It’s Monday, November 22nd, 2021…and we’ll always wonder how different America might look today had 58 years ago today had Lee Harvey Oswald…

…and other unknown assailants not put LBJ in a position to pass his incredibly destructive and counterproductive…

…Great Society programs.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Since he’s finally and properly been acquitted…

…we thought we’d begin our coverage of the Kenosha verdict with an item from the New York Post in which Miranda Devine debunks the…

Ten heinous lies the MSM told Kyle Rittenhouse debunked


Of all the willful lies and omissions in the media’s coverage of the Steele dossier, Brian Sicknick, the Covington kids, Jussie Smollett, the Wuhan lab, Hunter Biden’s laptop and so on, nothing beats the evil propaganda peddled about Kyle Rittenhouse.

They try to make the Rittenhouse case about race, but it’s about class, punching down at the white working-class son of a single mother because they don’t see him as fully human, and it makes them feel good. 

They lie about him because they can.

The central media narrative is that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist whose mother drove him across state lines with an AR-15 to shoot Black Lives Matter protesters. All lies.

“A white, Trump-supporting, MAGA-loving Blue Lives Matter social media partisan, 17 years old, picks up a gun, drives from one state to another with the intent to shoot people,” was typical from John Heilemann, MSNBC’s national affairs analyst.

So, let’s go through 10 lies about Rittenhouse, debunked in court

Fact is, the one element all The Left’s responses to the verdict have in common is a complete and utter disregard for…

*Hat tip to the lovely Shannon for the graphic.

…and misrepresentation of the facts of the case.

And when they’re not distorting the truth, they’re attempting to play the…

…with one Ja’han Jones writing at MSLSD’s Reidout the Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill.  Yeah, by a Progressive prosecutor.

Here’s the juice: Nothing screams “racism” louder than a White guy…

…who was kicked in the head by a Black guy…

…shooting three other White guys…

…who were proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have been attacking him at the time.

Though 46*’s belated, second response CLEARLY implying the jury came to the wrong conclusion…

…was in line with his initial reaction to the shootings themselves…

…what makes his statements noteworthy is the fact, by his own admission, he neither watched nor followed either event as it unfolded.  We know the man’s a psycho; just didn’t realize he was psychic as well. 

For more on the reaction of various and sundry Progressive prevaricators, we turn to Tucker Carlson: 

And though it’s obvious to anyone with half a brain race had NOTHING TO DO with Kenosha, it didn’t stop the head of NAACP from inexplicably characterizing the verdict as “worse than the Emmett Till trial“…or a student at James Madison University from condemning Rittenhouse for “taking away two beautiful Black lives“…or the founder of Eudaimonia & Co. (whatever that is) from tweeting “The Rittenhouse verdict will be remembered as the moment american fascism turned into Nazism proper, and there was no turning back from the path of Holocaust.” 

Then there’s the take of the host of a CNN show nobody watches, whose name in Latin is Joy-Anus:

We’ll let this video clip constitute our reply:

Here’s a clip of the reactions from a number of MSM propagandists few find of interest:

Did you catch that last line from the comrade on MSCCP?  Here it is again:

In the words of the immortal Isaac Hayes…

Talking with Tucker, Jason Whitlock demonstrates he’s looking at the same big picture we are:

And if you don’t think they’re colluding with the ChiComs, you’ve got another think comin’.

We conclude our coverage of what was intended by the powers-that-be as the Kenosha Kangaroo Court with what would be a fitting ending to the wholly-unwarranted persecution of Kyle Rittenhouse, courtesy of Ed Hickey:

Next, since we’re on the subject of rogue elements in our justice system, NRO‘s Andy McCarthy poses the question…

Did Merrick Garland Commit Perjury?

In the context of the AG’s crusade against parents, it comes down to the meaning of ‘threat tag.’


Attorney General Merrick Garland has been shamefully disingenuous, with the public and Congress, regarding his mobilization of the FBI — under the guise of a nonexistent spate of violent attacks on public-school administrators — to harass and intimidate parents who are protesting against progressive indoctrination of their children. Garland’s October 4 memo on this subject was obviously the result of a Biden administration political gambit, in which the White House recruited progressive operatives of a school-board association to collaborate on a letter to the president, almost immediately after which Garland issued the memo that directed the FBI and U.S. attorneys’ offices to conduct investigations the federal government has no business conducting.

But did Garland go beyond the usual bobbing and weaving when confronted by Congress on the Biden administration’s threats? Did he commit perjury when he insisted that the government has not and would not employ anti-terrorism investigative measures against America’s parents?

Well, it depends on the meaning of “threat tag.”

I will end by repeating what I thought was the defining tactic of the Obama–Biden administration because it has become the MO of the Biden administration: threats to take unconstitutional actions and exploitation of investigative processes.

When the president and his minions warn that they are about to do something they are not allowed to do — essentially saying, “We dare you to stop us,” because they calculate that Congress has no such will and courts have no such means — it changes the facts on the ground. It paralyzes people in the exercise of their rights — which are rights rather than aspirations because they are supposed to be immune from government abuse. Presidential administrations don’t actually have to follow through on their threats most of the time. They know you have to assume they’re serious, and, if called on their machinations, they still want to be able to say, in high dudgeon, “How could you accuse us of such a thing?”

This is how progressive government suffocates a vibrant society.

Yeah,…like Bill Clinton committing or not committing perjury depended upon what the meaning of “is” was.  Either way, it’s conduct unbecoming…and deserving of dismissal…for an Attorney General.  We don’t know what’s worse: That the nation’s chief law enforcement official would engage in such behavior…or that, absent Mitch McConnell’s action, such a blatantly biased, malleable political hack would be sitting on the SCOTUS. 

Speaking of blatantly biased hacks, in a forward from Speed via Yahoo and The Daily Beast, one Matt Lewis notes…

Beto’s Back and the Dems Are All Out of Fresh Faces and Ideas


The reemergence of Beto O’Rourke, this time as a candidate for Texas governor, is further proof that we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel for saviors to rise from these streets. Once a rising star, O’Rourke is likely to end his bid to replace Texas Gov. Greg Abbott as a three-time loser.

Despite this, he will soak up plenty of buzz and money along the way—which is good for O’Rourke and bad for Democrats.

This is a structural problem for Democrats, who have a 78-year-old president whose approval rating is less than half his age, and a bench full of once-rising stars who made the same political calculations O’Rourke made, and now seem more like tired retreads.

Consider the field: Kamala Harris seems better equipped to star in a reboot of HBO’s Veep than to make a good presidential candidate, much less president. Her political skills are non-existent. Cory Booker, who probably has even less authenticity—Je ne sais quoi?—than O’Rourke and Harris, is now headed to New Hampshire to headline a fundraiser. All of them remind me of parents trying their darndest to be cool. They are all what the kids call “cheugy.” And who’s the more authentic moderate alternative? Pete Buttigieg? Don’t get me started.

Of course, the other alternative is Donald Trump—which demonstrates why Democrats’ lack of depth is so perilous. At moments of crisis throughout American history, the right leader—Lincoln, FDR, Reagan—usually emerges. Well, it feels like we are overdue for just such a savior. And frankly, I can’t think of anyone on either side of the aisle who has the moral authority, the vision, or the charisma to fit the bill.

Think of it. We have soaring inflation, a violent crime wave, and a border crisis (just to name three), and Texas turns its lonely eyes to… Beto O’Rourke?

Don’t count on that. But here’s the thing: What if this is as good as it gets? Beto should know better than to mess with Texas.

This from a writer for The Daily Beast, hardly a bastion of moderation, let alone the faintest hint of Conservatism.  That Beto just doubled down on his promise to take away Texans’ guns just confirms the correctness of the correspondent’s conclusion.

Then there’s this from FOX, in which a…

Lifelong Democrat, feminist warns the party to stop trying to abolish biological sex or lose votes

Kara Dansky says Democrats are hurting themselves by pushing ‘gender identity agenda


A lifelong feminist and Democrat gave a stark warning to her party: Stop promoting the abolition of biological sex or lose votes.

“Every single person is either female or male, there’s nothing wrong with saying that. How many women and girls have to be hurt before our society, and our lawmakers and laws acknowledge that? How many women in prison have to be raped, how many teenage girls have to be subjected to men walking around with erect penises in bathrooms and spas before our society comes to grips with the reality of what is going on?…”

Oh, society has certainly come to grips with it, as least society outside the Beltway and elite Liberal enclaves.  The problem is the party is in the grip of special interest groups who are far more influential with your “leaders” than the majority of the country’s average citizens.  Which, unfortunately for Progressive prospects, include a large percentage of Hispanics.

Here’s a second shot of the juice: NOTHING bespeaks the moral bankruptcy of the Dimocratic Party than its slavish devotion to abortion, followed by its eager embrace of the movement to normalize the mental disorder of transgenderism.

Moving on, we offer a sextet of items specially selected for inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Speed was understandably perplexed exactly how the U.S. exporting oil from the strategic reserve to Asia at a record pace rather than releasing it for domestic consumption is going to help bring down the price of gas at home.  We share his befuddlement.

(2). NRO‘s Michael Brendan Dougherty reveals our would-be Socialist overlords are attempting to write The Never-Endemic Story, noting, since “We’re going to be living with COVID from now on, and we don’t need to hang onto every mitigation effort in perpetuity.” Which just serves to remind us it’s not about COVID, but rather control.

(3). Best of the Web highlights how Comrade Omarova’s attempt to favorably compare herself with Margaret Thatcher during her Senate hearing confirms some aspiring apparatchiks will say ANYTHING to seize power.  The question is whether any remaining sentient Senator will allow her.

(4). Justifying the lack of faith anyone outside the MSM has in him, Dr. Faux Chi just served notice he intends once again to move the goal posts in a game only he’s playing.  The only thing Tony’s playing with is himself.

(5). Joe Biden has lied but once, and as this item from FOX details, that’s been continually…for his entire life.

(6). In a related item, in response to reports 46* was temporarily handing over his powers to Kommielaa while he undergoes a colonoscopy, some wag quoted by Mark Foster said, “It’s less a colonoscopy and more a brain scan.” 

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Speed…

…Ed Hickey…

…Balls Cotton…

…and James Patrick…

…along with this instant classic from Carl “The Great One” Polizzi…

…as well as one from our old friend and shipmate Rich Thayer:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with the Real Estate section, and news no one in their right mind would use, as FOX tells us…

What you can get for $1.3 million in Cleveland, Ohio


Reports in a series of follow-on segments FOX will inform us what $1.3M gets you in Newark, Detroit, East St. Louis, Memphis and Gary, IN remain unconfirmed.


Video of the Day

Jesse Watters and Steve Hilton discuss Bill Maher giving Fredo Cuomo a reality check.

Tales of The Darkside

Chuck Todd conveniently forgets…or deliberately omits…that when Trump was trumpeting the coming vaccine, leading Dimocrats, Kommielaa and The Groper among them, said they wouldn’t trust any shot developed by The Donald. Is it his fault many inner city citizens listened to them?!?

On the Lighter Side

Joe Biden, gaffe machine.
