

“Biden wasn’t there for them – he was there for the cameras and his manufactured self-image.

When you are the Commander-in-Chief facing the newly Gold Star parents of troops lost because of decisions and policies that you enacted, you take it.  You stand there with the bodies of their sons and daughters and let them vent and you take ittheir grief is on you.  You owe them that.  You do not “me too” them with hackneyed stories of your son who died of cancer years ago and how bad you feel too – you are not a Gold Star parent and you should stop playing one on TV. And you don’t campaign against them on social media and through your PR outlets.”

This is the same self-serving slop The Groper’s served up numerous times following the death of his first wife.  He mischaracterized the circumstances of her demise so often, repeatedly insinuating the driver of the truck Neilia Biden swerved into was drunk when he was not, his family demanded an apology from the demented dissimulator.

Since a picture’s worth a thousand words, here’s an illustrated shot of the juice:

We’ve never wished anyone eternity in Hell…before.  But this complete a*sclown is sorely trying our patience.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, in what is a small but clear victory for life, liberty and the eventual pursuit of happiness by the unborn, NRO informs us the…

Texas Becomes First State to Implement Fetal Heartbeat Law after Supreme Court Declines to Act


46* immediately claimed, “The Texas law will significantly impair women’s access to the health care they need, particularly for communities of color and individuals with low incomes.”  After all, ain’t everything about color?!?

And of course, Nancy the Red…with blood from tens of millions of unborn infants…promptly promised legislation codifying infanticide.

You should understand the ruling does not in anyway impact Roe v. Wade, but rather denied a request by Texas abortionists for emergency relief against the Lone Star State statute. 

To borrow a phrase from the late, great Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”  We can only hope…and pray, and that continually!

Next, in our continuing coverage of the greatest self-inflicted defeat in American history, Jim Geraghty wonders…

Who Are the Americans Still in Afghanistan?


The New York Times reports that “at least hundreds of U.S. citizens and potentially thousands of green card holders . . . are stranded in Afghanistan.” For obvious reasons, news organizations are not eager to report the full names and locations of Americans and green-card holders in Afghanistan. There’s no need to make the Taliban’s work easier.

Right now, somewhere in Afghanistan, there’s a U.S. green-card holder who was living in Maryland earlier this year. He had worked with the Americans, done excellent work, and qualified for a green card. Green-card holders are granted authorization to live and work in the U.S. on a permanent basis. They’re often on the last step before applying for U.S. citizenship. As Charlie Cooke summarized, “it’s not a visa. It’s not a temporary permission slip. It’s permanent residency.” During the evacuation, the U.S. State Department said that the evacuations of citizens and of green-card holders were both top priorities, although green-card holders quickly disappeared from administration statements and statistics  thereafter.

This green-card holder is married and had six children; his wife’s parents did not want her moving with him to the U.S., so the husband and father moved to America and sent money back to support his family. In early August, this green-card holder could see the Taliban were advancing quickly, and he went back to Afghanistan to try to get his wife and six children out.

My reader, who has been trying to get this green-card holder out, had to tell him that the last U.S. flight had departed Kabul International Airport:

I told him about 5 a.m. Kabul time (on the 31st) that the U.S. military had left early during the night and would not be there today, the 31st, the last day,” my reader said. “I couldn’t decipher his reaction. It was either quiet rage or a silent crushing of his spirit. I read the report from [the State Department] that they will work diplomatic channels to get the rest of the ‘American citizens’ out. Legal permanent residents sound like they are screwed again. We shake our heads in amazement. The effort from State so far on his case and others has been a goose egg.  It’s a massive fail.

However, the U.S. State Department did send this green-card holder an e-mail with the helpful advice to “keep a low profile.” The e-mail recommended, “Make contingency plans to leave when it is safe to do so that do not rely on U.S. government assistance.” Over on the State Department website, under a section labeled, “What the Department of State Can and Can’t Do in a Crisis,” the department writes, “If there are no commercial options available, and if we have consular officers at the embassy or consulate, and if the conditions permit, we may help U.S. citizens identify possible transportation options” (emphasis in original)…”

As the meme we created indicates, were Hunter and the Big Guy willing to charge individuals for evacuation, similar to how the Nazis profited from allowing Jews to emigrate from Germany, trust us, they’d have tried it.

Turning now to the scamdemic, writing at NRO, Michael Brendan Dougherty records…

The Crumbling Justification for Vaccine Passports

New findings are weakening the rationale for segregating people based on their vaccination status.


“…A serious attempt to impose a heavily restrictive vaccine-passport system nationwide would mean excluding people from activities they’ve already been doing the past 18 months, even as the danger of the pandemic to our medical institutions is less now than it was in the past. It would inspire and harden a resistance movement similar to the one France is undergoing.

The psychological exhaustion with the pandemic is now very real. What the United States needs is some kind of reassurance that the COVID era can come to an end. That “normal life” will return and that the risks of living life in a biological world with a functioning human society will be shifted back onto individuals, families, and free institutions. Eighteen months of moving goalposts has made each new development — in the variants of the disease, or in the studies done on the effect of vaccination — a fresh trial and stress.

Reassurance of a return to normal life is something that the Danish government provided its citizens throughout the pandemic and just delivered in the past week. Denmark tried a corona passport for nonessential services. But it is now ending all COVID restrictions, including the passport. And it’s important to note that even though Denmark has vaccinated a higher percentage of its eligible population than the United States has, it did not wait for daily cases to drop to their lowest-ever levels before declaring that the virus was no longer “a critical threat to society.”

That is what must be the standard — the standard that justified the beginning of pandemic restrictions. A novel virus has the potential to overwhelm a health-care system, as we saw in Lombardy and Wuhan, and nearly in New York and London, in the first months of this crisis. That threat is nearly over. And it is a reason why we should not be building an invasive and constitutionally dubious system of internal passports now.

Fact is, we’ve stopped frequenting any business which requires us to don a mask.  Furthermore, our boycott won’t end with that of the scamdemic…assuming it ever ends.

And in what contributor The Boss accurately terms a shock coming from a Dimocrat, writing at the Journal, Joe Manchin explains…

Why I Won’t Support Spending Another $3.5 Trillion

Amid inflation, debt and the inevitability of future crises, Congress needs to take a strategic pause.


Let’s see how long Manchin’s opposition lasts; or, perhaps what is more likely, what his price is…

…for dropping it.

Moving on, here’s another septet of special selections sure to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). As WSJ‘s Bill McGurn notes, “great presidents appeal to the better angels of our nature”, which leaves out Joe Biden, who bets on cynicism.

(2). Courtesy of American Greatness via the Geffoir, the great VDH asks Is Our Military Woke, Broke or Both?, “as somehow our new woke Pentagon is hell-bent on losing the trust of the American people—along with the wars it fights abroad.”

(3). In a rare burst of sanity from the Land of Fruits and Nuts, a California teacher who removed Old Glory from her classroom and suggested students pledge allegiance to the rainbow pride flag has been removed from the classroom.

(4). Transitioning from sanity to insanity, in a column entitled Biden’s Second Surrender, the WSJ‘s Kim Strassel explains why “the Democrats push for a hike in corporate taxes that would be a gift to the Chinese”.  46*: Like the Bush family, he’s the gift…

Provided, of course, you’re a non-citizen or an enemy of freedom.  Better yet, both!

(5). According to FOX, neither CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS nor NBC reported on Biden’s bombshell phone call urging Afghan prez to push stability “perception.  Then again, you have to first be a reporter to report.  We seem to recall Trump being impeached over a far less sinister phone conversation.

(6). Speaking of The Donald, his claim he’s never seen stupidity like Biden’s Afghanistan debacle leads us to believe he’s never scanned a summary of his own tweets.

(7). In a related item of the pot calling the kettle black, in a question we’ve often asked regarding him, while hammering White House chief of Ron Klain as delusional for touting the disastrous Afghanistan evacuation as a success, Sean Hannity asked “Is he this much of an idiot?”  Coming from Hannity, that’s the voice of extensive experience.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Speed…

…the lovely Shannon…

…Jeff Foutch…

…and last, but certainly never least, a mix of wit and wisdom from Ed Hickey:

Finally, we’re authoritatively informed Balls Cotton underwent successful surgery and is recovering nicely.  Here’s wishing him a speedy and complete recovery, and hoping he’ll resume his frequent contributions to our columns in the very near future.


Video of the Day

 Newt calls the clown car as it is, Symptomatic of a sickness: Socialism

Tales of The Darkside

Claiming his disastrous retreat went exactly as planned, Biden takes credit for a spectacular success while blaming The Donald for a phenomenal failure.

On the Lighter Side

The Thompson: NOT an inexpensive habit, particularly these days.
