It’s Monday, January 17th, 2022…but before we begin, when the most reasonable, journalistic voice in the MSM is throwing the bullsh*t flag on your partisan pronouncements…

…and even Chuck Todd states for the record,”Every time I think the White House thought they’ve hit bottom there seems to be a new bottom”, it’s time to either throw in the towel or hire a new spinmeister.  

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, in absolutely must-read commentary at The Epoch Times, Michael Walsh offers a blow-by-blow account as the…

Monarch Fauci Turns Increasingly Desperate


There’s a famous story about the 11th-century King Canute of England, who, while in front of his courtiers, commanded the tides to stop—and yet, they kept on rolling. This likely apocryphal anecdote is generally misrepresented as illustrating the monarch’s presumptuous folly in thinking his writ could control the elements, but, in fact, it proved exactly the opposite: There are some things beyond the powers of secular authority, Mother Nature among them.

Flash forward a millennium. As we enter year three of “two weeks to flatten the curve” and “15 days to slow the spread,” where do we stand in Dr. Anthony Fauci’s quixotic battle against the latest variant of the CCP virus, aka Omicron? And the answer is, about as well as Canute, but without the king’s self-knowledge.

The simple truth is that as long as Fauci is permitted his unconstitutional sway over American public policy, his mandates will never, ever, ever, ever stop. The only tool this undistinguished career bureaucrat has in his arsenal is a hammer, and you are his nails. No matter how erratic or contradictory his advice has been, the fact that COVID is still among us is your fault. Therefore, the punitive ukases will continue until morale improves.

You masked when you shouldn’t have and unmasked too soon, or didn’t mask at all. You gamely lined up for the first “vaccine” shots when the left decried them because they were developed under the hated Donald Trump. And then you became vaccine-hesitant—and thus an Enemy of the People—as soon as it became clear that they didn’t work as advertised.

Further, your pitiful attempts to selfishly salvage your puny livelihoods was an offense against the health of the American public—and, after all, what could possibly be more important than health?…”

Other than, of course, Dr. Faux Chi’s newfound notoriety…and his utterly undeserved pension!

In a related item again courtesy of The Epoch Times, Jeff Tucker recounts…

The Lab Leak: The Plots and Schemes of Jeremy Farrar, Anthony Fauci, and Francis Collins


“…What strikes me most in retrospect concerning the idea of the lab leak is the following. During the most critical weeks leading up to the obvious spread of the virus all over the Northeast of the United States, leading to incredible carnage in nursing homes due to egregious policies that failed to protect the vulnerable and even deliberately infected them, public health officials in the U.S. and UK were consumed not with a proper health response but with fear of dealing with the probability that this virus was man-made in China.

They deliberated in secret. They used burner phones. They spoke only to their trusted colleagues. This went on for more than a month from late January 2020 to early March. Whether this virus originated as a lab leak or not in this case is not so much the issue; there is no question that Farrar, Collins, Fauci, and company all believed that it was likely and even probable, and they spent their time and energies plotting the spin. This fear consumed them entirely at the very moment when their job was to be thinking of the best public-health response…”

As the great VDH notes, The WuFlu’s been politicized from the start.

And though much of the nation and the world continues to be distracted by the scamdemic funded and fomented by Dr. Faux Chi and his pals, writing at the JournalMark Dubowitz and Matthew Kroenig direct our collective attention to… 

Biden’s Moment of Truth in Iran

With negotiations likely to fail, he’d better be prepared for a military strike.


Negotiations in Vienna over Iran’s nuclear program started this week and quickly stalled—and little wonder. Tehran is striding toward nuclear weapons and has little interest in a diplomatic breakthrough.

That makes it almost certain that President Biden will soon face the fateful choice between allowing the clerical regime to become a nuclear-weapons power and using military force to stop it. The red line for military action will come when Iran’s timeline to sprint to a nuclear weapon shrinks to less than the Pentagon’s response time. On the current trajectory, that could happen early this year. If and when it does, the president should order military strikes on Iran’s nuclear facilities to prevent Tehran from building the bomb.

The best possible resolution of this crisis would be a negotiated settlement that verifiably and permanently closes off all Iranian pathways to the bomb. But the 2015 nuclear deal failed to do that, and Tehran isn’t interested in any agreement that does.

Meanwhile, time is running out…”

Here’s the juice: We fear it’s time Israel doesn’t have.

Next, enjoy this octet of items specially selected for inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Writing at Objectivity is the Object, Judd Garrett highlights the hate which consumes Progressives like a cancer.

(2). Courtesy of The Federalist, Nathaniel Blake explains why America’s ruling class is SO incompetent.

(3). As NRO‘s Dominic Pino reports, evidence-free COVID regimes have taken over America’s colleges.

(4). The editors at NRO wonder just how deep was Miguel Cardona’s role in soliciting the “domestic terror” letter from the NSBANRO‘s editors concluded “if Cardona helped engineer this transparently political effort to chill speech, he should resign forthwith.”  We’d respectfully suggest, in all sincerity, he pay with his life, if only to dissuade such incredibly damaging unconstitutional behavior from public officials in the future.

(5). Courtesy of American Thinker via James Nichols, John Green summarizes the FBI’s broken relationship with America.  Given the facts revealed in this snippet from a recent installment of Tucker Carlson Tonight,…

…it’s a rift neither the FBI nor the DOJ are remotely interested in repairing.

(6). Since we’re on the subject of the DOJ’s conveniently-timed charges of sedition, Andy McCarthy’s expertise tells him politically-driven prosecutors are needlessly risking acquittal by filing inappropriate charges:

My point is to show that seditious conspiracy is rarely invoked to achieve that worthy end because it is reserved for highly unusual situations involving unambiguous enemies of the United States. The January 6 scenario is not cut and dried that way. It’s complicated. It involves people who committed serious crimes but believed — however foolishly — that they were saving the country, not levying war against it. Far from opposing the lawful authority of the government, they believed — not irrationally — that they were acting at the behest of the president of the United States.

We for one are in agreement with Rich Terrell’s assessment of the Unsurrection:

(7). All of which is part and parcel to the Morning Jolt‘s conclusion Joe Biden is in over his head.  Though, given Biden’s demonstrable lack of intellectual prowess, the required depth is all of six inches.

(8). In another memorable moment in the sordid history of the Charmless City, Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby was indicted by a grand jury on federal charges for making false mortgage applications and perjury related to the purchase of vacation homes in Florida.  Mosby evidently lied by using a non-existent coronavirus hardship as a reason for withdrawing money from her city retirement account.

Here’s a second shot of the juice: Baltimore isn’t a city; Like most urban enclaves in America, it’s an ongoing government-sanctioned criminal conspiracy.

Which brings us, inappropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from G. Trevor…

…the lovely Shannon…


…Ed Hickey…

…and Brenda Berry:

Finally, thanks to his incredibly ill-advised words marking the anniversary of what we’ve chosen to label the Unsurrection, our formerly unqualified support for Ted Cruz, in the words of Warden Norton in The Shawshank Redemption, just up and vanished like a fart in the wind:

REALLY, Ted: Just how many “cops” were “assaulted” on January 6, 2021?!?  More importantly, the sole fatality was an unarmed female, whose killer has never actually been interviewed, let alone been the subject of a serious investigation.

Sorry, but Cruz must be part Russian, for as we all know…

Neither does Ted utter unscripted words on the floor of the Senate.  Oh, what tangled webs we weave…!!!  Bully for Tucker not buyin’ Ted’s dissimulating explanation. 


P.S. On a personal note, we took last week off in an attempt to finish some work around the house, help heal a broken rib and rest up from a cold which ended up being…

…the WuFlu.  At least THAT’s out of the way.

The break also enabled us to spend some quality time with TLJ binge-watching the new season of Dexter

…all four seasons of Yellowstone (Spectacular scenery, but a plot line with more holes in it than Bonny and Clyde!) and the first five episodes of 1883 (Again, magnificent vistas, but why would emigrants pay $200/family, exclusive of the cost of wagons, supplies, etc., to travel to Oregon overland in the early 1880s when a ticket on the transcontinental railway from NY to SF was under $70, and passage via boat direct to the West Coast even less?!?).  We’re sticking to movies and recountings of actual history.

Video of the Day

In a surreal scene which evokes the reaction of the Military under Obama to the Fort Hood massacre, Biden’s FBI is still seeking a motive for the Islamic terrorist who took four hostages in a Texas synagogue.

Tales of The Darkside

Just when we thought The Left couldn’t act more irresponsibly, Tucker proves us wrong. In the midst of a scamdemic, the vast majority of whose victims under 80 share one common comorbidity, NPR determines it’s time to make the overweight feel good in their over-stretched skin.

On the Lighter Side

Ben Shapiro perfectly portrays the popularity of 46*’s illegitimate presidency.
